[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120413

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[00:08] <csholmq> Hey. Trying to compile with --enable-librtmp on Mac OSX Lion. Can't seem to find librtmp though. Despite med compiling it just earlier and installing it.
[00:08] <burek> did you type ldconfig after make install
[00:09] <csholmq> Nope. That might be it
[00:09] <csholmq> I don't have ldconfig under OSX. Lemme check for the alternative
[00:09] <DTH0> that ldconfig thing is definitly mandatory it seems...
[00:10] <burek> DTH0, it should be called in make install process but..
[00:11] <DTH0> mmh...
[00:12] <DTH0> and now vlc won't install without "libx264-116"... and with my luck I'm sure it'll break everything... U_U'
[00:13] <burek> if you install it from repos, then no need to compile anything
[00:13] <burek> it will pull all of its dependencies itself
[00:13] <burek> also from the repos
[00:13] <burek> but that's bad..
[00:13] <csholmq> It seems as if I should not  have to use ldconfig on OS X.
[00:13] <burek> since it always ends up with an old version of things
[00:14] <burek> imho all of multimedia projects should be compiled, to keep up with the latest bug fixes and features and stuff (or to download static builds or something similar)
[00:14] <DTH0> yes but I just succeed installing ffmpeg with latest libx264... and now vlc won't install without it's old libx264-116... really annoying...
[00:14] <Mista_D> Can I detect a freeze frame wit libafilter or a chain of filter?
[00:14] <burek> well, it's logical
[00:15] <burek> when you install something from the repos, it always searches its dependencies in that repos
[00:15] <burek> to have all the correct versions of libraries
[00:16] <csholmq> Why is it so hard to compile ffmpeg with librtmp :( I just want to probe streams...
[00:16] <DTH0> csholmq, can't help you... I just had to apt-get install librtmp to have ./configure detect it properly...
[00:17] <DTH0> don't know how they work in mac
[00:18] <DTH0> well anyhow, since it's the big compil day, I'll compil vlc as well...
[00:24] <pasteeater> you don't ever want to use libx264-dev from ubuntu repo for ffmpeg. often times it can be too old.
[00:25] <pasteeater> DTH0: i made the guide you linked to. i just moved it to the ffmpeg wiki from ubuntuforums a few days ago. let me double check it.
[00:27] <burek> pasteeater, add ldconfig after make install :)
[00:28] <pasteeater> that should not be a requirement
[00:28] <DTH0> pasteeater, I don't remember using ldconfig the first time I use the guide on Ubuntu 11.04. But looks like it was necessary  for having libx264 detected by ffmpeg configure script. Also, I didn't need it for vpx codec
[00:28] <DTH0> there was no problem with it.
[00:28] <pasteeater> looks like you added --enable-visualize?
[00:28] <DTH0> yes
[00:29] <pasteeater> do you know what that does?
[00:29] <DTH0> it enables visualization
[00:30] <pasteeater> some people added without knowing what it does
[00:30] <DTH0> (I may have mistaken with visualizationS for media players)
[00:30] <DTH0> that was very un-linux like from me indeed, I added it without properly checking what it was doing :3
[00:31] <pasteeater> i haven't tested that option in years, so i'm unsure if it even works
[00:31] <DTH0> but anyway I removed it when  I saw something was  wrong and even without it, I got ffmpeg libx264 error
[00:32] <DTH0> so it doesn't seem to be that option that is triggering the malfunction
[00:32] <DTH0> and thanks very much for your guide. It made me discover checkinstall utility.
[00:33] <DTH0> I'm very glad to be able to thank the person that introduced me to that wonderful little program.
[00:37] <pasteeater> DTH0: the issue was introduced by including --enable-visualize
[00:38] <DTH0> you were able to reproduce it ?
[00:38] <pasteeater> yes
[00:38] <DTH0> ok, my bad then
[00:38] <DTH0> sorry for the trouble
[00:39] <pasteeater> that's ok, but you should have mentioned how you deviated from the guide
[00:40] <DTH0> I was certain to have tried to run the ffmpeg configure script without x264 having that option enabled but I guess I didn't
[00:41] <pasteeater> i uninstalled x264 (as compiled with visualize); cd x264; make distclean; and then tried the configure line as shown in the guide
[00:41] <pasteeater> you mentioned compiling VLC: http://www.andrews-corner.org/vlc.html
[00:42] <pasteeater> another ubuntuforums refugee.
[00:43] <DTH0> :)
[00:43] <DTH0> I may consider since I have already problems generating the configure script with that "bootstrap" thing
[00:44] <DTH0> ( was missing libtool anyway...)
[00:44] <pasteeater> it's a good guide. he also made a mplayer one.
[00:45] <DTH0> you mean... He's the father of mplayer  ?
[00:45] <pasteeater> no. the author also make a compilation guide for mplayer
[00:46] <pasteeater> http://www.andrews-corner.org/mplayer.html
[00:47] <DTH0> ah ok, should I check the date for codecs ?
[00:48] <anxt> can ffmpeg mux an aac with SBR an PS into an mp4 container?
[00:49] <DTH0> nevermind
[00:53] <anxt> something like "ffmpeg -i 602272.aac -acodec aac -b 24 -f ismv test.mp4" ?
[00:59] <juanmabc> nice, amv made it in upstream!
[02:50] <undercash> hi
[02:50] <undercash> this cmd doesn't seem to work anymore
[02:50] <undercash> scale="640:trunc(ow/a/2)*2"
[02:50] <undercash> what should i change
[02:52] <undercash> :D
[02:56] <undercash> none of examples in the doc works
[02:56] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[02:59] <undercash> Unable to find a suitable output format for 'scale=2*iw:2*ih:interl=1'
[02:59] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[02:59] <undercash> just trying out some random examples of the doc
[02:59] <undercash> for "scale"
[03:01] <undercash> http://pastebin.com/UNWqzTff
[03:02] <burek> and what happened with -vf
[03:02] <burek> replace scale=2*iw:2*ih:interl=1
[03:02] <burek> with this: -vf "scale=2*iw:2*ih:interl=1"
[03:03] <burek> and remove interl
[03:03] <burek> -vf "scale=2*iw:2*ih"
[03:04] <burek> scale is a Video Filter, so (like any other VF) it is passed as a parameter to the -vf option and can be stacked with other VFs
[03:05] <burek> for example: ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf "thumbnail,scale=300:200"
[03:05] <undercash> right!
[03:05] <undercash> why the hell i dont have this in my notes..
[03:06] <undercash> thx a lot
[03:06] <burek> :beer: :)
[03:06] <undercash> :D
[09:59] <robertzaccour> I'm trying to record my webcam mic for audio but can't figure out what to input for it. I did ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -r 30 -s 1366x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 2 screencast.avi but it only records the internal mic. How do I find out what to input for the webcam mic and where do I input my finding?
[10:41] <Pacefist> Can I make AVFormatContext* from list of 188 byte packages without writing a file?
[10:42] <Pacefist> video format is MPEG2
[11:05] <mrec> hmm is there anything someone needs to take care when adding libx264 support?
[11:05] <mrec> avcodec_find_encoder permanently fails when putting H264 in
[11:06] <mrec> configure says x264 is available, even lsof shows that the application is accessing the libx264 lib through ffmpeg
[11:15] <mrec> ah that one is solved next issue
[11:33] <hjt> LOL
[11:34] <hjt> (})
[12:36] <StaRetji1> howdy folks
[12:37] <StaRetji1> can someone help me with example of how to play video playlist with ffmpeg?
[12:37] <StaRetji1> I need to play n videos
[12:37] <StaRetji1> thx
[12:44] <robertzaccour> I'm trying to record my webcam mic for audio but can't figure out what to input for it. I did ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -r 30 -s 1366x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 2 screencast.avi but it only records the internal mic. How do I find out what to input for the webcam mic and where do I input my finding?
[12:52] <kriegerod> StaRetji1: for x in video1.mp4 video2.mp4 video3.mp4; do ffplay $x; done
[12:54] <kriegerod> robertzaccour: try different -i argument values
[12:54] <robertzaccour> kriegerod, what should I do differently?
[12:55] <kriegerod> change -i argument value
[12:55] <kriegerod> i don't know what value should be
[12:55] <robertzaccour> to what?
[12:55] <kriegerod> now you have 'pulse'
[12:55] <robertzaccour> me neither :(
[12:55] <StaRetji1> hello kriegerod, thx for reply, sadly, it is windows server :/
[12:56] <kriegerod> StaRetji1: so what?
[12:56] <kriegerod> you can't install bash on it? then do the same with bat script, syntax will be slightly different
[12:57] <StaRetji1> oh, will try, thx
[12:57] <shroomM> for %i in (video1.mp4 video2.mp4 video3.mp4) do ffplay %i
[12:57] <shroomM> :P
[12:57] <StaRetji1> I have 72 videos :/
[12:57] <StaRetji1> lol
[12:58] <shroomM> for /f %i in ('dir /b *.mp4') do ffplay %i
[12:58] <StaRetji1> I thought it can play reverse from directory
[12:58] <robertzaccour> kriegerod, how do I find out what values I need to change or what the value is?
[12:58] <StaRetji1> sorry, recurse
[12:58] <StaRetji1> there are many dirs inside dirs
[12:58] <shroomM> maybe
[12:58] <shroomM> for /f %i in ('dir /s /b *.mp4') do ffplay %~dpni.mp4
[12:59] <shroomM> beware of spaces though :)
[13:00] <StaRetji1> thx shroomM :)
[13:00] <shroomM> np
[13:01] <kriegerod> robertzaccour: try sth like -i hw1:0
[13:02] <kriegerod> there's shell command alsa-info, that generates huge file with sound devices info. Let it inspire you
[13:02] <robertzaccour> what is the command to generate the sound devices?
[13:03] <kriegerod> if no success - ask on maillist
[13:03] <kriegerod> alsa-info
[13:03] <robertzaccour> kriegerod, oh ok thanks
[13:07] <robertzaccour> kriegerod, alsa-info command not found
[14:10] <mrec> hmm, did anyone ever encode video to h264 for ipad?
[14:12] <burek> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3966331/ffmpeg-conversion-command-to-output-to-h-264-for-ipad
[14:13] <burek> and if you are using the latest ffmpeg (which doesn't support -vpre anymore), then this is the content of that preset file, so use those flags manually: http://code.google.com/p/kgui/source/browse/trunk/ffmpeg/ffpresets/libx264-ipod640.ffpreset?spec=svn74&r=74
[14:13] <JEEB> ...
[14:14] <JEEB> ipads can support level 4.1 high profile just fine btw
[14:14] <JEEB> so you really don't have to set much to support them
[14:14] <JEEB> just that itunes might like stuff that goes over their own encoder's capabilities :P
[14:14] <burek> well, I assumed he tried already and failed and then came here for help :)
[14:15] <JEEB> and you gave him something for baseline/level 3.0? (0 bframes, 1 ref, no weighted prediction or dct8x8) >_>
[14:16] <JEEB> that's pre-3GS limitations IIRC
[14:16] <burek> well, if it works for him, it's a strart :D
[14:16] <burek> start*
[14:16] <JEEB> -_-
[14:17] <JEEB> mrec, ffmpeg -i derp.herp -c:v libx264 -crf 22 -preset:v fast -level:v 41 -c:a libfaac -ab 192k out.mp4
[14:19] <mrec> JEEB: I'm trying to do that with some raw input however it doesn't really work
[14:19] <mrec> seems like the header are not nice or something like that
[14:21] <mrec> if I encode some file with ffmpeg the file header seems to be "ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, version 1"
[14:22] <burek> why do people even write things for such devices
[14:22] <mrec> from application level I don't see how to set that..
[14:22] <burek> why do you even support it?
[14:22] <burek> if they have idiotic policy
[14:22] <burek> why do you support them end encourage them to continue existing?
[14:22] <mrec> doesn't matter about ipad I'm curious why on API level I cannot set those parameters
[14:23] <mrec> MPEG v4 system I'd guess it's mp4 container
[14:23] <mrec> I'm stuck ..
[14:23] <JEEB> <mrec> JEEB: I'm trying to do that with some raw input however it doesn't really work <- wat
[14:23] <JEEB> explain yourself kthx
[14:24] <mrec> I'm trying to compress YUV420P frames + PCM to h264/AAC
[14:25] <JEEB> have you set the input colorspace,frame rate, frame size and so on correctly :P
[14:25] <mrec> it works perfectly fine for mpeg2 mpeg2video/audio, but doing that for ipad seems to be impossible
[14:25] Action: JEEB sighs
[14:25] <burek> robertzaccour, try -f alsa -i hw:0
[14:25] <burek> hw:1 or hw:2
[14:26] <JEEB> mrec, I have no idea how far you're doing it right to begin with
[14:26] <mrec> I'm doing it on API level, the input is raw USB packets
[14:26] <JEEB> are you expecting people to be espers here?
[14:26] <burek> also, do arecord -l (small L) and see the list of hw:X that you can use
[14:26] <mrec> JEEB: maybe someone who did it in the past :-)
[14:27] <JEEB> I would just recommend trying to encode stuff via ffmpeg first, then when you've reached your desired goal, apply it to your own crap
[14:28] <JEEB> because what you just were trying to say was implying that ffmpeg-muxed mp4 files wouldn't work on iDevices
[14:28] <JEEB> which is a blatant lie
[14:29] <burek> buy an android :)
[14:30] <mrec> JEEB: that's my current result using the API
[14:30] <JEEB> then you are Doing It Wrong or blaming the wrong tree
[14:30] <mrec> but I guess something's wrong with the header..
[14:30] <JEEB> ...
[14:30] <JEEB> that's called "blaming the wrong tree"
[14:30] <mrec> I'm surely doing something wrong ^^
[14:30] <JEEB> Yes
[14:30] <JEEB> I'm very much sure of that
[14:30] <mrec> I won't deny that
[14:31] <JEEB> You should only specify yourself on a certain part of things only and only if you are absolutely sure that the problem's there
[14:31] <JEEB> and I'm pretty sure you are just looking for random differences on a "working file" and a "non-working one"
[14:31] <JEEB> herp a la derp
[14:31] <JEEB> burek, shut the fuck up if you have nothing productive to say. Androids are actually a much more wider range of capabilities. You stil have Android devices that need baseline profile.
[14:32] <JEEB> (thankfully those are no more in the same numbers as they used to be)
[14:32] <burek> you're going on the ignore list my friend :)
[14:32] <burek> bon voyage :)
[14:32] <JEEB> lol
[14:33] <JEEB> mrec, anyways back to the drawing board you :P
[14:34] <JEEB> also, I hope you're checking actual playback capabilities VS "what iTunes lets me transfer over to the device"
[14:34] <JEEB> if you need to support iTunes then it's herp derp tho :P
[14:37] <mrec> the problem is if I set mp4 as format the file is not even recognized by mplayer
[14:37] <mrec> ffmpeg happily writes into that file however even after it's closed by the encoder unplayable
[14:37] <mrec> ffmpeg the libavcodecs..
[14:37] <mrec> while everything works fine when doing so with mpeg2
[14:38] <JEEB> then you are definitely doing it wrong
[14:38] <mrec> I just wonder what :-)
[14:39] <JEEB> can you output the raw H.264/AAC streams and see if those are OK by then muxing them into mp4 or something with ffmpeg/L-SMASH?
[14:39] <JEEB> also, I hope your mplayer is relatively new -- libavformat has had quite a few updates into the mov/mp4 parser during the last X years
[14:40] <JEEB> anyways, checking the raw streams would at least make it sure that you're encoding the streams correctly
[14:40] <JEEB> after that you can move into your muxing code
[14:44] <mrec> http://pastebin.com/N5mcNfVT
[14:49] <mrec> is it a problem to output the file to NULL?
[14:50] <JEEB> you won't be able to check it out :P
[14:52] <mrec> h264 HW is coming soon at least that one is proven to work in the end :-)
[15:08] <Mavrik> hmm, what do you use to encode bitrate-constrained MPEG-2 nowdays?
[15:09] <taqattack> Hey guys
[15:10] <burek> Mavrik, -b ?
[15:10] <burek> or -b:v
[15:11] <Mavrik> that makes bitrate go all over the place
[15:11] <JEEB> Mavrik, check if -maxrate or -bufsize work with MPEG-2?
[15:11] <burek> you can use then -minrat and -maxrate
[15:11] <burek> if you want the range to be more narrow
[15:11] <Mavrik> JEEB: I did, built-in MPEG2 encoder just destroys the picture quality, that's why I'm asking if anyone found anything better
[15:11] <burek> I guess -b makes an average bitrate around your desired value
[15:12] <JEEB> Mavrik, but did it at least keep to the bitrate limitations you set?
[15:13] <Mavrik> JEEB: yes it did, but the picture just started flickering when it neared the constrained :\
[15:13] <JEEB> hmm, and I guess you're not setting the maxrate or bufsize wrong either?
[15:14] <JEEB> (as in forgetting the fact that you need to add k/m if you're not in for long numbers)
[15:15] <Mavrik> nope
[15:15] <Mavrik> Will try to experiment a little more, but sadly I can't change the bitrate constraint :\
[15:16] <JEEB> also, I guess the settings for the mpeg2 encoder are pretty cryptic
[15:16] <JEEB> so you might want to check those out, too
[15:16] <taqattack> Can anyone help me please? I'm getting a memory leak issue I believe.
[15:17] <JEEB> it might just be that you're setting the equivalent of profile baseline/preset veryfast in libx264
[15:17] <JEEB> as I remember the ffmpeg's defaults for !libx264 now would still be rather lulzy
[15:17] <Mavrik> I might be, documentation around good defaults for MPEG2 is kinda scarce
[15:17] <burek> taqattack,
[15:17] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[15:17] <Mavrik> can do perfect videos with x264 but mpeg2 just boggles my mind
[15:17] <taqattack> one second
[15:17] <JEEB> and then there's always HCEnc from that one fortran developer
[15:18] <JEEB> or was it cobol? don't remember
[15:18] <JEEB> Mavrik, check D_S's animation encoding test for some --preset placebo'ish examples
[15:18] <JEEB> http://x264dev.multimedia.cx/archives/102
[15:19] <taqattack> http://pastebin.com/quPnhDsX
[15:20] <Mavrik> ah nice
[15:21] <taqattack> So when I try to stream to rtmp from device. ffmpeg uses up 1gb of memory when I'm inside the game.
[15:21] <taqattack> However, when I try to save to a file, it runs perfectly fine without any memory problems.
[15:22] <taqattack> If I try to stream from a file, it doesn't have any memory issues as well.
[15:24] <kriegerod> taqattack: IMO librtmp can be the reason. try recompiling with --disable-librtmp --enable-protocol=rtmp
[15:25] <taqattack> One second
[15:25] <kriegerod> there's another, internal rtmp client implementation in ffmpeg
[15:26] <taqattack> I actually used one of the static builds from ffmpeg windows site
[15:26] <taqattack> Can I compile it in Visual Studio?
[15:26] <kriegerod> no, install mingw on your windows
[15:27] <kriegerod> thus you get bash, and can compile it
[15:27] <kriegerod> ah, also you'd need yasm, and to compile libx264...
[15:28] <kriegerod> ...and libmp3lame
[15:28] <taqattack> do I need any more libaries?
[15:28] <taqattack> dshow?
[15:30] <taqattack> or perhaps pthreads?
[15:31] <JEEB> both ffmpeg and (lib)x264 can use native win32 threads now
[16:12] <steeve> hey folks
[16:12] <steeve> anyone familiar with dvbsub ?
[16:12] <steeve> dvbsub pixel format to be exact ?
[17:00] <iive> steeve: i've heard it is called vobsub
[17:01] <rainmaker1> Hi, does anyone knows why ffmpeg sets default udp packet size to 1472 bytes when transcoding stream to h264 in mpegts via udp?
[17:01] <ckb> Is a 3 file encoding output of a 2 hour movie supposed to take 2 hours? :\
[17:06] <relaxed> ckb: not if you stream copy
[17:06] <ckb> relaxed: more details?
[17:07] <relaxed> show me your command
[17:08] <ckb> Well, I don't have it handy right now
[17:08] <ckb> can I just show you the options for each output file?
[17:09] <ckb> -r 30000/1001 -b:v {$format['bitrate']}k -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=\"$resolution\" -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -pass 1 -an $file
[17:09] <ckb> I'm looking to move to a single pass encoding
[17:09] <ckb> I feel like dual pass would just take way too long
[17:10] <relaxed> what format is the source videos?
[17:11] <relaxed> Use -crf 16 and omit -b:v for one pass encoding.
[17:11] <relaxed> two pass is if you targeting a specific size.
[17:11] <relaxed> you're*
[17:11] <ckb> well okay
[17:11] <ckb> hold on
[17:12] <ckb> http://pastebin.com/9qptrA9U
[17:12] <ckb> This is my source file
[17:12] <ckb> I'm aiming at getting 3 different formats.. let me add those to the paste too
[17:13] <ckb> relaxed: http://pastebin.com/VSZdTfvt formats are at the bottom
[17:14] <teegee543> hi i'm having trouble taking a single screenshot using ffmpeg: ffmpeg -ss 20 -i file.mkv -vframes 1 screen.jpg
[17:14] <teegee543> i keep ending up with rainbow colored static
[17:15] <teegee543> what am i doing wrong?
[17:16] <relaxed> try, ffmpeg -i file.mkv -ss 20 -vframes 1 screen.jpg
[17:17] <teegee543> relaxed: now i get Output file is empty, nothing was encoded (check -ss / -t / -frames parameters if used)
[17:17] <teegee543> i tried various options to fix that, but didn't have any luck
[17:17] <relaxed> what is the duration of the input? Shorter than 20 seconds?
[17:19] <ckb> relaxed: so I shouldn't even specify a bitrate?
[17:20] <ckb> it will adjust automatically to the resolution?
[17:21] <ckb> blah
[17:32] <ckb> marco?
[17:44] <steeve> iive: figured it out :)
[17:44] <steeve> iive: it's actually similar to vobsub, as it's a bitmap based format
[17:45] <steeve> iive: but the decoded data isn't rgb or yuv, it's palette based, and the palette is in data[1] of the rectangle picture
[17:46] <steeve> a simple call to sws_convertPalette8ToPacked32 gets your RGBA :)
[18:07] <taqattack> Hello there
[18:08] <taqattack> I'm having a bit of issues trying to build FFmpeg on Windows
[18:08] <taqattack> Is there any links I can follow to build one the nightly source?
[18:13] <andrew_> Does anyone here know anything about viewing content from FFserver on Android?
[18:14] <andrew_> H.264 perferably, but not neccessary
[18:19] <ckb> I'm trying to figure out why my encoded nitrate is larger than the source nitrate when using -cbf 16
[18:19] <ckb> -crf**
[18:24] <ckb> relaxed: would you recommend single pass or 2 pass for 2hr+ movies?
[18:32] <JEEB> ckb, because you are using a low enough crf value for your type of content that will end up like that >_>
[18:32] <JEEB> also, with libx264 the "one or two passes" thing depends on what you are trying to achieve
[18:32] <JEEB> either it is "exactly file size X" -> 2pass bitrate-based
[18:32] <ckb> JEEB: I can't decide whether a 2 pass or single pass encoding would be best for what I'm attempting
[18:32] <JEEB> or "a certain quality level" -> 1pass crf-based
[18:33] <ckb> JEEB: I have a 2 hour movie we're going to deliver (plus other movies but this is my test case)
[18:33] <ckb> I want to encode the movie in 3 formats& (one for iPhone, one for iPad, and one for desktop)
[18:34] <ckb> it's pretty basic as of now, and I may add more formats later
[18:34] <JEEB> well, those two lines I said should make it rather simple to decide :P
[18:34] <JEEB> either you are hitting a super-specific size, or you are hitting a certain "quality level" (constant rate factor)
[18:34] <ckb> you would say single pass in this case?
[18:35] <ckb> not too concerned with size& as we're using a CDN
[18:35] <ckb> I mean, I'm sure bandwidth would have something to do with that
[18:35] <JEEB> if it's just about quality, then crf
[18:35] <JEEB> if you are letting people watch stuff over the internet as-they-download, then you'd also want to set maxrate and bufsize
[18:36] <JEEB> if it's just for-download, then maxrate and bufsize don't really matter
[18:36] <ckb> JEEB: strictly RTMP
[18:36] <JEEB> so streaming
[18:36] <JEEB> thus, you will need a maxrate and bufsize
[18:37] <ckb> see this is my first time attempting to make an encoder. gone from 2 pass to single pass, etc
[18:37] <JEEB> bufsize is the size of the amount of data that the player will buffer, maxrate is the maximum average bitrate over the bufsize
[18:37] <ckb> so single pass with bufsize and maxrate?
[18:37] <JEEB> yes
[18:37] <ckb> how should I decide what to set these to?
[18:38] <JEEB> depending on your bandwidth and player's buffering
[18:38] <ckb> amazon s3
[18:38] <mrec> does anyone know how to encode h264 video? is this allowed into an mpeg4 container?
[18:39] <mrec> this api is pissing me off a little bit ^^
[18:40] <ckb> so you set the buffer size in the video? seems a little absurd.
[18:41] <JEEB> ckb, "your bandwidth" = the minimum bandwidth to watch that clip
[18:42] <JEEB> and no, it's not absurd -- the encoder has to know how you handle the reading
[18:42] <JEEB> for example, if you have bufsize of 1200k and a maxrate of 450k
[18:43] <JEEB> it means that if you at the beginning buffer 1200k, and the bandwidth of the client is at least 450k, the client will not have to buffer ever again while watching the video
[18:43] <JEEB> as long as the user's bandwidth does not go under 450k
[18:44] <JEEB> (in other words, within a buffer of 1200k the average bit rate does not go over 450k)
[18:44] <ckb> now I understand the concept of a buffer and nitrates, but this is over my head
[18:44] <ckb> bitrates**
[18:44] <JEEB> :P
[18:45] <JEEB> why do I, who hasn't gotten paid a penny, know more about this than you do?
[18:45] <JEEB> mrec, yes it is -- you are failing badly that's all.
[18:45] <ckb> I'm a developer.. not a video guy
[18:45] <ckb> I mean
[18:45] <ckb> a 1200k buffer means
[18:46] <ckb> that if the video is paused a 00:00:00
[18:46] <ckb> it will only download up to 1200k of the video
[18:46] <ckb> right?
[18:46] <JEEB> you will have to match up your player to the stream, no-one's going to do that automatically :)
[18:47] <mrec> JEEB: I don't get why the API just returns garbage..
[18:47] <mrec> http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/attachment/ticket/521/qthcamera.cpp
[18:47] <mrec> you could look at that one it's nothing different
[18:47] <mrec> so I guess there's some magic configuration required with it...
[18:47] <JEEB> mrec, also I hope you really aren't setting the 'h264' video format
[18:47] <JEEB> because that only has a decoder
[18:48] <JEEB> libx264 is the library you can use for H.264 encoding
[18:48] <ckb> JEEB: is the buffer size absolutely required?
[18:48] <ckb> or just maxrate
[18:48] <JEEB> yes
[18:48] <JEEB> both are needed
[18:48] <JEEB> how else would be the maxrate calculated?
[18:48] <mrec> JEEB: [libx264 @ 0x1e1e6c0] frame= 395 QP=51.00 NAL=2 Slice:P Poc:10  I:1336 P:14   SKIP:0    size=28954 bytes
[18:48] Action: ckb sighs.
[18:48] <JEEB> ok, so at least you aren't doing that mistake :P
[18:48] <mrec> but I can't play it
[18:49] <mrec> ffplay even detects it as mp2 hah
[18:49] <mrec> headers are messed up I guess
[18:49] <mrec> but I can't find the switch to turn off the messing up feature ^^
[18:49] <JEEB> try outputting a raw H.264 stream
[18:49] <JEEB> try manually muxing that
[18:49] <JEEB> check if it works
[18:50] <JEEB> if yes, then it's not your encoding
[18:50] <mrec> h264-es already worked
[18:50] <JEEB> if no, it's your encoding
[18:50] <mrec> the input is raw YUV420P
[18:50] <mrec> something like webcam
[18:51] <ckb> JEEB: so if I'm encoding 3 formats for desktop/ipad/iphone
[18:51] <ckb> should the bufsize/maxrates all be different
[18:51] <ckb> for these devices
[18:51] <ckb> you clearly don't want a large buffer for ipad/iphone, correct?
[18:52] <ckb> hmmm
[18:53] <JEEB> if you have control over the player, you can set the bufsize (and maxrate) as you want, based on the usual bandwidths of possible clients etc. etc., if you have no control over the player, you will have to check their documentation on what exactly is the POC going to do
[18:54] <ckb> I'm going to be streaming with a SMIL file and flowplayer
[18:54] <ckb> with bandwidth detection..
[18:54] <JEEB> whatever that means
[18:54] <ckb> which is why I was aiming at constant bitrates
[18:54] <JEEB> no, you most probably don't want constant bitrates >_>
[18:54] <JEEB> you want vbv
[18:55] <mrec> JEEB: is there any ffmpeg version which for sure is known to work with encoding? I'm somewhat using the latest git maybe there's some issue with it
[18:55] <JEEB> which is maxrate/bufsize
[18:55] <JEEB> mrec, I'm pretty dang sure it's not the case with that
[18:55] <ckb> SMIL files just list the different renditions of a video (with bitrate and width)
[18:55] <JEEB> mrec, so in other words, if elementary stream works, your muxing code is derped
[18:55] <mrec> just last year almost the same time I figured out there was an issue with the mpeg2 decoder which came in 2 months before it was discovered
[18:56] <JEEB> and you actually tested your elementary streams, right?
[18:56] <mrec> maybe the mp4 muxer is bad
[18:56] <mrec> yes
[18:56] <JEEB> that they play back fine
[18:56] <JEEB> k
[18:56] <JEEB> mrec, if your command line ffmpeg can do mp4 muxing, it should be fine
[18:56] <JEEB> it uses the same backend
[18:57] <ckb> JEEB: it might help to know this is going to be web delivery
[18:57] <JEEB> you already said rtmp >_>
[18:57] <ckb> er I already told you it was RTMP yeah
[18:58] <ckb> haha
[18:58] <ckb> ffmpeg y u no make sense?
[18:58] <JEEB> maxrate and bufsize make perfect sense
[18:58] <ckb> to you -__-
[18:59] <ckb> an iPhone will have slower bandwidth than a desktop on a t3 connection
[18:59] <JEEB> "I want to have the player buffer Xkb and the minimum bandwidth that is needed to watch this clip without further buffering is Ykbps"
[18:59] <JEEB> yes, of course
[18:59] <ckb> so.. my original question.. would I need to change the buffer/maxrate for each of these?
[19:00] <JEEB> it all depends on what kind of people you're aiming, what you are trying to do >_>
[19:00] <JEEB> *aiming at
[19:00] <JEEB> I mean, I don't know if YOU want to have separate bandwidth profiles for iPad and iPhone f.ex.
[19:00] <ckb> the EASIEST example is netflix
[19:00] <ckb> lets just assume I have 1 video right now that I want to be able to view on any device.. anywhere
[19:01] <ckb> and have quality reflect depending on bandwidth/screen size/etc
[19:01] <JEEB> the thing is, YOU are the person making the service. Thus either you are in the position to decide on these matters, or you are given a list of limitations which you have to adhere to
[19:01] <JEEB> f.ex. "iPhone users on average have at least 300kbps of bandwidth"
[19:01] <JEEB> and you go off that
[19:01] <JEEB> (note: that was a random pseudo-fact)
[19:02] <ckb> I mean, what's the difference between -bufsize 1500k and -bufsize 750k for iphones?
[19:02] <mrec> JEEB: do you know if that avio interface is allowed to use mp4?
[19:02] <ckb> what would happen if I set the buffer size to 400m?
[19:02] <JEEB> mrec, no idea
[19:02] <JEEB> ckb, it would become funny if you don't set the player to match of course
[19:03] <ckb> so the player AND the video have to be set with the same options?
[19:03] <JEEB> (and depending on how much bitrate your crf value would use, it would either work or not)
[19:03] <JEEB> ckb, yes -- naturally
[19:03] <JEEB> which I mentioned quite a few moments ago IIRC
[19:03] <JEEB> <JEEB> if you have control over the player, you can set the bufsize (and maxrate) as you want, based on the usual bandwidths of possible clients etc. etc., if you have no control over the player, you will have to check their documentation on what exactly is the POC going to do
[19:04] <ckb> if a video has a buffer size of 1500k and maxrate of 300k, then at any given moment in the video, the buffer is ~5s ahead?
[19:04] <JEEB> yeah
[19:04] <ckb> interesting
[19:05] <ckb> what would happen if I set the player's maxrate to 400?
[19:05] <ckb> while the video's is 300?
[19:05] <ckb> I would just end up buffering again?
[19:05] <JEEB> nothing really, you're just trying to get more data than you need
[19:05] <JEEB> not sure if you can even do that with RTMP
[19:05] <ckb> that's what I'm saying
[19:05] <JEEB> since it's supposed to be "streaming"
[19:05] <ckb> I didn't think RTMP used buffering
[19:05] <JEEB> it does
[19:06] <JEEB> every kind of streaming uses buffering
[19:06] <ckb> but not like HTTP
[19:06] <JEEB> if you are just reading a random stream off a protocol, it's the same
[19:07] <JEEB> it's no different if I push a transport stream off my TV receiver to an http port and try to watch that, than if I would do push the same stuff to some rtmp server, and then trying to watch that
[19:07] <JEEB> in both cases the player would have to buffer some amount
[19:08] <ckb> so
[19:08] <ckb> say maxrate was 400
[19:08] <ckb> but the client can only push 200
[19:08] <JEEB> s/push/pull/
[19:08] <ckb> thanks
[19:08] <ckb> too many things going on
[19:08] <ckb> that's when the video will pause to catch up the buffer back to size?
[19:08] <ckb> and it would happen pretty frequently?
[19:09] <JEEB> yeah
[19:09] <ckb> ah
[19:09] <ckb> I see
[19:09] <ckb> that's why my mom's adsl connection doesn't like youtube ;(
[19:09] <JEEB> of course, it also depends on your CRF value
[19:09] <JEEB> you're not necessarily always filling up the buffer up to maxrate :D
[19:10] <JEEB> you're just telling the encoder not to go over maxrate
[19:10] <JEEB> (which in other words does indeed become the "minimum bandwidth requirement" for your video)
[19:10] <ckb> ahhh
[19:10] <ckb> so if the video is 9800kbps
[19:11] <ckb> that's the AVERAGE?
[19:11] <JEEB> I have no idea what you're talking about, but yes -- in most cases
[19:11] <ckb> if I set maxrate& the average BR of the video will be less than maxrate
[19:11] <ckb> ffmpeg -i gives a nitrate for a video
[19:12] <JEEB> it will give an estimate
[19:12] <JEEB> a rough one
[19:12] <ckb> takes a sample from 1-10s or something?
[19:12] <JEEB> not sure how it calculates it without going through the whole file :)
[19:12] <ckb> not stored in the header?
[19:13] <JEEB> I don't think many containers store the average bit rate of the clip in their headers :)
[19:13] <ckb> ah
[19:13] <ckb> I get this whole thing now
[19:13] <ckb> so if I set maxrate to 10000
[19:13] <JEEB> but yes, in most cases if you see a number given for some bit rate on some file, it is usually the average
[19:13] <ckb> that's a little high
[19:13] <ckb> for standard bandwidth speeds of cable/dsl
[19:14] <JEEB> 10000 is 10k, this is not x264 :)
[19:14] <JEEB> ffmpeg needs k or m
[19:14] <JEEB> (x264 handles kilos by default)
[19:14] <ckb> libx264?
[19:15] <ckb> -__-
[19:15] <JEEB> well, if you are using libx264 via ffmpeg, then ffmpeg's numbering scheme is applied :)
[19:15] <JEEB> as in, ffmpeg gives the values
[19:15] <ckb> ya
[19:15] <ckb> ok
[19:15] <ckb> so 10k is a little high for maxrate?
[19:15] <JEEB> and, well, no -- because you are setting a maximum average bit rate over some buffer size
[19:16] <JEEB> within that clip that ended up being 9800kbps, you might have a very bitrate-intensive scene
[19:16] <JEEB> which might go over that limitation
[19:16] <JEEB> that would be now controlled by that limitation
[19:16] <JEEB> also, you probably meant either 10000k :)
[19:16] <JEEB> (or 10m/M)
[19:17] <ckb> haha right
[19:17] <ckb> 10k is fairly slow
[19:17] <ckb> wait a second..
[19:18] <ckb> yeah.. all this bitrate talk is confusing me
[19:19] <ckb> so I think I'm going to set the bufsize to 2000k and maxrate 250k
[19:19] <ckb> seems reasonable
[19:19] <JEEB> so you have the user buffer ~8+ seconds of content or so?
[19:20] <ckb> sure?
[19:20] <JEEB> if you can set that, all's fine :)
[19:21] <ckb> if I can set that?
[19:21] <ckb> :o
[19:21] <JEEB> on the player's side
[19:22] <JEEB> (I'd think that things like iphones and so on would be rather herp derp to deal with)
[19:22] <JEEB> (at least people usually don't know how the heck things should be set for them)
[19:22] <ckb> http://releases.flowplayer.org/apidoc-latest/org/flowplayer/model/Clip.html
[19:22] <ckb> I see a buffer length
[19:22] <ckb> but no maxrate
[19:23] <JEEB> well, not like you could get the video faster than you can play it, right?
[19:23] <JEEB> you don't really need to set the maxrate in the player
[19:23] <JEEB> since it comes from the fact of whether or not the user can keep up or not
[19:23] <JEEB> (to the encoder's maxrate)
[19:24] <ckb> ah I see
[19:24] <ckb> I think for the iPhone
[19:24] <ckb> I'll probably have to go with m3u8s
[19:24] <ckb> gotta be a html5 player
[19:25] <eviljames> ckb: Apple has published documentation on encoding for iDevices.
[19:25] <ckb> eviljames: link?
[19:28] <ckb> http://flowplayer.org/plugins/javascript/ipad.html
[19:28] <ckb> Ironically
[19:28] <eviljames> ckb: It's somewhere on developer.apple.com - I don't have a link handy.  The long & the short of it is for mobile aplications, they want HLS.
[19:28] <eviljames> m3u8 + ts files that are no longer than 8-10 seconds.
[19:28] <ckb> hmm
[19:29] <eviljames> They also provide a tool in OS
[19:29] <ckb> I know this
[19:29] <eviljames> OSX rather, that should do the chunking for you from a properly formatted mp4
[19:29] <eviljames> s/formatted/transcoded/
[19:29] <ckb> the problem is
[19:29] <ckb> I'm trying to automate t
[19:29] <eviljames> heh, that's not my problem! ;)
[19:30] <ckb> :P
[19:30] <ckb> so you can't use RTMP with idevice?
[19:30] <ckb> must be delivered via http?
[19:31] <eviljames> AFAIK, iOS Safari will not support RTMP - because of its Adobe-ness.
[19:31] <eviljames> Apple apparently has a real vendetta against Adobe.  No flash, no RTMP...
[19:31] <ckb> so
[19:31] <ckb> I just have to host the m3u8's on the website
[19:31] <ckb> rather than my CDN
[19:32] <ckb> which shouldn't be a problem..
[19:32] <eviljames> Who says they can't be on the CDN?
[19:32] <ckb> keyword: shouldn't
[19:32] <ckb> well
[19:32] <ckb> I don't think we want to enable HTTP via CDN
[19:32] <eviljames> The m3u8 is a playlist of TS chunks with a bunch of meta-information (ie: chunk length, encryption used, etc)
[19:32] <ckb> but that is another option that I will pass along
[19:32] <eviljames> Oh, you can't feed RTMP inside the m3u8 (afaik, anyway, someone could correct me on this)
[19:33] <ckb> right
[19:33] <eviljames> So, you'll want/need HTTP(s) on your CDN anyway
[19:33] <ckb> so thus& the m3u8's would go on the webserver
[19:33] <ckb> r
[19:33] <eviljames> Right, but the chunked TS files have to live somewhere, too.
[19:33] <ckb> on the web server as well?
[19:33] <ckb> eh
[19:33] <ckb> more than likely
[19:33] <eviljames> If you want your web server to incur that traffic, I suppose so.  But odd are you want your CDN to incur that cost.
[19:33] <ckb> we'll enable HTTP
[19:34] <ckb> quick non-related question
[19:34] <ckb> how to prevent rtmpdumps?
[19:34] <eviljames> RTMPe is one option
[19:34] <ckb> DRM?
[19:34] <eviljames> DRM is the other.
[19:34] <ckb> cool
[19:34] <ckb> thanks eviljames
[19:34] <ckb> loads of help.
[19:34] <eviljames> RTMPe won't guarantee that a client doesn't dump - just that it's encrypted from CDN to client
[19:34] <ckb> you too JEEB
[19:35] <ckb> DRMs will though?
[19:35] <eviljames> ckb: Honestly, IMHO, DRM is a waste of time.
[19:36] <eviljames> I can't think of a DRM system that exists today that hasn't been broken
[19:36] <ckb> video width of 320 maintaining AR, with a buff size of 1500k and a maxrate of 100k?
[19:36] <ckb> eviljames:
[19:36] <eviljames> If a dedicated enough person wants your content - they'll get it.
[19:36] <ckb> I know this
[19:36] <ckb> that's the case with anything though.
[19:37] <ckb> but AFAIK the copyrights to these movies must be upheld that we'll be delivering
[19:37] <ckb> I don't think people are going to offer movies to us, unless we are using DRMs
[19:37] <ckb> it's not 100% (nothing is)
[19:37] <ckb> but it's better than 0%
[19:37] <eviljames> That's a business decision, not a technical one ;)
[19:37] <ckb> that's like saying the TSA doesn't work
[19:38] <ckb> so lets just take all the metal detectors out of airports
[19:38] <ckb> casual effect
[19:38] <eviljames> There are DRM systems available, usually for a fee, that you can implement.  The real answer is to make your service more convenient and useful than just copying the content.
[19:38] <ckb> which is what we're working on. :)
[19:39] <ckb> and why I'm here!
[19:39] <eviljames> For example, Apple doesn't use DRM on iTunes music purchases, haven't for years.
[19:39] <ckb> well
[19:39] <ckb> I'm sure that has something to do with Apple having more money than gold in fort knox
[19:39] <ckb> (how is that even possible)
[19:40] <ckb> (that was rhetorical)..
[19:40] <eviljames> ckb: They weren't *quite* this rich in 2009 when they stopped offering DRM downloads.
[19:40] <eviljames> and, Amazon AFAIK has never used DRM on their music downloads.
[19:40] <ckb> we're offering ondemand
[19:41] <ckb> not downloads :D
[19:45] <steeve> hey, anyone familiar with dvbsub pts ?
[19:45] <steeve> i mean, pts for dvbsub ?
[19:46] <steeve> actually
[19:46] <steeve> pts in dvb-t ts stream ?
[19:57] <mrec> ah found my issue
[19:57] <mrec> this avio stuff just sucks
[19:57] <JEEB> congrats
[19:58] <mrec> avio_open(..) writes the correct files including all headers
[19:58] <mrec> while doing that with avio_alloc_context it doesn't seem to work here
[20:00] <mrec> http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/984
[20:01] <mrec> so in the end still my fault hah
[20:06] <JEEB> well, at least you found out the reason why you were outputting completely borked files :P
[20:06] <JEEB> just saying "missing the headers" would be rather downplaying the problem :)
[20:09] <mrec> the h264 stream itself should have been fine
[20:09] <mrec> headerissue ^^
[20:09] <JEEB> more like packaging issue :P
[20:09] <JEEB> a container is not just "headers"
[20:29] <ckb> damn
[20:29] <ckb> crf encodes 75% faster
[20:36] <ckb> wow
[20:36] <ckb> this is terrible quality
[20:38] <andrew_> Can anyone explain how to tell ffmpeg to use the Baseline profile for H.264?
[20:38] <JEEB> andrew_, -profile:v baseline
[20:38] <JEEB> with v:c or -vcodec libx264
[20:39] <ckb> JEEB: can you give me some advice on max br and bufsize?
[20:40] <ckb> for widths: 1280, 640, 320
[20:40] <ckb> I'm thinking about just keeping max br at 5000k
[20:41] <andrew_> JEEB: When I try that, it errors and says that the parameters might be incorrect (bitrate, rate, width, height, etc)
[20:41] <andrew_> JEEB: I am streaming this to ffserver
[20:42] <JEEB> can you pastebin both your command as well as the whole output :P ?
[20:42] <andrew_> sure, one moment
[20:42] <JEEB> ckb, how am I supposed to give any advice when I don't know what kind of 'net speeds you're aiming at?
[20:42] <ckb> average net speeds of users? :P
[20:45] <JEEB> I have no idea about statistics
[20:45] <JEEB> lol
[20:45] <JEEB> but I guess I'd go for something a la maxrate 3500k and bufsize 9000k for 720p
[20:46] <ckb> I think I'm gonna do 5/15
[20:46] <ckb> for all 3
[20:46] <ckb> since my phone is pulling 6.6
[20:46] <JEEB> lol
[20:46] <ckb> I think anything slower than that
[20:46] <ckb> they need to feel the wrath of the buffer
[20:47] <andrew_> JEEB: http://pastebin.com/ZmJuN3e9
[20:47] <JEEB> I think I have a 512k or 1024k or so mobile connection atm
[20:47] <JEEB> my interwebs is 10mbps/10mbps
[20:47] <ckb> I stupidly put my first max br at 250k >.>
[20:48] <ckb> quality looked like loading a iPod nano movie on a desktop
[20:48] <JEEB> also, make sure your crf value is something sensible, too
[20:48] <eviljames> hahah yeah, 250k ain't gonna cut it pretty much anywhere :P
[20:49] <JEEB> eviljames, fine for 320x180 or so
[20:49] <JEEB> depends on content of course
[20:49] <eviljames> Yeah, fair enough, but modern Android/iPhone are higher res than that.
[20:50] <JEEB> this also reminds me that x264 is exceptionally good at keeping to your set bit rates
[20:50] <JEEB> a person I know encoded a 22min episode of an animated series with audio, into floppy size
[20:50] <JEEB> lessee what the resolution was...
[20:51] <JEEB> oh, he actually dropped the frame rate, too :<
[20:51] <JEEB> that's not as much fun
[20:51] <JEEB> (although that's not such a big problem with animated content)
[20:51] <andrew_> If you are refering to me, it was 352x240
[20:51] <JEEB> nah
[20:51] <ckb> JEEB
[20:51] <JEEB> also, let's have a look at your pastebin
[20:52] <eviljames> JEEB: 15fps ?
[20:52] <ckb> how do I judge the CRF?
[20:52] <ckb> what's too high?
[20:52] <ckb> what's too low?
[20:52] <eviljames> JEEB: I'm intrigued by getting 22minutes down to 1.44MB :D
[20:53] <JEEB> ckb, "the highest crf value that looks good to you" is the rule of thumb
[20:53] <ckb> well I like the number 420
[20:53] <ckb> looks good to me!
[20:53] <JEEB> x264's default is 23, start from it.
[20:53] <JEEB> if it looks good, push higher
[20:54] <JEEB> if it looks bad, push lower
[20:54] <ckb> the higher the number the less the quality?
[20:54] <JEEB> less bitrate is used, yes
[20:55] <JEEB> eviljames, mediainfo shows 8fps but I haven't checked the actual timestamps
[20:55] <eviljames> I'd trust the metadata as far as I could throw it.
[20:55] <eviljames> So, that's good enough for me.
[20:55] <eviljames> (I can throw metadata a long way)
[20:56] <JEEB> there really isn't "metadata" for frame rates with anything else but AVI, which actually had a frame rate field
[20:56] <JEEB> everything else is an average or the delta between the first X timestamps
[20:56] <eviljames> huh, I thought that it was specified in many container formats... and I learned something today! :D
[20:57] <JEEB> nah, most have timestamps
[20:58] <JEEB> (and really, how would you define a "frame rate" for variable frame rate content anyways :) -- other than give an average or something)
[20:58] <JEEB> (easy example: a TV show that has 30fps computer graphics scenes, and 24fps live action parts)
[21:00] <JEEB> andrew_, seems like libx264 isn't liking the settings you've set (or well, not set) -- I wonder why it isn't setting the medium preset by default...
[21:00] <JEEB> -preset:v medium -profile:v baseline
[21:01] <JEEB> (if that's not fast enough, select a faster preset)
[21:01] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[21:05] <andrew_> JEEB: Unfortunatly, that doesn't work either
[21:05] <andrew_> same errors
[21:06] <JEEB> how old is your libx264 btw?
[21:06] <ckb> ah
[21:06] <ckb> 5000 hit the spot
[21:06] <ckb> although
[21:07] <ckb> I had a bad eye for quality
[21:07] <ckb> have**
[21:07] <Tjoppen> why not use -crf ?
[21:07] <andrew_> I think only a week or so
[21:07] <JEEB> Tjoppen, he is trying to decide whatever he wants for his maxrate/bufsize now it seems
[21:07] <andrew_> Should I try to grab that latest one incase its only?
[21:08] <JEEB> I really don't know why libx264 is finding you using the old borked ffmpeg defaults for libx264... unless ffserver has something to do with it
[21:08] <JEEB> ffserver is like a black hole, no docs no love
[21:09] <andrew_> I think I have gotten these errors when not using ffserver
[21:10] <andrew_> aswell
[21:10] <JEEB> the last time I've seen those errors was more than a year ago
[21:10] <andrew_> I am using release 0.10
[21:10] <JEEB> yeh, saw that too
[21:11] <andrew_> should I re-download and recompile either ffmpeg or x264?
[21:11] <JEEB> unfortunately I have to say that I don't know
[21:13] <andrew_> Question, what if I use an older version
[21:13] <andrew_> because I haven't had these problems on the 0.8 windows build
[21:13] <andrew_> (I am on Ubuntu now)
[21:14] <JEEB> I think it was 0.8 or so when the new ffmpeg libx264 defaults were introduced...
[21:14] <JEEB> can you try the current git HEAD for the kicks?
[21:14] <andrew_> sure
[21:15] <andrew_> BTW, is it ok to follow this guide to compiling x264 and ffmpeg?
[21:15] <JEEB> it mostly should indeed
[21:15] <JEEB> if it's the one in the topic
[21:16] <andrew_> ok, Im just not super confident with linux, so I wanted to make sure this isn't doing something wrong
[21:20] <andrew_> Question, so this guide has me configure x264 with --enable-static
[21:21] <andrew_> Thats ok, right?
[21:21] <JEEB> yes
[21:31] <andrew_> Ok, build ffmpeg now, it take a little
[21:47] <andrew_> Hey, so I just redownloaded and compiled x264, libvpx, and ffmpeg
[21:47] <andrew_> but the same results
[21:48] <andrew_> Could it possibly have something to do with the configuration of FFserver?
[22:00] <Freakshow> so I'm trying to restream a feed that has no audio... however, it seems that ffmpeg doesn't like this much
[22:00] <Freakshow> should I be setting something on the input side for the fact that there's no audio in the stream?
[22:02] <Freakshow> basically getting this on the input
[22:02] <Freakshow>   Duration: N/A, start: 293.993000, bitrate: N/A
[22:02] <Freakshow>     Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Baseline), yuv420p, 640x360 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 29.97 tbr, 1k tbn, 59.94 tbc
[22:02] <Freakshow>     Stream #0:1: Audio: none, 0 channels
[22:02] <Freakshow> Unsupported codec with id 0 for input stream 1
[22:03] <andrew_> try adding -an right after your input file
[22:04] <andrew_> that is working for me
[22:06] <Freakshow> wouldn't that be for the output file rather than the input?
[22:06] <Freakshow> not trying to be argumentative, just asking
[22:07] <Freakshow> so ffmpeg -i http://path.to.whatever -an
[22:07] <Freakshow> andrew_ ?
[22:07] <andrew_> yea, it does mean that, as far as I know
[22:07] <andrew_> But it has been working for me
[22:07] <andrew_> at least with a video file with no audio
[22:08] <Freakshow> sure sure... I'm trying with a static file first, but the next step will be to pull in the actual remote feed
[22:08] <andrew_> well, I know that when using an RTP stream with no audio, it works
[22:09] <andrew_> I don't know about other protocols
[22:09] <andrew_> bbl
[22:10] <andrew_> I hope that works for you
[22:14] <Freakshow> hehe
[22:16] <Freakshow> well, I think there's something wonky with the input in that 1. it takes too long to get the bits and 2. it would appear that ffprobe/ffmpeg thinks there's an unsupported codec with id 0 for audio input
[22:17] <Freakshow> I can re-stream any of my other tests just fine, this particular input however just has no audio
[22:17] <Freakshow> /sadface
[22:17] <taqattack> Can someone point me the right direction to build FFmpeg on Windows
[22:18] <taqattack> I'm very new to building from source
[22:18] <ckb> if ffmpeg is running in the background. is there any way to tell the status of it?
[22:52] <burek> taqattack,
[22:52] <burek> try there
[22:52] <taqattack> I have been struggling with it trying to compile it on mingw
[22:52] <taqattack> it seems lot of the methods are truncated
[22:53] <taqattack> is cross compiling the best method as of right now?
[22:53] <burek> try the forum there
[00:00] --- Sat Apr 14 2012

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