[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120728

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[00:10] <soulstitchmmo> Q won't stop my streaming in FFMPEG
[00:10] <soulstitchmmo> never mind, caps lock was on, that's kinda sensitive.
[00:33] <insano> I'm trying to converto to RealMedia using the following command: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vcodec rv20 -ac 1 -ar 44100 -acodec real_144 -f rm video.rm
[00:33] <insano> But the audio is horrible, how I can fix it?
[01:02] <insano> I'm trying to converto to RealMedia using the following command: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vcodec rv20 -ac 1 -ar 44100 -acodec real_144 -f rm video.rm
[01:02] <insano> But the audio is horrible, how I can fix it?
[01:12] <burek> change the audio codec
[01:12] <burek> or use -ab
[01:54] <Jesin> well
[01:54] <Jesin> ffmpeg has broken some backwards compatability, hasn't it
[01:54] <Jesin> http://sprunge.us/fLhO
[01:55] <Jesin> sed -e 's|libavcodec/opt.h|libavutil/opt.h|g' -i $_svnmod/src/common/ffmpeg.cpp
[01:55] <Jesin> was easy enough
[01:56] <Jesin> and it looks like I'll have to add -e 's|av_write_header|avformat_write_header|g'
[01:56] <Jesin> (I am aware that what I am doing to this source file is horrid, yes...  <_< )
[01:57] <Jesin> I haven't been able to find a similar fix for av_set_parameters though.
[01:59] <Jesin> ....
[01:59] Action: Jesin discovers ffmpeg-compat
[01:59] <Jesin> :D
[02:09] <Jesin> ...now I just have to get my pkgbuild to find this somehow
[02:34] <ShadowJK> Are you testing for the version define?
[03:00] <Jesin> nope
[03:00] <Jesin> err, well
[03:00] <Jesin> I'm trying to compile https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=16851
[03:58] <dericed> can ffmpeg encode to AVC-Intra 100?
[06:51] <Spice_Boy> is it possible to pipe the output of rtmpdump to ffserver, so that I can restream the music on the LAN in mp3?
[06:51] <Spice_Boy> Currntly, this is how I play the stream   rtmpdump -r "rtmp://wms2.scahw.com.au:1935/live/" -a "live/" -W "http://www.triplem.com.au/brisbane/nowplaying/mmm_FM_Streaming_Player_20120305.swf" -p "http://www.triplem.com.au" -y "4mmm.stream" | mplayer -
[09:11] <anacrolix> Hi, I'm trying to encode an SRT subtitle file into an MPEGTS stream. What is a suitable subtitle codec for this?
[09:48] <cbreak> into the mpeg stream or into the video?
[10:47] <jonthn> hello, I'm trying to make a video out of an audio file, and so I thought I would try to use the 'showwaves' filter but I don't understand how it should work. Can someone help me ?
[10:49] <ubitux> ffmpeg -f lavfi -i amovie=input.mp3[out0],showwaves[out1] output.mp4 or something like that
[10:57] <jonthn> thanks it seems to work when using -f lavfi -i "amovie=audio.ogg,asplit[out0],showwaves[out1]"
[11:02] <jonthn> ubitux: do you know if it would be possible to add(merge) an image behind the wave ? maybe use a watermark filter to approximate the result ?
[11:04] <ubitux> you can most likely use the overlay filter
[11:04] <ubitux> (oups yes sorry forgot to split)
[11:05] <jonthn> ok thanks again :)
[11:08] <vitrums> hello there
[11:10] <vitrums> I use Ubuntu 12.04 x64 (core i5, NVidia GeForce 560) and I've completed the FFmpeg installation procedure according to this article http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide.
[11:11] <vitrums> But when I run ffmpeg, the picture is totally black. Has anyone run into this problem?
[11:12] <vitrums> I've already tried streaming to own3d and justin.tv. FFmpeg is working, however there's no picture but a black screen =.
[11:37] <vitrums> is anyone online?
[11:46] <microchip_> no
[12:17] <vitrums> I've run the best quality config to store my video locally and it worked just perfect: "ffmpeg -f x11grab -y -s 1920x1080 -r 30 -i :0.0  -ab 96k -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -vcodec libx264 -crf 30 -preset ultrafast -s 1920x1080 -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -threads 0  ./out.avi
[12:19] <vitrums> However I still get no picture when I stream online (put   -f flv rtmp://MyJustinTV    instead of    ./out.avi). Can't figure out where exactly the problem might be
[12:20] Action: sacarasc DDoS's microchip_ offline.
[12:21] <microchip_> evil!
[13:27] <vitrums> guys, so far I've found but only two threads with my problem to screencast via rtmp. E.g. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1953527 .Though, no answer ;-(
[13:50] <vitrums> Hello, Michael Niedermayer. Can I ask u about ffmpeg? I've got a rare issue with screencasting via rtmp. I really need some help, cause googling just didn't help (
[13:52] <saste> vitrums: consider filing a bug request
[13:54] <saste> also: complete commandline and output on pastebin
[13:54] <saste> consider simplifying your commandline, removing all the possibly unrelated options
[13:54] <saste> and you may ask directly to the justin.tv crew
[13:55] <vitrums> actually I've been reducing my command line to locate the exact reason of my troubles and it's just about sending an flv flow via RTMP, nothing else :/
[13:56] <vitrums> but thanks for your tips, I'll do my best
[14:00] <sgfgdf> hello, guys! i hava a movie with this audio -- "Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: dts (DTS), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), s16, 1536 kb/s (default)" which is 5.1. but it doesn't play the audio from the program i want to play it (iTunes). AFAIK i should encode it to AAC. does AAC support 5.1 and how should i re-encode the audio with ffmpeg command?
[14:13] <burek> Spice_Boy why don't you get the rtmp stream directly with ffmpeg/ffserver
[14:13] <Spice_Boy> burek: I'd like to if I knew how
[14:13] <Spice_Boy> I tried from someone's example somewhere, but didn't seem to work
[14:14] <burek> something like: ffmpeg -i rtmp://... should work
[14:14] <Spice_Boy> I'll have another go now and see what happens
[14:15] <Spice_Boy> hang on, ffmpeg?.... then just feed that to ffserver?...
[14:15] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#rtmp
[14:15] <Spice_Boy> can ffmpeg play the rtmp stream by itself? (to take one step at a time)
[14:15] <burek> yes
[14:15] <burek> ffplay can, ffmpeg no
[14:15] <Spice_Boy> I'm sure I tried this
[14:15] <Spice_Boy> ahhh
[14:17] <Spice_Boy> trying to piece which bit of the link goes where
[14:18] <burek> ubitux, why asplit is needed?
[14:19] <vitrums> I'm about to post a bug report. But since there's some activity here, perhaps there might be any idea why I get the blank screen, when I stream to RTMP regardless what rtmp service I actually use...
[14:20] <burek> vitrums can you please use a pastebin site (like www.pastebin.com) to show your ffmpeg command and the complete console output?
[14:20] <vitrums> of cause, gladly
[14:21] <ubitux> burek: you have 1 input, and you want 2 outputs (one with the sound, and the other with the waves)
[14:22] <burek> oh :) makes sense :)
[14:23] <burek> sgfgdf, try: ffmpeg -i input -acodec ... (audio options) output
[14:24] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -acodec aac -strict experimental -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 128k output.aac
[14:25] <Spice_Boy> http://pastebin.com/9Zcgdcss
[14:26] <vitrums> I've posted the command and output at: http://pastebin.com/LbSzWD3y
[14:26] <vitrums> hope it might help
[14:27] <burek> did you read http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#rtmp
[14:27] <burek> Spice_Boy
[14:27] <Spice_Boy> yeah
[14:27] <Spice_Boy> well, tried to
[14:27] <burek> no you didn't
[14:27] <burek> read again
[14:27] <Spice_Boy> it's not the easiest thing to read
[14:28] <vitrums> The issue doesn't have anything to do with grabbing my screen or anything of that kind. I've tested streaming a video file with -re flag, and it also works, but the video is blank
[14:28] <burek> it says: ‘rtmp_live’
[14:28] <burek> Specify that the media is a live stream. No resuming or seeking in live streams is possible. The default value is any, which means the subscriber first tries to play the live stream specified in the playpath. If a live stream of that name is not found, it plays the recorded stream. The other possible values are live and recorded.
[14:28] <burek> ffplay rtmp://wms2.scahw.com.au:1935/live?rtmp_live=1
[14:30] <burek> vitrums, change -b to -b:v
[14:30] <burek> with -b you are setting both audio/video bitrate
[14:31] <Spice_Boy> if I put the /live in as that 'manual' page says for app, it complains that argument /live is provided as input filename
[14:31] <burek> vitrums, your output also tells you that "Please use -b:a or -b:v, -b is ambiguous"
[14:31] <burek> and you can see there is no audio in your output list of streams, so that's the issue
[14:32] <vitrums> ah, I don't think these options like -b -bitrate are necessary. I've just tried -b:v and it gives the same result. It's better to remove these redundant options at all
[14:32] <Spice_Boy> burek: if I do actually figure this out for ffplay, would that then be the same command to use in ffmpeg to feed to ffserver?
[14:32] <burek> use -b:a and -b:v
[14:32] <burek> Spice_Boy yes
[14:32] <burek> ffplay input could be used as ffmpeg -i input
[14:33] <Spice_Boy> cool, I'll see if I can find someone's example somewhere
[14:33] <burek> ok
[14:33] <vitrums> I intentionally removed any audio to avoid any confusion with audio and so on
[14:34] <Spice_Boy> actually, instead of that, can I feed the working output of rtmpdump to ffserver?
[14:34] <Spice_Boy> as I currently feed it to mplayer
[14:35] <burek> vitrums, well your command line provided uses audio
[14:35] <burek> so, I can't read your mind
[14:35] <burek> remove all the audio options then and use -an
[14:36] <burek> Spice_Boy, yes but only if rtmpdump supports ffm format
[14:36] <burek> which is ffmpeg specific
[14:36] <Spice_Boy> hmmm
[14:36] <vitrums> -b:v doesn't resolve the case. I'll  post you my original command, where I also use audio, so you won't be confused with it
[14:36] Action: Spice_Boy is going 'round in circles
[14:36] <burek> so, I'm pretty sure no
[14:37] <burek> Spice_Boy, try: rtmpdump ... | ffmpeg -f flv -i - -c copy http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm
[14:37] <burek> (start ffserver before that command)
[14:37] <Spice_Boy> ah, I'll give that a go :)
[14:38] <burek> it's much easier to try to run all with ffmpeg and just feed it to ffserver
[14:38] <Spice_Boy> haha, that seemed to work :)
[14:38] <burek> ok :)
[14:38] <Spice_Boy> in my book, if it works, then it's good
[14:38] <burek> :)
[14:38] <Spice_Boy> it would be nice to keep it all in ffserver, but I just can't figure it out
[14:40] <Spice_Boy> hmm... maybe didn't quite work... I could see the ffmpeg working away nicely though, so I figure that's a start
[14:41] <burek> ffplay "rtmp://myserver/live/mystream live=1"
[14:41] <burek> try like that
[14:42] <Spice_Boy> umm... my ffserver.conf has mp3 as the codec
[14:42] <Spice_Boy> which I thought would convert it
[14:43] <vitrums> here is my updated command and logs. I've tried to remove any redundant parameters this time: http://pastebin.com/vMAUNr1H
[14:45] <burek> vitrums, the output seems ok
[14:48] <Spice_Boy> burek: when trying to play that with mplayer, the cache starts filling, but stops at 1.16%...  then says cache empty
[14:48] <burek> I don't use mplayer :(
[14:48] <Spice_Boy> vlc dies too
[14:48] <burek> pastebin the log? (-vvv)
[14:49] <Spice_Boy> log of... which program?
[14:49] <burek> vlc? :)
[14:49] <Spice_Boy> vlc is on windows though :(
[14:50] <vitrums> burek, might it be some firewall issue or anything of that kind? I can see the stream online, when I have FFmpeg running, but the video itself is blank :=/
[14:51] <burek> Spice_Boy, in vlc, Tools - Messages, select verbosity to 2 and then try to play
[14:52] <Spice_Boy> ah, ok
[14:52] <burek> vitrums, did you try replacing output "-f flv rtmp://..." with "out.flv"
[14:53] <Spice_Boy> burek: http://pastebin.com/QC5Zq4Q7
[14:53] <vitrums> yeap, I'm telling you, it's just some RTMP issue, nothing else. I've got a perfect video, if I store it locally in some file
[14:54] <burek> vitrums, try now: ffmpeg -i out.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://...
[14:54] <burek> or better
[14:54] <burek> ffmpeg -re -i out.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://...
[14:54] <Spice_Boy> burek:  if I could get the right command for ffmpeg (or ffplay) to play the rtmp stream, that would probably be the best step forward
[14:56] <vitrums> burek, it gives me the same result: lifecasting with blank image
[14:58] <Spice_Boy> burek: I have these details for the media stream. Can you tell me how that's constructed as an ffserver, ffmpeg, or ffplay command?
[14:58] <Spice_Boy> http://pastebin.com/K8XBDfft
[15:00] <vitrums> burek, here's a topic about the same issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1703385. Though, I couldn't find any other topic, reporting this trouble across the internet neither any solutions.
[15:01] <burek> vitrums, try changing rtmp hosting providers
[15:01] <burek> use justin or something else
[15:01] <burek> just to see if that's an issue
[15:02] <burek> if it's the same with all providers, then I guess it's a bug in ffmpeg's rtmp support
[15:02] <vitrums> burek, I did. You can actually see it in my very first http://pastebin.com/LbSzWD3y post
[15:02] <burek> well, then file a bug report, if you want
[15:02] <vitrums> guess I will
[15:03] <sgfgdf> burek, thanks for your answer. (sorry for the delay, i was away). i did not understand if AAC support more than 2 channels though.
[15:03] <burek> Spice_Boy I don't personally use rtmp, so no, I don't know :)
[15:03] <vitrums> thank you for passionate collaboration, dude
[15:03] <burek> vitrums :beer: :)
[15:03] <burek> sgfgdf, you can try with -ac 6
[15:03] <burek> and if it works, even better
[15:03] <Spice_Boy> I just discovered piping the otuput of rtmpdump | ffmplay -i -  plays it
[15:04] <burek> Spice_Boy google for "ffmpeg rtmp live"
[15:04] <burek> you should find plenty of examples
[15:04] <Spice_Boy> yeah, been searching similar
[15:04] <Spice_Boy> but if piping it to ffplay works, then to ffmpeg might too
[15:05] <sgfgdf> burek, but if i don't mention -vcodec copy will it stay as it is, or probably better to explicit mention it?
[15:05] <burek> well, ok
[15:05] <Spice_Boy> just going to try
[15:05] <burek> sgfgdf, if you have a video stream which you would like to preserve, then -vcodec copy is a must
[15:06] <burek> otherwise it's going to be re-encoded in something like mpeg or something
[15:08] <sgfgdf> burek, thanks for your help! -- http://1adt.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/creative-corona-extra-print-ads-10.jpg (i don't know if you like such beer) :)
[15:09] <burek> mmmm :>
[15:09] <burek> there is a saying in our language "for a good pig, there are no bad swills" :)
[15:10] <burek> meaning, every cold beer is what I like :)
[15:11] <Spice_Boy> :(
[15:12] <Spice_Boy> if I pipe the output to ffmpeg it says it's missing an audio stream
[15:12] <Spice_Boy> which I 'think' is because at the instant of startup, it hasn't got it feeding to it yet
[16:30] <Macey_Home> Hi All, trying to encorperate libavformat/avcodec into an app, Could anyone point me in the right direction of doing an audio codec conversion from a stream documentation please?
[19:29] <vitrums> Good day everybody. I'm running into an issue, when I stream via rtmp to justin.tv two different flv videos: both have audio, but only one has video - the second one just a black sceeen. Any ideas?
[19:44] <vitrums> seems like it's in a wrong video format. I can download the broadcasted video and playback it locally without problems. However this file is shown without video, when I play it remotely from justin.tv archive
[19:48] <juanmabc> it is awesome, how mplayer at fullscreen consumes 13-15% counting pulseaudio
[19:48] <juanmabc> i guess mmx,sse,... are underused on a lot of projects, not in that
[19:56] <iive> we recommend to avoid pulse audio unless you really need it.
[19:57] <juanmabc> it's default on fedora, but yep, it adds a 3%
[19:58] <juanmabc> pulse seems very softw intensinve instead of hardw intensive
[20:34] <Peace-> hey guys i have compiled ffmpeg but i have a strange problem
[20:34] <Peace-> my script works with ffmpeg provided by libav stuffers
[20:35] <Peace-> instead with ffmpeg it exits in a loop
[20:36] <Mavrik> um
[20:36] <Mavrik> I don't understand... what for loop?
[20:37] <Peace-> while read line ; do
[20:37] <Peace-> 	   	
[20:37] <Peace-> 		/home/shared/ffmpeg-04-04-12/ffmpeg -i  "$line"   -y  "${line%.*}.$outformat"
[20:37] <Peace-> # 	v
[20:37] <Peace-> done< "$listoffile"
[20:40] <vitrums> I just don't get it... What's so wrong with my .flv screen recordings, that when they are played via justin.tv it gives a blank picture, though with audio. But if I play them locally with Totem Movie Player, the video is fine.
[20:41] <Mavrik> vitrums: well, do a ffprobe on them and pastebin the output
[20:43] <vitrums> Mavrik, here you go: http://pastebin.com/CZL8t4iU. Hope it would reveal the mystery =/
[20:43] <Mavrik> vitrums: my first guess would be
[20:44] <Mavrik> just.tvs transcoder (or player) can't handle YUV444
[20:44] <Mavrik> which isn't really a widely supported pixel format
[20:45] <vitrums> is it managable via ffmpeg options?
[20:45] <Mavrik> hmm, it should be yuv420p by default
[20:45] <vitrums> so you're telling there's something wrong with my default settings?
[20:46] <Mavrik> nah, just probably your input device grabs video in yuv444 format
[20:46] <Mavrik> vitrums: try -pix_fmt yuv420p
[20:46] <Mavrik> as a video encode parameter
[20:47] <vitrums> sure, already doing it. Hope you were right
[20:48] <Mavrik> also the resolution is kinda high, does justin.tv support 1080p?
[20:49] <vitrums> Mavrik, just tell me your paypal... that's not funny at all ( I've killed my weekend day actually to solve it. So, notwithstanding the fact I'm happy to finally get it work, this literally hurts me ;-)
[20:50] <Mavrik> ^^
[20:50] <Mavrik> glad to help :D
[20:52] <Peace-> solved :D
[20:57] <vitrums> may one close the bug branch: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1581 ?
[22:58] <AlRazi_> i'm trying to configure ffmpeg with libaacplus .. i'm getting -> ERROR: libaacplus >= 2.0.0 not found
[23:00] <AlRazi_> i'm on mac 10.7
[23:01] <AlRazi_> ./configure --enable-static --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libaacplus
[23:07] <AlRazi_> do i need to install it seperately ? or is it shipped with the ffmpeg source ?
[23:55] <judget> hey duh Im building a new ffmpeg on natty and during config i get a message about upgrading VA-API >- 0.32
[23:55] <judget> where can I get those directions please?
[23:55] <iive> AlRazi_: yes it is separate library.
[23:56] <iive> same for mp3lame.
[00:00] --- Sun Jul 29 2012

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