[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121121

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 02:05:01 CET 2012

[01:19] <powerNET> I have a question about "-loop 1"
[01:19] <powerNET> how do i control the rate of the loop
[01:20] <cbsrobot>  -r
[01:22] <powerNET> before or after input
[01:23] <cbsrobot> before for the input, after for the output
[01:24] <powerNET> does it matter if i put it before or after the -vcodec?
[01:28] <powerNET> nvm
[01:28] <powerNET> thank you verymuch cbsrobot
[08:04] <FelipeS> in fragmented MP4s, mdat atoms are inside moof atoms?
[08:29] <relativ_> what is best way to to remove commercials in VIDEO file?
[08:30] <klaxa> relativ_: cut it, then merge it?
[08:30] <relativ_> and how do i do that
[08:32] <klaxa> with ffmpeg, you could find the timecodes and use -ss and -t respectively to cut, put everything in seperate matroska files and merge them with mkvmerge
[08:32] <klaxa> not sure if that's the most efficient way
[08:36] <relativ_> mkvmerge doesn't merge files properly
[08:39] <relativ_> what is best way to to remove commercials in VIDEO file?  for example  commercials are in   00:00:00 to 00:00:50   and  00:25:00 to 00:26:00
[13:42] <Tjoppen> how do I get nearest point filtering in -vf scale?
[13:42] <Tjoppen> sws_flags=something
[13:53] <Tjoppen> flags=neighbor
[15:10] <relaxed> Tjoppen: -sws_flags neighbor
[15:10] <Tjoppen> yeah, I managed to find it. why isn't this in the docs?
[15:10] <Tjoppen> there ought to be a big table with each filter's options and possible values
[15:35] <relaxed> it's listed in `ffmpeg -h full`
[15:36] <relaxed> But I agree, there's too much info spread in between -h and the man page.
[15:40] <Tjoppen> there's also the html help
[15:40] <relaxed> that's generated from the man page, I believe
[16:09] <teolicy> Hi. What codec and container format should I use in order to target the largest user base? Say, is there one codec/container format combo that will be natively supported on vanilla Windows XP+, Mac OS X 10.5+, iOS 4+ and Android 2.3+?
[16:11] <Simex> How about Ubuntu or another Linux distro?
[16:12] <Simex> They don't deserve 'native' support?
[16:18] <teolicy> Simex: Preaching to the choir; I didn't choose this list nor can I affect it. We'd like to send a video to our investors, I insanely doubt one of them uses Linux, and if they do, I'm sure they can manage with any format just like I could.
[16:18] <relaxed> teolicy: h264/aac in mp4
[16:19] <relaxed> vlc works on all those OSs
[16:19] <wm4> vlc is not "native"
[16:19] <relaxed> well, iOS and Android don't it...
[16:19] <relaxed> need it*
[16:20] <teolicy> When I say 'native' I mean: "my 50 year old millionaire investor can for sure double click on the file in his bloody corporate mandated Outlook or Eudora or I don't care and see the video".
[16:21] <relaxed> my original answer stands
[16:25] <teolicy> relaxed: (thanks, I'm encoding and checking on XP...)
[16:26] <relaxed> prepare yourself for failure
[16:27] <teolicy> relaxed: Indeed, it doesn't work& so I'm not sure why you said your original answer stand.
[16:27] <relaxed> maybe if it has an up-to-date version of windows media player
[16:27] <teolicy> relaxed: Never mind, I'll just put it as a private video on youtube.
[16:27] <teolicy> meh.
[16:28] <relaxed> Given your question, I provided you with the best answer.
[16:31] <relaxed> maybe mpeg/mp3 in avi
[16:31] <relaxed> er, mpeg4
[17:30] <bakers> I'm trying to create an HLS m3u8 playlist with ffmpeg. It creates the file, but all it does is put the segment names in there, none of the other extra tags.
[17:30] <bakers> ffmpeg -i $input -vcodec copy -acodec copy -map 0 -f segment -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -segment_time 10 -segment_format mpegts -flags -global_header -segment_list_size 0 -segment_list playlist.m3u8 out%03d.ts
[17:31] <bakers> I've checked the docs, and several online examples and they all say that should work? I must be missing something
[17:34] <ubitux> -segment_list_type hls maybe?
[17:34] <ubitux> or m3u8 i don't remember
[17:35] <ubitux> should be autodetected though
[17:36] <ubitux> bakers: make sure you are using an upstream ffmpeg
[17:36] <ubitux> or reading the doc from your release
[17:36] <ubitux> the online doc are in sync with ffmpeg git
[17:38] <bakers> Ok I'll try compiling my own FFMPEG
[17:57] <tr33fall> i tried to save a file with extension .3gp but says the format is not found. in configure what do i need to enable? tks
[17:58] <ubitux> works for me
[18:04] <tr33fall> ok
[18:09] <dbro> Hey everyone, I'm trying to avformat_alloc_output_context2(AVFC, AVOF, NULL, filename) with a specific AVOutputFormat, but I can't find a suitable method for allocating an AVOutputFormat. I see av_guess_format() but I can't find a list of the "registered output formats". Cheers!
[18:10] <Mavrik> dbro, "ffmpeg -formats" :)
[18:10] <dbro> haha, beautiful. Thank you!
[18:10] <Mavrik> this lists formats compiled in your libav libraries
[18:11] <Mavrik> av_guess_format and avformat_alloc_output_context2 will answer to the same though
[18:16] <dbro> Mavrik: how would I specify a video and audio format choice for my AVOutputFormat? av_guess_format() looks to only take one const char format
[18:16] <Mavrik> dbro, um, format does not specify audio or video
[18:17] <Mavrik> you just specify the container
[18:17] <Mavrik> and then add streams to it
[18:17] <Mavrik> which can be audio, video, subtitle, whatever
[18:17] <dbro> ok, gotcha
[18:19] <dbro> thanks Mavrik
[18:21] <tr33fall> pastebin here: http://pastebin.com/2HJcz6WS
[19:58] <powerNET> i have a question about using named pipe as input
[19:59] <powerNET> can send any frame grabbing request ?
[22:45] <bakers> Can I add a text overlay with ffmpeg
[22:45] <bakers> without using a static image?
[22:45] <bakers> i.e. I want to put the bandwidth of the stream in the lower left corner
[22:47] <ubitux> drawtext filter
[22:47] <ubitux> ?
[22:48] <ubitux> overlay works with video otherwise
[23:01] <TheCycoONE> I'll try asking here.  Since there's a lack of other up to date tutorials, I've been reading ffplay.c to learn how to use libav*.  There are similarities in my code, though I've used a more OO C++ design, and only implemented what was needed for playing cut scenes in a game so it doesn't handle all the functionality ffplay has. Does that make my code a derivitive work that has to be LGPL?
[23:02] <TheCycoONE> It's for a BSD licenced project.
[00:00] --- Thu Nov 22 2012

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