[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130508

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu May 9 02:09:20 CEST 2013

[00:04] <Sashmo_> anyone have an idea why vlc wouldnt open a UDP unicast in linux, but it opens in windows??
[00:21] <Zarx> im trying to build ffmpeg with patched x264 (--fade-compensate patch), and I'm not sure if I'm having a problem with the patch itself, or if i am using the wrong syntax in my commandline when I encode.
[00:21] <Zarx> this is my commandline:
[00:21] <Zarx> ffmpeg.exe -i "inputfile.avs" -c:v libx264 -x264opts fade-compensate=0.6 "outputfile.mp4"
[00:24] <smj> if :0.0 and :1.0 are X servers, what are :0.0, :0.1, :0.2,...?
[00:30] <ezekiel> smj: "Screen"s
[00:32] <ezekiel> each server can have an arbitrary number of 'Section "Screen"' definitions, which are individually handled via the use of DISPLAY variables like =:0.2
[03:11] <dregan> what is the link for the precompiled ffmpeg binaries for centos ?
[03:12] <highgod> Hi, I want to ask a question, does anyone ever use ffmpeg rtsp, is there any sample I can reference? thanks
[03:14] <reindeer> Q:Is it possible somehow to stream multiple tracks? What stream format could support it, like i could have two inputs and then stream it out, so that receiver (ffplay) could choose track1, or track2?
[03:15] <reindeer> highgod: check this out http://sonnati.wordpress.com/2011/08/30/ffmpeg-%E2%80%93-the-swiss-army-knife-of-internet-streaming-%E2%80%93-part-iv/
[03:17] <reindeer> i bet that will get you streaming..not multichannel though, like what i am after :-/
[03:18] <klaxa> reindeer: shouldn't be impossible
[03:18] <reindeer> highgod: and this http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/StreamingGuide
[03:18] <klaxa> i barely use ffserver though...
[03:18] <klaxa> not sure if that is configurable
[03:20] <reindeer> klaxa: yeah, i think im trying to find the correct codec and stream type that would support it
[03:20] <reindeer> just a bit tired and trying to get it work..
[03:21] <klaxa> container would be most important
[03:23] <reindeer> hmm..libx264 and aac..
[03:24] <klaxa> both codecs, both (more or less) irrelevant to containers
[03:25] <reindeer> yeah..see ...tires 8-)
[03:25] <reindeer> tired
[03:26] <reindeer> basically anything that both ends understand should work
[03:26] <klaxa> well with streaming, most people use flv as a container
[03:26] <klaxa> however, its supported codecs are limited
[03:26] <klaxa> i'm not even sure it supports multiple tracks for either audio or video
[03:27] <highgod> reindeer:thanks
[03:27] <reindeer> highgod: your welcome
[03:27] <reindeer> im trying to didgest the same pages..
[03:28] <klaxa> somewhere in my TODO list is to implement a matroska http server... but that's still far away
[03:28] <reindeer> that would rock
[03:29] <klaxa> i haven't seen a lot of open-source software that can stream matroska
[03:29] <klaxa> until today i counted exactly: 0
[03:29] <klaxa> even though matroska is designed to be streamed (apparently)
[03:30] <highgod> reindeer:is there any sample which using libs of ffmpeg to use the rtsp?
[03:31] <reindeer> klaxa: i've taken 5 http streams and output to mkv with 5 tracks, done. but now i would just want to listen to those, without outputing to file. thats why im trying to figure this streaming out, so i could at least stream to locally to me
[03:32] <klaxa> can you elaborate your setup a bit further? how did you mux the http streams, where does the mkv go?
[03:32] <reindeer> highgod: if by sample you mean "examples of command line code" your best source from me are still those links :)
[03:32] <klaxa> does the mkv even go anywhere?
[03:33] <klaxa> if you gather the input with: ffmpeg -i <input 0> -i <input 1> [...] -i <input n> streams.mkv you could use pipes
[03:33] <klaxa> like this: ffmpeg -i <input 0> -i <input 1> [...] -i <input n> -f matroska pipe: | ffplay -
[03:33] <reindeer> klaxa: just multiple "-i http://stream" then "-map 0:0 -map 1:0" and output file
[03:33] <klaxa> yeah you could just pipe that to ffplay if that helps
[03:34] <highgod> reindeer:I mean some codes using libs of ffmpeg to implement the rstp, thanks
[03:34] <reindeer> yeah definetly helps..
[03:35] <reindeer> highgod: what you mean by "codes" or "sample" .. :-/
[03:36] <reindeer> klaxa: hmm..im gonna try that
[03:40] <highgod> reindeer:sorry, I mean some code calling ffmpeg API to implement the rtsp
[03:41] <reindeer> highgod: sorry no info about that
[03:42] <reindeer> maybe google ffmpeg API
[03:44] <reindeer> klaxa: it worked, great!
[03:44] <klaxa> :)
[03:45] <highgod> reindeer:thanks
[03:45] <reindeer> i pushed to vlc, so i can switch the tracks, haven't used ffplay at all..yet :(
[03:45] <reindeer> highgod: good!
[03:45] <reindeer> :)
[03:46] <klaxa> you can also use mplayer or in general any player that can work with mkv
[03:47] <reindeer> yeah, thats what i figures, but i thought that i would need to specify, into what the stream is piped to, but seems not
[03:48] <reindeer> not just to change name "and it works"
[03:48] <reindeer> its readind from "fd://" at the moment
[03:48] <reindeer> actually "fd://0"
[03:49] <reindeer> but hey it works, so awsome
[03:49] Action: reindeer really needs to get some sleep..soon..in few hours :)
[03:50] <reindeer> yeah, ill make something more usefull from this tomorrow..gnite!  8-)
[06:15] <Technician> Hello. . . will someone please help me with converting files? . . . this thread: < http://superuser.com/questions/230538/how-to-convert-3gp-audio-file-to-mp3 > explains what I am trying to do . . . the problem I am having is that partway through the conversion the process fails.  How can I resolve this?
[06:16] <Magicking> There is a shortcut for that !
[06:20] <Technician> http://pastebin.ca/2376183
[06:20] <relaxed> Read what fflogger said again until you understand it completely.
[06:23] <relaxed> From your command can I tell your ffmpeg version is ancient.
[06:24] <Magicking> relaxed: He just c/p from the link above
[06:25] <relaxed> huh?
[06:25] <Magicking> http://superuser.com/questions/230538/how-to-convert-3gp-audio-file-to-mp3 <= It's the same command line
[06:25] <relaxed> oh
[06:28] <relaxed> Technician: so?
[06:30] <Technician> relaxed; I am trying it again to capture the output messages.
[06:33] <Technician> http://pastebin.ca/2376195
[06:36] <relaxed> I don't see where it failed.
[06:37] <relaxed> you need to change it to  "-acodec libmp3lame"
[06:37] <relaxed> remove "-f wav"
[06:40] <relaxed> also remove "-ar 22050" unless you really need it.
[06:45] <Technician> I see . . . it seems like I just don't know what I am doing.
[06:46] <relaxed> If you want a high quality encode to mp3 use- ffmpeg -i input -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 0 output.mp3
[10:33] <kvz> Can anybody help me make sense of this message: "MS Video-1 warning: stream_ptr out of bounds" ? I've tried googling but that mostly leads to the source code that throws it.
[10:34] <kvz> It happens when I try to convert a "Video: msvideo1, rgb555le, 1548x1080, 3 fps, 3 tbr, 3 tbn, 3 tbc" to "Video: theora, yuv420p, 960x480 [PAR 1:1 DAR 2:1], 3 fps, 3 tbr, 3 tbn, 3 tbc"
[10:35] <kvz> Encoding is slow, and every once in a while it throws the stream_ptr message
[10:35] <Magicking> kvz: Your error msg seems to be truncated no ?
[10:35] <kvz> Let me give you full stderr
[10:35] <Magicking> Wait
[10:36] <Magicking> It works \o/
[10:38] <kvz> Magicking: thanks :) this is it: http://pastebin.com/WZHe8BKx
[10:41] <kvz> Magicking: it seemed to run forever so I ended up killing it (hence the Received signal 15: terminating.). Between the frame updates, you can see the "stream_ptr out of bounds" warnings. I was wondering what those warnings signify. And if I can/should deal with them on my end
[10:43] <durandal_1707> kvz: you are using very old ffmpeg, from 2011
[10:47] <kvz> durandal_1707: true. upgrading will cause bc-breakage for other jobs, so that would be my last resort. trying to understand if that's my only option at this point though
[10:49] <Magicking> kvz: But can't you at least try I don't know in a VM or whatever to see if it's a solved bug ?
[10:49] <Magicking> (If it's a bug)
[10:49] <kvz> Magicking: sure
[10:54] <robertzaccour> How do I record from both my mic and the sound source on my laptop?
[10:54] <robertzaccour> I use ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -threads 4 -y -sameq regrunner.mkv(MP4 OUTPUT) and it captures from my mic, but how do I capture from the laptop at the same time?
[10:56] <relaxed> robertzaccour: remove -sameq
[10:56] <robertzaccour> relaxed: What will that do?
[10:56] <JEEB> sameq is not "same quality"
[10:57] <JEEB> it tries to copy the quants from the source, which makes no sense in 99% of all cases
[10:57] <relaxed> robertzaccour: for your audio problem, I think you need to use pavucontrol to mix system sound and mic input.
[10:58] <relaxed> JEEB: it's been removed in recent version.  elenril found it actually did nothing.
[10:58] <JEEB> yes
[10:58] <JEEB> it seemed to do /something/ in some random cases
[10:59] <JEEB> but not what it was supposed to do IIRC
[10:59] <JEEB> so in that way it hadn't seemingly worked correctly for ages
[11:00] <robertzaccour> relaxed: How do I do that?
[11:00] <robertzaccour> relaxed: So the key to mixing both isn't in the command?
[11:01] <relaxed> install pavucontrol and set ffmpeg's setting I think. I don't use pulse myself.
[11:01] <highgod> Hi, I want to ask a question, how can I capture desktop in linux?
[11:01] <highgod> using ffmpeg
[11:01] <relaxed> highgod: there are examples in the docs
[11:01] <durandal_1707> highgod: read documentation here: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/How%20to%20grab%20the%20desktop%20(screen)%20with%20FFmpeg
[11:01] <relaxed> look at the wiki in the topic
[11:02] <highgod> OK thanks
[11:02] <Magicking> robertzaccour: Last time I had to do that, I think I used a monitor or a mixer
[11:15] <Bor0> how would I go implementing buffering state in ffplay? I have something like buffering=1; av_read_frame(...); buffering=0; but when I display the variable it always shows buffering = 0 even when it's buffering
[11:19] <xlinkz0> is it possible to use the concat demuxer without a file?
[11:19] <xlinkz0> like with a string?
[11:19] <durandal_1707> is it mentioned in documentation?
[11:21] <xlinkz0> no
[11:22] <xlinkz0> durandal_1707: it does say something about the shell substitution thing but i'm launching it from another program not from command line
[11:23] <xlinkz0> with fork and execvp
[11:25] <durandal_1707> xlinkz0: it it is not mentioned that its not possible, if you want such feature open feature request on our bug tracker
[11:40] <xlinkz0> durandal_1707: if i want to concat the last minute of video 1.mp4 and the first minute of video 2.mp4 i first need to make the cuts and then the concat right?
[11:45] <relaxed> xlinkz0: you may want to look into MP4Box for this.
[11:45] <xlinkz0> relaxed: is it any faster than the method i said or more convenient?
[11:47] <relaxed> I going with both
[11:48] <xlinkz0> thanks
[11:49] <relaxed> I'm*
[11:50] <sybariten> oh hai
[11:51] <sybariten> i'm on FFmpeg version 0.6.5, running 'ffmpeg -i in.mov -vf "transpose=1" out.mov' in order to rotate a vid, and get unrecognized option vf .... any other options i could use to rotate a vid?
[11:52] <durandal_1707> you use extremly old ffmpeg version
[11:52] <sybariten> yeah, i know
[11:52] <sybariten> but didnt the rotate come about in 2007, btw?
[11:53] <durandal_1707> which appears to not have any filtering ability, prior to libavfilter
[11:53] <sybariten> ah ok
[11:53] <sybariten> dang
[11:53] <durandal_1707> perhaps you need -filter ...
[11:53] <durandal_1707> but that is soooooooo oooold version that you should not really use it
[11:54] <durandal_1707> actually transpose filter was added in 0.8
[11:54] <sybariten> no, no thats undersood
[11:56] <durandal_1707> and that was in 2010
[11:58] <durandal_1707> while you use ffmpeg somewhere from 2009
[12:00] <sybariten> yes, yes, yes, i know... now, the question was this
[12:00] <sybariten> any other options i could use to rotate a vid?
[12:02] <durandal_1707> install latest ffmpeg release
[12:17] <kvz> Latest ffmpeg build throws "MS Video-1 warning: stream_ptr out of bounds" on an .avi: http://pastebin.com/0hVG646P. Does anybody know what this means?
[12:18] <kvz> The same warning is thrown using an old sastes ffmpeg build on ubuntu (vs 1.2 on osx) and when trying to target different formats (e.g. theora). So it seems to be an issues with the input file. Tried googling but only getting source-code hits and my c isn't what it used to be ;)
[12:19] <durandal_1707> so you just get warning, or nothing useful at output?
[12:21] <kvz> durandal_1707: just that warning, every 10 seconds or so as ffmpeg shows frame / fps / etc information
[12:22] <kvz> durandal_1707: trying to understand (the severity of) it
[12:22] <kvz> durandal_1707: the same files also throws  "max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5016000 microseconds" as can be seen in the pastebin. Maybe it's related.
[12:26] <durandal_1707> that last whan is irrelevant spam
[12:27] <kvz> ok good to know
[12:27] <durandal_1707> if there is nothing wrong in decoded output you should not worry about such warnings
[12:27] <durandal_1707> but if error happens it will interupt decoding and that would be more visible in output
[12:39] <kvz> durandal_1707: thank you
[12:45] <xlinkz0> can i inspect the keyframe interval of a movie?
[12:48] <xlinkz0> the seek documentation warns against -vcodec copy but if i use -c copy and have no audio streams i should not encounter problems right?
[12:53] <xlinkz0> why do i get a 13 second video with this command? ffmpeg -y -ss 00:00:03 -i 1.mp4 -t 10 -c copy out.mp4
[12:55] <durandal_1707> because you can not cut sample accurately with -c copy
[12:57] <xlinkz0> thanks
[12:58] <xlinkz0> durandal_1707: same with -vcodec copy right?
[13:01] <durandal_1707> video is different
[13:01] <durandal_1707> audio have multiple samples in frames
[13:03] <xlinkz0> all my containers have only video streams
[13:03] <xlinkz0> i don't care about audio, i just want fast splitting
[13:03] <relaxed> did you try MP4Box?
[13:04] <xlinkz0> my boss told me to first try it with ffmpeg and if it's too slow try something else...
[13:05] <xlinkz0> durandal_1707: but with -vcodec copy i still get 13 second video :(
[13:06] <retard> of course you do
[13:07] <xlinkz0> so -ss and -t will not work together with copy?
[13:07] <retard> they work just fine
[13:07] <retard> they won't break your video stream
[13:07] <xlinkz0> but they do..
[13:07] <retard> which is the correct functioning
[13:07] <durandal_1707> perhaps your boss should find another job?
[13:07] <relaxed> xlinkz0: move -ss after the input.
[13:09] <relaxed> meet the new boss, same as the old boss
[13:09] <xlinkz0> i get http://superuser.com/questions/140899/ffmpeg-splitting-mp4-with-same-quality
[13:09] <xlinkz0> wrong paste sry
[13:09] <xlinkz0> Output file is empty, nothing was encoded (check -ss / -t / -frames parameters if used)
[13:09] <xlinkz0> on ffmpeg -y -i 1.mp4 -ss 3 -t 10 -vcodec copy out.mp4
[13:10] <relaxed> use MP4Box already and stop trying to shoehorn ffmpeg into everything.
[13:11] <xlinkz0> ok..
[13:11] <retard> what are you trying to achieve
[13:11] <xlinkz0> cut from second 3 to 13
[13:11] <retard> do you want to get a video file that is the exact length with exact start point you define
[13:11] <retard> is there a keyframe at second 3
[13:11] <retard> because otherwise you will need to reencode
[13:12] <durandal_1707> ahh, yes, that is video problem with that kind of cutting
[13:12] <xlinkz0> i'm not sure if there is a keyframe there
[13:12] <durandal_1707> i completly forgot that you are not dealing with intra only video
[13:13] <retard> http://pastebin.com/1u96HKuz this is what i use to clip at keyframes without desynching audio in certain players
[13:13] <xlinkz0> i want to get a video file that starts at second 3 and is of length 10 seconds
[13:13] <durandal_1707> showinfo will dump bunch of info...
[13:14] <durandal_1707> without reencoding exact cut is not always possible
[13:14] <retard> rarely really
[13:14] <xlinkz0> so.. i should use mp4box :D
[13:15] <durandal_1707> well you could cut with mp4box, causing first frame not to be keyframe but that would give you bad output for first seconds
[13:15] <retard> i don't know, i have never used mp4box
[13:15] <JEEB> afaik everything cuts at RAPs
[13:15] <JEEB> Random Access Points
[13:16] <JEEB> you can't cut on random frames
[13:16] <JEEB> period
[13:16] <JEEB> if there is no RAP on that point of time, the closest is selected
[13:16] <JEEB> thus, you should always see if there's a RAP picture around *before* trying to cut
[13:17] <retard> what the script i pastet above does (very very slowly) is find the keyframes and cut from close to their exact timestamps in order to minimize audio/video desynch, it is not a solution for precise cuts
[13:17] <retard> but it works for me
[13:17] <xlinkz0> i have no audio
[13:17] <JEEB> you still can't cut closer if there are no RAP frames
[13:17] <JEEB> s/frames/pictures/
[13:18] <retard> you can look at how i extract a list of the frames in the video
[13:18] <xlinkz0> i don't know bash script and never used ffprobe :(
[13:18] <JEEB> thus, as I have noted, first of all go look at the picture types :P
[13:18] <retard> since what i do there is look for keyframes
[13:18] <xlinkz0> JEEB: do you know how to use the library to seek?
[13:19] <xlinkz0> i think i'd do it faster with the api
[13:19] <xlinkz0> but i've had problems in the past with seeking..
[14:26] <xlinkz0> relaxed: so if my camera is set to have a GOP length of 100 and fps is 25 it means that i can only seek to pts's divizible by 4 right?
[14:38] <abhilashtt01> Hello, I have installed ffmpeg in our server
[14:39] <abhilashtt01> it is taking a long time to convert small videos less than 5MB size
[14:39] <abhilashtt01> any idea why it is taking long time
[14:44] <xlinkz0> maybe you don't have a good encoding library
[14:44] <xlinkz0> or bad proccesor
[15:28] <DX099> hello
[15:28] <DX099> I'm lost between ffmpeg & avconv
[15:28] <DX099> can someone explain ?
[15:30] <JEEB> ffmpeg is the binary name for the main binary in the ffmpeg project, avconv is the name for the main binary in the libav project
[15:30] <JEEB> libav did have the ffmpeg binary as well up until version 0.8 or so, and then it get removed because no-one was updating it (it was a separate piece of code in that project by then, all of the updates and rewrites went to avconv)
[15:31] <JEEB> ffmpeg project has merged most if not all of the changes that went into avconv into its ffmpeg binary
[15:31] <JEEB> I hope this explains it a bit
[15:32] <JEEB> and this is the reason why distributions that have an old version of libav that still had the ffmpeg binary as well tend to have that weird message there >_> (because _within_that_project_ it was deprecated)
[15:32] <DX099> alright. So avconv is a sort of testing pool for ffmpeg new features ?
[15:32] <JEEB> not really, it's just the name of the app that a fork of the original ffmpeg project uses
[15:33] <DX099> alright
[15:33] <DX099> so... which one should I compile ?
[15:34] <JEEB> ffmpeg merges so much of libav that it shouldn't really lack anything that libav has. It also has some other stuff and changes. I generally don't want to take too much part in pointing you towards either project, you should see what you want to grab, and grab that.
[15:36] <DX099> hmm... Ok. I'll think I'll just stick with ffmpeg
[15:44] <DX099> thanks
[16:16] <abhilashtt01> configure: error: ffmpeg headers not found. Make sure ffmpeg is compiled as shared libraries using the --enable-shared option
[16:16] <abhilashtt01> Guys, I am trying to install ffmpeg-php
[16:17] <abhilashtt01> getting above error
[16:17] <abhilashtt01> ffmpeg is already compiled as shared
[16:17] <abhilashtt01> any ideas?
[16:18] <JEEB> ffmpeg-php is not in any way related to ffmpeg, and as far as I know it's been left to bit rot for several years now
[16:25] <abhilashtt01> ok
[16:28] <DX099> hello again. I compiled fdk-aac from git with appropriate ./configure --disable-shared, but now ffmpeg is telling it doesn't see "libfdk_aac" ?
[16:29] <JEEB> look at config.log
[16:31] <DX099> I don't understand what it says
[16:32] <t4nk188> hi
[16:32] <JEEB> DX099, then pastebin the whole config.log and link it here?
[16:34] <t4nk188> i'm making a gui for ffmpeg in java, i can choose a file in a listbox and play it with ffmpeg, it's streaming it with rtmp to justin tv, the problem is that i need to launch alway a new ffmpeg for a new video file and it closes the rtmp connection, is it possible to play many video files with ffmep without closing the connection and without  the need of using another program
[16:34] <JEEB> use the API? nîn
[16:34] <t4nk188> are you talking to me ?
[16:34] <DX099> JEEB, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5644793/
[16:35] <JEEB> t4nk188, no -- to the gentleman drinking coffee sitting right next to you
[16:35] <t4nk188> i am the one drinking a kenya black coffee
[16:35] <JEEB> DX099, first of all you don't need both faac and fdk :P
[16:36] <JEEB> DX099, also it seems like it just doesn't find the library
[16:36] <DX099> ok
[16:36] <JEEB> where did you install the library?
[16:36] <DX099> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[16:36] <DX099> I just followed this
[16:37] <JEEB> I have no idea what exactly that leads to, but basically that error means that there was no such library under that name found in the default library search paths (/usr/bin/ld: error: cannot find -lfdk-aac), and thus the function that was being tested against that should be in the library was not found (aacEncOpen wasn't found)
[16:38] <JEEB> I would guess by default it installs to /usr/local ? No idea though
[16:38] <t4nk188> any idea for my problem ?
[16:38] <JEEB> check your /lib and /usr/local/lib for libfdk-aac.a or libfdk-aac.so
[16:39] <JEEB> t4nk188, using the API would still most probably be the easiest way, or use udp or http input that you keep filling with blackness or something until you get the new input pushed there :P
[16:39] <JEEB> still plenty of work for you to do
[16:40] <t4nk188> the api ? i did not know about any api.... i can use it with java ? What do you mean by blackness ? can i use ffmpeg for the udp input and another one ffmpeg process for the rtmp connection and it will work ? is that what you mean ?
[16:41] <JEEB> use libavformat/-codec and friends via JNI?
[16:41] <JEEB> is the API part
[16:42] <JEEB> the second thing is to just keep another application giving you stuff via http or udp locally, and that input never ends
[16:42] <JEEB> but of course you'd have to make the application that does that :D
[16:42] <t4nk188> so i can't use 2 ffmpeg process to achieve that ?
[16:43] <t4nk188> about that -codec and jni... i really don't know that
[16:43] <JEEB> nope, ffmpeg can't serve http or udp in that way as far as I know? it can just push stuff out with http post, not actually serve http requests
[16:44] <t4nk188> ho... ok :/ it seems more tricky than i thought
[16:44] <JEEB> in any case you'd end up writing some kind of application of your own for at least some part of it
[16:44] <t4nk188> it's so weird that ffmpeg can't just open another file without disconnecting
[16:44] <t4nk188> yes the gui is working to stream with rtmp
[16:45] <t4nk188> but it's not fun when the connection is diconnected everytime it opens a new video file
[16:45] <t4nk188> anyway may be i'll be able to do what you're saying but a this time i am not sure i understand it
[16:46] <JEEB> you could make a playlist file or whatever and have that be read as input, but that means that you know all your input files before hand. Also I don't know if switching input will make ffmpeg reset the connection
[16:46] <t4nk188> thanks for your help
[16:46] <JEEB> anyways, the hard way would be to make your app use the libraries that ffmpeg uses in the way that you want, and the second one would just make you "cheat" around the limitation in ffmpeg
[16:47] <JEEB> which would be you making some kind of UDP or HTTP server that keeps feeding raw video to ffmpeg
[16:47] <JEEB> and which wouldn't stop the connection
[16:47] <JEEB> and then you just make ffmpeg read from that
[16:47] <t4nk188> well at this time my program is just making a command line to launch ffmpeg with the correct options, just don't know how to make it works with a playlist without launching a new command line
[16:47] <JEEB> but yeah, plenty of work in either case :P
[16:47] <t4nk188> but everything else works fine
[16:48] <t4nk188> with my gui i can choose many options and it's fun i can choose a directshow device as a source but i wanted to make it works without any other device and a playlist
[16:50] <DX099> JEEB, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5644844/
[16:51] <JEEB> time for you to check where the linker checks by default :D
[16:51] <JEEB> and if it doesn't check in /usr/loca/lib
[16:51] <JEEB> *local
[16:51] <JEEB> then you have to add it to the linker search path
[16:51] <JEEB> it seems like the headers are found just fine, though
[16:51] <JEEB> also the fact that you have both shared and static libs could be a problem
[16:51] <DX099> how do I check that ?
[16:52] <JEEB> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9922949/how-to-print-the-ldlinker-search-path
[16:52] <JEEB> first check with the answer here if /usr/local/lib is getting checked for libraries
[16:52] <t4nk188> it seems even more tricky with linux...
[16:54] <t4nk188> may be i'll share my gui program if people are interested...
[16:57] <DX099> /usr/local/lib is checked
[16:57] <t4nk188> when you say : "you could make a playlist file or whatever and have that be read as input, but that means that you know all your input files before hand. Also I don't know if switching input will make ffmpeg reset the connection
[16:58] <t4nk188> how do you switch inputs ?????
[16:58] <JEEB> uhh, you give ffmpeg the playlist and switching means going to the next one in that :P
[16:59] <t4nk188> ???? ffmpeg support playlist ??? i was looking for that but it seems it does not support it
[16:59] <JEEB> well, I've seen quite a few times here someone saying that you could set some text file as input(s) :P
[17:00] <t4nk188> o_O how  ????
[17:01] <t4nk188> i've been looking for that for 2 days ...
[17:01] <t4nk188> i found only someone talking about pipes but it doesn't even seem to work
[17:02] <JEEB> DX099, then run ldconfig with admin rights and try again
[17:02] <DX099> JEEB, that I have already done
[17:03] <JEEB> then re-run the configure script and see if it still fails, and if it does -- then post another pastebin of config.log
[17:05] <DX099> ah.. just spotted that locate lied
[17:05] <DX099> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5644891/
[17:05] <DX099> there's no .so file...
[17:06] <JEEB> that's fine
[17:06] <JEEB> that means that there are only static libs
[17:07] <DX099> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5644895/
[17:25] <DX099> JEEB, --extra-ldflags="-L/usr/local/lib" adding this to ./configure makes it work. However, I don't get why even though /usr/local/lib is the /etc/ld.so.conf, and that I made an ldconfig I still can't just run configure...
[17:25] <DX099> I also tried LD_LIBRARY_PATH and stuff with no success
[17:25] <DX099> beats me...
[17:43] <DX099> then can I require the Ubuntu compilation guide to be completed with "--extra-ldflags="-L/usr/local/lib" option for configure ?
[18:11] <JEEBsv> DX099: weird. In general the linker *should* check /usr/local/lib just like the compiler checked for /usr/local/include and found your headers :D
[18:12] <JEEBsv> and in the few debian-based systems I've seen it had worked :3
[18:12] <JEEBsv> LD_LIBRARY_PATH is for runtime loading of shared libraries
[18:16] <DX099> JEEBsv, ok
[18:17] <DX099> but for some reason it didn't make it...
[18:17] <JEEBsv> yeah, it's weird
[00:00] --- Thu May  9 2013

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