[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141220

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 02:05:02 CET 2014

[00:01] <kepstin-laptop> well, 'mpeg1video' is the name used by ffmpeg, because the mpeg1 standard included both audio and video codecs.
[00:02] <DrSlony> it encodes MPEG-1 (H.261)
[00:02] <kepstin-laptop> if you were gonna say it to a person, you'd say "MPEG-1 video" or so, yeah.
[00:31] <noe> Hi, anyone online?
[00:33] <noe> Been trying to configure libvorbis with ffmpeg on my centos 6 server since the past 8 hours. I need advice
[00:33] <noe> hello
[00:37] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[01:03] <luoy_> hello
[01:04] <luoy_> I have 1920x1080 rgb24 raw picture.  I want to make an avi video.  Does anybody know how to do it?
[01:05] <luoy_> I tried some command line from Internet but it doesn't work.
[01:05] <luoy_> Repeating the same picture is fine with me.
[01:06] <wickwire> hi guys, I'm trying to run ffplay with vdpau > DISPLAY=:0 ffplay -vcodec h264_vdpau sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4
[01:06] <wickwire> and I'm getting these messages
[01:06] <wickwire> [h264_vdpau @ 0x25d4950] decode_slice_header error
[01:06] <wickwire> [h264_vdpau @ 0x25d4950] no frame!
[01:07] <wickwire> I've been searching online, got hits for setting the pixel_format
[01:07] <wickwire> but neither -pixel_format nor -pix_fmt (h264_vdpau) seems to work
[01:07] <wickwire> does anyone have any suggestions...?
[01:08] <wickwire> I'd just to confirm that my ffmpeg setup is able to use vdpau h264 hardware decoding
[01:09] <luoy_> what I did is: ffmpeg -i file.rgb -f rawvideo -s 1920x1080 out.avi
[01:09] <luoy_> error message: could not find codec paramters
[01:13] <klaxa> use -f rawvideo before -i file.rgb maybe?
[01:13] <luoy_> klaxa, thank you for your reply.  Let me try
[01:14] <luoy_> still the same, could not find codec parameters
[01:15] <wickwire> ok maybe this applies to my case > http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=865&start=10
[01:17] <klaxa> hmm... maybe try adding more information to the input: ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 1920x1080 -i rile.rgb out.avi
[01:19] <luoy_> klaxa, this command line will generate a file smaller than my picture.
[01:20] <klaxa> ah, add -s 1920x1080 before out.avi then
[01:23] <luoy_> klaxa, then it says "could not find codec parameters" again
[01:24] <luoy_> ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 1920x1080 -t 3 -i file.rgb out.avi
[01:25] <luoy_> this command line will generate a avi file which could not be opened by VLC media player
[01:25] <klaxa> okay, the syntax is the following: ffmpeg [input options] -i <input> [output options] <output> so specify options for the input before -i and options for the output before the output, -t 3 is an output option
[01:26] <luoy_> I see
[01:27] <klaxa> i'm also not sure if that will produce a 3 second video, i never really understood myself how to duplicate frames for longer playback, maybe someone else knows
[01:29] <luoy_> seems not
[01:31] <luoy_> ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 1920x1080 -i file.rgb -f rawvideo out.avi
[01:32] <luoy_> will generate out.avi actually is the same as file.rgb
[01:40] <luoy_> ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s 1920x1080 -i in.rgb out.avi
[01:41] <luoy_> I guess above command line just generates avi header
[01:44] <luoy_> ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s 1920x1080 -i in.rgb -vcodec copy out.avi
[01:45] <luoy_> this seems generate "one picture" avi file
[01:45] <luoy_> so how do I make it last several seconds?
[01:50] <klaxa> like i said, i don't know myself, an "easy hack" would be to do something like: for i in {1..100}; do cat in.rgb; done | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s 1920x1080 -i - -vcodec copy out.avi
[01:54] <luoy_> Internet says "-loop" option
[01:55] <luoy_> but it doesn't recognize -loop in [output options]
[02:26] <luoy_> thx klaxa, make some progress anyway
[02:27] <klaxa> you're welcome, glad i could help
[10:54] <wodim> ok
[11:03] <Spesh> can someone please tell me what cpu-used does? All I see is people using it at "0".
[11:06] <relaxed> Spesh: it's a vp8 parameter: http://www.webmproject.org/docs/encoder-parameters/
[11:07] <Spesh> oh ok. I thought it was something with quality, but didn't know how to use it. thanks.
[11:08] <Spesh> oh yeah, that's why I was confused. why is this always said
[11:08] <Spesh> CPU Used (-16..16)
[11:08] <Spesh> I don't see what negative numbers would do.
[11:13] <relaxed> "Negative values are for debug and force specific internal speed configurations."
[11:14] <relaxed> look at --good
[11:16] <relaxed> you probably want -quality good -cpu-used 0
[13:45] <ribasushi> greetings
[13:45] <ribasushi> if I run an ffmpeg capture with `...-c copy -map 0:0 -f rtp rtp://` I get the SDP info printed to stdout (all is well)
[13:46] <ribasushi> however if I add "save to disk as well": `... -c copy -map 0:0 -f rtp rtp:// -c copy -f matroska rec_cam.mkv`
[13:46] <ribasushi> then the SDP is never shown
[13:46] <ribasushi> can't seem to find an option to control it either
[13:47] <ribasushi> is there a way around this apart from having one process writing to disk and stdout and *another* ffmpeg process doing the rtp streaming...?
[14:07] <ribasushi> no takers?
[14:23] <relaxed> ribasushi: lurk more
[14:24] Action: ribasushi always lurks ;)
[14:24] <relaxed> good
[14:42] <FreeSpirit-Girl> can someone help me reinstall the latest version of  ffmpeg?
[14:43] <FreeSpirit-Girl> I'm using Ubuntu
[14:56] <justinX> FreeSpirit-Girl: I don't know much about these things, but what version of ubuntu? 14.04 ?
[14:58] <FreeSpirit-Girl> 14.10 i think
[15:02] <c_14> FreeSpirit-Girl: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu or download a static build
[15:05] <FreeSpirit-Girl> I thought i deleted it.. but I'm getting an error message stating impossible to link plugin pad
[15:07] <shevy> FreeSpirit-Girl if all fails, there is always the source :> wget http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-2.5.1.tar.bz2
[15:09] <FreeSpirit-Girl> fflogger: i wouldnt know how to paste the error in the paste-bin .. so I couldn't possibly paste it in here
[15:12] <c_14> FreeSpirit-Girl: command |& curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us
[15:18] <FreeSpirit-Girl> http://sprunge.us/NcDT
[15:44] <c_14> How is that related to FFmpeg?
[15:46] <ribasushi> c_14: happen to have an idea wrt my SDP question earlier up?
[15:47] <c_14> try switching the order of the two outputs?
[15:47] <ribasushi> already tried
[15:47] <c_14> Try the tee pseudo-muxer?
[15:48] <ribasushi> I... can't
[15:48] <ribasushi> sec
[15:50] <ribasushi> c_14: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/452844
[15:50] <ribasushi> can't use tee due to the different -map's
[15:51] <ribasushi> errr ignore the ,1:0, leftover from an earlier experiment
[15:52] <c_14> And the problem is that the first command doesn't output the SDP information?
[15:52] <ribasushi> correct
[15:52] <ribasushi> there's nothing on STDOUT/ERR
[15:52] <ribasushi> regardless of the ordering of the outputs
[15:53] <c_14> What does the SDP info look like? So I can grep the source.
[15:53] <ribasushi> sec
[15:54] <ribasushi> c_14: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/452845
[15:54] <ribasushi> btw:
[15:55] <ribasushi> BINOPT_FFMPEG="ffmpeg -y -hide_banner"
[15:55] <ribasushi> BINOPT_FFMPEG_QUIET="$BINOPT_FFMPEG -loglevel warning"
[16:03] <c_14> Right, I think I've found the problem.
[16:03] <ribasushi> c_14++
[16:05] <c_14> Now I just need to find an elegant solution...
[16:05] <ribasushi> c_14: is the 2-process workaround the best I can get with the current source?
[16:07] <c_14> yes
[16:08] <ribasushi> aight, fair enough
[16:08] <ribasushi> c_14: if a fix is not trivial - can you file a bug and send me the link, so I can comment on "why so weird"
[16:08] <ribasushi> thanks again for looking into this
[16:11] <c_14> Though, what you could do for me. Can you set the loglevel to info and try again?
[16:11] <ribasushi> absolutely, sec
[16:11] <ribasushi> errr phone, 3 mins
[16:17] <ribasushi> c_14: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/452846
[16:17] <ribasushi> is this what you wanted?
[16:17] <c_14> If I sent you a patch, could you test it?
[16:17] <ribasushi> mmmm not at this moment - I don't have the multitude of -dev's installed on this box
[16:18] <ribasushi> I would be able to late tonight
[16:18] <c_14> That's fine.
[16:18] <c_14> http://sprunge.us/eQiZ
[16:19] <c_14> Just apply that, test if it works and tell me whenever.
[16:20] <ribasushi> +        if (!strcmp(oc->oformat->name, "rtp")) { <--- are you ure this ! is correct...?
[16:20] <c_14> strcmp returns 0 if it matches
[16:20] <c_14> 0 is false in C
[16:20] <ribasushi> oh duh ;)
[16:20] <c_14> therefore ! 0 should be true
[16:20] <ribasushi> right right
[16:21] <ribasushi> one more point to consider - currently the SDP prints to STDOUT (not ERR)
[16:21] <ribasushi> probably shouldn't print it if there is a - output...?
[16:21] <ribasushi> or really should always go to STDERR...
[16:22] <c_14> Hmm
[16:22] <c_14> I think it goes to STDOUT so people can > something.sdp
[16:23] <ribasushi> right... probably this is why it behaves the way it does now - in case of rtp + stdout tee
[16:23] <c_14> Let me think on that one for a bit.
[16:23] <ribasushi> sure
[16:23] <c_14> Might add an option sdpfile or something.
[16:23] <ribasushi> this would be best I think
[16:23] <c_14> And have it print to stderr if that isn't set.
[16:23] <ribasushi> in my case I will spdfile=/dev/stderr and be done with it
[16:24] <ribasushi> changing the default probably is unwise at this point due to <c_14> I think it goes to STDOUT so people can > something.sdp
[16:25] <c_14> I could preserve the default behavior, and if one of the outputs is rdp also print to stderr or something.
[16:25] <c_14> That should handle the output is a pipe.
[16:25] <c_14> It might be cleaner if I could check whether one of the outputs is a pipe though.
[16:26] <ribasushi> nod
[16:26] <ribasushi> sorry for getting you down this rabbit hole ;)
[16:26] <c_14> It's fine. That patch should work for your case. And I'll just have to clean it up a bit before I submit it.
[16:26] <ribasushi> tbh - current behavior + an sdpfile option would be cleanest
[16:26] <ribasushi> and won't get you into accidental behavior change
[16:26] <c_14> I could do that.
[16:27] <ribasushi> would also allow for multiple rtp streams from one ffmpeg
[16:27] <ribasushi> (multiple sdpfile's)
[16:28] <c_14> Ye, that sounds like the cleanest solution.
[16:28] <c_14> Will add an sdpfile option to the rtp muxer.
[16:28] <ribasushi> ++ this will be awesome
[16:29] <c_14> Later today though probably.
[16:29] <ribasushi> nah, it's not a pressing matter at all - I won't be able to test it anyway, and also likely will leave the current double-process workaround in place for a while
[16:30] <ribasushi> progress doesn't have to be instant ;)
[17:00] <kuch3n> hi, iam trying to convert a mkv to mp4 and copying video/subtitle and convertig audio, but i cant figure out this error: http://pastebin.com/xV6s4ud6
[17:00] <kuch3n> with -scodec copy it works fine
[17:02] <c_14> dvd_subtitle is bitmap based, mov_text is text based
[17:02] <c_14> You can't convert between the two (easily)
[17:10] <AlexRussia> Hey!
[17:10] <AlexRussia> If i send many files with -i and only single to output, it means concatenate them all in output file?
[17:11] <c_14> Depends on what you mean with concatenate.
[17:11] <c_14> I prefer the word 'combined'.
[17:20] <kuch3n> c_14: used mkvextract to get the sub/idx and converted it with vobsub2srt, worked. thanks for the hint with bitmaps :)
[17:24] <AlexRussia> c_14: means -i foo -i bar foobar include in foobar first foo and after bar
[17:25] <c_14> no
[17:25] <c_14> Means include in foobar both foo and bar as separate streams
[17:26] <c_14> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Concatenate
[19:32] <danell> Hi! I'm on a mac and trying to burn in a subtitle using -vf subtitles"//Users//ETK//Downloads//mySub.srt" (It had to be dubble // because I run it from a .command file, else it wouldn't find the file). I get the error that it can't find the fontsconfig. I have a folder called fonts next to ffmpeg with a file named fonts.conf as it says everywhere.
[19:32] <danell> This is what it says in the textfile: http://pastebin.com/iHGkxgxK   I haven't compiled the FFmpeg myself because I'm really confused about it so I run already compiled versions from here: https://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/   Does anyone know what can be wrong and how I could fix it?
[19:35] <c_14> ./ as in cwd. Where/how are you executing the .command file?
[19:36] <danell> Both from dubbleclicking it and from an aftereffects script using file.execute() but I'm guessing both do the same thing
[19:36] <c_14> Where is the ffmpeg binary located?
[19:41] <danell> Just in a folder. This is the code I run: "/Users/ETK/Library/Application Support/aescripts/AEmpeg/executables/ffmpeg" -i "/Users/ETK/Desktop/Ta Bort/myOutputFile_temp.mov" -r 25 -vcodec prores_ks -vprofile 0 -acodec aac -strict experimental -b:a 384k -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -vf subtitles="/Users/ETK/Downloads/mySub.srt" "/Users/ETK/Desktop/Ta Bort/my
[19:41] <danell> OutputFile_03.mov"
[19:41] <danell> Sorry, the file is located in /Users/ETK/Library/Application Support/aescripts/AEmpeg/
[19:42] <c_14> Try doing a `cd "/Users/ETK/Library/Application Support/aescripts/AEmpeg/"' before running that command.
[19:49] <danell> That seemed to be the solution! Thank you really much! I never thought about it.. On win that wasn't needed weirdly enought
[19:51] <c_14> You could also export FONTCONFIG_PATH="/Users/ETK/Library/Application Support/aescripts/AEmpeg"
[19:52] <danell> what do you mean with export?
[19:54] <c_14> Literally using the command `export [..]' in the shell in which you will be executing ffmpeg.
[19:57] <danell> Do you mean: export FONTCONFIG_PATH="/Users/ETK/Library/Application Support/aescripts/AEmpeg/executables" && "/Users/ETK/Library/Application Support/aescripts/AEmpeg/executables/ffmpeg" -i ...    ?
[19:59] <c_14> Something like that yes. you don't need the && though. a simple ; would suffice
[20:02] <danell> perfect! Thank you really much for all help :D Have bin searching and scratching my head for ages!
[20:41] <personofinterest> hi guys
[20:41] <personofinterest> I'm trying to convert mkv to mp4 but I always get this [mp4 @ 0x1c27620] Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: -67 >= -67
[20:42] <personofinterest> av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument
[20:42] <personofinterest> and that as well
[20:43] <c_14> try adding -fflags +igndts
[23:07] <Punkbob> hey, I have kind of a bizare question
[23:08] <Punkbob> how would I play a mp4 in realtime
[23:08] <Punkbob> with ffmpeg
[23:08] <pzich> by using ffplay instead?
[23:08] <Punkbob> to an hls freindly format
[23:08] <pzich> so stream, not play?
[23:08] <Punkbob> yeah
[23:08] <Punkbob> sorry
[23:09] <Punkbob> I have an mp4, and want to get it streaming in an hls freindly format
[23:09] <BtbN> you don't realy stream hls to something
[23:09] <pzich> I've not done that myself, but it seems like http://walterebert.com/blog/creating-on-hls-video-stream-with-ffmpeg/ or https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/StreamingGuide should help
[23:09] <BtbN> hls is a bunch of ts files and an ever changing m3u8 playlist
[23:09] <BtbN> which is all delivered via http
[23:10] <Punkbob> so
[23:10] <Punkbob> I have followed that
[23:10] <BtbN> Not entirely sure why that is considdered a good thing nowdays, but it's very popular.
[23:10] <Punkbob> and can get a test video working
[23:10] <Punkbob> but it's not real time
[23:10] <BtbN> define "real time"
[23:10] <Punkbob> It plays the video so that time syncs up
[23:10] <Punkbob> on devices
[23:10] <BtbN> hls comes with a quite long delay, which is quite exactly the time of 3 segments
[23:10] <Punkbob> within a margin of error
[23:10] <BtbN> There is no way to do anything about that
[23:11] <Punkbob> Thats not my issue
[23:11] <Punkbob> It's that the mp4 is converted, as opposed to a rmp stream which would be live
[23:11] <Punkbob> *converted as fast as ffmpeg can handle it
[23:11] <Punkbob> rather then
[23:12] <Punkbob> as it gets written
[23:12] <Punkbob> which is how hls handles streaming
[23:13] <BtbN> mp4 is not a streaming format
[23:13] <BtbN> i'm not entirely sure if i understand what you want
[23:13] <Punkbob> a video to start playing
[23:14] <Punkbob> and for ffmpeg to output it live
[23:14] <Punkbob> it can be done with a rtmp stream
[23:14] <Punkbob> and I could chain mp4 to rtmp to hls
[23:14] <Punkbob> I guess
[23:16] <BtbN> If it's a static video anyway, why not convert it to a hls like playlist as fast as possible?
[23:17] <BtbN> It's not like the players will play it any faster because of that.
[23:20] <Punkbob> cause I need time sync
[23:20] <Punkbob> that I want to control remotely
[00:00] --- Sun Dec 21 2014

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