[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20141102

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 02:05:01 CET 2014

[01:00] <Sevanoo> Hi
[01:31] <fling> Is it possible to only keep video parts containing movement?
[03:10] <fling> How to rip dvd with chapters?
[09:07] <DelphiWorld> yo all
[09:08] <DelphiWorld> rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmpe:// playpath=toni1  swfUrl=http://ukcast.tv/player/player.swf live=1  pageUrl=http://www.ukcast.tv/
[09:08] <DelphiWorld> how to open this shitty url?
[09:34] <emilsedgh> Hi guys. I use ffmeg to encode to rtmp to a wowza server. the problem is, it seems that some older flash players (i dont know which versions) do not show the vide, they only display audio
[09:34] <emilsedgh> any idea what could be wrong?
[09:34] <emilsedgh> avconv -y -f alsa -i hw:2,0 -f video4linux2 -itsoffset 4.8 -i /dev/video1 -vcodec libx264 -b:v 220k -b:a 40k -strict -2 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://...
[09:34] <emilsedgh> this is the command I use
[09:35] <emilsedgh> they only *play* the audio of course :p
[09:36] <DelphiWorld> emilsedgh: lol maybe they hate H.264? try to use profile baseline i think default is using high
[09:37] Action: emilsedgh searches for 'profile baseline'
[09:37] <emilsedgh> thanks DelphiWorld
[09:37] <DelphiWorld> emilsedgh: ;)
[09:40] <emilsedgh> woah, soo many options and settings and i dont know a thing about them. I have a lot to learn!
[09:41] <DelphiWorld> emilsedgh: lol
[09:55] <DelphiWorld> emilsedgh: pm?
[10:34] <DelphiWorld> michaelni: congratulation for the debianisation of FFMpeg!
[11:06] <feliwir> hey
[11:07] <feliwir> is it just me or does ffmpeg not support EA vp61 ?
[11:15] Action: DelphiWorld slaps emilsedgh around a bit with a large trout
[11:16] Action: emilsedgh gets slapped
[11:16] Action: feliwir wants response
[12:09] <feliwir>  how can i check if a container is seekable?
[12:24] <feliwir> saste?
[12:26] <DelphiWorld> feliwir: if you're seekable then he is :P
[12:30] <feliwir> hö?
[12:30] <feliwir> i don't understand that sentence :D
[12:37] <DelphiWorld> feliwir: DUDE kyding
[12:37] <feliwir> :D
[12:39] <DelphiWorld> ilove11ven: spamy:P
[12:40] <ilove11ven> ha?
[12:40] <DelphiWorld> ilove11ven: in out ;)
[13:00] <HFAD> Hi Guys
[13:01] <feliwir> hi
[13:01] <HFAD> Is anyony up for some discussion and feedback for an ffmpeg setup?
[13:01] <feliwir> can someone tell me if ffmpeg has ea vp6.1 support
[13:01] <feliwir> it keeps crashing on me
[13:02] <HFAD> anyone*
[13:02] <feliwir> where's the difference in that case?
[13:08] <kaotiko> hi
[13:46] <pomaranc> Hi, is there any way for the flv format to have a video with multiple pixel aspect ratios?
[19:31] <BlackDream> Hello, i noticed that in some broken RTMP streams when i set timeout=10 ffmpeg hangs. When i set timeout=2 it works. Why that?
[19:56] <pomaranc> is here someone who understands the source code of ffmpeg?
[20:24] <hyponic> I installed ffmpeg on ubuntu but i can't find ffserver does anyone know how to install it? it is supposed to be part of ffmpeg package
[20:37] <c_14> The ffmpeg package on ubuntu is (probably) not actually FFmpeg.
[20:39] <c_14> You'll probably have to build from source.
[20:40] <BtbN> Wasn't it even about to be removed from ffmpeg itself?
[20:42] <c_14> I think the general consensus is: don't get rid of it while it still works for some people.
[21:46] <topsentivi> is tir supported by ffmpeg?
[00:00] --- Mon Nov  3 2014

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