[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20150325

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 02:05:01 CET 2015

[08:10:42 CET] <koz_> If I wanted to repackage something into an AVI, what ffmpeg command should I use?
[08:11:27 CET] <koz_> It's currently contained in an mkv.
[08:13:15 CET] <relaxed> koz_: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -map 0  -c copy output.avi
[08:13:56 CET] <koz_> Thanks.
[09:08:44 CET] <koz_> Is there a way I can use ffmpeg to create a new .avi file from an old .avi file with a .srt subtitle track>
[09:09:08 CET] <koz_> s/>/?
[09:19:12 CET] <relaxed>  ffmpeg -i intput.srt -i input.mkv -map 0 -map 1 -c copy output.avi
[09:57:28 CET] <koz_> relaxed: Thanks. Is there a way to force ffmpeg to use a particular font for subtitles?
[10:00:10 CET] <relaxed> I think you have to to convert srt to ass for that kind of control.
[10:01:30 CET] <koz_> What would I use for the conversion?
[10:02:50 CET] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i input.srt output.ass
[10:03:23 CET] <relaxed> then edit output.ass
[10:03:53 CET] <koz_> Ah.
[10:04:24 CET] <relaxed> might be easier to hardsub it depending on your needs. https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/HowToBurnSubtitlesIntoVideo
[10:36:20 CET] <fffan> does vp6 has b frame?
[10:41:21 CET] <menacespb> fffan: Let me google that for you; https://www.google.no/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=does%20vp6%20have%20b-frames%3F
[10:41:29 CET] <menacespb> (it would appear the answer is "no")
[10:57:43 CET] <mop> hi all, I'm adding a filter to ffmpeg that requires some more libraries, where I must put them in the configure file ?  Other config files ?
[11:24:00 CET] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[11:46:00 CET] <saste> mop, what filter?
[11:46:10 CET] <saste> mop, check the libavfilter log for examples
[11:46:45 CET] <saste> basically you need to hack configure, libavfilter/allfilters.c, and libavfilter/Makefile
[11:47:15 CET] <mop> saste, is a cockpit filter to add graphical orientation informations (like motoGP first person cam views) on a video recorded from my motorbike
[11:47:33 CET] <mop> (using cellphone sensors data)
[11:48:18 CET] <mop> saste, I already add my filter to a custom version of ffmpeg the part that I miss is to add some other libraries dependency
[11:48:18 CET] <saste> mop, where are you reading the information to write from?
[11:48:55 CET] <mop> I'm using a very simple app that produce .csv files with sensors data and timestamp
[11:48:56 CET] <saste> mop, anyway, as I said, check the log for examples, there are many filters relying on external libraries, e.g. frei0r, drawtext, opencv etc.
[11:49:49 CET] <mop> ok saste, tnx. But rebuild ffmpeg is the only way to add filters ? no dynamic loading ?
[11:50:11 CET] <saste> mop, at the moment, yes
[11:50:30 CET] <saste> also you're welcome to upstream your code if of general use
[11:51:50 CET] <mop> saste, I will do it because I don't found an example to produce a "syntetic" overlay , producing a different picture for each frame without create a full movie to merge on the original video, is correct ?
[11:52:09 CET] <mop> syntetic / syntetic and dynamic
[11:52:32 CET] <mop> there is something wrong in my approach to the problem ?
[11:53:06 CET] <saste> mop, i don't know, you could probably extend drawtext to read frame metadata, and inject metadata into each frame
[11:53:29 CET] <saste> and drawtext should already support metadata rendering
[11:53:50 CET] <saste> alternatively, you could generate a subtitles file and use the subtitle stream
[11:53:53 CET] <mop> drawtext can change dynamically during the video ?
[11:54:12 CET] <saste> mop, yes, check the docs
[11:54:28 CET] <mop> uhm, ok, I will do, thank you
[11:54:39 CET] <saste> otoh if you have dynamic graphic is not that simple
[11:54:56 CET] <mop> My goal is add a graphical rappresentation of the inclination
[11:55:10 CET] <mop> saste, I started from drawbox filter
[11:55:14 CET] <saste> mop, ok, so you probably need custom logic
[11:55:31 CET] <mop> and I already modified it to have a box that change color during the video
[11:55:56 CET] <saste> in the future i'd like to support some kind of scripting filtering for that kind of custom logic
[11:56:02 CET] <mop> so, instead use the box I want to use a color converted version of my image
[11:56:30 CET] <mop> and place it on the current frame using the slice ... funcion
[11:57:23 CET] <mop> in any case, now I will  follow your suggestion and than I update you about my filter
[14:19:29 CET] <cas_> Hi, I try to port a decklink output to a v4l2loopback device but the video stutters. If I use foo.mkv as output everything is fine and when I use a video as input (with -re) it also looks smooth
[14:20:31 CET] <cas_> I try to figgle with -vcodec copy and rtbufsize which seems to help sometimes but doesn't solve the problem completely
[14:20:42 CET] <cas_> Does anyone has some tips for me?
[14:20:47 CET] <Elirips> Hello. Some more questions about ffmpeg, named pipes and windows: If I call ffmpeg like this to extract frames to my named pipe: 'ffmpeg -i rtsp://source -r 1 -an -updatefirst 1 -y \\.\pipe\cam01.png' it works fine
[14:21:06 CET] <Elirips> If I call ffmpeg using 'ffmpeg -i rtsp://root:axis@ -r 1 -an -updatefirst 1 -y \\.\pipe\cam01.jpg' (note the .jpg at the end) it works sometimes, but mostly not
[14:21:49 CET] <Elirips> Mostly ffmpeg fails to write the first jpg, telling me: '[image2 @ 050904e0] Could not open file : \\.\pipe\cam01.jpg'
[14:21:57 CET] <Elirips> But why it does not fail when writing to png?
[14:22:18 CET] <Elirips> If I then try a few times, ffmpeg starts to work fine with jpg files too. Any hints
[14:24:10 CET] <donchow> clear
[14:24:14 CET] <cas_> http://pastebin.com/sSiERygM this is my current command
[14:26:32 CET] <Elirips> Also, pngs would be very fine for me, but compared to jpgs they are hughe: One png has a size of around 100KB, while the same jpg produces from ffmpeg is only around 5KB
[14:26:40 CET] <Elirips> Could I somehow improve png compression?
[14:29:45 CET] <donchow> going through the official installation guide https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu but finding an obstacle on the way when trying install yasm and in the step "sudo make" produce error make 2 leaving directory, im so new in linux and compiling stuff. i just do whatever the page told me. so whats can be the problem? thanks.
[14:32:06 CET] <Mavrik> donchow, you do know there's no way of us to know that
[14:32:13 CET] <Mavrik> unless you actually pastebin error log somewhere?
[14:32:40 CET] <iive> donchow: when you try to install yasm through apt-get, what version do you get?
[14:33:01 CET] <donchow> 1.2 version, amd64
[14:33:17 CET] <donchow> i'm going to paste it on pastebin.
[14:34:41 CET] <Elirips> So, I'm wondering: Whats the difference inside ffmpeg whether it writes to a .png or a .jpg? There must be some difference on how files are opened / written to..
[14:35:47 CET] <donchow> there is the link http://pastebin.com/G1F6RYhc ....
[14:38:44 CET] <iive> to be honest, I'm not quite sure why it requires 1.3.0 , configure doesn't check the version or at least it passes all asm tests with yasm 1.2.0
[14:38:53 CET] <iive> the one i'm having on my system too.
[14:40:35 CET] <iive> Elirips: png is lossless, so it is normal to give bigger files than lossy jpg.
[14:40:57 CET] <Elirips> iive: yes, but could it be that internally this takes a totally different path?
[14:41:30 CET] <Elirips> or let me ask the other way: In which source files can I see how jpg or png files are written to the disk to check the difference
[14:41:37 CET] <Elirips> I guess they are doing that somehow different
[14:41:46 CET] <iive> well, i know that there exists rgb jpg, but imho it is mostly used in yuv colorspace, just like video.
[14:42:07 CET] <Elirips> at least I dont get it why writing pngs to a named pipe work always, but writng jpg to a named pipe fails a lot during startup, but once its running it runs as good as with png
[14:42:32 CET] <iive> hum...
[14:42:51 CET] <iive> i don't know exactly, but i'd guess it is somewhere in libavformat.
[14:43:10 CET] <Elirips> I'm just guessing, that one of them is trying to open a file with slightly different flags or something like that.
[14:43:18 CET] <donchow> iive, sorry im on the shop.... having a customer, so you think its will be good enough just installing the 1.2 version??
[14:44:23 CET] <iive> donchow: well, so far it worked fine for me.
[14:44:37 CET] <iive> the pastebin shows that compilation finished successfully
[14:45:09 CET] <iive> so I guess you could type the next command `make install`
[14:45:10 CET] <donchow> yeah, im sorry... i dont know that. i think that the error..
[14:45:34 CET] <iive> if it doesn't say "ERROR' then it is not error :)
[14:45:50 CET] <iive> '"
[14:46:34 CET] <donchow> i type make install and distclean, but yasm not installed.. i check it on dpkg --list
[14:47:47 CET] <cas_> is it possble to increase the buffer, latency in realtime operations?
[14:56:02 CET] <Elirips> hm, both try to write to using image2.. bah, I'll just go with png and compress it to a nice jpg inside my app. shouldnt matter much if ffmpeg compresses or my app
[15:18:47 CET] <PSvils> hey all!
[15:19:10 CET] <PSvils> using avformat_open_input on an rtsp stream that requires authorization, but I can't seem to get it to work.
[15:19:28 CET] <PSvils> what are my options in dealing with authorization? so far I've just tried to do:
[15:19:38 CET] <PSvils> rtsp://user:pass@host:554/url
[15:19:48 CET] <PSvils> hoping it would use user and pass.
[15:20:19 CET] <PSvils> is this known to work, and I should be looking at the rtsp stream implementation itself, maybe it's a weird/non-conformant one?
[15:20:37 CET] <PSvils> or are there additional "gotchas" when trying to get ffmpeg to authenticate?
[15:26:47 CET] <PSvils> any kind of advice or direction would be nice, even if it's that there aren't any other ways to deal with this...
[15:26:55 CET] <PSvils> or am I lacking info in my description?
[15:34:05 CET] <klaxa|work> PSvils: it might be that your use-case is not very common, i for one don't know anything about rtsp authentication
[15:34:42 CET] <PSvils> hmmm. alright. well, it's either basic or digest authentication it needs to use, and I saw patches happening somewhere in ffmpeg when googling for it, supposedly to support this.
[15:35:01 CET] <PSvils> though in this case I must say I'm unclear myself how basic and digest happens over rtsp rather than http.
[15:35:34 CET] <PSvils> (maybe the rtsp source isn't explicitly requesting any kind of auth, so ffmpeg might not even try)
[15:35:53 CET] <PSvils> at least the actual packets don't indicate anything related to auth.
[15:38:44 CET] <AF04FB9290474265> I have a beaglebone working on a battery. Is adding OSD on a stream a very complex task?
[16:18:55 CET] <hyphop_> hi
[16:22:14 CET] <lordkrondor> bye
[16:59:27 CET] <seasc> Heyas, when i write a script around ffmpeg, how can i identify/determine what bitrates will be used if i dont pass any?
[17:00:23 CET] <seasc> Asking because it doesnt use the same bitrate as the input file, and i need to figure out the bitrate prior to encoding the file with ffmpeg
[17:02:51 CET] <seasc> Figured when i re-encoded a file from avi to mkv, it got drasticly smaller.. by aprox 50%
[17:03:41 CET] <klaxa|work> it certainly is not an easy task to determine the bitrate before encoding
[17:09:29 CET] <seasc> klaxa, Yesm thats why i ask :D arent there some default values used? or a default ratio for output compared to input? An aproximate ratio/value would suffice,
[17:18:25 CET] <c_14> There are default values, what those values are is in the source, somewhere, probably. For matroska, if your ffmpeg is compiled with libx264 support it's H.264 crf 23 IIRC
[17:20:24 CET] <seasc> c_14, thanks, but how do i translate crf23 into a bitrate?
[17:20:58 CET] <c_14> You don't. It depends on too many things. If you want to specify a bitrate, use cbr
[17:22:06 CET] <seasc> my question was how to 'get' the bitrate if now bitrates are passed
[17:22:20 CET] <seasc> now=no**
[17:24:44 CET] <cas> Hi, I try to pipe my decklink input to a v4l2 loopback device but I get a low/choppy framerate. Strangely enough it works fine if I send it to a file. When I stream a movie to v4l2loopback it also works fine. I only got the problem from the decklink to the v4l2loopback directly.
[17:26:40 CET] <cas> I tried to figgle with vsync, re, rtbufsize, fflags and vcodec but I keep getting choppy video results
[17:32:04 CET] <cas> Any ideas how I can fix this, is it an idea to pipe to a container first?
[17:41:05 CET] <c_14> cas: what you can try is piping into another ffmpeg process, not sure why it would be choppy though
[17:57:58 CET] <cas> c_14: Tried that and have the same problem.
[17:58:29 CET] <cas> Strangly one of the ten times it goes ok and once it is running ok, it stays ok
[17:59:14 CET] <cas> It looks like the video hangs for a few frames 2/3 times a second
[17:59:29 CET] <cas> I don't get any dups or drops though
[17:59:41 CET] <cas> it even shows 30fps in the output
[18:00:04 CET] <cas> and the load is ok
[18:08:29 CET] <cas> mpv does give me "non monotonic pts" errors it seems it stalls everytime it gives an error
[18:08:55 CET] <cas> is there a way how I can set/skip the pts to v4l2 devices?
[18:32:58 CET] <c_14> cas: what's your cammand?
[18:38:37 CET] <cas> c_14: I tried many, but what I started with was: `ffmpeg -f decklink -i DeckLink\ SDI\ \(1\)@8 -f v4l2 /dev/video0`
[18:39:14 CET] <cas> c_14: `ffmpeg -f decklink -i DeckLink\ SDI\ \(1\)@8 foo.mkv` works fine
[18:39:59 CET] <cas> c_14: `ffmpeg -re bar.mkv -f v4l2 /dev/video0` also gives the result as expected
[18:40:08 CET] <c_14> What about `ffmpeg -f decklink [..] -f matroska pipe:1 | ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0' ?
[18:42:42 CET] <cas> c_14: tried it, I get a garbaged output
[18:43:07 CET] <cas> 4 small grayscale windows on top, then 16 windows under it
[18:43:19 CET] <cas> and lots of garbage under that
[18:44:13 CET] <c_14> '-f matroska pipe:1' should produce the same output as just 'foo.mkv'...
[18:44:18 CET] <c_14> Can you pastebin your command output?
[18:48:15 CET] <cas> c_14: http://pastebin.com/xCXLjnzC
[19:00:22 CET] <c_14> hmm, have you always had that vsync there? Or did you add it to see if it fixes it?
[19:08:41 CET] <cas> c_14: No it was to see if it fixed it
[19:09:29 CET] <cas> c_14: without it I get the same result
[19:13:11 CET] <c_14> I have no clue
[19:15:56 CET] <cas> c_14: Me neither :/ thanks for helping though
[20:05:38 CET] <ezabaw> Hello to everyone :)  I'm having some issues installing ffmpeg, wondering if I could get some help here
[20:07:19 CET] <ezabaw> ERROR: opus not found using pkg-config (while following the guide at https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Centos)
[20:15:01 CET] <orev> is there a way to use ffmpeg output as a video device (on Windows)?  Like if I wanted to use dshow to capture my webcam, add a drawtext overlay, then use that output as an input device for something like skype?
[20:15:33 CET] <DelphiWorld> orev: i doubt there is
[20:15:37 CET] <BtbN> no
[20:15:39 CET] <DelphiWorld> orev: try out wirecast
[20:15:50 CET] <BtbN> Only very indirectly, via DXTory or something similar.
[20:16:36 CET] <BtbN> Wirecast is a 500$ Software oO
[20:16:53 CET] <orev> yeah, not really whan I'm looking for $(
[20:17:40 CET] <BtbN> DXTory is the only thing i can think of, but i'm not even sure if it would be able to capture an ffplay window.
[20:20:55 CET] <DelphiWorld> guys
[20:21:03 CET] <DelphiWorld> there's a new streaming server called cast
[20:21:06 CET] <DelphiWorld> someone know it?
[20:25:42 CET] <spiderkeys_> Hi, in my project, I've got a publish/subscribe communication framework, and am trying to pass H264 frames as messages within that framework. In one program, I've successfully been able to pull raw H264 frames off of a webcam, pack the frame into a raw byte buffer, and publish that as a single message across the network. What I'm having difficulty with is figuring out the proper approach to decoding these messages in another progr
[20:25:52 CET] <spiderkeys_> find shows the video being loaded from a file or network stream, which doesn't help me much, as I need to decode it directly from a raw buffer. Could anyone give me some advice on the general steps required to do that or point me in the direction of an example/resource that shows how it can be done?
[20:29:37 CET] <spiderkeys_> BtbN: ah, I see. Sorry didn't realize. Thanks.
[20:29:56 CET] <BtbN> That wasn't directed at you
[20:30:36 CET] <BtbN> Just needed that link
[20:30:56 CET] <spiderkeys_> Oh, thought maybe it meant something along the lines of "ffmpeg/libav are different, so not the place to ask"
[20:56:43 CET] <voip_> hello guys, how can i take dtream fom youtube and then restream it ?
[21:01:50 CET] <voip_> stream
[21:48:08 CET] <Neon> Hello, I'm trying to build ffmpeg on Cygwin 64 Bit. On your website I found a list of required packages, some of them come only with Cygwin Ports. I managed to get some of the Cygwin Ports packages, but the following are missing: libaacplus-devel, libmp3lame-devel, libschroedinger1.0-devel, libxvidcore-devel Can you tell me how to get these?
[21:48:49 CET] <BtbN> Do you need them?
[21:49:05 CET] <Neon> This site tells me I do: https://www.ffmpeg.org/platform.html#Compilation-under-Cygwin
[21:49:33 CET] <BtbN> No it doesn't
[21:49:55 CET] <Neon> Ok, then: I thought that site did.
[21:50:14 CET] <BtbN> If you need those de/encoders, yes, you'll need the libraries.
[21:51:12 CET] <Neon> I'm not much into codecs, but isn't at least mp3lame a quite important one?
[21:52:58 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> voip_: You can get a youtube playlist link with "youtube-dl [link] -g ", the input that playlist into ffmpeg to restream
[21:53:08 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> then*
[21:54:33 CET] <BtbN> Only if you want an mp3 encoder.
[22:04:00 CET] <voip_> ChocolateArmpits, so command is shuld be like ffmpeg youtube-dl https://youtu.be/nnnnnn ?
[22:06:08 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> good evening to everyone
[22:06:57 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> may I ask some help in order to perform a frame-accurate conversion from an H.264 movie (AAC audio) to XviD (MP3 audio)?
[22:11:09 CET] <BtbN> frame accurate?
[22:11:33 CET] <BtbN> Also, why? The original codec is much better. For some old DVD/SVCD player?
[22:11:34 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> Hi BtbN
[22:11:42 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> voip_: no, youtube-dl is a program, just google it
[22:11:57 CET] <voip_> ChocolateArmpits, oh :) thanks
[22:12:35 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> BtbN: 1) With "frame accurate" I mean that I need to cut not at standard key frames (I don't know if this is the correct word)
[22:12:36 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> It's also command line, just like ffmpeg
[22:13:03 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> BtbN: 2) Xvid or DivX for "vintage" players, you guessed :)
[22:13:26 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> I tried to use a graphical interface for ffmpeg like XmediaRecode
[22:13:27 CET] <BtbN> iirc there is sone svcd target, that sets stuff up automaticaly.
[22:13:32 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> but with no good results
[22:13:33 CET] <c_14> DragonsLordKERNE: you're reencoding anyways, cuts are always frame-perfect
[22:14:16 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> BtbN, thanks but I would prefer Xvid or DivX instead of VCD or SVCD (MPEG-2)
[22:14:38 CET] <c_14> DragonsLordKERNE: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/MPEG-4
[22:14:51 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> c_14: are you sure? I asked this because using XmediaRecode ... the result is frame accurate but there is a small desync between audio and video
[22:15:47 CET] <c_14> Normally shouldn't happen. Depends on a lot of things including ffmpeg version, but adding -af aresample=async=1000 usually helps
[22:16:24 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> what do you mean with "including ffmpeg version"?
[22:16:46 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> do you mean there are (or were I hope) bugged versions of ffmpeg?
[22:16:50 CET] <c_14> The newer the better
[22:19:32 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> well, I am trying to understand the options I have
[22:19:36 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> in order to make a test
[22:20:31 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> do you know if to set DIVX/DIVX as FourCC the option is -vtag DIVX or -vtag DIVX/DIVX ?
[22:23:09 CET] <BtbN> Isn't it just mpeg4?
[22:23:46 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> sorry, BtbN ... I didn't understand what you mean
[22:24:01 CET] <BtbN> DivX/XviD are just encoders.
[22:24:04 CET] <BtbN> The codec is mpeg4
[22:27:52 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> BtbN: With XmediaRecode I can set the container (AVI), the Codec (XVID) and the FourCC (DivX)
[22:28:01 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> is it possible to do the same with ffmpeg?
[22:29:04 CET] <LigH> Yes. Many tools are just GUIs for a hidden ffmpeg, anyway.
[22:30:15 CET] <LigH> You will be able to select the encoder library (libxvid) and the FourCC separately, and ffmpeg should select the container by the filename extension already.
[22:31:10 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> thank you LigH ... Would you be so kind to explain me how can I do this?
[22:31:44 CET] <voip_> ChocolateArmpits, sorry i dowloaded youtube -dl and tested separetly from ffmpeg, it works
[22:32:07 CET] <voip_> but ffmpeg -i  youtube-dl -g https://youtu.be/ekxABqJeRBc   give me error Trailing options were found on the commandline.
[22:32:07 CET] <voip_> youtube-dl: Invalid data found when processing input
[22:32:34 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> LigH: let's start from audio parameters, if you can support me ... -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k should be fine for MP3 CBR conversion ...
[22:32:55 CET] <LigH> Sorry, I do not know all ffmpeg parameters... I would probably use a GUI.
[22:33:11 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> LigH: but how can I set a sample rate of 48000 and channels to stereo?
[22:33:38 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> LigH: I understand, do you have some GUI that you would suggest?
[22:33:49 CET] <LigH> TEncoder
[22:34:30 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> I will give it a try ;)
[22:34:37 CET] <LigH> I slightly remember that there were -vcodec and -acodec
[22:34:43 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> thank you very much, LigH
[22:34:48 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> voip_: with "youtube-dl -g " you can extract a working playlist link
[22:35:20 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> voip_: which you can then input into ffmpeg, however it seems to freeze for me after around 13 seconds
[22:36:00 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> voip_: don't know if it's my connection. Try it yourself
[22:36:11 CET] <voip_> ok, thanks
[22:37:28 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> I've also found on stackoverflow that it should also be possible to pipe youtude-dl output via "-q -o - " tags however that wasn't successful for me
[22:38:07 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> LigH: unfortunately there seems to be nothing to do with cropping :(
[22:38:47 CET] <c_14> DragonsLordKERNE: -ar 4800 -ac 2
[22:41:00 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> c_14: something like this? > -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k -ar 4800 -ac 2 <
[22:41:27 CET] <c_14> ye
[22:41:46 CET] <LigH> 48000 - 3x a zero
[22:42:03 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> yep, correct LigH
[22:42:25 CET] <c_14> Didn't even notice that, oops.
[22:42:53 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> Well, now I need to set XviD as Codec and DivX as FourCC
[22:43:35 CET] <LigH> The syntax "-codec:a" is new to me, I was used to "-acodec"... so, "-codec:v libxvid" might be matching?
[22:43:50 CET] <c_14> yep, -c:v works as well
[22:44:21 CET] <c_14> libxvid should also set the fourcc itself
[22:45:18 CET] <kamelotusky> hi everyone :)
[22:45:27 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> hi, kamelotusky
[22:45:38 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> c_14 and LigH: ffmpeg -i input.wav -codec:v libxvid -vtag DIVX ...
[22:46:00 CET] <kamelotusky> I'm new in ffmpeg, just installed on ubuntu, and i'm having problems to enable libass ._.
[22:46:20 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> c_14 and LigH: now I neek to do a ffmpeg resampling from "whatever" to 25 fps (PAL)
[22:46:29 CET] <LigH> Forget it
[22:46:34 CET] <c_14> DragonsLordKERNE: -vf fps=25
[22:46:41 CET] <LigH> Norm conversions ... >X<
[22:46:52 CET] <kamelotusky> I tried to do what it says in: http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu but when it comes to the "./configure" part, it says doesn't exist..
[22:47:29 CET] <c_14> what doesn't exist? Can you pastebin the command and output?
[22:47:39 CET] <kamelotusky> yep, wait a sec...
[22:48:11 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> LigH, why should I forget this?
[22:48:34 CET] <kamelotusky> PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure \
[22:48:34 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" \
[22:48:34 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --extra-cflags="-I$HOME/ffmpeg_build/include" \
[22:48:34 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --extra-ldflags="-L$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib" \
[22:48:34 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --bindir="$HOME/bin" \
[22:48:35 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-gpl \
[22:48:37 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libass \
[22:48:39 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libfdk-aac \
[22:48:41 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libfreetype \
[22:48:42 CET] <LigH> PAL speedup worsens the audio. Norm conversions with preserved duration destroy the video.
[22:48:43 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libmp3lame \
[22:48:45 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libopus \
[22:48:47 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libtheora \
[22:48:49 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libvorbis \
[22:48:51 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libvpx \
[22:48:53 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-libx264 \
[22:48:54 CET] <LigH> You don't need that (Jedi trick) ...
[22:48:57 CET] <kamelotusky> >   --enable-nonfree
[22:48:59 CET] <kamelotusky> bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
[22:49:01 CET] <kamelotusky> in that particular part...
[22:49:27 CET] <iive> kamelotusky: use pastebin site to paste more than 2 lines of text.
[22:49:46 CET] <LigH> Have to leave, sorry ... best of luck.
[22:50:20 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> thank you for your time, LigH
[22:50:28 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> I wish you the same ;)
[22:50:32 CET] <iive> c_14: always use the phrase 'pastebin site'. if somebody doesn't know what pastebin is, he would assume you want him to paste it.
[22:50:40 CET] <kamelotusky> http://pastebin.com/HqG9q5Jt
[22:50:51 CET] <kamelotusky> :P
[22:51:02 CET] <kamelotusky> yep, sorry, i didn't know the site ^
[22:51:07 CET] <c_14> kamelotusky: you're in the ffmpeg source directory
[22:51:12 CET] <c_14> iive: right, good point
[22:51:18 CET] <c_14> kamelotusky: ?
[22:51:21 CET] <kamelotusky> yes
[22:52:01 CET] <kamelotusky> wait... hum...
[22:52:16 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> c_14: Do you agree with the <LigH> statement "PAL speedup worsens the audio. Norm conversions with preserved duration destroy the video" ?
[22:53:41 CET] <c_14> He has a point, but you'll have to check with your content to see if it's bearable or not.
[22:54:27 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> c_14: I know that in AVIdemux there is a filter called "Resample FPS"
[22:54:30 CET] <iive> why do you have to make PAL conversion. These analog things should ... stay in the past.
[22:54:39 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> c_14: I do not really know if this is the same
[22:55:42 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> iive, I completely agree with you but, unfortunately, I need to consider very old devices for which the PAL standard is the only supported one
[22:56:02 CET] <iive> hehe
[22:56:09 CET] <iive> so what is the source fps ?
[22:56:56 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> 50p
[22:57:12 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> so 50 fps not interlaced
[22:57:24 CET] <iive> well, this sounds like PAL already.
[22:57:41 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> no, PAL il 25 as far as I know
[22:57:50 CET] <iive> sure, but 50 is multiple of 25
[22:58:09 CET] <iive> e.g. NTSC is 29.97 fps and FILM is 24.
[22:58:47 CET] <iive> so, changing fps from them is tricky. either having to speed up/slow down playback, or drop/duplicate frames.
[22:59:02 CET] <iive> in your case, you can do 2 things.
[22:59:15 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> (thank you in advance, iive)
[22:59:24 CET] <iive> either drop every second frame
[22:59:40 CET] <iive> or turn it into interlace.
[23:00:07 CET] <iive> in interlace you have 50 fields per second, where field is either odd or even lines of the image.
[23:00:30 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> Is it not possible with ffmpeg to run some filters, like AVIdemux does?
[23:00:33 CET] <iive> if the output device is CRT, interlace is prefered.
[23:00:45 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> I know
[23:01:05 CET] <ChocolateArmpits> Is anyone here familiar with Microsoft's Smooth Stream ?
[23:01:28 CET] <iive> ffmpeg have a lot of filters... and I don't know even half of them :)
[23:01:41 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> iive: so the option -vf fps=25 is not good, at least from your point of view?
[23:02:06 CET] <iive> i think it would drop half the frames. You'd get PAL.
[23:02:29 CET] <iive> e.g. interlace would produce smooth motion, but some people consider it "cheap TV feel"
[23:03:02 CET] <iive> because cinema movies are 24fps and have choppy motion.
[23:03:07 CET] <iive> go figure...
[23:03:39 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> Do you think this filter can be sood for me?
[23:03:40 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#fps-1
[23:04:49 CET] <iive> sure
[23:04:51 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> and can I run this as follows? > ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec:v libxvid -vtag DIVX -fps=fps=25 ... <
[23:05:02 CET] <iive> -vf
[23:05:22 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> > ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec:v libxvid -vtag DIVX -vf fps=fps=25 ... <
[23:05:39 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> in this way?
[23:05:42 CET] <iive> looks funny, but that's in the example too
[23:06:05 CET] <iive> make a small test, e.g. 5 minutes "-t 5:00"
[23:06:18 CET] <iive> and see how it looks. and if it works :)
[23:06:49 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> XD
[23:06:55 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> good approach
[23:07:19 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> is the 64-bit static version fine to do a test?
[23:07:35 CET] <kamelotusky> Sorry... thanks c_14, i had made a previous mistake in the installation and that's why it didn't work..
[23:07:54 CET] <kamelotusky> Now i reinstall all again and it's working ^^
[23:33:57 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> iive: -ac 2 set the audio to be joint stereo ... How can I set this to "stereo"?
[23:37:37 CET] <entrailz> Hi is there anyone around that might be able to assist me? :)
[23:37:51 CET] <iive> -ac should set just the audio channels
[23:38:06 CET] <iive> mp3lame have an option -joint_stereo
[23:38:15 CET] <iive> try setting it to '0'
[23:38:19 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> I have two issues with the audio output
[23:38:29 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> one is this
[23:38:48 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> and the other one seems to be that the result is VBR
[23:39:11 CET] <iive> -reservoir 0
[23:39:19 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> at least for AVInaptic and VirtualDUB
[23:39:33 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> Bitrate = 128 kbps VBR
[23:39:52 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> Bitrate (bs) = 128 kbps CBR
[23:40:10 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> -reservoir 0 is for VBR/CBR or for joint stereo?
[23:40:57 CET] <iive> vbr
[23:41:05 CET] <iive> -joint_stereo 0
[23:41:16 CET] <entrailz> I am having an issue when trying to use ffmpeg to change .ts into .mp4, but parts of the .ts files are muted (copyright music) this causes ffmpeg to think the entire video has no audio stream, is there anyway around this?
[23:41:25 CET] <iive> there is -abr option too, but it default to 0
[23:42:46 CET] <Neon> I'm now trying to compile ffmpeg With Cygwin and with --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-pthreads, but it tells me it could not find libx264, although I just compiled and installed that and checked that there's the /lib/libx264.a. Can you help me with this?
[23:43:12 CET] <entrailz> iive, pasted here http://pastebin.com/Jf3cfLQN :)
[23:44:25 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> iive: it's still both VBR/CBR but now it's really stereo :) > http://pastebin.com/fxVZhgpH <
[23:45:03 CET] <iive> entrailz: it finds the audio stream, but it doesn't seem to like the aac.
[23:45:47 CET] <iive> entrailz: maybe somebody else might have an idea. I hope they are not using some ugly hack as form of CR protection.
[23:46:36 CET] <entrailz> iive, I have tried to use an increased analyzedduration and probetime, but this results in out of sync audio. its from the livestream website twitch, and this only happens if the start of the video is muted due to copyright, other than that i have no problem. is there anyway to force it to use the correct aac?
[23:46:48 CET] <seasc> Neon, my libs are at: /usr/lib64/libx264.so.142 (fedora, but might differ on systems i guess)
[23:47:33 CET] <iive> entrailz: no idea. Do you mean that if you get normal stream, then even the CR ones play fine?
[23:48:18 CET] <entrailz> iive, basically if the stream is muted about 30 minutes in, it plays up to the 30 mins, then silence, for the muted segment, then plays again, but when it starts muted ffmpeg does not realise there is an audio stream
[23:48:24 CET] <seasc> entrailz, try -codec:a mp3
[23:48:33 CET] <entrailz> will give that a try now seasc.
[23:48:41 CET] <seasc> or whatever codec you wanted
[23:48:53 CET] <Neon> seasc, mh, maybe I installed the x264 lib wrongly? I used "./configure -prefix=" and then "make install-lib-static".
[23:49:00 CET] <iive> seasc: i think he have problem with the decoder, not encoder :|
[23:49:51 CET] <seasc> Neon, didnt built the x264 lib myself, but imo -prefix shouldnt be empty, usualy /usr
[23:50:19 CET] <entrailz> iive, if i specify -map 0:0 and -map 0:1 i get this error: http://pastebin.com/nmXbi1Ea
[23:50:34 CET] <Neon> seasc, okay. :{ I never installed some library in the root directory with autotools before.
[23:50:35 CET] <seasc> iive, sounds like downloaded from youtube. forcing an audio codec, should overwrite the muted start, shouldnt it?
[23:50:47 CET] <Neon> seasc, I'll reinstall it and see if it works then.
[23:51:17 CET] <iive> seasc: the stream is aac, i don't see how you can force it to mp3...
[23:51:27 CET] <iive> until this is streaming stuff...
[23:52:22 CET] <seasc> entrailz, yes sorry.. my codec name was wrong, use aac instead of mp3, thats the origin anyway.  -- weird is, mapping shows 'copy'...
[23:52:53 CET] <seasc> iive, was a bad example line
[23:53:22 CET] <seasc> my script does handly 'mp3' for me :p
[23:53:32 CET] <seasc> -y+e
[23:53:57 CET] <entrailz> seasc - new error when using -codec:a aac after -c copy http://pastebin.com/FbXt5cd1
[23:53:58 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> iive, seasc: any idea on my CBR/VBR issue?
[23:54:34 CET] <iive> DragonsLordKERNE: sorry, i'm out of ideas.
[23:56:06 CET] <seasc> DragonsLordKERNE, sorry
[23:56:11 CET] <DragonsLordKERNE> iive, perhaps it is not a bug ... it's a feature :-P
[23:57:56 CET] <seasc> entrailz, what is the command line you enter, dont see that.  -- Just use -map 0, uses all the sub streams available.
[23:58:53 CET] <seasc> DragonsLordKERNE, how could you display those stats?
[23:58:55 CET] <entrailz> seasc, command line here: http://pastebin.com/SW6bVaTC
[23:59:05 CET] <entrailz> Same error occurs with -map 0
[23:59:39 CET] <seasc> whats that -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc for?
[00:00:00 CET] --- Thu Mar 26 2015

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