[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 109/162] avcodec/vc1: Avoid code duplication when initializing VLCs

Andreas Rheinhardt andreas.rheinhardt at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 09:32:34 EET 2020

This has been achieved by switching those VLCs that still used
ff_init_vlc_sparse() to ff_init_vlc_lengths() even though the codes
tables used uint8_t in these cases. But it allows to use one auxiliary
function to initialize the VLCs and by using tables that interleave
symbols and lengths said function only needs one parameter for the
tables, not two. The only table that uses an uint16_t symbols table
still has to be treated specially for this reason.

The offsets table has been removed as a byproduct of these changes;
furthermore, some of the loops have been combined while just at it.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at gmail.com>
 libavcodec/vc1.c     | 174 +++++++++++++++----------------------------
 libavcodec/vc1data.c | 159 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 libavcodec/vc1data.h |  36 +++++----
 3 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/vc1.c b/libavcodec/vc1.c
index d4378cbae9..ed31b03a8a 100644
--- a/libavcodec/vc1.c
+++ b/libavcodec/vc1.c
@@ -1346,138 +1346,84 @@ int ff_vc1_parse_frame_header_adv(VC1Context *v, GetBitContext* gb)
     return 0;
-static const uint16_t vlc_offs[] = {
-        0,   520,   552,   616,  1128,  1160,  1224,  1740,  1772,  1836,  1900,  2436,
-     2986,  3050,  3610,  4154,  4218,  4746,  5326,  5390,  5902,  6554,  7658,  8342,
-     9304,  9988, 10630, 11234, 12174, 13006, 13560, 14232, 14786, 15432, 16350, 17522,
-    20372, 21818, 22330, 22394, 23166, 23678, 23742, 24820, 25332, 25396, 26460, 26980,
-    27048, 27592, 27600, 27608, 27616, 27624, 28224, 28258, 28290, 28802, 28834, 28866,
-    29378, 29412, 29444, 29960, 29994, 30026, 30538, 30572, 30604, 31120, 31154, 31186,
-    31714, 31746, 31778, 32306, 32340, 32372
+static VLC_TYPE vlc_buf[33080][2];
+static av_cold void vc1_init_vlc(VLC *vlc, int nb_bits, int nb_codes,
+                                 unsigned *buf_offset, const uint8_t (*tab)[2],
+                                 int offset)
+    vlc->table           = &vlc_buf[*buf_offset];
+    vlc->table_allocated = FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(vlc_buf) - *buf_offset;
+    ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(vlc, nb_bits, nb_codes,
+                             &tab[0][1], 2, &tab[0][0], 2, 1,
+                             offset, INIT_VLC_STATIC_OVERLONG, NULL);
+    *buf_offset += vlc->table_size;
 static av_cold void vc1_init_static(void)
+    unsigned offset = 0;
     int i = 0;
-    static VLC_TYPE vlc_table[32372][2];
-        INIT_VLC_STATIC(&ff_vc1_bfraction_vlc, VC1_BFRACTION_VLC_BITS, 23,
-                        ff_vc1_bfraction_bits, 1, 1,
-                        ff_vc1_bfraction_codes, 1, 1, 1 << VC1_BFRACTION_VLC_BITS);
-        INIT_VLC_STATIC(&ff_vc1_norm2_vlc, VC1_NORM2_VLC_BITS, 4,
-                        ff_vc1_norm2_bits, 1, 1,
-                        ff_vc1_norm2_codes, 1, 1, 1 << VC1_NORM2_VLC_BITS);
-        INIT_VLC_STATIC_FROM_LENGTHS(&ff_vc1_norm6_vlc, VC1_NORM6_VLC_BITS, 77,
-                                     &ff_vc1_norm6_tab[0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_norm6_tab[0][0], 2, 1, 0, 0, 556);
-        INIT_VLC_STATIC(&ff_vc1_imode_vlc, VC1_IMODE_VLC_BITS, 7,
-                        ff_vc1_imode_bits, 1, 1,
-                        ff_vc1_imode_codes, 1, 1, 1 << VC1_IMODE_VLC_BITS);
+    vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_bfraction_vlc, VC1_BFRACTION_VLC_BITS, 23,
+                 &offset, ff_vc1_bfraction_tab, 0);
+    vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_norm2_vlc, VC1_NORM2_VLC_BITS, 4,
+                 &offset, ff_vc1_norm2_tab, 0);
+    vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_norm6_vlc, VC1_NORM6_VLC_BITS, 77,
+                 &offset, ff_vc1_norm6_tab, 0);
+    vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_imode_vlc, VC1_IMODE_VLC_BITS, 7,
+                 &offset, ff_vc1_imode_tab, 0);
         for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 0]];
-            ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 1] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 0];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[i], VC1_TTMB_VLC_BITS, 16,
-                                     &ff_vc1_ttmb_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_ttmb_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
-            ff_vc1_ttblk_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 1]];
-            ff_vc1_ttblk_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 2] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 1];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_ttblk_vlc[i], VC1_TTBLK_VLC_BITS, 8,
-                                     &ff_vc1_ttblk_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_ttblk_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
-            ff_vc1_subblkpat_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 2]];
-            ff_vc1_subblkpat_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 3] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 2];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_subblkpat_vlc[i], VC1_SUBBLKPAT_VLC_BITS, 15,
-                                     &ff_vc1_subblkpat_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_subblkpat_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_ttmb_vlc[i], VC1_TTMB_VLC_BITS, 16,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_ttmb_tabs[i], 0);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_ttblk_vlc[i], VC1_TTBLK_VLC_BITS, 8,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_ttblk_tabs[i], 0);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_subblkpat_vlc[i], VC1_SUBBLKPAT_VLC_BITS, 15,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_subblkpat_tabs[i], 0);
         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 9]];
-            ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 10] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 9];
-            init_vlc(&ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_vlc[i], VC1_4MV_BLOCK_PATTERN_VLC_BITS, 16,
-                     ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_bits[i], 1, 1,
-                     ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_codes[i], 1, 1, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC);
-            ff_vc1_cbpcy_p_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 10]];
-            ff_vc1_cbpcy_p_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 11] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 10];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_cbpcy_p_vlc[i], VC1_CBPCY_P_VLC_BITS, 64,
-                                     &ff_vc1_cbpcy_p_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_cbpcy_p_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
-            ff_vc1_mv_diff_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 11]];
-            ff_vc1_mv_diff_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 12] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 11];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_mv_diff_vlc[i], VC1_MV_DIFF_VLC_BITS, 73,
-                                     &ff_vc1_mv_diff_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_mv_diff_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     -4, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_vlc[i], VC1_4MV_BLOCK_PATTERN_VLC_BITS, 16,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_tabs[i], 0);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_cbpcy_p_vlc[i], VC1_CBPCY_P_VLC_BITS, 64,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_cbpcy_p_tabs[i], 0);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_mv_diff_vlc[i], VC1_MV_DIFF_VLC_BITS, 73,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_mv_diff_tabs[i], -4);
+        /* initialize 4MV MBMODE VLC tables for interlaced frame P picture */
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_INTFR_4MV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 15,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_tabs[i], 0);
+        /* initialize NON-4MV MBMODE VLC tables for the same */
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_INTFR_NON4MV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 9,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_tabs[i], 0);
+        /* initialize interlaced MVDATA tables (1-Ref) */
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_1ref_mvdata_vlc[i], VC1_1REF_MVDATA_VLC_BITS, 72,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_1ref_mvdata_tabs[i], 0);
+        /* Initialize 2MV Block pattern VLC tables */
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_vlc[i], VC1_2MV_BLOCK_PATTERN_VLC_BITS, 4,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_tabs[i], 0);
         for (int i = 0, ac_offset = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-            ff_vc1_ac_coeff_table[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 2 + 21]];
-            ff_vc1_ac_coeff_table[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 2 + 22] - vlc_offs[i * 2 + 21];
+        ff_vc1_ac_coeff_table[i].table           = &vlc_buf[offset];
+        ff_vc1_ac_coeff_table[i].table_allocated = FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(vlc_buf) - offset;
             ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_ac_coeff_table[i], AC_VLC_BITS, ff_vc1_ac_sizes[i],
                                      ff_vc1_ac_coeff_lens + ac_offset, 1,
                                      ff_vc1_ac_coeff_syms + ac_offset, 2, 2,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
+                                 0, INIT_VLC_STATIC_OVERLONG, NULL);
             ac_offset += ff_vc1_ac_sizes[i];
+        offset    += ff_vc1_ac_coeff_table[i].table_size;
             /* initialize interlaced MVDATA tables (2-Ref) */
-            ff_vc1_2ref_mvdata_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 2 + 22]];
-            ff_vc1_2ref_mvdata_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 2 + 23] - vlc_offs[i * 2 + 22];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_2ref_mvdata_vlc[i], VC1_2REF_MVDATA_VLC_BITS, 126,
-                                     &ff_vc1_2ref_mvdata_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_2ref_mvdata_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            /* initialize 4MV MBMODE VLC tables for interlaced frame P picture */
-            ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 37]];
-            ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 38] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 37];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_INTFR_4MV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 15,
-                                     &ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
-            /* initialize NON-4MV MBMODE VLC tables for the same */
-            ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 38]];
-            ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 39] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 38];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_INTFR_NON4MV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 9,
-                                     &ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
-            /* initialize interlaced MVDATA tables (1-Ref) */
-            ff_vc1_1ref_mvdata_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 39]];
-            ff_vc1_1ref_mvdata_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 40] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 39];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_1ref_mvdata_vlc[i], VC1_1REF_MVDATA_VLC_BITS, 72,
-                                     &ff_vc1_1ref_mvdata_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_1ref_mvdata_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            /* Initialize 2MV Block pattern VLC tables */
-            ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i + 49]];
-            ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i + 50] - vlc_offs[i + 49];
-            init_vlc(&ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_vlc[i], VC1_2MV_BLOCK_PATTERN_VLC_BITS, 4,
-                     ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_bits[i], 1, 1,
-                     ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_codes[i], 1, 1, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_2ref_mvdata_vlc[i], VC1_2REF_MVDATA_VLC_BITS, 126,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_2ref_mvdata_tabs[i], 0);
         for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
             /* Initialize interlaced CBPCY VLC tables (Table 124 - Table 131) */
-            ff_vc1_icbpcy_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 53]];
-            ff_vc1_icbpcy_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 54] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 53];
-            ff_init_vlc_from_lengths(&ff_vc1_icbpcy_vlc[i], VC1_ICBPCY_VLC_BITS, 63,
-                                     &ff_vc1_icbpcy_p_tabs[i][0][1], 2,
-                                     &ff_vc1_icbpcy_p_tabs[i][0][0], 2, 1,
-                                     0, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC, NULL);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_icbpcy_vlc[i], VC1_ICBPCY_VLC_BITS, 63,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_icbpcy_p_tabs[i], 0);
             /* Initialize interlaced field picture MBMODE VLC tables */
-            ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 54]];
-            ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 55] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 54];
-            init_vlc(&ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_IF_MMV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 8,
-                     ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_bits[i], 1, 1,
-                     ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_codes[i], 1, 1, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC);
-            ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_vlc[i].table           = &vlc_table[vlc_offs[i * 3 + 55]];
-            ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_vlc[i].table_allocated = vlc_offs[i * 3 + 56] - vlc_offs[i * 3 + 55];
-            init_vlc(&ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_IF_1MV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 6,
-                     ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_bits[i], 1, 1,
-                     ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_codes[i], 1, 1, INIT_VLC_USE_NEW_STATIC);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_IF_MMV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 8,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_tabs[i], 0);
+        vc1_init_vlc(&ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_vlc[i], VC1_IF_1MV_MBMODE_VLC_BITS, 6,
+                     &offset, ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_tabs[i], 0);
diff --git a/libavcodec/vc1data.c b/libavcodec/vc1data.c
index 6c78895a38..9c4e95f2f3 100644
--- a/libavcodec/vc1data.c
+++ b/libavcodec/vc1data.c
@@ -129,23 +129,14 @@ const int16_t ff_vc1_bfraction_lut[23] = {
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_bfraction_bits[23] = {
-    3, 3, 3, 3,
-    3, 3, 3,
-    7, 7, 7, 7,
-    7, 7, 7, 7,
-    7, 7, 7, 7,
-    7, 7,
-    7, 7
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_bfraction_codes[23] = {
-      0,   1,   2,   3,
-      4,   5,   6,
-    112, 113, 114, 115,
-    116, 117, 118, 119,
-    120, 121, 122, 123,
-    124, 125,
-    126, 127
+const uint8_t ff_vc1_bfraction_tab[23][2] = {
+    {  0, 3 }, {  1, 3 }, {  2, 3 }, {  3, 3 },
+    {  4, 3 }, {  5, 3 }, {  6, 3 },
+    {  7, 7 }, {  8, 7 }, {  9, 7 }, { 10, 7 },
+    { 11, 7 }, { 12, 7 }, { 13, 7 }, { 14, 7 },
+    { 15, 7 }, { 16, 7 }, { 17, 7 }, { 18, 7 },
+    { 19, 7 }, { 20, 7 },
+    { 21, 7 }, { 22, 7 },
 //Same as H.264
@@ -169,19 +160,14 @@ const AVRational ff_vc1_pixel_aspect[16] = {
 /* BitPlane IMODE - such a small table... */
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_imode_codes[7] = {
-    0, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_imode_bits[7] = {
-    4, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3
+const uint8_t ff_vc1_imode_tab[7][2] = {
+    { IMODE_RAW, 4 }, { IMODE_DIFF6, 4 }, { IMODE_DIFF2, 3 }, { IMODE_ROWSKIP, 3 },
+    { IMODE_COLSKIP, 3 }, { IMODE_NORM2, 2 }, { IMODE_NORM6, 2 },
 /* Normal-2 imode */
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm2_codes[4] = {
-    0, 4, 5, 3
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm2_bits[4] = {
-    1, 3, 3, 2
+const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm2_tab[4][2] = {
+    { 0, 1 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 2 },
 /* The negative lengths in the following table correspond to
@@ -206,26 +192,39 @@ const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm6_tab[77][2] = {
 /* 4MV Block pattern VLC tables */
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_codes[4][16] = {
-    { 14, 58, 59, 25, 12, 26, 15, 15, 13, 24, 27,  0, 28,  1,  2,  2 },
-    {  8, 18, 19,  4, 20,  5, 30, 11, 21, 31,  6, 12,  7, 13, 14,  0 },
-    { 15,  6,  7,  2,  8,  3, 28,  9, 10, 29,  4, 11,  5, 12, 13,  0 },
-    {  0, 11, 12,  4, 13,  5, 30, 16, 14, 31,  6, 17,  7, 18, 19, 10 }
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_bits[4][16] = {
-    { 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2 },
-    { 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2 },
-    { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 },
-    { 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4 }
+const uint8_t ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_tabs[4][16][2] = {
+    {
+        { 0x0B, 3 }, { 0x0D, 3 }, { 0x0E, 3 }, { 0x04, 5 }, { 0x08, 5 },
+        { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x06, 5 }, { 0x0F, 2 }, { 0x09, 5 }, { 0x03, 5 },
+        { 0x05, 5 }, { 0x0A, 5 }, { 0x0C, 5 }, { 0x01, 6 }, { 0x02, 6 },
+        { 0x07, 4 },
+    },
+    {
+        { 0x0F, 2 }, { 0x03, 4 }, { 0x05, 4 }, { 0x0A, 4 }, { 0x0C, 4 },
+        { 0x00, 4 }, { 0x01, 5 }, { 0x02, 5 }, { 0x04, 5 }, { 0x08, 5 },
+        { 0x07, 4 }, { 0x0B, 4 }, { 0x0D, 4 }, { 0x0E, 4 }, { 0x06, 5 },
+        { 0x09, 5 },
+    },
+    {
+        { 0x0F, 3 }, { 0x03, 4 }, { 0x05, 4 }, { 0x0A, 4 }, { 0x0C, 4 },
+        { 0x01, 4 }, { 0x02, 4 }, { 0x04, 4 }, { 0x07, 4 }, { 0x08, 4 },
+        { 0x0B, 4 }, { 0x0D, 4 }, { 0x0E, 4 }, { 0x06, 5 }, { 0x09, 5 },
+        { 0x00, 4 },
+    },
+    {
+        { 0x00, 2 }, { 0x03, 4 }, { 0x05, 4 }, { 0x0A, 4 }, { 0x0C, 4 },
+        { 0x07, 5 }, { 0x0B, 5 }, { 0x0D, 5 }, { 0x0E, 5 }, { 0x0F, 4 },
+        { 0x01, 4 }, { 0x02, 4 }, { 0x04, 4 }, { 0x08, 4 }, { 0x06, 5 },
+        { 0x09, 5 },
+    },
 /* 2MV Block pattern VLC tables */
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_codes[4][4] = {
-    { 2, 1, 0, 3 }, { 1, 0, 2, 3 }, { 2, 0, 3, 1 }, { 1, 3, 2, 0 }
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_bits[4][4] = {
-    { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { 1, 2, 3, 3 }, { 3, 2, 3, 1 }, { 1, 3, 3, 2 }
+const uint8_t ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_tabs[4][4][2] = {
+    { { 0x02, 2 }, { 0x01, 2 }, { 0x00, 2 }, { 0x03, 2 } },
+    { { 0x01, 2 }, { 0x02, 3 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x00, 1 } },
+    { { 0x01, 2 }, { 0x00, 3 }, { 0x02, 3 }, { 0x03, 1 } },
+    { { 0x03, 2 }, { 0x02, 3 }, { 0x01, 3 }, { 0x00, 1 } },
 /* Interlaced frame picture 4MV MBMODE VLC tables (tables 160-163) */
@@ -350,46 +349,42 @@ const uint8_t ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_tabs[4][9][2] = {
 /* Interlaced field picture MBMODE VLC tables (p. 356 - 11.4.1, 11.4.2) */
 /* mixed-MV */
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_codes[8][8] = {
-    { 16, 17,  3,  3,  0,  5,  9,  2 },
-    {  8,  9,  3,  6,  7,  0,  5,  2 },
-    { 16, 17,  5,  3,  0,  3,  9,  2 },
-    { 56, 57, 15,  4,  5,  6, 29,  0 },
-    { 52, 53, 27, 14, 15,  2, 12,  0 },
-    { 56, 57, 29,  5,  6,  0, 15,  4 },
-    { 16, 17,  6,  7,  0,  1,  9,  5 },
-    { 56, 57,  0,  5,  6, 29,  4, 15 }
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_bits[8][8] = {
-    { 6, 6, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2 },
-    { 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2 },
-    { 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2, 5, 2 },
-    { 6, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 5, 1 },
-    { 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 2, 4, 1 },
-    { 6, 6, 5, 3, 3, 1, 4, 3 },
-    { 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 3 },
-    { 6, 6, 1, 3, 3, 5, 3, 4 }
+const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_tabs[8][8][2] = {
+    { { 0x04, 2 }, { 0x00, 6 }, { 0x01, 6 }, { 0x06, 5 },
+      { 0x05, 4 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x07, 2 }, { 0x02, 2 } },
+    { { 0x05, 2 }, { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x01, 5 }, { 0x06, 4 },
+      { 0x02, 3 }, { 0x07, 2 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x04, 3 } },
+    { { 0x04, 2 }, { 0x00, 6 }, { 0x01, 6 }, { 0x06, 5 },
+      { 0x02, 4 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x07, 2 }, { 0x05, 2 } },
+    { { 0x07, 1 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x04, 3 }, { 0x05, 3 },
+      { 0x00, 6 }, { 0x01, 6 }, { 0x06, 5 }, { 0x02, 4 } },
+    { { 0x07, 1 }, { 0x05, 2 }, { 0x06, 4 }, { 0x00, 6 },
+      { 0x01, 6 }, { 0x02, 5 }, { 0x03, 4 }, { 0x04, 4 } },
+    { { 0x05, 1 }, { 0x07, 3 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x04, 3 },
+      { 0x00, 6 }, { 0x01, 6 }, { 0x02, 5 }, { 0x06, 4 } },
+    { { 0x04, 2 }, { 0x05, 2 }, { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x01, 5 },
+      { 0x06, 4 }, { 0x07, 3 }, { 0x02, 3 }, { 0x03, 3 } },
+    { { 0x02, 1 }, { 0x06, 3 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x04, 3 },
+      { 0x00, 6 }, { 0x01, 6 }, { 0x05, 5 }, { 0x07, 4 } },
 /* 1MV */
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_codes[8][6] = {
-    {  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1 },
-    {  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1 },
-    { 16, 17,  3,  0,  9,  5 },
-    { 20, 21,  3, 11,  0,  4 },
-    {  4,  5,  2,  3,  3,  0 },
-    {  4,  5,  3,  2,  0,  3 },
-    {  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1 },
-    { 16, 17,  9,  5,  3,  0 }
-const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_bits[8][6] = {
-    { 5, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4 },
-    { 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
-    { 5, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 },
-    { 5, 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 },
-    { 4, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2 },
-    { 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2 },
-    { 5, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 },
-    { 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }
+const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_tabs[8][6][2] = {
+    { { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x01, 5 }, { 0x05, 4 },
+      { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x04, 2 }, { 0x02, 1 } },
+    { { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x01, 5 }, { 0x05, 4 },
+      { 0x04, 3 }, { 0x03, 2 }, { 0x02, 1 } },
+    { { 0x03, 1 }, { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x01, 5 },
+      { 0x04, 4 }, { 0x05, 3 }, { 0x02, 2 } },
+    { { 0x04, 1 }, { 0x05, 3 }, { 0x00, 5 },
+      { 0x01, 5 }, { 0x03, 4 }, { 0x02, 2 } },
+    { { 0x05, 2 }, { 0x00, 4 }, { 0x01, 4 },
+      { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x02, 2 }, { 0x04, 2 } },
+    { { 0x04, 2 }, { 0x00, 4 }, { 0x01, 4 },
+      { 0x02, 3 }, { 0x03, 2 }, { 0x05, 2 } },
+    { { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x01, 5 }, { 0x03, 4 },
+      { 0x02, 3 }, { 0x05, 2 }, { 0x04, 1 } },
+    { { 0x05, 1 }, { 0x00, 5 }, { 0x01, 5 },
+      { 0x02, 4 }, { 0x03, 3 }, { 0x04, 2 } },
 /* Interlaced frame/field picture MVDATA VLC tables */
diff --git a/libavcodec/vc1data.h b/libavcodec/vc1data.h
index f08b1feedd..17c112d6b9 100644
--- a/libavcodec/vc1data.h
+++ b/libavcodec/vc1data.h
@@ -94,32 +94,31 @@ extern VLC ff_vc1_ac_coeff_table[8];
 /* pre-computed scales for all bfractions and base=256 */
 extern const int16_t ff_vc1_bfraction_lut[23];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_bfraction_bits[23];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_bfraction_codes[23];
+extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_bfraction_tab[23][2]; /* based upon table 40 */
 //Same as H.264
 extern const AVRational ff_vc1_pixel_aspect[16];
-/* BitPlane IMODE - such a small table... */
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_imode_codes[7];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_imode_bits[7];
+/* BitPlane IMODE (table #69)
+ * The symbols contain enum Imode (IMODE_*) values. */
+extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_imode_tab[7][2];
-/* Normal-2 imode */
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm2_codes[4];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm2_bits[4];
+/* Normal-2 imode (table #80)
+ * 'SYMBOL 2N' is contained in the 0x1 bit, 'SYMBOL 2N+1' in 0x2. */
+extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm2_tab[4][2];
 /* Normal-6 imode (based upon table #81)
  * The symbols contain the complete code of the tile, i.e.
  * the possibly existing fixed length code resp. the second VLC
  * are already incorporated. */
 extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_norm6_tab[77][2];
-/* 4MV Block pattern VLC tables */
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_codes[4][16];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_bits[4][16];
+/* 4MV Block pattern VLC tables (tables #116-#119)
+ * The symbols contain the '4-MV Coded Pattern'. */
+extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_4mv_block_pattern_tabs[4][16][2];
-/* 2MV Block pattern VLC tables */
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_codes[4][4];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_bits[4][4];
+/* 2MV Block pattern VLC tables (tables #120-#123)
+ * Bit 0x1 of the symbols contains the 'Bottom' value, 0x2 the 'Top' value. */
+extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_2mv_block_pattern_tabs[4][4][2];
 extern const uint8_t ff_wmv3_dc_scale_table[32];
@@ -167,11 +166,10 @@ enum MBModeProperties {
 extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_intfr_4mv_mbmode_tabs[4][15][2];
 extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_intfr_non4mv_mbmode_tabs[4][9][2];
-/* Interlaced field picture MBMODE VLC tables (p. 356 - 11.4.1, 11.4.2) */
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_codes[8][8];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_bits[8][8];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_codes[8][6];
-extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_bits[8][6];
+/* Interlaced field picture MBMODE VLC tables (p. 356 - 11.4.1, 11.4.2)
+ * The symbols contain the MB Mode value. */
+extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_mmv_mbmode_tabs[8][8][2]; /* tables #144-#151 */
+extern const uint8_t ff_vc1_if_1mv_mbmode_tabs[8][6][2]; /* tables #152-#159 */
 /* Interlaced frame/field picture MVDATA VLC tables
  * The escape value of each table has the symbol 0;

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