[FFmpeg-cvslog] Revert "h264: assembly version of get_cabac for x86_64 with PIC (v4)"

Michael Niedermayer git at videolan.org
Sat Apr 21 02:22:05 CEST 2012

ffmpeg | branch: master | Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at> | Sat Apr 21 02:09:27 2012 +0200| [98495152145ce29cbb5147a50648df4e3ac1b468] | committer: Michael Niedermayer

Revert "h264: assembly version of get_cabac for x86_64 with PIC (v4)"

This broke compilation on darwin, revert until a better solution is found.

This reverts commit a812b599b504b39a8021827da89d5e23fb361cc9.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=98495152145ce29cbb5147a50648df4e3ac1b468

 libavcodec/h264_cabac.c    |    2 +-
 libavcodec/x86/cabac.h     |   90 ++++----------------------------------------
 libavcodec/x86/h264_i386.h |   58 ++++++++--------------------
 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/h264_cabac.c b/libavcodec/h264_cabac.c
index 6c59d17..65f2cb4 100644
--- a/libavcodec/h264_cabac.c
+++ b/libavcodec/h264_cabac.c
@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ decode_cabac_residual_internal(H264Context *h, DCTELEM *block,
             index[coeff_count++] = last;\
         const uint8_t *sig_off = significant_coeff_flag_offset_8x8[MB_FIELD];
-#if ARCH_X86 && HAVE_7REGS
         coeff_count= decode_significance_8x8_x86(CC, significant_coeff_ctx_base, index,
                                                  last_coeff_ctx_base, sig_off);
     } else {
diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/cabac.h b/libavcodec/x86/cabac.h
index 5175daf..0c4419b 100644
--- a/libavcodec/x86/cabac.h
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/cabac.h
@@ -24,71 +24,8 @@
 #include "libavcodec/cabac.h"
 #include "libavutil/attributes.h"
 #include "libavutil/x86_cpu.h"
-#include "libavutil/internal.h"
 #include "config.h"
-#define RIP_ARG , "r"(rip)
-#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC_UPDATE(ret, retq, low, range, tmp) \
-        "cmp    "low"       , "tmp"                        \n\t"\
-        "cmova  %%ecx       , "range"                      \n\t"\
-        "sbb    %%rcx       , %%rcx                        \n\t"\
-        "and    %%ecx       , "tmp"                        \n\t"\
-        "xor    %%rcx       , "retq"                       \n\t"\
-        "sub    "tmp"       , "low"                        \n\t"
-#else /* HAVE_FAST_CMOV */
-#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC_UPDATE(ret, retq, low, range, tmp) \
-/* P4 Prescott has crappy cmov,sbb,64bit shift so avoid them */ \
-        "sub    "low"       , "tmp"                        \n\t"\
-        "sar    $31         , "tmp"                        \n\t"\
-        "sub    %%ecx       , "range"                      \n\t"\
-        "and    "tmp"       , "range"                      \n\t"\
-        "add    %%ecx       , "range"                      \n\t"\
-        "shl    $17         , %%ecx                        \n\t"\
-        "and    "tmp"       , %%ecx                        \n\t"\
-        "sub    %%ecx       , "low"                        \n\t"\
-        "xor    "tmp"       , "ret"                        \n\t"\
-        "movslq "ret"       , "retq"                       \n\t"
-#endif /* HAVE_FAST_CMOV */
-#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC(ret, retq, statep, low, lowword, range, rangeq, tmp, tmpbyte, byte, end, rip) \
-        "movzbl "statep"    , "ret"                                     \n\t"\
-        "mov    "range"     , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        "and    $0xC0       , "range"                                   \n\t"\
-        "lea    ("ret", "range", 2), %%ecx                              \n\t"\
-        "movzbl ff_h264_lps_range-1b("rip", %%rcx), "range"             \n\t"\
-        "sub    "range"     , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        "mov    "tmp"       , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
-        "shl    $17         , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC_UPDATE(ret, retq, low, range, tmp)              \
-        "movzbl ff_h264_norm_shift-1b("rip", "rangeq"), %%ecx           \n\t"\
-        "shl    %%cl        , "range"                                   \n\t"\
-        "movzbl ff_h264_mlps_state-1b+128("rip", "retq"), "tmp"         \n\t"\
-        "shl    %%cl        , "low"                                     \n\t"\
-        "mov    "tmpbyte"   , "statep"                                  \n\t"\
-        "test   "lowword"   , "lowword"                                 \n\t"\
-        " jnz   2f                                                      \n\t"\
-        "mov    "byte"      , %%"REG_c"                                 \n\t"\
-        "add"OPSIZE" $2     , "byte"                                    \n\t"\
-        "movzwl (%%"REG_c") , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        "lea    -1("low")   , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
-        "xor    "low"       , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
-        "shr    $15         , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
-        "bswap  "tmp"                                                   \n\t"\
-        "shr    $15         , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        "movzbl ff_h264_norm_shift-1b("rip", %%rcx), %%ecx              \n\t"\
-        "sub    $0xFFFF     , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        "neg    %%ecx                                                   \n\t"\
-        "add    $7          , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
-        "shl    %%cl        , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        "add    "tmp"       , "low"                                     \n\t"\
-        "2:                                                             \n\t"
-#define RIP_ARG
 #define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC_UPDATE(ret, statep, low, range, tmp)\
         "mov    "tmp"       , %%ecx     \n\t"\
@@ -114,7 +51,7 @@
         "xor    "tmp"       , "ret"     \n\t"
 #endif /* HAVE_FAST_CMOV */
-#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC(ret, retq, statep, low, lowword, range, rangeq, tmp, tmpbyte, byte, end, rip) \
+#define BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC(ret, statep, low, lowword, range, tmp, tmpbyte, byte, end) \
         "movzbl "statep"    , "ret"                                     \n\t"\
         "mov    "range"     , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
         "and    $0xC0       , "range"                                   \n\t"\
@@ -144,39 +81,28 @@
         "add    "tmp"       , "low"                                     \n\t"\
         "2:                                                             \n\t"
-#if HAVE_7REGS && !(defined(__i386) && defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__<2 || (__clang_major__==2 && __clang_minor__<10)))\
-               && !(defined(__i386) && !defined(__clang__) && defined(__llvm__) && __GNUC__==4 && __GNUC_MINOR__==2 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__<=1)
+#if HAVE_7REGS && !defined(BROKEN_RELOCATIONS) && !(defined(__i386) && defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__<2 || (__clang_major__==2 && __clang_minor__<10)))\
+                                               && !(defined(__i386) && !defined(__clang__) && defined(__llvm__) && __GNUC__==4 && __GNUC_MINOR__==2 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__<=1)
 #define get_cabac_inline get_cabac_inline_x86
 static av_always_inline int get_cabac_inline_x86(CABACContext *c,
                                                  uint8_t *const state)
     int bit, tmp;
-    int *rip;
-    __asm__ volatile(
-        "1:                        \n\t"
-        "lea    1b(%%rip), %0      \n\t"
-        : "=&r"(rip)
-    );
     __asm__ volatile(
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%0", "%q0", "(%4)", "%1", "%w1",
-                             "%2", "%q2", "%3", "%b3",
-                             "%a6(%5)", "%a7(%5)", "%8")
+        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%0", "(%4)", "%1", "%w1",
+                             "%2", "%3", "%b3",
+                             "%a6(%5)", "%a7(%5)")
         : "=&r"(bit), "+&r"(c->low), "+&r"(c->range), "=&q"(tmp)
         : "r"(state), "r"(c),
           "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream)),
-          "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream_end)) RIP_ARG
+          "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream_end))
         : "%"REG_c, "memory"
     return bit & 1;
-#endif /* HAVE_7REGS */
+#endif /* HAVE_7REGS && !defined(BROKEN_RELOCATIONS) */
 #define get_cabac_bypass_sign get_cabac_bypass_sign_x86
 static av_always_inline int get_cabac_bypass_sign_x86(CABACContext *c, int val)
diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/h264_i386.h b/libavcodec/x86/h264_i386.h
index 20ffa25..6aa2d07 100644
--- a/libavcodec/x86/h264_i386.h
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/h264_i386.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 //FIXME use some macros to avoid duplicating get_cabac (cannot be done yet
 //as that would make optimization work hard)
 static int decode_significance_x86(CABACContext *c, int max_coeff,
                                    uint8_t *significant_coeff_ctx_base,
                                    int *index, x86_reg last_off){
@@ -45,31 +45,20 @@ static int decode_significance_x86(CABACContext *c, int max_coeff,
     int minusindex= 4-(intptr_t)index;
     int bit;
     x86_reg coeff_count;
-    int *rip;
-    __asm__ volatile(
-        "1:                        \n\t"
-        "lea    1b(%%rip), %0      \n\t"
-        : "=&r"(rip)
-    );
     __asm__ volatile(
         "3:                                     \n\t"
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "%q4", "(%1)", "%3", "%w3",
-                             "%5", "%q5", "%k0", "%b0",
-                             "%a11(%6)", "%a12(%6)", "%13")
+        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "(%1)", "%3", "%w3",
+                             "%5", "%k0", "%b0",
+                             "%a11(%6)", "%a12(%6)")
         "test $1, %4                            \n\t"
         " jz 4f                                 \n\t"
         "add  %10, %1                           \n\t"
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "%q4", "(%1)", "%3", "%w3",
-                             "%5", "%q5", "%k0", "%b0",
-                             "%a11(%6)", "%a12(%6)", "%13")
+        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "(%1)", "%3", "%w3",
+                             "%5", "%k0", "%b0",
+                             "%a11(%6)", "%a12(%6)")
         "sub  %10, %1                           \n\t"
         "mov  %2, %0                            \n\t"
@@ -97,7 +86,7 @@ static int decode_significance_x86(CABACContext *c, int max_coeff,
           "+&r"(c->low), "=&r"(bit), "+&r"(c->range)
         : "r"(c), "m"(minusstart), "m"(end), "m"(minusindex), "m"(last_off),
           "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream)),
-          "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream_end)) RIP_ARG
+          "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream_end))
         : "%"REG_c, "memory"
     return coeff_count;
@@ -111,17 +100,6 @@ static int decode_significance_8x8_x86(CABACContext *c,
     x86_reg coeff_count;
     x86_reg last=0;
     x86_reg state;
-    int *rip;
-    __asm__ volatile(
-        "1:                        \n\t"
-        "lea    1b(%%rip), %0      \n\t"
-        : "=&r"(rip)
-    );
     __asm__ volatile(
         "mov %1, %6                             \n\t"
         "3:                                     \n\t"
@@ -130,24 +108,20 @@ static int decode_significance_8x8_x86(CABACContext *c,
         "movzbl (%0, %6), %k6                   \n\t"
         "add %9, %6                             \n\t"
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "%q4", "(%6)", "%3", "%w3",
-                             "%5", "%q5", "%k0", "%b0",
-                             "%a12(%7)", "%a13(%7)", "%14")
+        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "(%6)", "%3", "%w3",
+                             "%5", "%k0", "%b0",
+                             "%a12(%7)", "%a13(%7)")
         "mov %1, %k6                            \n\t"
         "test $1, %4                            \n\t"
         " jz 4f                                 \n\t"
-        "movzbl last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8-1b(%14, %q6), %k6\n\t"
-        "movzbl last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8(%k6), %k6\n\t"
+        "movzbl "MANGLE(last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8)"(%k6), %k6\n\t"
         "add %11, %6                            \n\t"
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "%q4", "(%6)", "%3", "%w3",
-                             "%5", "%q5", "%k0", "%b0",
-                             "%a12(%7)", "%a13(%7)", "%14")
+        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%4", "(%6)", "%3", "%w3",
+                             "%5", "%k0", "%b0",
+                             "%a12(%7)", "%a13(%7)")
         "mov %2, %0                             \n\t"
         "mov %1, %k6                            \n\t"
@@ -173,7 +147,7 @@ static int decode_significance_8x8_x86(CABACContext *c,
         : "r"(c), "m"(minusindex), "m"(significant_coeff_ctx_base),
           "m"(sig_off), "m"(last_coeff_ctx_base),
           "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream)),
-          "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream_end)) RIP_ARG
+          "i"(offsetof(CABACContext, bytestream_end))
         : "%"REG_c, "memory"
     return coeff_count;

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