[FFmpeg-cvslog] lavf/img2dec: fix option help fields

Stefano Sabatini git at videolan.org
Fri Jan 25 00:07:59 CET 2013

ffmpeg | branch: master | Stefano Sabatini <stefasab at gmail.com> | Thu Jan 24 15:28:07 2013 +0100| [069d156454138708855a69ee15262a92bebf63d9] | committer: Stefano Sabatini

lavf/img2dec: fix option help fields

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=069d156454138708855a69ee15262a92bebf63d9

 libavformat/img2dec.c |    6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavformat/img2dec.c b/libavformat/img2dec.c
index 23cdc4b..882abb9 100644
--- a/libavformat/img2dec.c
+++ b/libavformat/img2dec.c
@@ -448,9 +448,9 @@ static const AVOption options[] = {
     { "loop",         "force loop over input file sequence", OFFSET(loop),         AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64 = 0   }, 0, 1,       DEC },
     { "pattern_type", "set pattern type",                    OFFSET(pattern_type), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64=PT_GLOB_SEQUENCE}, 0,       INT_MAX, DEC, "pattern_type"},
-    { "glob_sequence","glob/sequence pattern type",          0,                    AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=PT_GLOB_SEQUENCE}, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, DEC, "pattern_type" },
-    { "glob",         "glob pattern type",                   0,                    AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=PT_GLOB         }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, DEC, "pattern_type" },
-    { "sequence",     "glob pattern type",                   0,                    AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=PT_SEQUENCE     }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, DEC, "pattern_type" },
+    { "glob_sequence","select glob/sequence pattern type",   0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=PT_GLOB_SEQUENCE}, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, DEC, "pattern_type" },
+    { "glob",         "select glob pattern type",            0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=PT_GLOB         }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, DEC, "pattern_type" },
+    { "sequence",     "select sequence pattern type",        0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,  {.i64=PT_SEQUENCE     }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, DEC, "pattern_type" },
     { "pixel_format", "set video pixel format",              OFFSET(pixel_format), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str = NULL}, 0, 0,       DEC },
     { "start_number", "set first number in the sequence",    OFFSET(start_number), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,    {.i64 = 0   }, 0, INT_MAX, DEC },

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