[FFmpeg-cvslog] examples/demuxing_decoding: use properties from frame instead of video_dec_ctx

Andreas Cadhalpun git at videolan.org
Mon Jul 20 10:48:19 CEST 2015

ffmpeg | branch: release/2.6 | Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun at googlemail.com> | Sun Jun 14 20:34:16 2015 +0200| [7b1c5fa5e5790eb4649287f53f8ade496f596661] | committer: Michael Niedermayer

examples/demuxing_decoding: use properties from frame instead of video_dec_ctx

This is more robust.

And only check if there is actually a frame returned.

Reviewed-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at>
Signed-off-by: Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun at googlemail.com>
(cherry picked from commit dd6c8575dbc8d3ff5dc2ffacb5028c253066ff78)

Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=7b1c5fa5e5790eb4649287f53f8ade496f596661

 doc/examples/demuxing_decoding.c |   30 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/examples/demuxing_decoding.c b/doc/examples/demuxing_decoding.c
index feeeb96..98b3a83 100644
--- a/doc/examples/demuxing_decoding.c
+++ b/doc/examples/demuxing_decoding.c
@@ -81,22 +81,24 @@ static int decode_packet(int *got_frame, int cached)
             fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding video frame (%s)\n", av_err2str(ret));
             return ret;
-        if (video_dec_ctx->width != width || video_dec_ctx->height != height ||
-            video_dec_ctx->pix_fmt != pix_fmt) {
-            /* To handle this change, one could call av_image_alloc again and
-             * decode the following frames into another rawvideo file. */
-            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Width, height and pixel format have to be "
-                    "constant in a rawvideo file, but the width, height or "
-                    "pixel format of the input video changed:\n"
-                    "old: width = %d, height = %d, format = %s\n"
-                    "new: width = %d, height = %d, format = %s\n",
-                    width, height, av_get_pix_fmt_name(pix_fmt),
-                    video_dec_ctx->width, video_dec_ctx->height,
-                    av_get_pix_fmt_name(video_dec_ctx->pix_fmt));
-            return -1;
-        }
         if (*got_frame) {
+            if (frame->width != width || frame->height != height ||
+                frame->format != pix_fmt) {
+                /* To handle this change, one could call av_image_alloc again and
+                 * decode the following frames into another rawvideo file. */
+                fprintf(stderr, "Error: Width, height and pixel format have to be "
+                        "constant in a rawvideo file, but the width, height or "
+                        "pixel format of the input video changed:\n"
+                        "old: width = %d, height = %d, format = %s\n"
+                        "new: width = %d, height = %d, format = %s\n",
+                        width, height, av_get_pix_fmt_name(pix_fmt),
+                        frame->width, frame->height,
+                        av_get_pix_fmt_name(frame->format));
+                return -1;
+            }
             printf("video_frame%s n:%d coded_n:%d pts:%s\n",
                    cached ? "(cached)" : "",
                    video_frame_count++, frame->coded_picture_number,

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