[FFmpeg-cvslog] fate: Use more than 5 frames for testing select and idet filters

Michael Niedermayer git at videolan.org
Sun May 10 23:49:45 CEST 2015

ffmpeg | branch: master | Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at> | Sun May 10 23:32:11 2015 +0200| [8d916ef5f74d9e79f1a5c4fde3116ebda3d5ffbe] | committer: Michael Niedermayer

fate: Use more than 5 frames for testing select and idet filters

Testing these filters with just 5 frames could potentially be

Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=8d916ef5f74d9e79f1a5c4fde3116ebda3d5ffbe

 tests/fate/filter-video.mak  |    4 ++--
 tests/ref/fate/filter-idet   |   27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tests/ref/fate/filter-select |   19 ++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/fate/filter-video.mak b/tests/fate/filter-video.mak
index 7153f4e..d9343b2 100644
--- a/tests/fate/filter-video.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/filter-video.mak
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ FATE_FILTER_VSYNTH-$(call ALLYES, PERMS_FILTER HUE_FILTER) += fate-filter-hue
 fate-filter-hue: CMD = video_filter "perms=random,hue=s=sin(2*PI*t)+1"
-fate-filter-idet: CMD = video_filter "idet"
+fate-filter-idet: CMD = framecrc -flags bitexact -idct simple -i $(SRC) -vf idet -vframes 25 -flags +bitexact
 fate-filter-pad: CMD = video_filter "pad=iw*1.5:ih*1.5:iw*0.3:ih*0.2"
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ FATE_FILTER_VSYNTH-$(call ALLYES, QP_FILTER PP_FILTER) += fate-filter-qp
 fate-filter-qp: CMD = video_filter "qp=17,pp=be/hb/vb/tn/l5/al"
-fate-filter-select: CMD = video_filter "select=not(eq(mod(n\,2)\,0)+eq(mod(n\,3)\,0))"
+fate-filter-select: CMD = framecrc -flags bitexact -idct simple -i $(SRC) -vf "select=not(eq(mod(n\,2)\,0)+eq(mod(n\,3)\,0))" -vframes 25 -flags +bitexact
 fate-filter-setdar: CMD = video_filter "setdar=dar=16/9"
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/filter-idet b/tests/ref/fate/filter-idet
index a601fc3..6283039 100644
--- a/tests/ref/fate/filter-idet
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/filter-idet
@@ -1 +1,26 @@
-idet                fcb007249fba9371fe84a61c974fcb00
+#tb 0: 1/25
+0,          0,          0,        1,   152064, 0x6e4f89ef
+0,          1,          1,        1,   152064, 0x7f5f6551
+0,          2,          2,        1,   152064, 0xc566f64a
+0,          3,          3,        1,   152064, 0xceb080b0
+0,          4,          4,        1,   152064, 0x473db652
+0,          5,          5,        1,   152064, 0x287da8e6
+0,          6,          6,        1,   152064, 0x68b47c23
+0,          7,          7,        1,   152064, 0xe9028bac
+0,          8,          8,        1,   152064, 0x28ff8026
+0,          9,          9,        1,   152064, 0x2d7c3915
+0,         10,         10,        1,   152064, 0xb45c4760
+0,         11,         11,        1,   152064, 0xb247fcd5
+0,         12,         12,        1,   152064, 0xcc0bad61
+0,         13,         13,        1,   152064, 0xb1d6a223
+0,         14,         14,        1,   152064, 0x75b38ddd
+0,         15,         15,        1,   152064, 0x6e080f05
+0,         16,         16,        1,   152064, 0x93414e18
+0,         17,         17,        1,   152064, 0xa3e038c8
+0,         18,         18,        1,   152064, 0xec506acc
+0,         19,         19,        1,   152064, 0x1a0ddbff
+0,         20,         20,        1,   152064, 0x19b0f570
+0,         21,         21,        1,   152064, 0xc15e2412
+0,         22,         22,        1,   152064, 0x59ac1d59
+0,         23,         23,        1,   152064, 0x813468ef
+0,         24,         24,        1,   152064, 0x4491f9d6
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/filter-select b/tests/ref/fate/filter-select
index 7f17354..7c30292 100644
--- a/tests/ref/fate/filter-select
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/filter-select
@@ -1 +1,18 @@
-select              12bd3a9bf6fa6a3c17108379061a5a5a
+#tb 0: 1/25
+0,          1,          1,        1,   152064, 0x7f5f6551
+0,          5,          5,        1,   152064, 0x287da8e6
+0,          7,          7,        1,   152064, 0xe9028bac
+0,         11,         11,        1,   152064, 0xb247fcd5
+0,         13,         13,        1,   152064, 0xb1d6a223
+0,         17,         17,        1,   152064, 0xa3e038c8
+0,         19,         19,        1,   152064, 0x1a0ddbff
+0,         23,         23,        1,   152064, 0x813468ef
+0,         25,         25,        1,   152064, 0x62719936
+0,         29,         29,        1,   152064, 0x2db5650e
+0,         31,         31,        1,   152064, 0x669fc51e
+0,         35,         35,        1,   152064, 0x0db194fb
+0,         37,         37,        1,   152064, 0xac2101f8
+0,         41,         41,        1,   152064, 0xf0c79e08
+0,         43,         43,        1,   152064, 0x5ad420ec
+0,         47,         47,        1,   152064, 0x60afc5c2
+0,         49,         49,        1,   152064, 0x5b29d8ea

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