[FFmpeg-cvslog] doc/filters: move hdcd documentation from video section to audio section
Paul B Mahol
git at videolan.org
Thu Aug 11 23:22:44 EEST 2016
ffmpeg | branch: master | Paul B Mahol <onemda at gmail.com> | Thu Aug 11 22:21:29 2016 +0200| [17eb0042bcf2c0ba2957b3fe9d7b7fe40ce250ac] | committer: Paul B Mahol
doc/filters: move hdcd documentation from video section to audio section
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=17eb0042bcf2c0ba2957b3fe9d7b7fe40ce250ac
doc/filters.texi | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/filters.texi b/doc/filters.texi
index f43465d..dda1c17 100644
--- a/doc/filters.texi
+++ b/doc/filters.texi
@@ -2629,6 +2629,58 @@ Set delay-line interpolation, @var{linear} or @var{quadratic}.
Default is @var{linear}.
@end table
+ at section hdcd
+Decodes High Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD) data. A 16-bit PCM stream with
+embedded HDCD codes is expanded into a 20-bit PCM stream.
+The filter supports the Peak Extend and Low-level Gain Adjustment features
+of HDCD, and detects the Transient Filter flag.
+ at example
+ffmpeg -i HDCD16.flac -af hdcd OUT24.flac
+ at end example
+When using the filter with wav, note the default encoding for wav is 16-bit,
+so the resulting 20-bit stream will be truncated back to 16-bit. Use something
+like @command{-acodec pcm_s24le} after the filter to get 24-bit PCM output.
+ at example
+ffmpeg -i HDCD16.wav -af hdcd OUT16.wav
+ffmpeg -i HDCD16.wav -af hdcd -acodec pcm_s24le OUT24.wav
+ at end example
+The filter accepts the following options:
+ at table @option
+ at item process_stereo
+Process the stereo channels together. If target_gain does not match between
+channels, consider it invalid and use the last valid target_gain.
+ at item force_pe
+Always extend peaks above -3dBFS even if PE isn't signaled.
+ at item analyze_mode
+Replace audio with a solid tone and adjust the amplitude to signal some
+specific aspect of the decoding process. The output file can be loaded in
+an audio editor alongside the original to aid analysis.
+ at code{analyze_mode=pe:force_pe=1} can be used to see all samples above the PE level.
+Modes are:
+ at table @samp
+ at item 0, off
+ at item 1, lle
+Gain adjustment level at each sample
+ at item 2, pe
+Samples where peak extend occurs
+ at item 3, cdt
+Samples where the code detect timer is active
+ at item 4, tgm
+Samples where the target gain does not match between channels
+ at end table
+ at end table
@section highpass
Apply a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency.
@@ -8402,58 +8454,6 @@ Then, the effect of this Hald CLUT can be visualized with:
ffplay input.mkv -vf "movie=clut.png, [in] haldclut"
@end example
- at section hdcd
-Decodes High Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD) data. A 16-bit PCM stream with
-embedded HDCD codes is expanded into a 20-bit PCM stream.
-The filter supports the Peak Extend and Low-level Gain Adjustment features
-of HDCD, and detects the Transient Filter flag.
- at example
-ffmpeg -i HDCD16.flac -af hdcd OUT24.flac
- at end example
-When using the filter with wav, note the default encoding for wav is 16-bit,
-so the resulting 20-bit stream will be truncated back to 16-bit. Use something
-like @command{-acodec pcm_s24le} after the filter to get 24-bit PCM output.
- at example
-ffmpeg -i HDCD16.wav -af hdcd OUT16.wav
-ffmpeg -i HDCD16.wav -af hdcd -acodec pcm_s24le OUT24.wav
- at end example
-The filter accepts the following options:
- at table @option
- at item process_stereo
-Process the stereo channels together. If target_gain does not match between
-channels, consider it invalid and use the last valid target_gain.
- at item force_pe
-Always extend peaks above -3dBFS even if PE isn't signaled.
- at item analyze_mode
-Replace audio with a solid tone and adjust the amplitude to signal some
-specific aspect of the decoding process. The output file can be loaded in
-an audio editor alongside the original to aid analysis.
- at code{analyze_mode=pe:force_pe=1} can be used to see all samples above the PE level.
-Modes are:
- at table @samp
- at item 0, off
- at item 1, lle
-Gain adjustment level at each sample
- at item 2, pe
-Samples where peak extend occurs
- at item 3, cdt
-Samples where the code detect timer is active
- at item 4, tgm
-Samples where the target gain does not match between channels
- at end table
- at end table
@section hflip
Flip the input video horizontally.
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