[FFmpeg-cvslog] lavfi/concat: allow to support inputs with different frame rates

Calvin Walton git at videolan.org
Sun Sep 8 17:54:42 EEST 2019

ffmpeg | branch: master | Calvin Walton <calvin.walton at kepstin.ca> | Fri Aug 30 13:28:17 2019 -0400| [3ad5d4df9ce794d3eeb0f526c5f3e446bf97c616] | committer: Nicolas George

lavfi/concat: allow to support inputs with different frame rates

Right now, the concat filter does not set the frame_rate value on any of
the out links. As a result, the default ffmpeg behaviour kicks in - to
copy the framerate from the first input to the outputs.

If a later input is higher framerate, this results in dropped frames; if
a later input is lower framerate it might cause judder.

This patch checks if all of the video inputs have the same framerate, and
if not it sets the out link to use '1/0' as the frame rate, the value
meaning "unknown/vfr".

A test is added to verify the VFR behaviour. The existing test for CFR
behaviour passes unchanged.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=3ad5d4df9ce794d3eeb0f526c5f3e446bf97c616

 libavfilter/avf_concat.c         |  15 ++-
 tests/fate/filter-video.mak      |   4 +-
 tests/filtergraphs/concat-vfr    |   8 ++
 tests/ref/fate/filter-concat-vfr | 224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 249 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavfilter/avf_concat.c b/libavfilter/avf_concat.c
index 1d0c2de290..2791859d8f 100644
--- a/libavfilter/avf_concat.c
+++ b/libavfilter/avf_concat.c
@@ -131,8 +131,21 @@ static int config_output(AVFilterLink *outlink)
     outlink->h                   = inlink->h;
     outlink->sample_aspect_ratio = inlink->sample_aspect_ratio;
     outlink->format              = inlink->format;
+    outlink->frame_rate          = inlink->frame_rate;
+    for (seg = 1; seg < cat->nb_segments; seg++) {
+        inlink = ctx->inputs[in_no + seg * ctx->nb_outputs];
+        if (outlink->frame_rate.num != inlink->frame_rate.num ||
+            outlink->frame_rate.den != outlink->frame_rate.den) {
+            av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
+                    "Video inputs have different frame rates, output will be VFR\n");
+            outlink->frame_rate = av_make_q(1, 0);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
     for (seg = 1; seg < cat->nb_segments; seg++) {
-        inlink = ctx->inputs[in_no += ctx->nb_outputs];
+        inlink = ctx->inputs[in_no + seg * ctx->nb_outputs];
         if (!outlink->sample_aspect_ratio.num)
             outlink->sample_aspect_ratio = inlink->sample_aspect_ratio;
         /* possible enhancement: unsafe mode, do not check */
diff --git a/tests/fate/filter-video.mak b/tests/fate/filter-video.mak
index 60c6be143b..0c6ee72432 100644
--- a/tests/fate/filter-video.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/filter-video.mak
 fate-filter-gradfun-sample: tests/data/filtergraphs/gradfun
 fate-filter-gradfun-sample: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vmd/12.vmd -filter_script $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/filtergraphs/gradfun -an -frames:v 20
+FATE_FILTER-$(call ALLYES, TESTSRC_FILTER SINE_FILTER CONCAT_FILTER) += fate-filter-concat fate-filter-concat-vfr
 fate-filter-concat: tests/data/filtergraphs/concat
 fate-filter-concat: CMD = framecrc -filter_complex_script $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/filtergraphs/concat
+fate-filter-concat-vfr: tests/data/filtergraphs/concat-vfr
+fate-filter-concat-vfr: CMD = framecrc -filter_complex_script $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/filtergraphs/concat-vfr
 fate-filter-mpdecimate: CMD = framecrc -lavfi testsrc2=r=2:d=10,fps=3,mpdecimate -r 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p
diff --git a/tests/filtergraphs/concat-vfr b/tests/filtergraphs/concat-vfr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e15cb96845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/filtergraphs/concat-vfr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+testsrc=r=5:n=1:d=2  [v1];
+sine=440:b=2:d=1     [a1];
+testsrc=r=15:n=1:d=1 [v2];
+sine=622:b=2:d=2     [a2];
+testsrc=r=8:n=1:d=1  [v3];
+sine=880:b=2:d=1     [a3];
+[v1][a1][v2][a2][v3][a3] concat=v=1:a=1:n=3
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/filter-concat-vfr b/tests/ref/fate/filter-concat-vfr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dece67a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/filter-concat-vfr
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#tb 0: 1/1000000
+#media_type 0: video
+#codec_id 0: rawvideo
+#dimensions 0: 320x240
+#sar 0: 1/1
+#tb 1: 1/44100
+#media_type 1: audio
+#codec_id 1: pcm_s16le
+#sample_rate 1: 44100
+#channel_layout 1: 4
+#channel_layout_name 1: mono
+0,          0,          0,        0,   230400, 0x88c4d19a
+1,          0,          0,     1024,     2048, 0xb3f10192
+1,       1024,       1024,     1024,     2048, 0xb340fe4e
+1,       2048,       2048,     1024,     2048, 0x0a5f0111
+1,       3072,       3072,     1024,     2048, 0x51be06b8
+1,       4096,       4096,     1024,     2048, 0x71a1ffcb
+1,       5120,       5120,     1024,     2048, 0x7f64f50f
+1,       6144,       6144,     1024,     2048, 0x70a8fa17
+1,       7168,       7168,     1024,     2048, 0x0dad072a
+1,       8192,       8192,     1024,     2048, 0x5e810c51
+0,     200000,     200000,        0,   230400, 0x0d77c977
+1,       9216,       9216,     1024,     2048, 0xbe5bf462
+1,      10240,      10240,     1024,     2048, 0xbcd9faeb
+1,      11264,      11264,     1024,     2048, 0x0d5bfe9c
+1,      12288,      12288,     1024,     2048, 0x97d80297
+1,      13312,      13312,     1024,     2048, 0xba0f0894
+1,      14336,      14336,     1024,     2048, 0xcc22f291
+1,      15360,      15360,     1024,     2048, 0x11a9fa03
+1,      16384,      16384,     1024,     2048, 0x9a920378
+1,      17408,      17408,     1024,     2048, 0x901b0525
+0,     400000,     400000,        0,   230400, 0x242629d7
+1,      18432,      18432,     1024,     2048, 0x74b2003f
+1,      19456,      19456,     1024,     2048, 0xa20ef3ed
+1,      20480,      20480,     1024,     2048, 0x44cef9de
+1,      21504,      21504,     1024,     2048, 0x4b2e039b
+1,      22528,      22528,     1024,     2048, 0x198509a1
+1,      23552,      23552,     1024,     2048, 0xcab6f9e5
+1,      24576,      24576,     1024,     2048, 0x67f8f608
+1,      25600,      25600,     1024,     2048, 0x8d7f03fa
+0,     600000,     600000,        0,   230400, 0x62cdc018
+1,      26624,      26624,     1024,     2048, 0x3e1e0566
+1,      27648,      27648,     1024,     2048, 0x2cfe0308
+1,      28672,      28672,     1024,     2048, 0x1ceaf702
+1,      29696,      29696,     1024,     2048, 0x38a9f3d1
+1,      30720,      30720,     1024,     2048, 0x6c3306b7
+1,      31744,      31744,     1024,     2048, 0x600f0579
+1,      32768,      32768,     1024,     2048, 0x3e5afa28
+1,      33792,      33792,     1024,     2048, 0x053ff47a
+1,      34816,      34816,     1024,     2048, 0x0d28fed9
+0,     800000,     800000,        0,   230400, 0x248ad058
+1,      35840,      35840,     1024,     2048, 0x279805cc
+1,      36864,      36864,     1024,     2048, 0xb16a0a12
+1,      37888,      37888,     1024,     2048, 0xb45af340
+1,      38912,      38912,     1024,     2048, 0x1834f972
+1,      39936,      39936,     1024,     2048, 0xb5d206ae
+1,      40960,      40960,     1024,     2048, 0xc5760375
+1,      41984,      41984,     1024,     2048, 0x503800ce
+1,      43008,      43008,     1024,     2048, 0xa3bbf4af
+1,      44032,      44032,       68,      136, 0xc8d751c7
+0,    1000000,    1000000,        0,   230400, 0x223d134f
+1,      44100,      44100,     9600,    19200, 0x00000000
+0,    1200000,    1200000,        0,   230400, 0xbf1c3d34
+1,      53700,      53700,     9600,    19200, 0x00000000
+0,    1400000,    1400000,        0,   230400, 0xae0efe96
+1,      63300,      63300,     9600,    19200, 0x00000000
+0,    1600000,    1600000,        0,   230400, 0x0cd624d1
+1,      72900,      72900,     9600,    19200, 0x00000000
+0,    1800000,    1800000,        0,   230400, 0x6dedf2c0
+1,      82500,      82500,     5700,    11400, 0x00000000
+0,    2000000,    2000000,        0,   230400, 0x88c4d19a
+1,      88200,      88200,     1024,     2048, 0x283efb3a
+1,      89224,      89224,     1024,     2048, 0x7692fb8f
+1,      90248,      90248,     1024,     2048, 0xbaaafcc0
+0,    2066667,    2066667,        0,   230400, 0x5bbc2f63
+1,      91272,      91272,     1024,     2048, 0xadc8017e
+1,      92296,      92296,     1024,     2048, 0x4f4dffdc
+1,      93320,      93320,     1024,     2048, 0x7ffbff48
+0,    2133333,    2133333,        0,   230400, 0x3becbfad
+1,      94344,      94344,     1024,     2048, 0x2f990719
+1,      95368,      95368,     1024,     2048, 0xe2caf65c
+1,      96392,      96392,     1024,     2048, 0x825208e4
+0,    2200000,    2200000,        0,   230400, 0x0d77c977
+1,      97416,      97416,     1024,     2048, 0xf563f13b
+1,      98440,      98440,     1024,     2048, 0x855d03e9
+1,      99464,      99464,     1024,     2048, 0x0ba9fa4b
+0,    2266667,    2266667,        0,   230400, 0x436cf4b2
+1,     100488,     100488,     1024,     2048, 0x83e1fb92
+1,     101512,     101512,     1024,     2048, 0x1162f965
+1,     102536,     102536,     1024,     2048, 0x0cfef73d
+0,    2333333,    2333333,        0,   230400, 0x39210f27
+1,     103560,     103560,     1024,     2048, 0x5688ff75
+1,     104584,     104584,     1024,     2048, 0xf6c0ede9
+1,     105608,     105608,     1024,     2048, 0xfdb20602
+0,    2400000,    2400000,        0,   230400, 0x242629d7
+1,     106632,     106632,     1024,     2048, 0x40c5f17b
+1,     107656,     107656,     1024,     2048, 0x559600b1
+1,     108680,     108680,     1024,     2048, 0xccc3f930
+0,    2466667,    2466667,        0,   230400, 0x771c2293
+1,     109704,     109704,     1024,     2048, 0xdc800045
+1,     110728,     110728,     1024,     2048, 0xdce4fb3e
+0,    2533333,    2533333,        0,   230400, 0xec2af9a9
+1,     111752,     111752,     1024,     2048, 0x1e5efba9
+1,     112776,     112776,     1024,     2048, 0x8c2e0832
+1,     113800,     113800,     1024,     2048, 0x5c42f66d
+0,    2600000,    2600000,        0,   230400, 0x62cdc018
+1,     114824,     114824,     1024,     2048, 0x08e20b1e
+1,     115848,     115848,     1024,     2048, 0x4cf7f903
+1,     116872,     116872,     1024,     2048, 0xe6b90794
+0,    2666667,    2666667,        0,   230400, 0xf02c8693
+1,     117896,     117896,     1024,     2048, 0x5956f8e6
+1,     118920,     118920,     1024,     2048, 0x6632ff16
+1,     119944,     119944,     1024,     2048, 0x46c8fe11
+0,    2733333,    2733333,        0,   230400, 0x14436efb
+1,     120968,     120968,     1024,     2048, 0x7431f732
+1,     121992,     121992,     1024,     2048, 0xa258049f
+1,     123016,     123016,     1024,     2048, 0xdb71f00e
+0,    2800000,    2800000,        0,   230400, 0x248ad058
+1,     124040,     124040,     1024,     2048, 0xa89b0359
+1,     125064,     125064,     1024,     2048, 0xe0aff0f2
+1,     126088,     126088,     1024,     2048, 0xc33e0085
+0,    2866667,    2866667,        0,   230400, 0xe87f6c52
+1,     127112,     127112,     1024,     2048, 0x9d09f379
+1,     128136,     128136,     1024,     2048, 0x8c78fd06
+1,     129160,     129160,     1024,     2048, 0x532bfbdd
+0,    2933333,    2933333,        0,   230400, 0x6a0c196b
+1,     130184,     130184,     1024,     2048, 0xfc36f5cd
+1,     131208,     131208,     1024,     2048, 0x2e8f0699
+1,     132232,     132232,     1024,     2048, 0x52382578
+1,     133256,     133256,     1024,     2048, 0x97ed1a28
+1,     134280,     134280,     1024,     2048, 0xabcdf73f
+1,     135304,     135304,     1024,     2048, 0x3a24082c
+1,     136328,     136328,     1024,     2048, 0xbe1cfc3d
+1,     137352,     137352,     1024,     2048, 0xad5800a5
+1,     138376,     138376,     1024,     2048, 0x90b80522
+1,     139400,     139400,     1024,     2048, 0x1fa1f912
+1,     140424,     140424,     1024,     2048, 0x733a0878
+1,     141448,     141448,     1024,     2048, 0x9a3eee47
+1,     142472,     142472,     1024,     2048, 0x5d900759
+1,     143496,     143496,     1024,     2048, 0x1287f540
+1,     144520,     144520,     1024,     2048, 0x941cfe5d
+1,     145544,     145544,     1024,     2048, 0x1587f8a9
+1,     146568,     146568,     1024,     2048, 0xb9e7f888
+1,     147592,     147592,     1024,     2048, 0xe9defbe2
+1,     148616,     148616,     1024,     2048, 0x3a5ef312
+1,     149640,     149640,     1024,     2048, 0xdcbe0544
+1,     150664,     150664,     1024,     2048, 0xbe51ecc5
+1,     151688,     151688,     1024,     2048, 0x21a60721
+1,     152712,     152712,     1024,     2048, 0xf29ff318
+1,     153736,     153736,     1024,     2048, 0xcd4c02ea
+1,     154760,     154760,     1024,     2048, 0xa424faac
+1,     155784,     155784,     1024,     2048, 0xbaedfdab
+1,     156808,     156808,     1024,     2048, 0xcbff047c
+1,     157832,     157832,     1024,     2048, 0x9ac8f96b
+1,     158856,     158856,     1024,     2048, 0x43220bee
+1,     159880,     159880,     1024,     2048, 0x547bf351
+1,     160904,     160904,     1024,     2048, 0x7dd10d6e
+1,     161928,     161928,     1024,     2048, 0x77cbf603
+1,     162952,     162952,     1024,     2048, 0xb6fcff50
+1,     163976,     163976,     1024,     2048, 0x927bfde5
+1,     165000,     165000,     1024,     2048, 0x5bd0fca5
+1,     166024,     166024,     1024,     2048, 0x672cff2a
+1,     167048,     167048,     1024,     2048, 0x3e3ef01c
+1,     168072,     168072,     1024,     2048, 0xe52607af
+1,     169096,     169096,     1024,     2048, 0x66bceaf5
+1,     170120,     170120,     1024,     2048, 0xe065046b
+1,     171144,     171144,     1024,     2048, 0x350bf21f
+1,     172168,     172168,     1024,     2048, 0x60b1fca4
+1,     173192,     173192,     1024,     2048, 0x8b1efa55
+1,     174216,     174216,     1024,     2048, 0xf86ff855
+1,     175240,     175240,     1024,     2048, 0x6934061b
+1,     176264,     176264,      136,      272, 0x4a458a45
+0,    4000000,    4000000,        0,   230400, 0x88c4d19a
+1,     176400,     176400,     1024,     2048, 0xdb0cfe95
+1,     177424,     177424,     1024,     2048, 0xcff3fdf1
+1,     178448,     178448,     1024,     2048, 0x070cf585
+1,     179472,     179472,     1024,     2048, 0xe9b8007f
+1,     180496,     180496,     1024,     2048, 0xc51ffd64
+1,     181520,     181520,     1024,     2048, 0xede2fbf9
+0,    4125000,    4125000,        0,   230400, 0x05c1b733
+1,     182544,     182544,     1024,     2048, 0x51510410
+1,     183568,     183568,     1024,     2048, 0x198af498
+1,     184592,     184592,     1024,     2048, 0xae3603a2
+1,     185616,     185616,     1024,     2048, 0x6200f7a1
+1,     186640,     186640,     1024,     2048, 0xe6e3fe32
+0,    4250000,    4250000,        0,   230400, 0x0446ec19
+1,     187664,     187664,     1024,     2048, 0xb2e2fd77
+1,     188688,     188688,     1024,     2048, 0x063dff2f
+1,     189712,     189712,     1024,     2048, 0xa89ffe21
+1,     190736,     190736,     1024,     2048, 0x9e6ffa6d
+1,     191760,     191760,     1024,     2048, 0x028b004e
+1,     192784,     192784,     1024,     2048, 0x57edfa23
+0,    4375000,    4375000,        0,   230400, 0x0f9b1744
+1,     193808,     193808,     1024,     2048, 0x6d8efe1f
+1,     194832,     194832,     1024,     2048, 0x774bfe54
+1,     195856,     195856,     1024,     2048, 0xa931fcfb
+1,     196880,     196880,     1024,     2048, 0x3505004b
+1,     197904,     197904,     1024,     2048, 0x5001f576
+0,    4500000,    4500000,        0,   230400, 0x30cf070a
+1,     198928,     198928,     1024,     2048, 0x78ea049b
+1,     199952,     199952,     1024,     2048, 0xd45bf733
+1,     200976,     200976,     1024,     2048, 0x6395fead
+1,     202000,     202000,     1024,     2048, 0xc126015e
+1,     203024,     203024,     1024,     2048, 0xbecff8aa
+0,    4625000,    4625000,        0,   230400, 0x9175aaa9
+1,     204048,     204048,     1024,     2048, 0x0fea06c3
+1,     205072,     205072,     1024,     2048, 0xdea6f351
+1,     206096,     206096,     1024,     2048, 0x35b808f0
+1,     207120,     207120,     1024,     2048, 0x5487ee73
+1,     208144,     208144,     1024,     2048, 0xac69050e
+1,     209168,     209168,     1024,     2048, 0xcc5ffb00
+0,    4750000,    4750000,        0,   230400, 0x597f5628
+1,     210192,     210192,     1024,     2048, 0x328c00cb
+1,     211216,     211216,     1024,     2048, 0xa707fd82
+1,     212240,     212240,     1024,     2048, 0xe442f73d
+1,     213264,     213264,     1024,     2048, 0x545c0418
+1,     214288,     214288,     1024,     2048, 0x744ff3f7
+0,    4875000,    4875000,        0,   230400, 0x38a45a85
+1,     215312,     215312,     1024,     2048, 0x01aa04fd
+1,     216336,     216336,     1024,     2048, 0xa885f7cd
+1,     217360,     217360,     1024,     2048, 0xcfca04f4
+1,     218384,     218384,     1024,     2048, 0x67fdf91b
+1,     219408,     219408,     1024,     2048, 0xce2b001d
+1,     220432,     220432,       68,      136, 0x33e64a0d

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