[FFmpeg-devel-irc] IRC log for 2011-01-19
irc at mansr.com
irc at mansr.com
Thu Jan 20 01:00:35 CET 2011
[00:00:19] <lu_zero> who?
[00:00:55] <DonDiego> you maybe or janne
[00:01:55] <lu_zero> everybody is ok with this text?
[00:02:04] <DonDiego> or dunno, lots of names there :)
[00:02:22] <DonDiego> just a sec
[00:03:40] <{V}> are you going to list all the names again (instead of the undersigned). If you don't, then it's not really the undersigned.
[00:04:55] * {V} hopes he's making sense
[00:05:17] <DonDiego> http://pastebin.com/dsG3J2kB
[00:13:01] <lu_zero> I like the change better
[00:15:02] <lu_zero> yai
[00:15:09] * lu_zero eventually fixed ssmtp
[00:16:21] <jannau> DonDiego: ok
[00:17:29] <jannau> lu_zero: I use msmtp
[00:19:03] <jannau> and should send it, it'll be hard to deny that you wrote it
[00:19:58] <DonDiego> whoever feels like sending, send
[00:21:31] <DonDiego> good evening robert
[00:34:01] <lu_zero> I'd like to have a list of people as well (on that email)
[00:34:06] <lu_zero> and it's getting late here
[00:36:01] <superdump> ahoy
[00:59:13] <DonDiego> gnite
[00:59:38] <DonDiego> too late, i sent the email
[00:59:51] <DonDiego> a list of names might not have hurt though
[00:59:59] <DonDiego> i'm too tired
[01:00:04] <DonDiego> gnite
[01:23:45] * saintdev wonders where diego sent the email to...
[01:24:34] * mru too
[01:25:00] <saintdev> /dev/null at localhos.tr perhaps?
[01:26:15] <Kovensky> perharps lu_zero will have to share his expertise in fixing sendmail? =p
[01:26:22] <saintdev> lol
[01:30:35] <BBB> does anyone see harrypottersample.avi on incoming?
[01:30:38] <BBB> I can't find it
[01:30:43] <mru> it's been deleted
[01:31:13] <mru> by someone using the 'mplayer' ftp account
[01:31:34] <mru> someone in austria
[01:31:35] <BBB> uh...
[01:31:39] <mru> carl eugen probably
[01:31:49] * mru is looking at server logs
[01:32:04] <Jumpyshoes> hrm, is it possible to obtain access to the roundup samples?
[01:32:34] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: on request, I can give you the samples...
[01:32:45] <Jumpyshoes> oh, okay
[01:32:48] <BBB> just mention which one you're looking for
[01:32:58] <Jumpyshoes> i remember that one time i accidently deleted a sample i had and couldn't find it
[01:33:01] <BBB> one of the server admins can help you get access if they feel like it'd help
[01:33:02] <Jumpyshoes> but i don't need anything atm
[01:35:10] * mru is going through a huge moderation queue
[01:35:30] <mru> the listed moderators are obviously not doing their jobs
[01:37:58] <bcoudurier> feel free to do better
[01:38:31] <Kovensky> bcoudurier: isn't that precisely what he's doing atm? =p
[01:38:51] <bcoudurier> doing it once is easy
[01:39:11] <mru> I used to go over the list regularly
[01:39:33] <mru> if you do it once a week, it doesn't take long
[01:39:52] <mru> bcoudurier: if you don't want to be official moderator, just say so
[01:47:38] <BBB> mru: so who deleted the file?
[01:47:46] <BBB> can it be recovered or should I ask for it to be reuploaded?
[01:47:52] <BBB> and can the account of that person be disabled?
[01:47:58] <mru> chello080108089202.30.11.tuwien.teleweb.at deleted it
[01:48:11] <mru> he used the shared mplayer account
[01:48:35] <mru> about 1h after it was uploaded
[01:49:07] <iive> i thought that account is to only read files.
[01:49:15] <iive> are you sure it is not moved?
[01:49:23] <mru> Thu Nov 25 01:29:00 2010 [pid 21631] [mplayer] OK DELETE: Client "", "/incoming/harrypottersample.avi"
[01:49:30] <mru> that's the ftpd log file
[01:49:50] <mru> it was downloaded before that
[01:50:05] <mru> and deleted 30s later
[02:08:50] <BBB> mru: that sucks sucks sucks
[02:09:00] <BBB> ok, I'll ask them to reupload
[02:09:10] <BBB> mru: should we change the incoming shared pwd?
[02:09:13] <BBB> or make it read-only?
[02:09:23] <BBB> this isn't terribly useful
[02:15:19] <Dark_Shikari> http://it.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1956008&cid=34922474
[02:19:21] <Jumpyshoes> LOL
[02:20:54] <Dark_Shikari> Jumpyshoes: so do you have a patch to fix things yet?
[02:20:55] <Dark_Shikari> if so send it to th eml
[02:21:49] <Jumpyshoes> oh, i don't actually know if it fixes his issue, since i can't get vlc to crash :/
[02:24:44] <roxfan> heh, didn't see this version (with the second part) before
[02:25:13] <Dark_Shikari> Jumpyshoes: It's a bug though.
[02:25:16] <BBB> time to read lu_zero's patches
[02:25:17] <mru> roxfan: jokes grow with time, you know
[02:25:25] <Dark_Shikari> Sumbit it and note that it isn't tested.
[02:25:29] <Dark_Shikari> And if he comes back on, update your thread
[02:25:31] <Jumpyshoes> Dark_Shikari: okay
[02:26:01] <roxfan> i've seen versions with mathematicians and programmers
[02:26:58] <mru> back in those days, it was popular to include microsoft in it
[02:27:17] <mru> now they're not even worth making fun of anymore
[02:30:34] <Dark_Shikari> http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/technologybrierdudleysblog/2013964154_i_can_has_30_million_cheezburg.html
[02:32:54] <Jumpyshoes> Dark_Shikari: sent patch to ml
[02:34:06] <Dark_Shikari> If the guy who reported the bug doesn't come on, we'll commit it anyways as long as it passes fate with emu edge on
[02:34:47] <Jumpyshoes> k
[02:36:20] <mru> BBB: yep, it was carl eugen who deleted the file
[02:36:27] <mru> or someone with his IP address at any rate
[02:46:41] <BBB> sad :(
[02:47:22] <mru> I wonder why
[02:51:51] <BBB> I'll email him
[02:52:17] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: did you look at jumpyshoes' patch?
[02:53:59] <BBB> more lines deleted than added is generally weird for a bugfix in optimizations, but I'm intrigued nonetheless
[02:57:45] <BBB> mru: "(And no, I don't remember the file.)"
[02:57:51] <BBB> is his response, plus some other stuff
[02:58:24] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: only the first edge needs to be accessed
[02:58:38] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: in the case of no top_right, the left edge is duplicated
[02:58:59] <BBB> right, same for vp8
[02:59:00] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: the old code was fixing that AFTER accessing the top left edge
[02:59:01] <mru> BBB: more - than + can come as a result of moving something so a constant no longer needs to be reloaded or similar
[02:59:20] <BBB> hm, baby cries
[02:59:22] <BBB> one sec
[02:59:25] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: so if you move the check up, it gets rid of the part i got rid of
[02:59:46] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: this *may* apply to other predicts, but i'm a bit busy atm, so i'll check it later
[03:18:46] <Dark_Shikari> hey, michael is back
[03:18:49] <Dark_Shikari> fflames time
[03:19:13] <Compn> lol
[03:19:20] <Compn> someone paste to me what happened for an hour
[03:19:25] * Compn curses internet
[03:20:13] <Dark_Shikari> Michael is back, so flllaaammmesss time
[03:21:06] <Jumpyshoes> i expect him to come on irc in ~secret~ mode
[03:21:25] <Compn> Dark_Shikari : can you copy/paste the last hour of #ffmpeg-devel to me ?
[03:21:38] <Compn> who michael? i dont think i've ever seen him
[03:23:07] <Dark_Shikari> Nothing important
[03:23:14] <Dark_Shikari> Last hour was just a discussion about Jumpyshoes' bugfix
[03:23:48] <Compn> ah
[03:23:49] <Compn> ok thx
[03:28:11] <Compn> hmm
[03:28:24] <Compn> now i cant remember if i asked bcoudurier about being ffmpeg list moderator
[03:28:40] <Compn> i asked michael, he said to ask other mods
[03:28:49] * Compn sees no other mails
[03:31:15] <Compn> who is avcoder ?
[03:31:19] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: I think it looks good to me... have to admit here though, I'm a little confused, b/c vp8 does the topright-setting from the C code
[03:31:43] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: what's the story there? either h264pred does it in asm where it shouldn't, or vp8 does it in c where it shouldn't
[03:31:47] <BBB> there's cycles to be won here
[03:32:24] <BBB> but admittedly if that's how h264.c does it (seems that way), that's fine
[03:32:31] <Compn> nextplayer guy it seems, nm
[03:32:36] <Dark_Shikari> BBB: ?
[03:32:40] <Dark_Shikari> it's not about cycles
[03:32:45] <Dark_Shikari> it's about "in emu edge, does it crash on the top row"
[03:33:13] <BBB> true
[03:33:28] <BBB> but what I mean is: should the branch be there?
[03:33:34] <Dark_Shikari> why not
[03:33:37] <Jumpyshoes> the branch needs to be there
[03:33:37] <BBB> (unrelated to jumypshoes' patch)
[03:33:53] <BBB> and if so, why does vp8 have that same if in the calling code?
[03:35:21] <BBB> anyway n/m about it, I'm probably confusing you
[03:35:30] <BBB> mayme baby makes my brains spongy
[03:36:15] <BBB> I ran fate once using emu_edge
[03:36:16] <BBB> let me check
[03:36:35] <Dark_Shikari> it might only crash on some OSs
[03:36:36] <Dark_Shikari> or by luck
[03:36:40] <Dark_Shikari> based on whether those bytes are outside the page
[03:37:49] <BBB> in tests/fate/h264.mak, do a search-and-replace on "framecrc" to "framecrc -flags emu_edge"
[03:37:54] <BBB> then re-run make fate-h264
[03:38:18] <astrange> valgrind it?
[03:40:04] <BBB> jumpy has win, I have mac
[03:40:06] <BBB> no valgrind
[03:41:19] <astrange> valgrind works fine on os x
[03:41:57] <BBB> a while ago I needed to manually patch it to compile and run on 10.6...
[03:42:51] <astrange> there were more releases since then, 3.6 has working memcheck
[03:42:57] <astrange> svn has working helgrind
[03:43:37] <BBB> hm, I guess I haven't checked it out in a while
[03:43:38] <BBB> will re-check
[03:45:22] <BBB> astrange: submit ffmpeg-mt patch
[03:45:32] <BBB> let's applt and fix whatever we find to be broken
[03:48:32] <Jumpyshoes> uhhhhh BBB i did what you said and fate-h264 fails without any asm period <_<
[03:49:29] <astrange> fixing review comments introduced valgrind failures, working on it
[03:50:21] <Jumpyshoes> hrm, reimar was the guy checking issue 2524, this is going to be an issue if he's pissed
[03:50:49] <BBB> seriously?
[03:50:51] <BBB> let me check
[03:51:14] <astrange> even if you want experimental but workingish code in trunk i think you don't want fate failures
[03:51:28] <BBB> which one fails, Jumpyshoes ?
[03:51:40] <BBB> astrange: depends on which fate failures
[03:51:49] <BBB> and how long it'll take us to fix it :)
[03:52:04] <BBB> fate-h264-conformance-frext-hpcamolq_brcm_b fails for me with emu_edge set
[03:52:31] <mru> for all we know emu_edge has never worked
[03:52:40] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: h264-conformance-frext-hpcamolq_brcm_b
[03:52:48] <mru> how does it fail?
[03:53:01] <BBB> mru: no it worked a month ago
[03:53:05] <BBB> I test it every once in a while
[03:53:08] <astrange> h264 uses emu edge for PAFF
[03:53:11] <astrange> always
[03:53:13] <Jumpyshoes> http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/YqwysSRn
[03:53:18] <astrange> so it gets some testing
[03:53:21] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: ok, will work on it
[03:53:27] <Jumpyshoes> at least i know i didn't blow it up!
[03:53:31] <Jumpyshoes> ... i think
[03:54:44] <astrange> http://pastebin.com/XF0gbfwU
[03:54:45] <{V}> BBB, you want to apply the ffmpeg-mt patch and then fix ? does that pass the new/restated "All changes shall be reviewed and approved by at least one other developer competent in the affected area. This rule applies equally to the maintainer team." rule
[03:54:57] <{V}> ?
[03:55:14] <BBB> not necessarily in that order
[03:55:19] <BBB> but ffmpeg-mt needs to get done
[03:55:22] <BBB> it can't sit around forever
[03:55:23] <{V}> okay
[03:55:25] <BBB> it needs >1 hand
[03:56:24] <BBB> hm, h264 failures...
[03:56:36] <BBB> astrange: post patch again, I'll try to look into them
[03:57:01] <astrange> that's my master. the patch is large
[03:57:33] <j-b> To be honest, as a huge libavcodec user, the only thing I care about now is -mt
[03:57:37] <astrange> git diff mainline/master master|pbcopy
[03:57:42] <Jumpyshoes> what is -mt?
[03:57:43] <astrange> oops
[03:57:46] <astrange> http://pastebin.com/6u9m2QVg
[03:58:05] <j-b> Jumpyshoes: libavcodec-fast :D
[03:58:15] <{V}> Jumpyshoes, multithread
[03:58:21] <Jumpyshoes> j-b: ooh, i see
[03:58:27] <astrange> that's also the tree i'm typing stuff in right now so i think it crashes at the end of decode
[03:58:52] <astrange> oh, diff to last commit so safer than that
[03:58:55] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: i suspect my asm *does* break emu_edge... so you should disable it when testing
[03:59:02] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: ok
[03:59:04] <j-b> yes
[03:59:07] <BBB> will have a quick look at it
[03:59:10] <BBB> got valgrind now
[03:59:12] <j-b> svn HEAD is broken for me
[03:59:22] <BBB> will fix
[03:59:29] <BBB> we need emu_edge in fate :)
[03:59:40] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: k, i'm busy for the next few days, but i'll fix my asm eventually
[03:59:43] <j-b> I can't release VLC 1.1.6 with svn HEAD, because some h264 main and high are broken
[03:59:43] <BBB> mru: can we repeat the vp8 trick in h264 and some other popular codecs also?
[03:59:54] <j-b> I need to find an older rev :)
[04:00:02] <mru> running all the h264 tests twice will take insanely long time on the slower machines
[04:00:16] <astrange> you only need to run one mbaff test and one progressive test
[04:00:24] <mru> could we find a nice subset that's likely to trigger any bugs specific to emu_edge?
[04:00:34] <astrange> oh, i guess not if you have to cover all the predict modes. not sure what's good for that
[04:00:53] <mru> and make sure MVs actually go off the edge
[04:01:48] <BBB> I can look into that for the next dew days
[04:01:53] <BBB> right now, about 5 of them break
[04:01:54] <Jumpyshoes> mru: the frext* stuff breaks h264 very nicely
[04:01:56] <BBB> that might be enough
[04:01:57] <Jumpyshoes> when i was testing
[04:02:00] <Jumpyshoes> my asm
[04:02:17] <Jumpyshoes> conformance(not frext) doesn't even trigger retarded bugs in predict
[04:02:32] <mru> guess why all those tests are there
[04:02:57] <Jumpyshoes> i mean, if you want a few tests for the edge cases, frext is good
[04:03:15] <mru> frext uses more fancy prediction modes
[04:03:22] <mru> other tests use other features
[04:03:24] <Dark_Shikari> i8x8, yes
[04:03:36] <Jumpyshoes> ah, i see
[04:03:40] <Dark_Shikari> i8x8 is frext only
[04:04:16] <mru> for testing emu_edge we need tests that invoke that function in all modes
[04:04:37] <mru> which may or may not be frext
[04:04:47] <Dark_Shikari> only frext includes i8x8
[04:05:01] <BBB> hm, some are 100% broken...
[04:05:02] <BBB> not good
[04:05:05] <BBB> even w/o asm
[04:05:18] <mru> Dark_Shikari: yes, but that's no reason to assume they use _all_ modes
[04:09:30] <BBB> wasn't there this thing called git bisect?
[04:09:35] <BBB> seems I should try that here
[04:09:36] <mru> yes
[04:09:46] <BBB> anyone got a howto?
[04:09:52] <mru> man git-bisect
[04:10:35] <astrange> git help bisect, too
[04:10:41] <astrange> goes to the same place
[04:10:42] <mru> same thing
[04:10:55] <mru> man is one keystroke less
[04:27:35] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: have you tested your recent commits with emu_edge?
[04:28:25] <Dark_Shikari> no, but my commits didn't affect intra pred at all
[04:28:39] <Dark_Shikari> they don't eve read neighboring pixels
[04:28:39] <Dark_Shikari> afaik
[04:32:16] <saintdev> \o/ MN woke up. ffdrama continues
[04:58:35] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: it's not intra pred related
[04:58:50] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: it's simply that emu_edge is broken for a few files... not related to intra pred or anything afaics
[04:59:01] <BBB> I'll figure out which commits did it tomorrow
[04:59:05] <BBB> hopefulyl :-p
[05:06:05] <BBB> so if I want to change my git co to some other revision, I do git pull hashtag?
[05:06:36] <Dark_Shikari> git checkout HEAD~100 will check out a revision 100 ago.
[05:06:43] <Dark_Shikari> or git checkout <revname>
[05:07:59] <BBB> ok, on it
[05:08:09] <BBB> although I'm falling asleep...
[05:08:44] <Jumpyshoes> sleep
[05:19:19] * elenril yawns
[05:19:35] * elenril is disappoint by the amount of drama mails
[05:20:01] <saintdev> elenril: lol
[05:20:11] <saintdev> elenril: MN finally woke up!
[05:33:26] <kierank> elenril: yeah i expected a massive drama thread
[05:34:54] <elenril> how boring, there's more flames over in #mplayerdev
[05:35:17] <astrange> not enough time
[05:36:34] <saintdev> you mean i have to join another channel to observe the ffdrama?
[05:38:41] <Jumpyshoes> lol, more drama in another channel about this project?
[05:39:03] <relaxed> not really
[05:40:09] <elenril> no, it's unrelated
[05:40:41] <relaxed> mplayer is in a state of limbo now
[05:42:08] <Jumpyshoes> oh
[05:46:13] <Dark_Shikari> mplayer has been in limbo for a few years now
[05:46:49] <relaxed> well true but now they have to figure out what to do since svn won't be updated.
[05:46:54] <elenril> uau's fork got quite many new features
[05:47:40] <peloverde> they should switch to hg... mix things up
[05:48:36] <Dark_Shikari> hahahahaha
[05:50:13] <relaxed> elenril: yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing his fork made into the official repo.
[05:50:54] <elenril> so why didn't any insurgents reply to the drama
[05:51:11] <astrange> they went to sleep
[05:51:37] <astrange> i got lost on what happened to git on videolan
[05:51:49] * elenril sees Dark_Shikari awake
[05:52:11] <astrange> maybe it was supposed to be preserved with michael in maintainer but that wasn't actually mentioned?
[05:52:40] <saintdev> peloverde: only if they make their commit ml mplayer-gitlog!
[06:09:49] <thresh> hmm, no drama
[06:11:13] <thresh> what's that about old messages (from Nov f.i.) being sent to ffmpeg-devel?
[06:12:03] <astrange> the email moderation queue got stuck
[06:12:43] <thresh> ah k
[07:51:44] <spaam> God morgon
[07:56:06] <wbs> nice split we're having...
[07:59:12] <peloverde> the other side is far better
[07:59:32] <spaam> :)
[07:59:43] <wbs> it usually is :-)
[08:26:17] <cartman> moin
[08:27:27] <lu_zero> good morning
[08:27:58] <superdump> ?
[08:27:59] <saintdev> netsplit over!
[08:28:00] <saintdev> that was a long one
[08:28:14] <superdump> ouch
[08:28:21] <superdump> i'll say that again then...
[08:28:23] <superdump> morning
[08:28:30] <kshishkov> hejsan
[08:28:36] <Guest95325> moin
[08:28:39] <Guest95325> whoa
[08:28:54] <KotH> günaydin Guest95325
[08:29:34] <cartman> moin moin
[08:29:37] <elenril> kshishkov: dunno, kinda unfunny
[08:29:37] <elenril> wtf?
[08:29:37] <elenril> kshishkov: maybe i'm deformed by doing this trick constantly in QFT
[08:29:37] <pJok> kshishkov, i think bigs are flying now... swscale cleanup, mans is back...
[08:29:37] <elenril> o_0
[08:29:37] <elenril> nice one, freenode
[08:29:37] <pJok> was there a split? o_O
[08:29:37] <pJok> ah yes
[08:29:37] <pJok> 2 hours ago
[08:29:44] <spaam> pJok: fail ;P
[08:30:18] <kshishkov> elenril: well, "multiplying by complex conjugate" and saying then "...got REAL" is funny for me
[08:30:18] <saintdev> pJok: you forgot: MN is no longer leader
[08:30:41] <cartman> Android has no posix_memalign
[08:30:43] <cartman> pffft
[08:30:49] <16SAAYUNZ> why did unidentified me bump identified me?
[08:30:54] <superdump> i thought it was funny too
[08:31:05] <superdump> in a big and obvious humour kind of way
[08:31:07] <pJok> saintdev, ah yes, hell did freeze over
[08:31:12] <kshishkov> pJok: yes, nothing beats a flock of flying pigs
[08:31:23] <saintdev> DonDiego: there's the mail, made it through this time
[08:31:34] <thresh> moroning, fellow ffmpeg developers
[08:31:49] <saintdev> can pigs fly in frozen hell? I would think it's too cold for them
[08:32:02] <kshishkov> pJok: as we say here "if hell freezes over or pigs fly, it will cause delays at Frankfurt Airport anyway"
[08:32:13] <saintdev> lol
[08:32:17] <kshishkov> sainted: that's why they are flying away
[08:32:23] <saintdev> ahh
[08:32:37] <saintdev> migrating pigs
[08:32:53] * thresh had stumbled across nice indian RPM package
[08:33:00] <thresh> http://pastebin.com/bBPSgbJ6
[08:33:05] <DonDiego> saintdev, relaxed, actually, that is the newer one, thx
[08:33:53] <pJok> kshishkov, so ffmpeg development will cause delays at Frankfurt Airport now? ;)
[08:33:55] <saintdev> DonDiego: i thought you removed "the undersigned" on the newer one?
[08:35:20] <superdump> won't the real peloverde please stand up
[08:35:22] <kshishkov> thresh: do you mean that small postintall clause that makes it free of jre dependency?
[08:35:28] <kshishkov> pJok: everything does
[08:36:09] <thresh> kshishkov: indeed, postuninstall script destroy everything needed to run the software, if one updates the package :)
[08:36:13] <kshishkov> saintdev: do you see anybody signed under that except standard FFmpeg-devel ML footer?
[08:36:29] <thresh> destroys
[08:36:30] <saintdev> kshishkov: was talking about the pastebins
[08:37:08] <saintdev> he emailed the newer one, so it's really a moot point.
[08:38:12] <16SAAYUNZ> i kind of like this nick, peloverde has been my nick for 10 years give or take a few days
[08:38:25] <saintdev> kshishkov: can you help me buy one of these http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2011/01/11x011982fru.jpg
[08:38:33] <saintdev> peloverde: lol
[08:38:54] <superdump> DonDiego: looks good to me
[08:38:58] <kshishkov> saintdev: I'd be glad to help you.
[08:39:20] <DonDiego> it appeared on the list now
[08:39:33] <superdump> 16SAAYUNZ: it almost looks like something urging one to support gnome (vincent untz [sp?])
[08:39:35] <DonDiego> apparently i need to look into a new email provider - whatever ...
[08:39:46] <kshishkov> saintdev: I heard there's one not so far from here
[08:40:16] <kshishkov> DonDiego: wasn't you your own email provider?
[08:40:32] <spaam> DonDiego: let google host your mail ;)
[08:41:39] <saintdev> kshishkov: really, lol. there's random crap all over the former ussr, isn't there.
[08:42:25] <kshishkov> saintdev: actually there's one in Transport Museum in Rhineland-Pfalz
[08:48:58] <KotH> DonDiego: ssh -t natsuki -C -L2525: ; iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -p TCP -d natsuki --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination
[08:49:17] <KotH> DonDiego: then use natsuki as mail relay
[08:50:04] <elenril> can i av_log a byteiocontext?
[08:50:33] <wbs> elenril: nope
[08:50:45] <wbs> elenril: the first member must be an AVClass* for that to work
[08:51:02] <elenril> meh
[08:51:54] * elenril doesn't want to add yet another argument just for logging
[08:52:01] <lu_zero> or pass NULL as first parameter but then won't be this useful
[08:52:25] <KotH> elenril: that should be "can i av_log CHEEZBURGER" :)
[08:52:26] <elenril> that's pretty ugly
[08:53:20] <elenril> av_log(KotH, "i can haz choklit");
[08:54:49] <KotH> i haz choklit
[08:55:01] <cartman> heheh
[08:57:37] <wbs> oh the wonders of finnish grammar: http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/~fkarlsso/genkau2.html
[08:58:19] <DonDiego> mpegts stuff
[08:58:27] * DonDiego looks at mru
[08:58:57] <DonDiego> mru: btw, what about that zlib stuff and the ts muxer/demuxer you said you had lying around?
[08:59:36] <kshishkov> wbs: generated by Fred Karlsson - that's right Finnish guy for wrong Finnish language ;)
[09:00:00] <wbs> kshishkov: well, you can't have it all ;P
[09:00:36] <kshishkov> wbs: but yes, sometimes Finnish words put Germans to shame
[09:09:12] <JEEB> Which is exactly why I never try teach much Finnish to foreigners.
[09:09:36] <kshishkov> even Estonians?
[09:10:05] <JEEB> They're already similar enough
[09:10:25] <Dark_Shikari> bcoudurier: GSL!
[09:10:30] <Dark_Shikari> Idra vs Jinro gogogogogo
[09:11:58] <cartman> is there a powerof2 macro in ffmpeg? finding the nearest power of 2 of a number?
[09:12:06] <kshishkov> JEEB: when I briefly stayed at Helsingfors it looked like Swedish was fine there. Though Finns need to get rid of Russian tourists first
[09:12:19] <av500> do we support .jps?
[09:12:28] <kshishkov> what's that?
[09:12:40] <elenril> encrypted jpg?
[09:12:43] <av500> 3d
[09:12:45] <av500> stereo
[09:12:49] <av500> images
[09:14:00] <JEEB> kshishkov, Well, it's the official second language so people are made to learn it... to a level >_>
[09:14:54] <elenril> hey JEEB
[09:15:01] <elenril> you should join our quest for better ffmpeg
[09:15:33] <kshishkov> av500: yes, it seems so, you just need to combine both parts into single 3-pic in your viewer. Otherwise it's standard JPEG
[09:15:43] <spaam> JEEB: swedish? :)
[09:15:51] <JEEB> Yes
[09:15:57] <JEEB> Which is why all the signs are in two languages
[09:16:10] <kshishkov> spaam: well, I suspect few decades ago they've learn Russian instead
[09:18:28] <spaam> kshishkov: mm.. but we know that swedish is better ;)
[09:18:39] <kshishkov> spaam: javisst!
[09:22:15] * JEEB mostly overwrote his Swedish with Japanese
[09:22:30] <Dark_Shikari> It's certainly more useful~
[09:22:46] <elenril> inb4 swedish weaboos
[09:24:10] * kshishkov has Japanese peacefully coexisting along with Swedish and even Russian
[09:24:27] <kshishkov> languages, of course
[09:24:28] <JEEB> Then you must actually use that language :3
[09:25:19] <JEEB> Because Swedish here is a strictly school language unless you plan to go deep into it. Also, living in Japan for a year+ while you're supposed to study Swedish kind of breaks the rhytm nicely.
[09:25:27] * kshishkov neglects Ukrainian but not that much as Ukrainian government though
[09:25:45] <elenril> anyone got samples of id3v2 with cover art?
[09:25:55] <av500> elenril: sure
[09:26:00] <kshishkov> JEEB, I can use Swedish only few weeks per year :(
[09:26:08] <av500> elenril: sec
[09:27:20] <JEEB> kshishkov, then I commend that capability of yours to actually keep it workable in your brain. I can still read and maybe listen to some Swedish but don't remind me how bad I am at writing/talking... Can't even ask where a supermarket is close by in Stockholm >_>
[09:29:52] <kshishkov> JEEB: well, you usually don't need to ask it, just find the closest station ;)
[09:30:00] <elenril> av500: maybe you should upload to mplayerhq
[09:30:17] <av500> elenril: :effort: ;)
[09:30:43] <kshishkov> av500: will you help me finishing Bink-b support?
[09:31:13] <spaam> what? going to help pross?
[09:31:34] <kshishkov> yes
[09:32:15] <kshishkov> av500: also I've seen two Bink decoders based on mine but rewritten in C++ in different game engines
[09:32:27] <spaam> how are you kshishkov ? anything wrong?
[09:32:43] <av500> spaam: must have hit his head this morning or so...
[09:32:59] <spaam> av500: i guess
[09:33:18] <kshishkov> spaam: so far av500 was the only (constantly present) guy showing interest in Bink here
[09:36:12] <spaam> ok :)
[09:42:38] <av500> kshishkov: I have no interest in bink
[09:44:23] <kshishkov> av500: so you haven't convinced Dark_Shikari to produce xbink?
[09:45:11] * Dark_Shikari hits kshishkov
[09:45:45] <kshishkov> Dark_Shikari: xbink fits nicely with xvp8 and xrv3, not so nicely with xmp2 though
[09:45:59] <kshishkov> s/xmp2/x262/
[09:48:38] <DonDiego> luca a making a statement...
[09:50:30] <kshishkov> DonDiego: wasn't it predicted you'd get many statements?
[09:50:43] <superdump> personally i thought there would be far more
[09:50:55] <superdump> but then the vast vast majority of top committers were on board
[09:50:59] <kshishkov> post-switch shock, I beliebe
[09:51:03] <kshishkov> *believe
[10:08:50] <pJok> kshishkov, probably going to come over the next few days/weeks
[10:09:32] <kshishkov> well, I won't mind if it lasts for years for some persons
[10:10:55] <saintd3v> kshishkov: don't forget xaac
[10:11:12] <kshishkov> saintd3v: so _you_ can forget about it?
[10:13:15] <saintd3v> the more xvaporware, the better :P
[10:17:12] <pJok> what about xvp6?
[10:18:30] <kshishkov> xvp7 FTW
[10:18:38] <kshishkov> and xvp4 of course
[10:20:00] <superdump> xdtm{1,2}? (it was Duck True Motion, right?)
[10:20:07] <Dark_Shikari> xx264
[10:20:15] <Dark_Shikari> xyuv
[10:20:17] <Dark_Shikari> xgif
[10:20:18] <Dark_Shikari> xpng
[10:20:43] <kshishkov> superdump: there is version called TM2X, so xtm2x would be awesome
[10:21:00] <kierank> xjpeg
[10:21:04] <kierank> and xjpeg2000
[10:21:11] <Dark_Shikari> xsnow
[10:21:12] <kshishkov> xjpeg-xr
[10:21:28] <kshishkov> and xape please :)
[10:21:36] <Dark_Shikari> xflac
[10:21:43] <Dark_Shikari> xlagarith
[10:22:16] <superdump> xyamum
[10:22:37] <kshishkov> xxvid?
[10:22:43] <Dark_Shikari> xxxvid
[10:22:57] <kshishkov> that would be extremely popular
[10:23:24] <av500> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxvid
[10:23:28] <kierank> xav500
[10:23:35] <av500> xx500
[10:23:51] <kshishkov> and x100.500 for thresh
[10:23:52] <kierank> xpad
[10:23:54] <kierank> xpod
[10:24:24] <thresh> huh?
[10:25:11] <kshishkov> thresh: кодек икÑ-Ñтопиццот
[10:25:12] <superdump> xbox?
[10:39:19] <kshishkov> DonDiego: http://www.ifitweremyhome.com/compare/DE/SE
[10:40:44] <kierank> link doesn't work
[10:41:08] <kshishkov> probably slashdotted, try reloading
[10:41:43] <kierank> loads verry slowly
[10:41:49] <av500> works here
[10:42:35] <kierank> http://www.ifitweremyhome.com/compare/GB/SE
[10:45:30] <kshishkov> if you want to be proud, compare GB to RU
[10:46:06] <av500> kshishkov: to be fair you have to try all countries
[10:46:46] <kierank> or http://www.ifitweremyhome.com/compare/GB/AF
[10:48:18] <cartman> http://www.ifitweremyhome.com/compare/TR/DE
[10:48:20] <cartman> heheh
[10:48:33] <ubitux> the funny thing is to compare to US
[10:48:36] <kshishkov> yep, the only pair suitable for av500
[10:51:04] <cartman> http://www.ifitweremyhome.com/compare/DE/FR
[10:51:06] <cartman> weeee
[10:51:54] <kshishkov> "This is by a very far stretch below the belt line." <- does that mean "pulling one's leg"?
[10:52:17] <cartman> kshishkov: something about the balls
[10:53:48] <av500> anybody here that has french *free* internet? with iptv?
[10:55:05] <kierank> av500: ask the guy who works for *free* iptv
[10:55:23] <av500> kierank: sure, who is it?
[10:55:27] <kierank> Meuuh
[10:55:40] <kierank> in #x264dev
[10:55:48] <av500> kierank: thx
[10:56:20] <av500> but its actually about an ff problem
[10:56:35] <av500> current ffmpeg fails to play some rtsp stream that the freebox outputs
[10:56:46] <av500> and I cannot debug it from .DE :(
[10:57:09] <kierank> they use x264 iirc
[10:57:20] <kierank> and vlc
[10:58:15] <Dark_Shikari> Yes
[10:58:43] <vipw> kshishkov: "below the belt" is from boxing, since it's not allowed to punch someone in the genitals, being far stretch below the belt no longer makes sense as a metaphor
[10:58:57] * kshishkov likes quote from VLC fortunes.txt: < xand_> guys how can i force ffplay to use avcodec ?
[10:59:30] <kshishkov> vipw: I know about that boxing term
[11:29:11] <DonDiego> somebody please go and clarify that no accounts were closed or anything
[11:29:27] <DonDiego> nothing was done to the videolan repo and svn was read-only anyway
[11:29:49] <DonDiego> apparently this is a point that needs clarification
[11:30:08] <DonDiego> but i'd prefer if somebody else could say it
[11:30:13] <DonDiego> ruggles: you around?
[11:36:27] <{V}> DonDiego, I can ask if Michael meant accounts to git.ffmpeg or git.videolan
[11:37:59] <DonDiego> who are you?
[11:38:04] <av500> DonDiego: jannau mentioned "We have no plans of maintaining the repo on git.videolan.org further."
[11:38:17] <av500> that might sound like the videolan one is dead/gone
[11:38:19] <DonDiego> apparently that was not clear enough
[11:38:30] <av500> yes :(
[11:38:49] <DonDiego> av500: maybe you can post and say that videolan was never touched?
[11:39:20] <DonDiego> well, apart from jannau syncing a few commits, but i guess that's minor and not quite intended by anybody
[11:40:27] <av500> done
[11:40:45] <DonDiego> ruggles: i'd gladly cede my maintainership position, at least until i'm more prepared to deal with it - i currently have plenty of work and all my computers at home are broken, i don't even have a proper git setup yet :-(
[11:40:48] <{V}> DonDiego, I'm a nobody :) (just a few patches that were submitted a few years back). I mean: _I_ can't verify/clarify which repo does or does not have write access for Michael (for example), but as an outsider I can ask him (publicly) which repo he meant.
[11:41:28] * av500 opens a donation fund to get DonDiego a computer
[11:41:51] <av500> I just got a P-III laptop, interested?
[11:42:12] <av500> might be P-II even
[11:42:36] <DonDiego> {V}: oh, ok, i understand now and i remember you - sure, post whatever you wish
[11:42:56] <ohsix> av500: too fast! are you trying to kill him?
[11:43:05] <DonDiego> av500: a friend gave me a new desktop computer, but it's waiting for me to have time to install it
[11:43:17] <kierank> I have a pentium II 200mhz laptop
[11:43:19] <kierank> do you want it
[11:43:39] <DonDiego> i got a laptop lent from the institute, but it fell down and broke the display
[11:43:47] * DonDiego is plain stupid and clumsy sometimes
[11:44:08] <DonDiego> but yes, i'm looking for a laptop of my own again, sure
[11:44:15] <DonDiego> donations are more than welcome :)
[11:44:24] <kshishkov> you can coonect that laptop to some display though
[11:44:27] <kshishkov> *connect
[11:44:39] <{V}> you remember me? ... errr should I worry? :p
[11:44:42] <av500> ohsix: I felt the new "leader" must have similar HW like the old "leader" :)
[11:44:43] * DonDiego hopes not to kill his next computer right away
[11:44:49] * av500 hides
[11:45:01] <DonDiego> kshishkov: yes, but i had to have it repaired of course and i'm still waiting to get it back...
[11:45:02] <ohsix> i must have missed something
[11:45:09] <Dark_Shikari> ohsix: diego better not be the new leader =p
[11:45:22] <kshishkov> DonDiego: remember the laptop Stephen Gehrer had at LT? You should get something like that
[11:45:24] <cartman> av500: could I ask you some things about omapfbplay or shall I wait for mru instead?
[11:45:39] <DonDiego> spare me the bad jokes please, this channel is now logged
[11:45:54] <av500> but are logs mailed?
[11:46:13] <Dark_Shikari> Bad jokes are part of what IRC is about.
[11:46:17] * kierank didn't notice the existence of fftrollbot
[11:46:23] <Dark_Shikari> If you can't handle the heat, step out of the ffflames.
[11:46:28] <DonDiego> yes, they are on lists.mplayerhq.hu again
[11:46:31] <kshishkov> ohsix: we have moved from "Projektführer" model to "Bundesdevelopers" model
[11:46:39] <Dark_Shikari> kshishkov: LOL
[11:46:40] <DonDiego> i was only being moderately serious ;)
[11:46:43] <av500> lol
[11:47:17] <av500> cartman: shoot
[11:47:59] <kierank> kshishkov: is the next step integration with other regional multimedia projects
[11:48:06] <kierank> and then gstreamer collapses
[11:48:11] <kierank> and needs a bailout?
[11:48:19] <cartman> av500: private, because the code is ugly
[11:48:34] <Dark_Shikari> kierank: x264 stays separate through, with its own currency
[11:48:45] <kierank> lol x264 is britain
[11:48:46] <kshishkov> Dark_Shikari: FFmpeg situation would make even Godwin refer to it this way
[11:48:53] <Dark_Shikari> kierank: exactly
[11:48:58] <kierank> and closed borders (gpl)
[11:49:03] <Dark_Shikari> loool
[11:49:12] <kierank> and an alliance with the evil USA (dual licensing)
[11:49:16] <kshishkov> though not that effective as Britain
[11:49:36] <Dark_Shikari> And like Britain, we have some weird cultural attributes that nobody in the rest of europe seems to understand.
[11:49:49] <av500> Dark_Shikari: do you also have a tunnel into?
[11:49:57] <Dark_Shikari> av500: The tunnel is x264's lavf input.
[11:50:07] <kshishkov> or shared devels
[11:50:27] * kshishkov tries to remember who maintains libavcodec/libx264.c
[11:50:48] <av500> kshishkov: now, its a commitee
[11:50:59] <thresh> with no commit rights
[11:51:07] <Dark_Shikari> kshishkov: me
[11:51:24] <Dark_Shikari> Weird cultural attributes in britain: British humor
[11:51:24] <spaam> cartman: are you afraid to show your ugly code in public? :)
[11:51:26] <Dark_Shikari> in x264: Touhou
[11:51:26] <kshishkov> Dark_Shikari: you make me wonder if you have any relation to x264 then
[11:51:35] <spaam> Dark_Shikari: dont froget SC2 ;D
[11:51:42] <spaam> forget
[11:51:56] <kshishkov> Dark_Shikari: what's weird about British humour? It's not British sausages.
[11:52:14] <av500> spaam: I have the pastebin and will use it against him if needed
[11:52:32] <cartman> av500: damn you, lol
[11:52:41] <kshishkov> av500: you'd empty pastebucket on him?
[11:52:43] <cartman> spaam: it shows my OpenGL skillz
[11:52:58] <cartman> non-existing ones
[11:53:51] <spaam> av500: Nice :D
[11:54:16] <spaam> cartman: awesome skillz?
[11:55:06] <cartman> spaam: nope
[11:55:24] <spaam> :(
[11:55:38] <spaam> cartman: going to fix opengl stuff for ffplay?
[11:56:17] <cartman> spaam: nope
[11:59:24] <lu_zero> bad
[12:01:27] <av500> lu_zero: your swscale effort is for adding neon to colorconv?
[12:02:10] <lu_zero> yup
[12:02:22] <kshishkov> well, at least it may allow mru not to shudder when seeing swscaler
[12:02:27] <av500> lu_zero: you have a (paying) customer :)
[12:02:30] <av500> cartman: ^^^^
[12:02:37] <lu_zero> oh, really?
[12:02:43] <lu_zero> neat =)
[12:03:34] <cartman> av500: bah
[12:03:35] <av500> lu_zero: not sure about the "paying" bit :)
[12:03:38] <cartman> yeah
[12:03:40] <cartman> indeed :D
[12:03:44] <av500> its that turkish thing, you know
[12:03:47] <cartman> that bit is unset man
[12:03:52] <lu_zero> sure about the interest I guess =)
[12:04:09] <av500> cartman: buy some gold in the bazaar!
[12:04:13] <cartman> av500: :(
[12:04:22] <lu_zero> merbzt did something in this regard btw
[12:04:26] <cartman> lu_zero: Need a fast way to do YUV->RGB in *Droid
[12:04:29] <av500> or send him lots of tr delights
[12:04:31] <kshishkov> av500: you can buy some from vending machine, can't you?
[12:04:35] <cartman> av500: delights work fine
[12:04:39] <kshishkov> lu_zero: yes, he did
[12:04:47] <lu_zero> cartman: merbzt hacked sdl a bit
[12:04:50] <Dark_Shikari> cartman: shader
[12:04:57] <kshishkov> cartman: do they work fine with KotH?
[12:04:59] <cartman> lu_zero: hmmpf
[12:05:06] <av500> Dark_Shikari: I was told shader had issues
[12:05:10] <cartman> kshishkov: mines do, I know his fav. Turkish chaklıt
[12:05:14] <av500> j-b: no? ^^^
[12:05:31] <lu_zero> Dark_Shikari: shader might not work for certain resolutions or so I'm said from xbmc people
[12:05:45] <kshishkov> lu_zero: I've talked to Benjamin, he was trying to implement yuv2rgb in NEON
[12:05:53] <j-b> av500: ?
[12:05:55] <lu_zero> yup
[12:06:16] <av500> j-b: yuv2rgb and shaders
[12:06:20] <kshishkov> he also blamed you for porting SDL to that platform IIRC
[12:06:31] <lu_zero> kshishkov: just partially
[12:06:50] <j-b> av500: yes, they have, and I never understand in which ways :D
[12:06:54] <lu_zero> I just re-hacked something halfway working to something 3/4 working
[12:06:57] <mru> morning
[12:06:59] <av500> lunch
[12:07:02] <lu_zero> good morning
[12:07:07] <kshishkov> god morgon, mru
[12:07:44] <cartman> mru!
[12:09:37] <pJok> god morgon, mru
[12:16:10] <_av500_> cartman: köfte!
[12:17:16] <cartman> _av500_: ich möhte köfte baby
[12:17:34] <_av500_> ja
[12:31:46] * KotH wouldnt mind some köfte now
[12:31:54] <KotH> the pide was a bit small
[12:32:38] <merbzt> my neon code was 10 times faster then the C code
[12:34:24] <mru> how many cycles per pixel?
[12:34:45] <pJok> KotH, its been ages since i've had köfte... and there are some nice places around here that actually make good ones
[12:34:51] <{V}> is ffmpeg-cvslog setup to receive updates from git.ffmpeg?
[12:34:54] <{V}> ffmpeg-cvslog does not seem to have received Mans' "configure: fix mktemp test and fallback function" commit
[12:35:05] <mru> {V}: it's ffmpeg-commits now
[12:35:15] <mru> we felt -cvslog was a bad name
[12:35:34] <thresh> did you resubscribe everyone there?
[12:35:42] <mru> no
[12:35:46] <mru> do you think I should?
[12:36:21] <thresh> well, you (not personally, I have no idea who was the driving force around all that) did your worst moves already, so...
[12:37:08] <mru> if it were just a simple renaming matter, I'd of course move the subscribers over
[12:37:16] <mru> but it's a little more complicated than that
[12:37:26] <thresh> I never administered mailman, is it that bad?
[12:37:33] <{V}> ah I see it mentioned in the Announcement now. Could've been mentioned a little clearer.
[12:37:37] <mru> it is, but that wasn't my point
[12:37:37] <thresh> i know it's in python, so probably is..
[12:38:05] <mru> I meant the entire situation surrounding this
[12:38:24] <mru> I don't want people to feel I'm making choices for them
[12:38:37] <thresh> I can argue on that last sentence
[12:38:43] <thresh> but I see your point
[12:39:18] <mru> + any more than is already the case
[12:39:37] <mru> there are now two repos, people are free to follow whichever or both
[12:42:10] <DonDiego> is the website updated to point at -commits instead of -cvslog?
[12:42:28] <mru> you're the subversion master
[12:45:33] <DonDiego> what about converting the the website repo?
[12:45:46] <mru> let's wait a little with that
[12:45:52] <mru> there's enough going on now
[12:45:54] <DonDiego> ok, fine
[12:48:19] <jannau> {V}: it would have been wiser if I hadn't sync changes back to git.videolan.org and hence no commits to mails to -cvslog
[12:50:31] <DonDiego> updated
[12:50:38] <DonDiego> website i mean
[12:50:54] <DonDiego> jannau: yes, i guess one is always smarter afterwards
[12:52:05] <ubitux> does this need we need to re-register?
[12:52:12] <ubitux> mean*
[12:52:33] <kshishkov> DonDiego: congratulations, you've almost literally cited a Russian proverb!
[12:52:58] <mru> kshishkov: that's a rather universal proverb
[12:54:35] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Justin Ruggles <justin.ruggles at gmail.com> master * ra4f5af13fb ffmpeg/tests/ (lavf-regression.sh ref/lavf/voc_s16):
[12:54:35] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Add regression test for stereo s16le in voc.
[12:54:35] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Signed-off-by: Mans Rullgard <mans at mansr.com>
[12:54:36] <kshishkov> mru: well, but in Russian there's even a special term for it
[12:55:34] <{V}> ubitux, to -commits ? yes, apparently so.
[12:55:47] <thresh> задний ум
[12:56:08] <{V}> ubitux, if you want to have commits to git.ffmpeg.org sent to you
[12:57:00] <kshishkov> thresh: и находитÑÑ Ð¾Ð½ там, через что вÑÑ‘ в РоÑÑии делаетÑÑ
[12:57:17] <ubitux> with -cvslog I will receive only from git.videolan.org?
[12:58:04] <jannau> ubitux: yes
[12:58:39] <ubitux> ok thannks; a summary of all of this on the mainpage may be useful
[13:18:06] <Tjoppen> whoa
[13:18:23] <Tjoppen> sick today and didn't check the mail until just now
[13:18:49] <spaam> Tjoppen: slacking?
[13:21:22] <elenril> so i finally replaced one of the two 512-MB modules in my craptop with a 2GB one
[13:21:31] <elenril> BIOS says it can see 2560MB
[13:21:55] <Tjoppen> spaam: heh
[13:21:56] <elenril> yet the system claims i only have 882
[13:22:01] <elenril> why that might be?
[13:22:15] <kshishkov> because it's craptop
[13:22:29] * elenril stabs kshishkov
[13:22:30] <mru> elenril: HIGHMEM not enabled?
[13:22:50] <kshishkov> videocard allocated a bit too much memory for itself?
[13:23:11] <elenril> mru: highmem is only needed for >4 GB, no?
[13:23:13] <kshishkov> mru: ugh, the stuff like EMS/XMS?
[13:23:20] <mru> elenril: not necessarily
[13:23:35] <mru> I don't know exactly what sets the limit
[13:23:40] <mru> but I've seen it kick in much sooner
[13:23:41] * elenril goes to recompile his kernel
[13:23:52] <mru> what's your dmesg like anyway?
[13:23:54] <thresh> 512M IIRC
[13:25:13] <elenril> http://pastebin.com/4C90xhtE
[13:25:37] <mru> ugh, that's missing the start
[13:26:10] <mru> do you have a /var/log/dmesg?
[13:26:13] <elenril> no, it starts there
[13:26:23] <mru> yes, the kernel buffer is missing the start
[13:26:38] <mru> check for that ^ file, it might contain the full log
[13:27:01] <mru> or rather, the log at an early stage before so much junk has pushed the interesting parts out of the buffer
[13:27:52] <mru> eeek, 8139
[13:27:55] <elenril> http://pastebin.com/Kc26pTUp
[13:28:10] <elenril> what's so wrong with 8139
[13:28:15] <av500> all of it
[13:28:20] * elenril has about 3-4 at home
[13:28:24] <elenril> never had problems with them
[13:28:37] <mru> have you ever tried an intel nic?
[13:28:46] <mru> or a dec tulip back in the day?
[13:28:59] <elenril> sure, there is one on the machine i'm ircing from
[13:29:05] <mru> those _work_
[13:29:17] <mru> and that last pastebin is even more incomplete
[13:29:50] <mru> the first line should be "Linux version 2.6...."
[13:30:48] <elenril> that's all there is in /var/log/dmesg
[13:30:55] <ohsix> or initializing cgroups if you're using a modern distro
[13:30:57] <mru> what broken system is this?
[13:32:05] <kshishkov> Slackware 3.11?
[13:32:53] <elenril> i guess i disable something in the kernel :)
[13:33:03] <elenril> oh well, compile time
[13:33:22] * elenril wonders how many things will 2.6.37 break
[13:33:47] <mru> make the log buffer bigger
[13:34:28] <mru> that would be CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT
[13:34:37] <av500> mru: he cant, not enough RAM
[13:34:44] <mru> mine's 18
[13:34:53] <mru> 15 should be the minimum on a system with that much ram
[13:35:05] <mru> you can surely spare the 32k
[13:35:11] <elenril> so much!!!
[13:35:20] <elenril> my precioussss ram
[13:35:38] <KotH> elenril: highmem is needed from something around 700mb upwards on 32bit systems
[13:36:05] <kshishkov> can't we donate Gdium to elenril?
[13:36:05] <ohsix> stupid pci devices~!
[13:36:13] <mru> hmm, the pasted log is 26k
[13:36:38] <elenril> i trimmed the boring parts at the end
[13:36:45] <elenril> about connecting my usb devices etc
[13:36:50] <mru> so it's probably 32k in total
[13:36:59] <mru> what does dmesg | wc -c say?
[13:37:46] <elenril> 31370
[13:37:50] <elenril> so yeah
[13:37:51] <mru> close to 32k
[13:37:55] <mru> so you're at 15 now
[13:37:59] <mru> bump that to 17
[13:38:04] <elenril> already did
[13:38:18] <mru> and enable highmem
[13:38:41] <ohsix> and get an extra shot of espresso
[13:38:45] <elenril> ack
[13:38:49] * elenril eats chocolate
[13:40:02] <kshishkov> elenril: KotH would object, you should call it "brown substance called chocolate in countries != .ch"
[13:40:22] <mru> aka mud
[13:40:48] <elenril> ok, /me eats some sweet brown mud
[13:41:06] <av500> midpie
[13:41:07] <KotH> kshishkov: be aware that mru largely agrees with my understanding of chocolate :)
[13:41:09] <av500> mudpie
[13:41:17] <ohsix> have you seen that documentary on chocolate yet
[13:41:47] <av500> if they had time to film it, it was not good
[13:41:57] <av500> the chocolate I mean
[13:42:19] <elenril> Big Kernel Lock (BKL) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ? << haha
[13:42:35] <av500> put ?
[13:43:04] <kshishkov> that's really human interface
[13:43:11] <kshishkov> ohsix: no, is there any?
[13:43:12] <ohsix> elenril: that's largely added so they can put kconfig deps on it fro drivers that still have bkl parts
[13:44:30] <ohsix> http://www.thedarksideofchocolate.org/ DOOOM
[13:55:08] <lu_zero> KotH: you still have to come there and visit few places
[13:55:40] <lu_zero> Leone and Stroppiana at least
[13:55:55] <mru> hmm, perhaps I should ally myself with KotH and invade italy...
[13:56:00] <av500> italian girls have funny names....
[13:56:20] <mru> italian _guys_ have funny names
[13:56:22] <kshishkov> mru: your ancestors did that for you
[13:56:24] <mru> girl's names
[13:57:05] <spaam> mru: do you mena that lu_zero have a girl name?
[13:57:14] <mru> not all of them
[13:59:09] <lu_zero> Leone http://www.pastiglieleone.it/fabbrica-cioccolato.php
[13:59:52] <av500> so Stroppiana is not a girl either?
[14:00:24] <lu_zero> av500: another sort of important chocolate maker
[14:00:49] <kshishkov> lu_zero: I know only Venchi from Italian chocolate makers
[14:01:54] <kshishkov> lu_zero: though I remember buying some other chocolate brands from Italy too
[14:01:54] <lu_zero> kshishkov: isn't that bad but at least Caffarel should be known
[14:01:55] <lu_zero> http://www.caffarel.it/tool/home.php
[14:02:51] <kshishkov> lu_zero: "isn't that bad" only because it's located in Torino?
[14:03:16] <lu_zero> kshishkov: Torino has a long tradition about chocolate ^^;
[14:03:42] <KotH> lu_zero: you have yet to prove that torino has chocolate ;)
[14:03:50] <av500> lu_zero: famous FICT company?
[14:04:06] <lu_zero> KotH: it's nearby
[14:04:13] <lu_zero> come and see =P
[14:04:48] <lu_zero> I'll bring you to some interesting places
[14:05:19] <KotH> lu_zero: if i had time i would ^^'
[14:05:34] * KotH has half a dozen invitations to see various places around europe
[14:05:49] <mru> time to cash in on some of them?
[14:05:50] <kshishkov> lu_zero: you don't understand. Proper Swiss chocolate is made only from the best Swiss cocoa beans, sometimes with addition of the best Swiss milk and sugar
[14:06:04] <KotH> mru: as i said "if i had time"
[14:06:11] <kshishkov> KotH: go to Moscow, you should visit it once a lifetime
[14:06:21] * KotH would like to have a look at südtirol during winter
[14:06:26] <mru> kshishkov: you have several lifetimes?
[14:06:26] <av500> kshishkov: swiss sugar cane plantations are a real sight!
[14:06:56] <kshishkov> mru: no, but I've never been to Moscow (and don't want to go neither there nor to Russia)
[14:07:09] <kshishkov> av500: indeed
[14:11:28] <thresh> kshishkov: if you don't come to Moscow, Moscow might come to you
[14:11:30] <KotH> kshishkov: friend of mine had a thread manufactury near moscow... i think that's enough
[14:11:42] <lu_zero> mru: got some spare time to visit?
[14:12:01] <mru> lu_zero: I think I can find it
[14:12:06] <mru> when's a good time of year?
[14:12:07] <kshishkov> KotH: even thresh will tell you that near Moscow is totally different from Moscow
[14:12:42] <lu_zero> mru: do you like better cold (up to -20) or hot (up to 40) or mild?
[14:12:56] <mru> I prefer 20-30
[14:13:00] <thresh> indeed, I live in a quiet village 10km away from that hopeless filth-filled swarm of freaks
[14:13:28] <lu_zero> The best traditional recipes taste better in autumn (that is warm and a little rainy in the end)
[14:13:57] * KotH makes some notes to make fftorino in autumn
[14:14:22] <lu_zero> spring is nice as well but you have less fresh mushrooms and truffles
[14:14:25] <thresh> i seriously hope Brussels would be warmer in Feb than Moscow
[14:14:32] <lu_zero> thresh: should
[14:14:34] <mru> thresh: it should
[14:14:45] <lu_zero> and that reminds me I must book my flight/stuff =P
[14:14:54] <mru> last year it was just below freezing iirc
[14:14:55] <thresh> it's about -20 here now and i'm freezing my pants off
[14:15:11] <mru> even slightly above in the afternon
[14:15:37] <thresh> not really sunny I would expect?
[14:15:48] <mru> there was some sun
[14:16:24] <elenril> o_0 people making sense? in my ffdrama?
[14:16:34] <elenril> this must be stoppped until it spreads!
[14:21:44] <spaam> what is the content-type for webm?
[14:21:56] <kierank> video/whocares
[14:21:57] <spaam> video/webm?
[14:22:09] <spaam> kierank: i need to know it..
[14:22:18] <kierank> video/webm apparently
[14:22:25] <spaam> ok. good :)
[14:22:29] <kierank> http://www.webmproject.org/code/specs/container/
[14:22:31] <mmu_man> wtf...
[14:22:44] <spaam> kierank: good..
[14:22:48] <lu_zero> elenril: where?
[14:23:44] <av500> lu_zero: wbs: lavf rtsp supports HE-AAC?
[14:29:46] <lu_zero> got asked about that few days ago
[14:29:50] <av500> and?
[14:30:10] <lu_zero> he-aac is aac-lc + ps and sbr
[14:30:27] <lu_zero> IIRC ffaac has those halfway
[14:30:36] <lu_zero> but, why asking us?
[14:30:48] <av500> lu_zero: because it plays as a .ts capture
[14:30:52] <av500> but not via rtsp
[14:31:15] <av500> does lavf rstp stack handle that?
[14:31:16] <lu_zero> uh?
[14:31:31] <av500> lu_zero: free.fr sends that out from their home routers
[14:31:35] <av500> as rtsp
[14:31:39] <av500> and ffplay cannot play it
[14:31:40] <lu_zero> they made a variant for he-aac?
[14:31:55] <av500> lu_zero: you are the rtsp expert, no me :)
[14:31:58] <av500> not
[14:32:06] <av500> it's 0xf for ADTS
[14:32:13] <av500> ^^ thats what I got told
[14:32:29] <lu_zero> O_o
[14:32:35] <lu_zero> do you have a sample?
[14:32:47] <av500> of the rtsp stream?
[14:32:53] <av500> how?
[14:33:10] <av500> as said, the .ts capture is fine
[14:33:56] <lu_zero> ffmpeg -i rtsp://the/thing -acodec copy -vcodec copy dump.nut works?
[14:34:18] <av500> we will try
[14:34:22] <lu_zero> wireshark might be helpful btw
[14:36:08] <av500> lu_zero: I cant tell now, my french minion has to do it from his home in the evenings
[14:36:54] <lu_zero> anyway a wireshark dump might help
[14:37:03] <lu_zero> could you pass me the ts btw?
[14:37:09] <av500> sure
[14:37:26] <av500> there is also a pcap file
[14:37:38] <lu_zero> so I can try locally with feng
[14:37:43] <lu_zero> oh
[14:37:48] <lu_zero> great pass everything =)
[14:39:19] <av500> http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/rqsA7XnS
[14:39:23] <av500> this is the ffmpeg log
[14:40:29] <kierank> av500: can you send me the ts, I want to see if they do anything weird
[14:40:35] <av500> sure
[14:43:13] <elenril> http://i.imgur.com/oCHE1.png awesome
[14:43:15] <elenril> mru: thanks
[14:43:19] <elenril> that was really helpful
[14:45:17] <av500> lu_zero: kierank: http://0x.deadba.be/~tom/freebox_dump.tar.gz
[14:45:26] <kierank> thx
[14:45:49] <kierank> lol 1hr left
[14:46:01] <av500> er
[14:46:05] <av500> sec
[14:46:22] <kshishkov> av500: that site should have Austrian mirror
[14:47:06] <kierank> kshishkov: why austrian?
[14:47:36] <cartman> mru: when I set dp->pixfmt = PIX_FMT_RGB24 does this mean frame data will be RGB or I must pass YUV420P as pixfmt?
[14:47:42] <kierank> kshishkov: never mind
[14:49:19] * cartman has so many questions
[14:50:33] <av500> cartman: here: "????????????" have some
[14:50:50] <kshishkov> cartman: you still have a long way to go to ask questions worthy of mru's attention
[14:50:54] <cartman> av500: let me split() that
[14:51:07] <cartman> kshishkov: you bet, mru helped me a lot :D
[14:51:34] <kierank> kshishkov: ask him to send u the codez
[14:51:50] <kshishkov> cartman: so he managed to convince you RTFM?
[14:52:04] <kshishkov> kierank: codez for whut?
[14:52:06] <cartman> kshishkov: nope, he explained and all that ;)
[14:52:16] <cartman> kierank: I want the teh asm
[14:52:19] <cartman> and codecz
[14:53:18] <av500> kierank: its a home dsl upload, sorry
[14:53:46] <cartman> I need PIX_FMT_RGB565LE actually
[14:53:47] <kierank> doesn't amtter
[14:53:53] <cartman> reading some Android docs
[14:59:02] <av500> kierank: should be faster now
[15:01:06] <mru> cartman: you should set dp->pixfmt to the format output accepts
[15:02:22] <cartman> mru: I can't see it freely I guess?
[15:03:03] <cartman> mru: I mean it doesn't auto-convert between the output and the requested pixfmt, right?
[15:04:31] <mru> ff->pixfmt is the decoder output format
[15:05:02] <mru> if you can support that format, you should use that
[15:05:45] <cartman> mru: since xv.c sets its to YUV420P unconditionally, that must be working for most(all?) decoders?
[15:05:53] <mru> that's laziness
[15:06:09] <mru> see v4l2 for a more complete example
[15:06:29] <mru> it queries the device capabilities and searches for a good match
[15:06:38] <cartman> mru: hmmmpf ok, if I pass something like PIX_FMT_RGB565LE , it wouldn't work with any decoder I guess?
[15:06:48] <mru> the whole pixfmt matching could be cleaned up a bit
[15:07:18] <mru> if you return a format different from the decoder output, it will look for a converter
[15:07:23] <kierank> how does lavf handle channel changes in ts?
[15:07:28] <mru> there isn't currently any yuv to rgb converter
[15:07:30] <kshishkov> badly
[15:07:35] <cartman> mru: and does the convertion automagically if that exists?
[15:07:37] <mru> only a couple of yuv repacking ones
[15:07:43] <cartman> mru: i.e they are convertable
[15:07:47] <mru> not quite automatically
[15:08:04] <cartman> mru: I see some pixconv->convert() calls but not sure how it works
[15:08:15] <av500> thats is just yuv reshuffling
[15:08:20] <av500> no yuv to rgb
[15:08:25] <mru> av500: it could be extended with yuv to rgb
[15:08:29] <cartman> av500: why does it reshuffle?
[15:08:30] <mru> it's all modular
[15:08:46] <mru> cartman: for devices that don't support planar yuv
[15:08:51] <av500> cartman: because e.g. codecs output planar and overlays expect packed
[15:09:08] <cartman> mru: I was guessing that swscale would convert if needed
[15:09:15] <cartman> av500: ah ok
[15:09:22] <mru> swscale isn't used
[15:09:32] <cartman> thats why its fast :-D
[15:09:33] <cartman> :p
[15:09:37] <mru> you must keep in mind the origin of this
[15:09:39] <av500> certain allergy...
[15:09:42] <mru> it was created as a speed demo
[15:09:48] <cartman> mru: yup :)
[15:09:51] <mru> using swscale would defeat the purpose
[15:09:52] <jannau> kierank: what do you understand under channel changes? different program number in the same multiplex as boradcasted?
[15:10:23] <cartman> is there list somewhere that what decoder outputs in what format? :)
[15:10:24] <jannau> or entirely different multiplex
[15:10:39] <av500> cartman: assume planar for most video codecs
[15:10:57] <mru> no need to assume
[15:10:59] <kierank> jannau: just for single program transport stream for now. if say a new stream is added in the pmt
[15:11:05] <mru> ff->pixfmt tells
[15:11:27] <mru> enable() will be passed a non-null pixconv if conversion is needed
[15:12:01] <mru> you'd typically call pixconv->convert() in the prepare() function
[15:12:15] <mru> then pixconv->finish() from show() before actually displaying the frame
[15:12:23] <mru> that allows async conversion in background
[15:13:11] <mru> if pixconv is null, prepare() doesn't need to do anything
[15:13:18] <mru> unless the device requires some configuration of course
[15:13:27] <cartman> mru: ah thats why it does if (pixconv)
[15:13:31] <jannau> kierank: not sure, I would assume it won't notice new streams since it stops parsing the pmt
[15:15:18] <jannau> adding support for that won't be hard. mythtv's version supports that
[15:15:45] <jannau> removed streams are much harder to deal with
[15:15:52] <cartman> nice nice
[15:16:01] <cartman> I might be actually learning something :D :P
[15:16:43] <mru> oh, and your display driver must call ofbp_put_frame() with it's done with a struct frame
[15:16:52] <Kovensky> recarding Cyril's email, will patch review still be strict about cosmetics or will that be relaxed for git?
[15:17:10] <mru> typically after pixconv is finished
[15:17:13] <Kovensky> at least I remember seeing some explanation that the cosmetics+code separation was done because of some cvs thing that for historical reasons stuck with the move to svn
[15:17:27] <cartman> mru: that says the frame is done, serve next, I think?
[15:17:27] <av500> Kovensky: I have a script to insert randomly tabs and trailing spaces to the code base :)
[15:17:32] <mru> or when the next frame is displayed in case of direct rendering
[15:17:50] <Kovensky> av500: ofc inserting tabs and trailing spaces is dumb and should be fixed before commit =p
[15:17:56] <mru> ofbp_put_frame() puts the frame back in the pool of unusued frames
[15:18:09] <mru> so it can be passed to the decoder later
[15:18:14] <Kovensky> av500: the question is about patches that edit lines and end up changing whitespace
[15:18:22] <av500> ic
[15:19:07] <cartman> mru: okies
[15:19:07] <Kovensky> av500: for example, a patch that refactors some code would have to be done in two passes, one that changes the code that is actually edited (without changing indentation), then other to reindent everything
[15:19:18] <av500> yes
[15:19:20] <av500> I know
[15:19:44] <mru> cartman: exploring the git history might explain some things
[15:19:54] <mru> the comments occasionally contain useful information
[15:19:57] <Kovensky> at least on x264 git that is completely a non-issue, but ffmpeg didn't adopt x264's git model =p
[15:20:11] <Kovensky> I actually don't know how the kernel model works :S
[15:20:16] <cartman> mru: thanks! :)
[15:20:26] <cartman> I am on 3G, see you later!
[15:20:41] <mru> Kovensky: the indentation rule is silly and needs to be revised
[15:20:45] <Kovensky> IIUC it's just linus merging maintainer trees onto his, plus some monkeying / some of his own code, then publishing
[15:21:22] <mru> it is true that occasionally a patch is easier to read if whitespace changes are ignored
[15:21:29] <mru> but any sane diff tool has an option for that
[15:22:16] <mru> it has really only been one person insisting on the strict no-whitespace rule
[15:24:03] <Kovensky> Why couldn’t you have forked, or held a vote?
[15:24:03] <Kovensky> Because the overabundance of votes contributes to the problem. Please,
[15:24:03] <Kovensky> no more votes.
[15:24:05] <Kovensky> Contributes to what problem?
[15:24:08] <Kovensky> Thilo needs some enlightenment
[15:24:32] <mru> voting always means stomping one side on the head
[15:24:52] <av500> revolution too :)
[15:25:02] <mru> no, that chops off heads
[15:25:09] <av500> ah, subtle difference
[15:25:20] <pJok> at least no ffmpeg coder set himself on fire
[15:25:35] <Kovensky> instead they set the mailing list on fire
[15:25:37] <Kovensky> fflames \o/
[15:25:44] <kshishkov> mru: there's a saying: 'Russians always liked drinking, fighting and cockroach races. Elections combined it all for them'
[15:25:45] <av500> Kovensky: by my count, the last vote had a majority of ppl saying "michael, yes, but with changes"
[15:26:05] <kshishkov> av500: so we changed indeed
[15:26:11] <av500> he did not follow up with it
[15:26:12] <Kovensky> av500: votes are just bikesheds
[15:26:39] <mru> ffvotes have always turned into a game of who can find the best counting method
[15:26:56] <kshishkov> isn't that the whole purpose of all votes?
[15:27:09] <av500> mru: yes, but in the last one, it was not even counted
[15:27:14] <mru> alternatively who can pick the most biased options
[15:27:29] <kshishkov> av500: that's also a legal method in some countries
[15:27:51] <Kovensky> if I ever speak at an open source software event I'll bring a bikeshed and lots of paint, then tell the audience to paint it
[15:28:20] <mru> only one requirement: the entire shed must be one colour when they're done
[15:28:56] * av500 is the last one to paint
[15:29:07] * av500 puts C4 into the paint can
[15:29:18] <kshishkov> you vandal!
[15:29:21] <Kovensky> av500: Mr. Bean tried that technique
[15:29:30] <av500> Kovensky: I remember
[15:29:34] <kshishkov> av500: that was good BeagleBoard revision!
[15:30:45] <mru> av500: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GURvHJNmGrc
[15:31:40] <{V}> Kovensky, yes, but not with C4
[15:32:04] <av500> mru: single color, yeah right
[15:55:40] <kierank> there should be votes to have a vote
[15:55:46] <kierank> if it works for the un it should work for everyone ;)
[15:56:29] <mru> votes all the way down
[15:56:56] <mru> allocate, say, 50MB and vote on each bit
[15:57:02] <av500> before votes we need constitution
[15:57:13] <kierank> av500: nah unwritten constitution works well
[15:57:31] <lu_zero> sigh
[15:58:53] * av500 calls open source supreme court to help
[15:59:34] <kierank> rms?
[15:59:57] <av500> kierank: rms, linux and sballmer
[16:00:02] <av500> er, linus
[16:01:25] <kshishkov> i.e. freedom, real things and developers!developers!developers!
[16:01:49] <av500> kshishkov: sballmer only to prevent to other 2 from conspiring :)
[16:02:00] <DonDiego> Kovensky: maybe you can try to explain to thilo how votes leave 49% of the people unhappy (i.e. a group large enough to fork) and are just a dictatorship of the (slight) majority?
[16:02:10] <kshishkov> av500: do you think rms can conspire with anybody else?
[16:02:50] <DonDiego> av500: maybe you can post your numbers now that somebody asked for them?
[16:03:16] <av500> I lost the pastebin url :)
[16:03:57] <DonDiego> somebody here must have logs
[16:04:15] <DonDiego> or recount, maybe you get some GWB results ;-p
[16:04:53] <mru> DonDiego: you were already compared to him
[16:05:57] <mru> http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/1PT53QVr
[16:06:04] <mru> irc logs ftw
[16:06:18] <DonDiego> mru: that's where i learned the acronym
[16:06:59] <DonDiego> well, my language was a little bit on the - flowery - side, but hey, i thought they were some pretty expressions
[16:08:28] <kierank> av500: what's the voting for?
[16:08:38] <av500> ?
[16:08:44] <kierank> in the pastebin
[16:08:48] <av500> the last one
[16:08:51] <kierank> yeah
[16:09:11] <av500> A. I trust michael and wish him to continue to lead the ffmpeg project
[16:09:16] <av500> B. I distrust michael and wish him to step back
[16:09:27] <kierank> oh that
[16:09:43] <av500> C. I want michael to stay our leader, but to abide by the same rules as everyone else. That is, Michael should be a prime minister, not a BDFL
[16:09:48] <superdump> it's not a question of trust for me
[16:10:06] <av500> superdump: that was how the vote was worded
[16:10:12] <superdump> ah that vote
[16:10:15] <superdump> i recall
[16:11:01] <mru> also remember _who_ chose the options
[16:11:12] <av500> C was chosen by jason
[16:11:16] <av500> :)
[16:11:28] <av500> or rather "added"
[16:12:09] <DonDiego> somebody may wish to publish those numbers...
[16:13:20] <mru> it's worth noting that some big names are missing entirely from that list
[16:13:59] <DonDiego> yes
[16:14:27] <mru> and the presence of some pure trolls
[16:14:45] <mru> well, one
[16:14:50] * kshishkov scans that list for VladimirP
[16:15:40] <merbzt> lwn picked it up now
[16:15:56] <16SAAYUNZ> last vote I was the only one to vote B
[16:16:24] <mru> 16SAAYUNZ: what kind of nick is that?
[16:17:08] <16SAAYUNZ> the kind freenode gives you due to nick collision
[16:17:22] <merbzt> cool
[16:17:22] <merbzt> keep it
[16:17:46] <Kovensky> he did say he liked that nick :>
[16:18:09] <mru> I suppose in retrospect you could say I voted "D fuck off"
[16:18:23] <merbzt> I wonder how I will get out of this building today ...
[16:18:33] * alfreddo is searching for blood and barricades
[16:18:38] <merbzt> rfid chip in my access card sort of died
[16:18:56] <Kovensky> why does lwn make it so annoying to open an article on another tab, or even to get a link to it
[16:19:35] * mru is still struggling to understand how lwn works
[16:20:06] <DonDiego> 16SAAYUNZ: please go back to your original nick, "green hair" in spanish is a great name :)
[16:20:19] <KotH> lol
[16:20:48] <Kovensky> DonDiego: it's "green hair" in portuguese too =p
[16:20:57] <16SAAYUNZ> it has been years since my hair was last green
[16:20:57] <Kovensky> except in that case it can't refer to the hair on your head, only body hair
[16:21:13] <mru> Kovensky: spanish and portuguese are rather similar
[16:21:20] <mru> but with dangerous differences
[16:21:55] <mru> they sound quite different though
[16:21:55] <Kovensky> indeed
[16:22:25] <mru> and the people look different (the european ones)
[16:23:07] <Kovensky> brazilian portuguese is also substantially different from european portuguese
[16:23:21] <mru> so I've been told
[16:23:26] <Kovensky> they have different pronunciation, different vocabulary, different adjectives, different verbs, different verb conjugations
[16:23:27] * mru does not pretend to know either
[16:24:07] <Kovensky> and it's impossible to understand computer stuff in european portuguese unless you study its vocabulary
[16:24:18] <DonDiego> 16SAAYUNZ: doesn't matter, nicks stick :)
[16:24:24] <Kovensky> brazilian portuguese borrowed most things from english; portugal decided to translate or make up their own words
[16:24:45] <mru> I can't understand computer stuff in swedish
[16:24:50] <mru> at least not translated apps
[16:25:04] <lu_zero> ^^;
[16:25:08] <mru> technical literature is easier
[16:25:11] * KotH can't understand computer stuff in japanese
[16:25:14] <KotH> ;)
[16:25:24] <lu_zero> how so?
[16:25:32] <lu_zero> most of them are imports
[16:25:51] * lu_zero can barely _read_ computer stuff in japanese
[16:25:56] <Kovensky> most of them are in engrish =p
[16:26:20] <mru> imported and mutilated
[16:26:40] <mru> and that's not limited to computing
[16:27:18] <spaam> mru: you dont like the word sändlista?
[16:27:34] <mru> that word is much older than email
[16:27:42] <mru> just like mailing list is
[16:28:02] <av500> sandinista?
[16:29:47] <kierank> shit is going to hit the fan on cnet soon it seems
[16:30:04] <kierank> http://twitter.com/stshank
[16:30:36] <spaam> omg kierank
[16:30:49] <kierank> spaam: duck and cover
[16:31:23] <av500> does cnet report on open source?
[16:31:36] <KotH> kierank: it hit the fan when lwn reported on it
[16:31:55] <av500> ah, its on their homepage
[16:32:05] <kierank> KotH: lwn isn't particularly mainstream
[16:32:49] <KotH> kierank: it is widely read... especially among the "older" OSS people
[16:33:04] <av500> with beards?
[16:33:05] <kierank> older being what, 30+
[16:33:39] * av500 does not read lwn
[16:34:13] <kierank> "If ffmpeg went all Tunisia, what does that make poor Mike Niedermeyer? Ask him (michaelni at gmx.at) and you got a story"
[16:34:38] <KotH> kierank: older in the sense of "being involved in oss for quite a few years"
[16:34:50] <KotH> kierank: ???
[16:34:59] <kierank> some journalists post on twitter
[16:35:08] * kierank pretends he is on cnn
[16:35:14] <kierank> twitter > facts
[16:35:29] <DonDiego> http://twitter.com/glynmoody/status/27755583767584768
[16:35:45] <kierank> who came up with that wording
[16:35:48] <kierank> it's pretty good
[16:35:57] <av500> DonSomething
[16:37:24] <kierank> av500: pfft you left #x264dev
[16:37:42] <av500> kierank: irc overload
[16:38:54] <kierank> ohhhhh that glen moody guy wrote rebel code
[16:38:57] <BBB> how do I go back to a HEAD checkout of my git repo?
[16:38:59] <kierank> no wonder he sounded familiar
[16:39:11] <kierank> BBB: git reset --hard
[16:39:12] <BBB> git checkout $tag goes to any tag, but I want the latest again after having done like 20 tags or so
[16:39:22] <BBB> I remember git reset doing bad stuff
[16:39:44] <remur_030_v2> BBB: it deletes all the changes which have not been commited yet
[16:39:45] <kierank> yeah maybe don't do that if the situation is complicated
[16:39:49] <remur_030_v2> only for tracked files though
[16:40:04] <Kovensky> BBB: git checkout master
[16:40:07] <Kovensky> or whatever is the name of the branch
[16:40:18] <remur_030_v2> Kovensky: doesn't work with uncomitted changes
[16:40:31] <Kovensky> git stash them :D
[16:41:03] <BBB> git checkout master worked
[16:41:48] <remur_030_v2> BBB: what else we you trying to get to the master branch again?
[16:41:57] <BBB> nothing so far
[16:42:10] <BBB> I was trying to see which revision broke a change
[16:42:13] <BBB> quite fun
[16:42:18] <BBB> but all revisions I tested were similarly broken
[16:42:23] <BBB> so now I go back to HEAD and fix it
[16:42:30] <Kovensky> don't git checkout them individually
[16:42:33] <Kovensky> git bisect --help
[16:42:43] <remur_030_v2> BBB: there is git bisect for this
[16:42:48] <remur_030_v2> ah I'll just shut up =P
[16:42:52] <Kovensky> (git bisect does the checkouting for you but in a binary search fashion)
[16:43:01] <mru> checkout does work with changes as long as the new rev doesn't alter the changed files
[16:43:23] <BBB> I was going back to before fate existed
[16:43:29] <BBB> so believe me, all files were changed somehow :-p
[16:43:47] <mru> yeah, then it would report a conflict and abort
[16:45:23] <BBB> /bin/sh: llvm-ar: command not found
[16:45:29] <BBB> can I alias those somehow?
[16:45:35] <BBB> (I'm trying to use --cross-prefix=llvm-)
[16:46:08] <mru> try --ar=whatever
[16:46:19] <mru> or just --cc=llvm-whatever
[16:46:29] <mru> optionally with a working --cross-prefix
[16:47:55] <DonDiego> what took ivan so long?
[16:48:12] <DonDiego> and he ++ed his troll skills...
[16:48:19] <mru> what took everybody so long?
[16:48:58] <lu_zero> uh?
[16:49:07] <av500> lu_zero: ml
[16:50:39] <lu_zero> read now
[16:50:51] <lu_zero> it's quite over details
[16:50:59] <mru> it's a troll
[16:51:02] <mru> don't feed it
[16:52:57] <lu_zero> he's here I think
[16:53:07] <mru> same rule applies
[16:53:35] <av500> more revolutionaries from aachen arrive
[16:53:50] <merbzt> is trollbot logging to the mailinglist ?
[16:54:11] <mru> merbzt: yes, isn't that what you wanted?
[16:54:38] <merbzt> yes
[16:54:46] <merbzt> I'll announce that
[16:55:04] <merbzt> can it be added to the topic that this channel is logged ?
[16:55:15] <mru> feel free
[17:00:39] <merbzt> done
[17:02:41] <BBB> great
[17:08:42] <mru> btw, linuxtag project application is open
[17:09:25] <BBB> I get "WARNING: newer than config.h, rerun configure" when trying to run fate after a complete new build in a new dir
[17:09:28] <BBB> what does that mean?
[17:11:18] * BBB is already frustrated with git now
[17:11:24] <BBB> let me re-checkout in a new dir
[17:11:37] <bryno> is the SVN repo no longer up-to-date?
[17:11:57] <BBB> no, we use git now
[17:12:14] <remur_030_v2> BBB: won't take long and you'll think totally different about git =)
[17:12:30] <bryno> from how I understood it, git+svn was used previously. but it will no longer be used?
[17:12:52] <av500> bryno: svn is ove4r
[17:12:54] <av500> over
[17:12:59] <bryno> I'm really just wondering if my svn updates are useless now :P
[17:13:01] <bryno> ok.
[17:13:10] <av500> you can still svn up daily
[17:13:11] <kierank> BBB: if you'd done work on xvp8 maybe you'd be more familiar with git ;)
[17:13:18] <remur_030_v2> bryno: this was up to the developers discretion, it is just providing git for the local user
[17:13:28] <bryno> but will it be sync with git?
[17:13:31] <av500> no
[17:13:37] <av500> its read only and fixed
[17:13:39] <BBB> kierank: screw that, I wrote the vp8 decoder with yuvi using git && github :-p
[17:13:42] <bryno> ok.
[17:14:04] <merbzt> I'm booked for FOSDEM
[17:14:08] <av500> good
[17:14:20] <merbzt> will you be there ?
[17:14:41] * mru will
[17:14:42] <av500> yup
[17:15:21] <kierank> mru: how are you getting there
[17:15:27] <mru> plane from SOU
[17:15:33] <mru> BBB: that means some unidentified file has been modified after configure was run
[17:15:48] <mru> it's meant to catch changes to allcodecs.c and friends
[17:16:05] * thresh arrives on 3rd Feb with some friends and vodka
[17:16:07] <mru> changes there usually mean codecs have been added and then build will fail without reconfigure
[17:16:17] <mru> in this case, something seems to have been confused
[17:16:23] <mru> nothing to worry about
[17:16:31] <BBB> it reruns the build while trying to run fate
[17:16:34] <BBB> it reruns the complete build!
[17:16:37] <BBB> every single time!
[17:16:47] <BBB> something is seriously confused
[17:17:01] <merbzt> I'm guessing you ?
[17:17:47] <kierank> BBB: at least you're not on windows
[17:18:02] <mru> BBB: are you bisecting or something?
[17:18:03] <BBB> probably me
[17:18:07] <BBB> mru: I was :)
[17:18:12] <BBB> I tried going back to head
[17:18:15] <BBB> I think I fucked up or so
[17:18:21] <mru> well, changing avcodec.h triggers an almost full rebuild
[17:20:29] <BBB> only once though
[17:20:31] <BBB> it does it every time now
[17:20:32] <BBB> ohwell
[17:20:36] <BBB> new checkout and now it works again
[17:20:40] <mru> every time you change it, yes
[17:27:37] <bryno> is michael no longer part of the ffmpeg development team?
[17:28:37] <av500> up to him
[17:29:00] <bryno> he's no longer the guy in charge though, right?
[17:29:26] <mru> he's not in charge of ffmpeg.org
[17:29:57] <bryno> who is now?
[17:30:12] <superdump> there is no leader
[17:30:14] <mru> the new team
[17:31:40] <bryno> i've been using ffmpeg for years, but never really paid attention to internal conflicts in the project.
[17:31:48] <bryno> sorry for the questions that i'm sure have been asked plenty of times already :P
[17:32:24] <bryno> it's exciting to see change, but i do wonder about the future
[17:32:42] <mru> we hope the change will be for the better
[17:32:55] <bryno> can i submit c++ patches now? jk
[17:33:01] <mru> nice try
[17:33:09] <mru> I said _better_
[17:33:13] <bryno> mru: i know you hate c++ :P
[17:35:42] <mru> not as much as what people do with it
[17:36:53] <merbzt> you can do nice things with c++, but most of the times the result is a complex mess that nobody understand
[17:37:13] <mru> even the nice things
[17:39:03] <siretart> hey, we already have a bzr mirror: https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ffmpeg/master :-)
[17:39:17] <av500> how bizzar
[17:40:26] <mru> example of c++ gone mad: http://pastebin.com/BtpThxfR
[17:40:31] <mru> that's _one_ symbol name
[17:40:37] <siretart> this should allow me to have launchpad create daily packages for ubuntu from trunk
[17:40:56] <mru> imagine getting a few of those in an error message
[17:41:03] <siretart> mru: that's boost
[17:41:11] <mru> which is written in c++
[17:41:20] <siretart> uh, and not even that, you're looking at spirit
[17:41:30] <siretart> bad programmers can write bad code in any language
[17:41:31] <mru> it's the longest symbol name I could find
[17:41:41] <mru> ~36k
[17:42:19] <siretart> I guess that's mainly because of template parameters? I guess g++-4.6 should help with them a bit
[17:42:37] <mru> I have no idea how something so dreadful arises
[17:43:46] <mru> and your excuses are irrelevant
[17:43:48] <siretart> will there be an FFmpeg/mplayer stand at fosdem this year?
[17:43:53] <mru> no
[17:43:56] <siretart> :-(
[17:44:04] <av500> siretart: nobody took initiative
[17:44:10] <mru> that's what happens when you kick out the event organiser
[17:44:47] <DonDiego> bbl
[17:44:48] <siretart> who will be at fosdem this year nevertheless?
[17:44:53] * mru will
[17:44:57] <siretart> I'm still considering
[17:44:59] <mru> on beagleboard stand
[17:44:59] <siretart> ah, cool!
[17:45:04] <av500> mru: I guess we can run a "powered by FFmpeg" banner on our booth?
[17:45:11] <mru> of course
[17:45:41] <thresh> ffmpeg will have a booth ?
[17:45:48] <av500> [18:43:53] <mru> no
[17:45:58] <mru> beagleboard will
[17:46:05] <thresh> some irc messages are freezing on the way here
[17:46:09] <av500> same trolls, different booth
[17:46:16] <mru> pretty much
[17:46:18] <mru> +koen
[17:46:29] <av500> he is the one we troll
[17:46:43] <mru> don't know if roger is coming
[17:47:35] <av500> he better if he wants his wall back
[18:04:05] <Kovensky> how are the fflames going
[18:08:16] <superdump> siretart: i'll be at fosdem too
[18:08:32] <mru> siretart: do come along
[18:08:58] <av500> mru: we will have to push koen to the side to make room :)
[18:17:14] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Michael Niedermayer master * rfe67841355 ffmpeg/doc/git-howto.txt:
[18:17:14] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Revert "Update git-howto with ffmpeg.org URLs"
[18:17:14] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: This reverts commit 69c92320d760d3925d5c83c4fbca6012deef4195.
[18:17:14] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Reason is that this has been commited by mistake as discussed.
[18:17:25] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Michael Niedermayer master * r111ccca602 ffmpeg/MAINTAINERS:
[18:17:25] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Revert "Initial MAINTAINERS update"
[18:17:25] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: This reverts commit f4f5cab94e0881cd30965b28f3d78d9c63d6918e.
[18:17:25] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Reason is that this has been mistakely commited as discussed.
[18:18:42] <mru> jannau: can we please not have those cia notices here?
[18:18:50] <mru> it's confusing
[18:19:02] <av500> commitfight
[18:30:58] <ruggles> in the git repo, do we still need to wrap commit messages at 80 chars?
[18:34:34] <mru> yes
[18:34:40] <mru> and I'll enforce it
[18:34:42] <ruggles> ok
[18:37:32] <j-b> Hello people
[18:37:39] <Kovensky> <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Reason is that this has been commited by mistake as discussed. <-- discussed where?
[18:37:54] <elenril> on the ML
[18:38:48] <Kovensky> topics
[18:39:45] <elenril> Search, and you will find.
[18:39:48] <thresh> what does mn mean by 'unabreviated'?
[18:43:29] <j-b> full log, I think
[18:44:59] <thresh> ah, full diff.
[18:45:11] <j-b> yes
[18:45:51] <thresh> well it's more than 10000 lines
[18:46:29] <thresh> s/lines/bytes
[18:47:49] <j-b> thresh: ask for the limit
[18:47:56] <av500> INFTY
[18:48:13] <j-b> And beyond!
[18:48:20] <j-b> good moroning av500!
[18:48:27] <av500> gm
[18:49:05] <kshishkov> elenril: http://www.dorktower.com/images/comics/DorkTower911.gif
[18:51:15] <elenril> kshishkov: pure truth
[18:52:44] <av500> merbanan: tonights build is fubar :(
[18:53:42] <kierank3g> did i miss any dra
[18:53:52] <kierank3g> drama
[18:55:22] <j-b> merbanan: plz, when you know if you are going to FOSDEM, I'll be interested
[19:04:39] <Compn> jannau : i think i sent you my ssh key for git.videolan , but i may have encrypted it with my pubkey first , doh
[19:04:47] * Compn will resend
[19:05:01] <av500> Compn: just send privkey too
[19:05:41] <Compn> av500 : for ssh or pgp? :P
[19:05:42] <Compn> ehe
[19:05:53] <elenril> both to be sure
[19:06:11] * Compn wonders why keys arent properly filenamed
[19:06:16] <Compn> id_rsa.pub , sure
[19:08:10] <j-b> yep
[19:08:28] <j-b> Compn: I don't see yours in the gitosis
[19:09:10] <j-b> Compn: I'll do it
[19:11:08] <j-b> Compn: done
[19:11:25] * Compn dunno what 'gitosis' is ehe
[19:11:37] <j-b> Compn: git repo management
[19:11:55] <j-b> we have a git repo to manage git repo rights
[19:12:24] <Compn> yeah, i think i can guess what it is now
[19:12:32] <Compn> one repo for keys and you can pick who has acceesss
[19:12:37] <j-b> yes
[19:12:52] <j-b> and some people have write access to this repo, so they can give more access to people
[19:13:00] <j-b> it works, kind of ok, but very buggy
[19:16:25] <Compn> j-b : thanks
[19:16:35] <j-b> Compn: tell me, if it doesn't work
[19:16:48] <Compn> ok, will do, after i install this git thing
[19:16:52] <Compn> and find something to commit :P
[19:24:03] <elenril> wtf is with all the netsplits
[19:24:57] <thresh> freenode is the f
[19:28:29] <iive> it must be freenode revolution.
[19:30:57] <bamiaux> tidal waves
[19:31:24] <Compn> lol @ iive
[19:31:57] * elenril thinks we should behead iive for not having the right revolutionary attitude
[19:33:37] <Compn> elenril : you know iive lives in one of those countries that beheads people ?
[19:33:50] * Compn guesses
[19:34:33] * elenril wonders how long until we're slashdotted and/or phoronixed
[19:34:55] <kshishkov> Compn: nope, his country is not part of Turkey yet
[19:35:22] <iive> Compn: nope, we don't have dead penalty anymore. And during comunist sentances were executed by shot in the head.before that
[19:35:33] <kshishkov> elenril: who cares about us (till we drop H.264 support)?
[19:36:37] <Compn> kshishkov : that sounds like a good idea for april fools
[19:36:42] <Compn> ffmpeg drops h264
[19:36:51] <Compn> goes 'patent-free only'
[19:37:36] <kshishkov> "in order to open formats FFmpeg drops all codec support except for {Bink,Lagarith,TrueMotion 1}
[19:37:42] <Dark_Shikari> YES
[19:37:45] <Dark_Shikari> YES YES YES YES YES.
[19:37:49] <Dark_Shikari> Let's do that.
[19:37:55] <kshishkov> too early :(
[19:38:09] <Dark_Shikari> Let's drop everything except Snow and APE in NUT
[19:38:19] <elenril> s/APE/TAK/
[19:38:32] <elenril> oh wait, we don't have a decoder
[19:38:40] <kshishkov> that's even better!
[19:38:41] <elenril> ape is too well-known
[19:39:01] * kshishkov feels he'd RE TAK sooner or later since it's getting annoying
[19:40:51] <Dark_Shikari> Wow, Michael seems to have mellowed up a bit.
[19:40:58] <Dark_Shikari> I'm... surprised.
[19:41:01] <elenril> good
[19:41:20] <elenril> maybe he'll want to cooperate in a few weeks
[19:41:36] * elenril wonders how to handle creating new streams from id3v2 parser
[19:41:59] <kshishkov> elenril: one stream per metadata item?
[19:42:07] <elenril> kshishkov: cover art
[19:43:33] * elenril welcomes our new DonDiego overlords
[19:43:59] <DonDiego> http://lwn.net/Articles/423733/
[19:44:14] <kshishkov> the best kind of overlord - not interested in power and not having enough time to abuse it
[19:44:19] <DonDiego> best comment ever
[19:44:36] <Dark_Shikari> DonDiego: It's true, except for the whole bit about control of the website.
[19:44:38] <DonDiego> kshishkov: lol ...
[19:45:32] <DonDiego> well, the thing with the videolan repo was a bit of a stupid mishap, but what can you do...
[19:47:21] <kshishkov> DonDiego: well, at least now you have totally independent (from you) repo for FFmpeg devs
[19:48:51] <DonDiego> yes
[19:55:09] <DonDiego> anybody seen stefano online?
[19:55:31] <DonDiego> i managed to catch him on the phone today, but we did not speak for long
[19:55:49] <kshishkov> what's your impression?
[19:56:49] <DonDiego> that i need to talk to him a bit longer and explain things because he does not understand our motivation
[19:57:27] <DonDiego> he is torn and does not yet know what to think
[20:01:39] <lu_zero> ^^;
[20:01:45] * lu_zero didn't helped much
[20:02:41] <kshishkov> lu_zero: send him Italian chocolate ;)
[20:03:03] <kshishkov> probably some people just need some time to determine, let them have it
[20:03:16] <_av500_> elenril: sry, forgot to upload
[20:03:22] <_av500_> elenril: poke me tomorrow
[20:03:27] <elenril> _av500_: nvm, already got some
[20:03:35] <_av500_> elenril: also, did you consider the muxing side?
[20:03:38] <elenril> yes
[20:03:50] <elenril> that should be quite easy
[20:03:57] <elenril> demuxing will be harder
[20:04:00] <elenril> and/or hackier
[20:04:18] <elenril> unless i go with binary metadata/attachements, but i really don't want to
[20:07:56] <_av500_> elenril: i still done like the stream idea
[20:08:08] <_av500_> i prefer all metadat in one place
[20:08:19] <_av500_> but i guess i have to ffork :)
[20:08:25] * elenril stabs _av500_
[20:08:30] <elenril> it's harder to work with
[20:08:38] <elenril> why would you want that
[20:37:16] <DonDiego> somebody talking about xfree86
[20:37:35] <DonDiego> nothing ever refreshed X dev more than that fork...
[20:39:38] <Dark_Shikari> lol
[20:39:50] <Dark_Shikari> or egcc
[20:39:51] <Dark_Shikari> or whatever
[20:40:03] <iive> too bad you didn't fork :P
[20:40:27] <elenril> but we did
[20:40:32] <elenril> there are two repos now
[20:40:46] <elenril> so by divergence theorem ther must have been a fork somewhere
[20:41:21] <DonDiego> elenril: i see you haven't learned to ignore the household troll yet..
[20:41:29] <DonDiego> i suggest the use of /ignore
[20:41:52] <DonDiego> i notice i haven't set up this client properly yet in this regard
[20:41:57] * DonDiego goes on to fix this
[20:42:12] * elenril feeds the troll
[20:45:40] <bryno> was this take over orchestrated by mru?
[20:45:52] <BBB> speaking of trolls
[20:46:13] <BBB> (no it was not)
[20:46:39] <bryno> at least looking at the mailing list, there's the good-bye in december, then suddenly he's back
[20:46:59] <DonDiego> bryno: there is a list of signatures, there is your answer
[20:47:09] <elenril> speaking of trolls - how's the -mt merge looking ;)
[20:47:17] <DonDiego> astrange: ?
[20:47:23] <DonDiego> mru: how about zlib?
[20:48:09] <mru> DonDiego: I need to fix a minor glitch
[20:48:46] <bryno> BBB: that question wasn't to incite arguing. i was just curious, as an outsider looking in
[20:49:06] <BBB> bryno: fair enough :) the move is supported - as pointed out by diego - by a list of devs
[20:49:20] <BBB> bryno: we all signed, and we sent it out together (or well, attilla did, but he speaks for all of us)
[20:49:28] <BBB> mru is one of the 20 or so people in that list
[20:51:38] <DonDiego> any other opinions about the libswscale external in the ffmpeg svn repo?
[20:52:26] <lu_zero> DonDiego: I have no opinion so far
[20:53:22] <mru> DonDiego: go for it
[20:53:36] <bamiaux> btw, does libswscale does anything apart from resize/color conversion ?
[20:54:06] <DonDiego> it makes your head spin when you look at it ;)
[20:54:27] <mru> DonDiego: I wonder if that property could be weaponized
[20:56:39] <DonDiego> weapons of mass rescaling?
[20:57:24] <Compn> mass head spinning
[20:57:27] <_av500_> head spin of more than 180 deg is enough
[20:57:47] <BBB> where's Jumpyshoes
[20:59:06] <bamiaux> another thing, what is needed to make ffmpeg-commits ML appear on gmane ?
[20:59:22] * mru investigates
[21:01:44] <_av500_> lu_zero: did you look at the pcap?
[21:03:29] <mru> request sent
[21:03:57] <elenril> wrapping nazis return!
[21:07:56] <mmu> plop
[21:08:01] <mmu> oh, an mru
[21:08:07] <mru> hi mmu
[21:08:22] <BBB> this complicates tab completion
[21:08:27] <mmu> so you did your coup d'état ? ;)
[21:08:28] <BBB> fortunately m/r are far away
[21:09:07] <mru> BBB: shall we talk about oversized rabbits?
[21:09:12] <DGMurdockIII> no
[21:09:13] <BBB> ok
[21:09:16] <DGMurdockIII> no
[21:09:22] <BBB> no?
[21:09:34] <BBB> I think I got some of the valgrind errors of j-b figured out
[21:09:35] <BBB> now to fix it
[21:09:36] <BBB> ...
[21:10:03] <DonDiego> hey, shall we invite michael to fosdem?
[21:10:07] <DonDiego> :)
[21:10:15] <j-b> BBB: not my fault ;)
[21:10:19] <elenril> invite him to irc
[21:10:24] <mru> DonDiego: you know that's a waste of electrons
[21:10:25] <DGMurdockIII> michael who?
[21:10:38] <DGMurdockIII> michael meeks?
[21:10:43] <DonDiego> DGMurdockIII: was that a devious troll comment? :)
[21:10:54] <mru> DonDiego: DGMurdockIII is a know troll
[21:10:57] <mru> +n
[21:10:59] <elenril> mru: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_charge
[21:11:02] <kshishkov> iive: I do, few boxes
[21:11:19] <BBB> time to fix it
[21:11:37] <BBB> j-b: if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known they existed, and for all I know they wouldn't have existed at all
[21:11:58] <BBB> so j-b, it is partly your fault, depending on whether you believe that the world still exists when you close your eyes
[21:12:05] <BBB> what philosophical stream was that again?
[21:12:08] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Justin Ruggles <justin.ruggles at gmail.com> master * rc3897d7690 ffmpeg/libavcodec/iirfilter.c:
[21:12:08] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Fix use of sstep/dstep in ff_iir_filter().
[21:12:08] <CIA-29> ffmpeg: Signed-off-by: Mans Rullgard <mans at mansr.com>
[21:12:15] <elenril> sollipsism
[21:12:25] <elenril> or something like that
[21:12:30] <alfreddo> one l
[21:12:59] <mru> solipsism is the belief that the universe only exists in one's imagination
[21:14:49] <j-b> BBB: world doesn't exist, even with eyes open
[21:15:27] <alfreddo> skepticism :)
[21:19:23] <mru> it's on reddit
[21:19:28] <mru> http://www.reddit.com/r/opensource/comments/f58j1/revolution_in_the_ffmpeg_project_a_group_of/
[21:19:36] <mru> as noticed by DGMurdockIII
[21:19:53] <DGMurdockIII> yeah
[21:21:19] <mru> and the commentards are as clueless as ever
[21:23:41] <JEEB> indeed
[21:24:04] <bryno> well, fill them in
[21:24:24] <mru> pointless
[21:24:56] <bryno> who is ffmpeg's PR team? :P
[21:25:19] <mru> DonDiego I suppose
[21:25:47] <mru> not so much a team perhaps
[21:25:52] <_av500_> mru: pah, me: http://www.linux-magazin.de/NEWS/Linuxtag-2010-FFMPEG-wird-0.6-und-fuettert-Beagleboards
[21:25:55] <mru> but he usually does the talking
[21:26:07] <mru> _av500_: right, I forgot
[21:27:04] <_av500_> what pr do you want me to spin?
[21:31:12] <BBB> j-b: hah, I got the first bug fixed I think
[21:31:53] <BBB> wooho
[21:32:10] <mru> bugs where?
[21:32:25] <_av500_> j-b has bgs
[21:32:27] <_av500_> bugs
[21:32:33] <_av500_> its a french thing
[21:32:33] <BBB> mru: h264 decoder with emu_edge
[21:32:49] <BBB> there's still valgrind output left, and the md5 is still wrong, but some are gone now
[21:32:51] <j-b> _av500_: frog bugs :)
[21:32:52] <BBB> I'm doing them one at a time
[21:33:10] <BBB> we need a few vagrind frext tests (I'll tell you which one) with -flags emu_edge once I've got those fixed
[21:33:42] <mru> we need to figure out a nice set to run with emu_edge in general
[21:33:56] <mru> once that's done, the all-valgrind test will pick them up
[21:34:22] <BBB> yeah
[21:34:28] <BBB> I'll give you a list once I have it fixed
[21:34:34] <BBB> I don't want it to start off all red
[21:34:35] <BBB> :-p
[21:34:42] <BBB> 2-4 should be enoug
[21:34:55] <BBB> the frext samples test a lot of prediction modes at once
[21:35:31] <mru> sounds good
[21:35:45] <mru> running all the h264 tests twice is just too time-consuming
[21:57:10] <DonDiego> astrange: ping -mt :)
[21:57:52] <elenril> Wed, Jan 19, diego [FFmpeg-cvslog] r26401 - trunk/libavfilter/x86 << wait, what?
[21:58:05] <astrange> got stuck implementing an optimization that's not worth the time
[21:58:16] <astrange> sticking it onto a branch and moving on
[21:58:26] <DonDiego> good to hear :)
[21:58:26] <astrange> (it was the first review comment)
[22:06:51] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: thanks for updating the patch
[22:10:25] <j-b> BBB: I confirm that the issues only happen with dr
[22:11:32] <lu_zero> mru: might be nice adding the clone url directly on gitweb
[22:11:49] <mru> lu_zero: will do
[22:12:09] <lu_zero> meanwhile the gitorious mirror is getting prepared
[22:16:12] <mru> done
[22:20:11] <lu_zero> the push url is git at git.ffmpeg.org:ffmpeg isn't it?
[22:20:36] <mru> or ffmpeg.git at the end, I think both work
[22:20:51] <mru> but there's no need to advertise that and confuse people
[22:21:07] <mru> it's only accessible to the committer team anyway
[22:22:20] <lu_zero> mru: I was doing for myself =)
[22:38:11] <jannau> DonDiego: was r26401 needed? is it possible to pin svn:externals to a specific version? I would prefer that over a copy of libswscale
[22:38:56] <astrange> it is possible
[22:39:19] <jannau> DonDiego: see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.advanced.externals.html
[22:39:44] <uau> jannau: i think he wants to remove a copy of libswscale from the mplayer svn repo
[22:40:03] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: can you review my patch (reply to jumpyshoes' email)?
[22:40:13] <uau> hmm i guess you were referring to that with "pinning" (using a version from before the removal)
[22:42:27] <jannau> uau: yes, we would pin it to current rev and it should work as long as the mplayer svn repository exists
[22:43:52] <jannau> DonDiego: just add '-r32800' between the directory and svn repo url for the svn:externals property
[22:49:46] <j-b> BBB: confirmed, only SSSE3 + dr makes it crash
[22:50:28] <mru> and emu_edge?
[22:50:32] <BBB> j-b: ?
[22:50:40] <BBB> I'm not done yet, I'm just getting started
[22:51:44] <BBB> I made the patch a little smaller also
[22:51:59] <j-b> mru: emu_edge is what I call dr, I think.
[22:52:09] <mru> j-b: the two are unrelated
[22:52:26] <BBB> it doesn't matter
[22:52:44] <mru> _my_ video player does dr w/o emu_edge
[22:52:52] <BBB> j-b: backtrace? what function? I've got fixes for 8x8l_horizontal_up and 8x8l_horizontal so far
[22:53:10] <astrange> most players doing dr set emu_edge but it's not necessary
[22:53:22] <j-b> mru: what we call "ffmpeg-dr" in vlc is a language abuse for EMU_EDGE, if I read correctly the code
[22:53:59] <j-b> if( p_sys->b_direct_rendering ) p_sys->p_context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_EMU_EDGE;
[22:54:37] <Kovensky> http://metaleks.net/programming/the-evolution-of-a-python-programmer
[22:56:48] <saste> hi all
[22:57:07] <jannau> hi stefano
[22:57:11] <_av500_> hi
[22:57:16] <jannau> DonDiego: ping
[22:57:29] <saste> it was a long time since the last time I was here
[22:57:31] <jannau> hmm, I guess
[22:58:00] <jannau> DonDiego is not really online and uses now the irssi in screen approach
[22:58:17] <saste> no prob i can wait
[23:00:16] <jannau> it will probably take until business hours tomorrow, he has currently no working computer at home
[23:00:50] <saste> ok... anyway i would like to know if there is some way to fix this mess
[23:00:59] <saste> and if there is some space for reconciliation
[23:01:08] <saste> if I can do something for it
[23:01:10] <saste> i hope so
[23:01:41] <Jumpyshoes> how is mn taking it?
[23:02:23] <saste> i have no idea but currently it is not clear what's happening and for what the posted patches are
[23:02:25] <BBB> hah
[23:02:31] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: please check my updated patch
[23:02:34] <BBB> I'll send another one now
[23:02:41] <saste> also i see that many commits went to the videolan repo
[23:02:46] <lu_zero> hi saste
[23:02:53] <saste> was that wanted?
[23:02:57] <saste> hi luca
[23:03:45] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: cmovnz = mov if not zero?
[23:03:48] <BBB> saste: I think the commits to videolan were a mistake, unwanted, I think
[23:03:52] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: yes
[23:04:04] <j-b> BBB: windows, so I don't know in which function it crashes
[23:04:10] <lu_zero> already told also on ml ^^;
[23:04:17] <BBB> j-b: with or without my patch?
[23:04:20] <jannau> saste: that's my fault. I thought cooperation would be easier if both repos were as similiar as possible
[23:04:51] <j-b> BBB: without
[23:05:01] <BBB> j-b: ok, try with my patch which I just posted to the ML
[23:05:17] <j-b> BBB: ok
[23:05:21] <BBB> now the only function giving valgrind problems is 8x8_dc_mmxext
[23:05:22] <jannau> and I didn't thought of the two obviously unwanted commits
[23:05:38] <saste> uhm ok
[23:05:40] <BBB> so I'm looking at that one, can't really figure out what's wrong yet
[23:05:53] <saste> what about the ffmpeg.org svn repo?
[23:05:57] <BBB> saste: now, as for "fixing this mess"... what do you have in mind?
[23:06:04] <saste> who has still access there?
[23:06:10] <saste> a vote
[23:06:18] <saste> there is a legitimation problem now
[23:06:24] <saste> i believe it should be solved
[23:06:25] <jannau> saste: theoretically it is read only
[23:06:46] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: hrm, i haven't tested it yet but... seems good. i assume it passes fate w/o emu_edge?
[23:06:51] <BBB> saste: not to be incredibly insulting, but the voting is part of the problem imo
[23:06:54] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: yes
[23:07:05] <saste> BBB: what's the alternative then?
[23:07:10] <BBB> Jumpyshoes: I'm trying to make fate pass with emu_edge also
[23:07:14] <Jumpyshoes> BBB: yea i think it's good
[23:07:18] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: ^^
[23:07:23] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: please review patch again
[23:07:30] <jannau> diego wanted to change the libswscale svn:external but only fixed something entirely unrelated
[23:07:52] <BBB> saste: a vote is two extremes deciding by simple majority which of the two sides is going to force its opinion on the other half
[23:08:10] <BBB> saste: a more reconciliatory approach would be to actually _fix_ the problem, so that _both_ sides are happy
[23:08:27] <jannau> the external needs to be changed since libswscale will be deleted in mplayer's svn repo
[23:08:37] <BBB> saste: some people in that list of signees have called the recent way-too-many-votes one of the biggest symptoms of our problems
[23:08:49] <saste> BBB: if there is such a way... i'm all for taking it
[23:08:58] <BBB> saste: it shows we can't come to normal consensus anymore, and so we just "vote" and pick one extreme
[23:09:00] <_av500_> none of the last few votes was taken seriousl i think
[23:09:08] <BBB> _av500_: absolutely correct
[23:09:25] <saste> BBB: i have no problem at accepting a non optimal solution if this is good for the majority
[23:09:28] <BBB> saste: it'll require some thinking... but a vote won't solve anything - not before and not after what just happened
[23:09:39] <saste> BBB: that's not perfect but it still better than a fork
[23:09:54] <BBB> noted :)
[23:10:02] <saste> BBB: ok but please let's do an effort to find a solution
[23:10:16] <saste> as for me i won't work on code until the situation is clear
[23:11:10] <BBB> ok, so problem one: we need no more votes, problem 2: we need a more friendly approach where focus is back on development, away from nitpicks, typos, stylistic issues, micro-optimizations for macro-code. ffmpeg-mt took how long to get in? it's insulting to the developer. it should go in, with all its problems, so we can work on it _together_ instead of just demanding more work off of astrange
[23:11:30] <BBB> actual development has been way down over a couple of months now, and we need a solution for that problem
[23:12:19] <BBB> problem 3, possibly (probably) related: we need to get rid of this idea of a BDFL, or in other words the idea that some developers are - just by their mere status - have more say over the project than others. there's many smart developers here and one's vision isn't necessarily absolutely correct
[23:12:46] <BBB> and a personal opinion: we (ffmpeg) are not mplayer (anymore?)
[23:13:42] <saste> as for the nitpick problem i agree
[23:14:21] <saste> note that in the last time i was marking in reviews with "nit" "nit+" etc. that meant that i didn't care if the contributor was going to fix it
[23:14:23] <uau> BBB: what do you mean by "not being mplayer"?
[23:15:03] <saste> but at the end i believe the maintainer of a file should have a final say on it as he's the person which is going to read again and again the code
[23:15:08] <lu_zero> before I delve again on swscale, this non-fork o re-fork is a form of vote if you like
[23:15:14] <saste> then there is the problem of the multiple / single vision
[23:15:20] <saste> i have not a strong point on it...
[23:15:38] <BBB> uau: what's good for mplayer, or what exists in mplayer, is not by definition true for ffmpeg just because it is in/for mplayer
[23:15:39] <saste> both centralized and de-centralized models have their merit...
[23:15:47] <BBB> uau: most blatant example is libmpcodecs
[23:15:54] <saste> the problem is what best suits ffmpeg
[23:16:06] <BBB> that whole thing was outrageous and shows why the bdfl model is problematic
[23:16:20] <uau> BBB: so you're mainly referring to michael's arguments regarding how stuff was done in mplayer?
[23:16:28] <lu_zero> BBB: I'm thinking about proposing a clean solution for mpcodecs borrowing from openbsd
[23:16:30] <saste> now that we have git to work in a decentralized way is much easier
[23:16:53] <lu_zero> uau: the referral is that one
[23:16:57] <saste> but at the end of the day you have to say to the user: *this* is the repo
[23:17:13] <lu_zero> michael extremely positive view on mplayer-old-ways
[23:17:29] <lu_zero> saste: in that case it's simple
[23:17:54] <lu_zero> gentoo will use mine if I don't mess up too much or siretart's one
[23:18:20] <lu_zero> ubuntu and debian siretart's
[23:18:58] <lu_zero> nothing changes that much in practice
[23:19:22] <uau> yes michael was one of the developers who favored "traditional" mplayer development (and who i had conflicts with for that reason)
[23:19:23] <lu_zero> maybe some of my users will be happy if the -mt branch gets merger sooner (now?)
[23:19:25] <saste> what if the branches start to diverge (from the API/ABI point of view)?
[23:19:36] <uau> of course the result of that in mplayer was a complete mess
[23:19:36] <saste> that's going to be an hell
[23:19:56] <uau> but somehow the people involved thought the bad results didn't indicate problems with the process
[23:20:16] <lu_zero> saste: if it diverges then it's because there is something we couldn't really agree
[23:20:33] <lu_zero> so people would wait for the disagreement to settle
[23:20:37] <astrange> it can diverge because someone didn't keep up merging
[23:20:41] <lu_zero> or pick one they feel works better
[23:21:01] <BBB> saste: will you submit your work to both?
[23:21:32] <lu_zero> but I think it would be quicker than today since experimenting and publishing experiments should be easier
[23:21:41] <saste> i don't know what's going to happen with the posted patches
[23:21:48] <saste> we have an ffmpeg with two heads
[23:21:59] <BBB> yeah
[23:22:05] <lu_zero> we did even before (3 to my count)
[23:22:15] <saste> i don't want to duplicate my work or letting people waste theirs
[23:22:27] <lu_zero> and -mt had been used on a number of places already
[23:22:34] <saste> i'll stop to code for now until we'll find an agreement or at least a clear situation
[23:22:36] <BBB> saste: but you don't want to choose sides either
[23:22:45] <saste> not now
[23:22:53] <lu_zero> and if you post a patch fixing a problem
[23:22:54] <BBB> saste: that's really the poorest of solutions, sorry to be blunt
[23:23:02] <saste> not if we don't tackle the legitimation problem
[23:23:10] <lu_zero> I'm quite sure somebody will pick it up =)
[23:23:16] <BBB> saste: the situation at this moment was that various developers did not want to work under the old-style regime anymore
[23:23:21] <saste> with a vote or with something else
[23:23:22] <BBB> saste: _that_ is an equal nightmare
[23:23:30] <BBB> saste: because we _silently_ loose developers
[23:23:39] <BBB> and we will never notice until we start searching for the sound
[23:23:45] <kierank> really you need an outside person to mediate
[23:23:55] <kierank> (read: a manager)
[23:23:59] <kierank> who doesn't write any code
[23:24:13] <uau> saste: what legitimization does it need? certainly people can set up whatever project they want
[23:24:30] <uau> the only potentially questionable thing is confusion about names and website ownership
[23:24:31] <saste> yes they can
[23:26:05] <saste> i don't like the way it has been done the switch.. i could have joined if there was public discussion and announce
[23:26:09] <saste> now it is not so easy
[23:26:09] <mru> until fabrice says otherwise, everybody has equal rights to the name
[23:26:24] <jannau> kierank: you mean a person which both sides can equally hate and then unite in their hate ;)
[23:26:26] <saste> the same is true for many other developers from what can i read
[23:26:30] <mru> saste: we tried for several days to reach you
[23:26:45] <saste> i received some calls yesterday from diego
[23:26:59] <saste> i was busy and i couldn't answer
[23:27:13] <saste> then when i called luca it was too late
[23:27:15] <BBB> we heard that from a few people
[23:27:23] <BBB> sorry, we can't wait forever :(
[23:27:38] <kierank> jannau: doesn't matter if they are hated, as long as they are accepted to be neutral
[23:28:45] <kierank> a bit like the speaker of the house of commons...
[23:29:08] <uau> kierank: exactly what would such a person mediate?
[23:29:42] <uau> if there are disagreements about how to do development do you really expect someone "who doesn't write any code" to be qualified to resolve them?
[23:30:10] <kierank> well both sides will argue their case
[23:30:28] <kierank> and that person will take the decision based on perceived merit instead of taking sides
[23:30:38] <kierank> that's not to say the person won't know how to code
[23:31:01] <BBB> I'm basically with uau here, this sounds like a bureaucracy-style solution
[23:31:04] <mru> and why would anyone want to hold this position?
[23:31:04] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: ping
[23:31:26] <uau> kierank: and you think someone who doesn't program is qualified to make a decision? or you think there would be some expert programmer who'd no absolutely no development related to ffmpeg himself but would hang around the project just mediating between others?
[23:31:58] <mru> for once I find myself in agreement with uau
[23:32:13] <mru> uau: savour the moment
[23:32:19] <Kovensky> lol
[23:32:23] * _av500_ takesscreenshots
[23:32:50] <kierank> well it's have someone neutral or have this project on the brink of splitting into two
[23:32:50] <Kovensky> someone with write access add that to the quotes page on multimediawiki
[23:33:40] <BBB> Dark_Shikari: what does h264 prescribe (standards-wise) if an edge block (chroma) uses dc prediction? should it use top_dc/left_dc/dc_128? and does ff264 do that?
[23:34:40] <mru> BBB: rtfs?
[23:34:46] <mru> s == source/spec
[23:35:03] <BBB> the source does nothing and valgrind cries out foul about both c and asm code
[23:35:10] <BBB> I wonder if the source is wrong
[23:35:12] <pengvado> top_dc/left_dc/dc_128 are for any case where some of the neighbors don't exist. including edges.
[23:35:17] <_av500_> http://www.flickr.com/photos/av500/5370834037/
[23:35:22] <BBB> pengvado: thanks
[23:38:27] <iive> kierank: there is another solution, it is one of the "maintainers team" taking over the leadership, even if it is not official.
[23:39:01] <kierank> that still leaves some developers unhappy
[23:39:37] <lu_zero> mru __aeabi_d2ulz rings any bell?
[23:39:42] <uau> kierank: and you don't think a compromise that requires mediating wouldn't leave the participants unhappy?
[23:40:25] <kierank> well by definition a compromise means both sides are happy
[23:40:30] <DonDiego> saste: hi, i tried calling again, but no luck..
[23:41:06] <iive> kierank: in long run it depends how competent would be the leader.
[23:41:17] <iive> kierank: no, compromise means both sides are equally unhappy.
[23:42:21] <_av500_> lol: http://twitter.com/bash_vi/statuses/27828217876324352
[23:42:26] <mru> lu_zero: that's a helper function for converting a double to unsigned long
[23:42:41] <mru> where did you encounter it?
[23:42:51] <mru> normally it would only be used in softfloat builds
[23:45:30] <jannau> KotH: hail to the leader
[23:47:39] <lu_zero> mru: Diego (flameeyes) got it while adding amr support to his symbol collision tools
[23:48:08] <_av500_> symbol super collider?
[23:48:21] <DonDiego> Transmitting file data .......................
[23:48:21] <DonDiego> Committed revision 26402.
[23:48:23] <mru> that function is part of libgcc (or equivalent)
[23:48:31] <lu_zero> =)
[23:48:32] <DonDiego> first post - last commit :)
[23:49:14] <DonDiego> and now it's read-only again....
[23:50:45] <jannau> DonDiego: so you ignored my suggestion of pinning the svn:external revision?
[23:50:59] <DonDiego> i didn't see it
[23:51:14] <jannau> not that I would care deeply about the svn repo anymore
[23:51:42] <DonDiego> the problem is that the mplayer repo might go away
[23:51:56] <DonDiego> as in - not be available alongside the ffmpeg repo
[23:53:14] <DonDiego> i'm also quite lagged on email
[23:53:17] <jannau> going away completely? I should stop - I simply don't care
[23:53:58] <jannau> DonDiego: it was here, 20min before saste joined
[23:54:26] <DonDiego> i've been on the phone with reynaldo, i haven't read half the backlog yet, sorry
[23:54:44] <jannau> np
[23:54:57] <saste> DonDiego: i'm here
[23:55:14] <jannau> we spent already more time on it than it's worth
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