[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120427

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 02:05:02 CEST 2012

[00:38] <Yuhjn> is anyone awake that can help me with an audio problem?
[00:48] <Yuhjn> :(
[02:40] <Yuhjn> having trouble building from source
[02:40] <Yuhjn> anyone know of a mac build with libvo_aacenc?
[02:42] <BoomerBile> what happened to the -vpre lossless_ultrafast preset?
[02:42] <mjevans> I think that might be profile or something now
[02:43] <sacarasc> It's not needed any more. -preset ultrafast -crf 0 does the same.
[02:43] <BoomerBile> ok thanks much
[02:53] <mjevans> Ah that was it preset
[02:54] <luckz> http://pastebin.com/8tMKe1X6 , http://pastebin.com/DcW2nNrq -- my recorded .ts h264/ac3 file is identified properly but there's a tower of errors?
[03:05] <Yuhjn> I wish someone could do a mac build for me, someone who's set up... there are a milion libs you need
[03:06] <luckz> Yuhjn: be hilarious, run the windows build in wine
[03:14] <aphid> Yuhjn - you tried brew?
[03:15] <Yuhjn> brew?
[03:19] <aphid> http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/
[03:20] <aphid> but if you go to #homebrew, expect people to be talking about beer :D
[03:21] <Yuhjn> lol
[03:22] <Yuhjn> it's actually #machomebrew apparently
[03:22] <aphid> yeah
[03:22] <Yuhjn> yes that looks very nice... ugh
[03:22] <aphid> i brewed ffmpeg, it came pretty loaded without any messing around.  even librtmp
[03:23] <Yuhjn> ok let me learn it :)
[03:23] <aphid> install brew, "brew install ffmpeg", done
[03:25] <Yuhjn> nice!
[03:25] <Yuhjn> error
[03:26] <aphid> :(
[03:26] <Yuhjn> The linking step did not complete successfully The forumla built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local.  try again using brew link yasm
[03:31] <Yuhjn> ok back on track i think now
[03:31] <Yuhjn> back to building ffmpeg
[03:31] <Yuhjn> grrr
[04:21] <buhman> I've got some dvd-video mpeg-2's that I encoded with ffmpeg, and when I try to dvduathor them, I get all sorts of http://sprunge.us/XWOQ
[04:24] <buhman> I encoded the videos with "ffmpeg -i foo.avi -target dvd -aspect 16:9 -sameq foo.mpg"
[04:25] <buhman> and that's the output of  do dvdauthor -o ${i%.mpg} -t $i; dvdauthor -o ${i%.mpg} -T;
[04:26] <buhman> interestingly, however, that hasn't happened in all of the videos; only about 1/8->1/6 of the time
[04:29] <buhman> I'm not exactly sure whether dvdauthor is being stupid, or ffmpeg legitimately did something terribly wrong
[04:30] <buhman> encoded with: http://sprunge.us/HZgf
[04:39] <Yuhjn> damnit... brew ffmpeg doesnt have --enable libvo_aacenc
[04:45] <aphid> looks like it uses libfaac
[04:45] <aphid> you could probably 'brew edit ffmpeg' to change the args
[04:51] <buhman> "brew"?
[04:59] <Yuhjn> brew is a package manager for mac
[04:59] <Yuhjn> homebrew
[04:59] <Yuhjn> i got it working with libmp3lame
[05:00] <Yuhjn> so dont need vo_aacenc
[06:53] <Yuhjn> man quicktime really sucks :(
[10:33] <larsemil> hi! i am new sysadmin on a server using ffmpeg for some videoconverting. its installscript says -enable-libfaad but ffmpeg configure script says it does not know of that option
[10:34] <larsemil> is faad and faac not needed anymore?
[10:35] <larsemil> this is what is in the guide from last sysadmin:
[10:35] <larsemil> http://pastebin.com/yzP75rgq
[10:36] <larsemil> but it seems to fail on so many levels
[10:37] <JEEB> libfaad was removed as the libavcodec aac decoder gained a similar feature set (and in many ways surpassed it)
[10:43] <larsemil> JEEB: cool. Must specify target arch and OS when cross-compiling it says now.
[10:43] <larsemil> should it not get that self?
[10:43] <JEEB> I have no idea what you are doing :P
[10:44] <larsemil> solved it now
[10:45] <larsemil> hope it does what it is supposed to later. ;)
[10:45] <JEEB> also, personally I would only use/enable things I really need
[10:46] <JEEB> there's a big chance that on a *nix environment you'll get enable-pthreads by default
[10:46] <JEEB> win32/64 have their own threading implementation by default
[13:40] <Shimmy> Any please help me urgently: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/747
[16:29] <Renard> Hello people
[16:29] <Renard> I'm trying to livecast my desktop on mips.tv, which requires the use of rtmp
[16:30] <Renard> for this, i'm trying a combination of ffmpeg + x11grab + rtmp:// streaming
[16:30] <Renard> So far, I've come up with a syntax like this one:
[16:30] <Renard> ffmpeg -re -f x11grab -r 25 -s 800x600 -i :0.0 -f flv rtmp://mips.tv/live/grejghioghre?key=b2e65b2e&id=103899
[16:30] <Renard> (random channel)
[16:31] <Renard> which does not work
[16:31] <Renard> Anyone could help me adjust it?
[16:31] <Renard> (also, add audio)
[16:48] <Slackyman> hi
[16:51] <Slackyman> I have a LICENSE-related question: I noticed that the OpenSSL license is not compatible with GPLv3 so have I to chose another SLL lib to redistribute my GPLed ffmpeg?
[17:17] <StaRetji> Hi folks, I have problem with a picture quality coming from dreambox stream, looks interlaced
[17:17] <StaRetji> what would be correct sintax for deinterlaced in latest git ffmpeg?
[17:17] <StaRetji> thx
[17:39] <Joelito> hi all, question I'm trying to so a simple enconding using this: ffmpeg -i "file.flv" -avcodec copy -ab 128k "out.mp3"
[17:40] <Joelito> seems that the flag "-ab" is not use with "-acodec copy"
[17:40] <sacarasc> No.
[17:40] <sacarasc> You're asking it to copy it exactly without reencoding.
[17:40] <Joelito> oww
[17:43] <Joelito> can ffmpeg change or "normalize" the bitrate?
[17:44] <sacarasc> You could remove -acodec copy
[17:56] <Joelito> k, thanks for the help sacarasc
[18:21] <StaRetji> folks, how to deinterlace input video with latest ffmpeg?
[18:22] <StaRetji> appreciate help, thx ;)
[18:23] <JEEB> -vf yadif
[18:23] <JEEB> the -deinterlace setting used a very crappy thing, so it was removed because it probably did more bad than good]
[18:24] <StaRetji> -vf yadif just after -i path-to-the-source-video?
[18:24] <sh_t> hi everyone. i compiled x264 with --prefix=/opt/x264 and i'm wondering how i can get ffmpeg to recognize thats where the x264 libraries are installed when compiling it. there doesn't seem to be an option for specifying the root for x264. any suggestions on this?
[18:24] <StaRetji> btw, JEEB thx for reply :)
[18:24] <JEEB> after -i yes
[18:24] <StaRetji> JEEB thx one more time!
[18:25] <JEEB> sh_t, --extra-cflags"-I/opt/x264/include" and --extra-ldflags="-L/opt/x264/lib"
[18:26] <JEEB> (or use pkg-config and set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/x264/lib/pkgconfig/ before calling ./configure)
[18:30] <sh_t> JEEB: thank you kind sir
[18:34] <andrew_> If I am decoding raw h264 and converting them to JPG images, then do I need to have x264 installed, or will the built in h264 decoder handle this?
[18:34] <JEEB> x264 does not decode
[18:34] <JEEB> it's an encoder
[18:35] <andrew_> ok, so decoding h264 doesn't require x264. I would only require it for encoding h264?
[18:36] <JEEB> yes
[18:36] <andrew_> Thanks
[18:59] <maujhsn> LjL How have you been?
[19:06] <maujhsn> ubitux How are you these days?
[19:07] <ubitux> fine now i guess
[19:22] <sh_t> JEEB: regarding compilation of ffmpeg where x264 is in a different root.. those --extra-cflags were meant to be used in ./configure, right? it's still not seeing it
[19:23] <JEEB> extra-cflags for setting another include folder, and extra-ldflags for setting another library folder
[19:23] <JEEB> and then you of course have to have --enable-gpl and --enable-libx264 set
[19:23] <JEEB> and of course have x264 build the libraries :)
[19:45] <TACPILOT> dealing with footage that was deinterlaced in an external app ..
[19:46] <TACPILOT> ffmpeg -i reveals this
[19:46] <TACPILOT> Seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate: 119.88 (2997/25) -> 59.94 (60000/1001)
[19:46] <TACPILOT> how can I change the container value to 59.94 without changing the actual frame rate ??
[20:12] <Diogo> i i have this code, what is the best way to restreming a rtmp?
[20:12] <Diogo> Command: /ffmpeg -i "rtmp://ORIGIN" -re -isync  -vcodec libx264 -b 600k -acodec libfaac -ab 128000 -ar 32000 -f flv "rtmp://DESTINY"
[20:12] <Diogo> this code work but the player stop after some time..
[20:13] <Diogo> this is possible to add a buffer?
[20:13] <Diogo> thanks..
[20:21] <Diogo> anyone..please
[20:27] <burek> Diogo, you could move -re before -i
[20:27] <burek> but you don't actually need it
[20:27] <burek> -re is used when you are reading input from file
[20:27] <burek> ffmpeg tries to read it as fast as possible (to speed up encoding process)
[20:28] <burek> so if you need to "play" that input stream somewhere, like online stream or something, then you need to slow down the input with -re (real time reading of input)
[20:28] <burek> if you are getting your input from some other live streaming source, it is already "real time" :)
[20:29] <burek> and also, you can copy/paste the output of that command to pastebin.com, so we can investigate
[20:33] <Diogo> http://pastebin.com/bQMi45zk
[20:34] <Diogo> this is possible the rtmp:// do a buffer and stream from buffer..
[20:34] <Diogo> to rtmp server..
[20:35] <burek> Received signal 2: terminating.
[20:35] <burek> did you stop it?
[20:37] <burek> well, ffmpeg already is using some buffering
[20:37] <burek> try reading the documentation to find out the exact parameter you need: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html
[20:38] <burek> You can also try using fifo filter: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#fifo
[20:38] <burek> with: -vf "[in] fifo [out]"
[20:38] <Diogo> yes
[20:39] <Diogo> ok thanks for your help
[20:40] <burek> :beer: :)
[20:40] <Diogo> and for stream a file to a rtmp:// ..
[20:40] <Diogo> its the same method??
[20:45] <burek> yes, just add -re before -i
[20:45] <burek> to slow down the reading of that input file, to be real time
[20:46] <Diogo> but i need slow that real time...
[20:54] <burek> Diogo, slow down the input? why?
[20:57] <burek> anyway, you can use setpts filter to slow down your input: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#setpts
[20:58] <roxlu> hi
[20:58] <roxlu> how can I use ffmpeg to create a quicktime with alpha support of a set of png's ?
[21:02] <fantastic001> hi, i am trying to compile ffmpeg but i get this error
[21:03] <fantastic001> ./libavcodec/dsputil.h:452:47: error: expected ;, , or ) before v1
[21:03] <fantastic001> can anyone help me ?
[21:03] <fantastic001> version 0.10.2
[21:11] <luc4_mac> Hi! I'm trying to rotate a h264 video but it seems that after some time the encoding stops. Video is 6:40 and now I'm stuck at 1:12. Any idea why?
[21:26] <DelphiWorld> hey all :)
[21:27] <cbsrobot> luc4_mac: with so little information given, I'd say it because of cosmic rays
[21:28] <DelphiWorld> ffmpeg -formats
[21:28] <DelphiWorld> DE amr             3GPP AMR file format
[21:28] <DelphiWorld> can AMR be encoded so ?
[21:29] <luc4_mac> cbrrobot: I can provide more. This is the line I used: ffmpeg -i <inputfile> -metadata author="" -vf "transpose=1" -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -r 25 <outfile>.
[21:29] <luc4_mac> sorry, mispelled cbsrobot
[21:30] <cbsrobot> DelphiWorld: looks like you can
[21:30] <DelphiWorld> cbreak: so amr is free?
[21:30] <DelphiWorld> hmmm
[21:30] <cbreak> hmm?
[21:31] <cbsrobot> DelphiWorld: did you compile with --enable-nonfree ?
[21:31] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: ask debian:)
[21:31] <cbsrobot> cbreak: that was a random ping ... :)
[21:32] <DelphiWorld> cbreak: LOL. wanted to hack you but you're awake;)
[21:32] <cbreak> good luck with that.
[21:32] <cbreak> my IP address is
[21:32] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: but my program is complaining can't find encoder
[21:33] <DelphiWorld> cbreak: just a joke, i wanted to talk to cbsrobot
[21:33] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: http://pastebin.com/vs6rxaHU
[21:35] <cbsrobot> cbreak: I hacked you ... I've the same IP !
[21:36] <cbreak> how strange.
[21:36] <TACPILOT> cbsrobot needs to send a virus to
[21:36] <DelphiWorld> cbreak: me i have
[21:36] <cbreak> I think you are not alone
[21:37] <cbsrobot> localhost is evil - lets  DOS it
[21:37] <TACPILOT> lol
[21:38] <eviljames> Good thing you guys don't know my top secret password, *********
[21:39] <sacarasc> Your password is potatoes.
[21:39] <sacarasc> We know this already.
[21:39] <eviljames> HOW ?
[21:40] <eviljames> this is horrible /o\
[21:40] <cbsrobot> mine is also: secret
[21:40] <cbsrobot> damn nooooo - now it's public
[21:40] <andrew_> Does anyone know anything about compiling ffmpeg as a binary for android, rather than the library?
[21:41] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: please did you see my conf?
[21:42] <DelphiWorld> new rev http://pastebin.com/VFcZxPYf
[21:43] <cbsrobot> DelphiWorld: what config is that ?
[21:44] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: MumyuDVB
[21:44] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: but at least check for me the codec naming if it's correct
[21:45] <cbsrobot> transcode_audio_codec=libfaac ??
[21:45] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: yes acording to the doc to transcode it to AAC
[21:45] <cbsrobot> true
[21:46] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: but look like, is not finding it. would be good my brother if you give me the Debian Multimedia repository.
[21:46] <cbsrobot> but please use the commandline ffmpeg - I do not know MumyuDVB
[21:46] Action: DelphiWorld is blind, folks
[21:48] <DelphiWorld> cbsrobot: ok give me ffmpeg idea's to confirm if that formats exist
[22:21] <vinhdizzo> Hi, I compiled ffmpeg on ubuntu per these instructions https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide.  My ffmpeg command can't find preset files.  Can anyone help?  ffmpeg -y -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 15 -s $(xwininfo -root | grep 'geometry' | awk '{print $2;}') -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -vpre veryfast -crf 22 -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ab 128k -threads 0 /tmp/screencast_$DATE-$TIME.mp4
[22:21] <vinhdizzo> or lossless_ultrafast
[22:22] <cbsrobot> vinhdizzo: they are obsolet
[22:23] <vinhdizzo> hmmm
[22:23] <vinhdizzo> are they replaced with anything else?
[22:25] <vinhdizzo> well, i actually don't even know what the preset files are used for
[22:26] <cbsrobot> hehe
[22:26] <cbsrobot> try
[22:26] <cbsrobot> ffmpeg -y -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 15 -s $(xwininfo -root | grep 'geometry' | awk '{print $2;}') -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 22 -c:a libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ab 128k -threads 0 /tmp/screencast_$DATE-$TIME.mp4
[22:26] <cbsrobot> ^untested
[22:28] <vinhdizzo> cbsrobot: works, but file size seems to be bigger than what it used to be
[22:29] <cbsrobot> use the crf option to tweak the filesize/quality
[22:29] <cbsrobot> lower is better qualitiy & bigger files
[22:30] <vinhdizzo> (compared to lossless_ultrafast)
[22:31] <vinhdizzo> cbsrobot: is the difference between your command and my command the replacement of -vcodec and -acodec with -c:v and -c:a, respectively?
[22:32] <cbsrobot> well I removed the -vrpe aswell
[22:32] <vinhdizzo> -vrpe with -preset?
[22:32] <cbsrobot> -c:v, -c:a is just the way I wrote it
[22:32] <cbsrobot> ah yeah
[22:33] <vinhdizzo> where can i find the list of values i can pass after -preset?
[22:33] <cbsrobot> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings
[22:33] <vinhdizzo> lossless_ultrafast doesn't seem to wrok
[22:43] <praedo> why do i get errors saying ac eob marker is absent?
[22:43] <praedo> source is ntsc dv
[22:48] <ckb> Seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate: 59.94 (5994/100) -> 29.97 (30000/1001)
[22:48] <ckb> Anyone tell me why this version of ffmpeg is giving me this error? (FFmpeg version SVN-r0.5.1-4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1.3)
[22:48] <ckb> Should I use another version?
[22:56] <cbsrobot> ckb yes
[22:56] <ckb> 0.10.2?
[22:57] <ckb> How should I install ffmpeg on Ubuntu?
[22:57] <cbsrobot> http://goo.gl/9l5Nl
[22:58] <TACPILOT> how to get actual frame count ?
[22:58] <ckb> gracias
[22:58] <ckb> framerate * duration?
[22:59] <cbreak> play it with mplayer -benchmark -noframedrop -vo null or so and look at the output :)
[22:59] <TACPILOT> will take a look
[23:00] <cbsrobot> TACPILOT: ffprobe -show_streams input.mkv
[23:02] <praedo> why do i get errors saying ac eob marker is absent?
[23:02] <praedo> source is ntsc dv
[23:04] <TACPILOT> cbsrobot: thats good to know will take a look
[23:06] <TACPILOT> wondering why start time is such "start_time=0.497889" ??
[23:06] <TACPILOT> footage is avchd
[23:06] <TACPILOT> interlaced
[23:13] <TACPILOT> tnx cbreak and cbsrobot both have useful info, but not seeing frame count
[23:14] <cbreak> yeah, it has framerate and exact duration
[23:14] <cbreak> I think there was some option that made it spit out frame count but I can't find it right now
[23:15] <cbsrobot> nb_frames=.....
[23:15] <mp4man> hey!
[23:15] <TACPILOT> I'll dig in the mans to see what I can find tnx
[23:16] <cbsrobot> ffprobe -show_streams input.mkv 2>&1 | grep nb_frames
[23:18] <lghtbng> Good evening; I converted a movie but the first input VOB is completely out of sync (a/v). Any idea how to change the command line so that this works for most DVD scenarios? here is the line: cat VTS*.VOB | ffmpeg -i - -c:v libxvid -c:a vorbis -c:b 192k movie.mkv
[23:19] <cbsrobot> lghtbng: try the mkfifo route
[23:19] <mp4man> I was wondering whether some of you would have an idea about ahy "convert -resize 2240x1000 pic.png" gives me a 2240x999 png ?
[23:20] <mp4man> and if I ask for a 2240x998 it gives me a 2239x998 :/
[23:20] <mp4man> but 2238x998 is ok !
[23:20] <TACPILOT> cbsrobot: blank return
[23:20] <cbsrobot> TACPILOT: what   kind of file ?
[23:20] <cbsrobot> latest git ?
[23:22] <TACPILOT> .mts
[23:22] <TACPILOT> avchd footage
[23:22] <lghtbng> cbsrobot: do you really think that shall cure the problem?
[23:23] <cbsrobot> lghtbng: I had to do it once and it worked for me ....
[23:23] <cbsrobot> wait ... I try to remember
[23:24] <cbsrobot> it was not quality important stuff as it was aimed to be on the internet
[23:25] <cbsrobot> maybe I did it like this:
[23:25] <cbsrobot> cat VTS*.VOB | ffmpeg -i - -c:v copy -an movie.vob
[23:26] <cbsrobot> then extract all audio from the vobs -> wav
[23:26] <lghtbng> cbsrobot: I'll try that fifo way, thanks for the hint
[23:26] <cbsrobot> and then you can cat the wavs again
[23:27] <cbsrobot> and merge the vob and the wav together and encode it to xvid
[23:27] <cbsrobot> I do not remember exactly what I did
[23:27] <cbsrobot> but lately I tried the mkfifo route and it was really nice
[23:28] <cbsrobot> only writing the correct syntax was annoying
[23:28] <lghtbng> cbsrobot: what??? is ffmpeg really designed for such cripple ways (split a/v and merge afterwards...)?
[23:29] <cbsrobot> lghtbng: it depend on your input files
[23:29] <cbsrobot> I also needed to cut and and crop the files ... so
[23:30] <cbsrobot> normally I'd say you can cat vobs, but if it does not work, try the other way
[23:32] <lghtbng> cbsrobot: it's mpeg2 (standard European DVD). So I am wondering that it's so unintuitive
[23:40] <guest12345> does anybody have experience setting up a ffserver (Ubuntu 12.04)?  My feed1.ffm file never gets any larger than 4K and the MaxFileSize is set to 2M.  The only error message I have to go on is:Feed '/mnt/ramdisk/feed1.ffm' stream number does not match registered feed
[00:00] --- Sat Apr 28 2012

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