[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140113

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 02:05:01 CET 2014

[01:41] <average> hello ?
[01:42] <average> I did a voiceover for some small video I made
[01:42] <average> then I merged audio and video I got an f1.avi
[01:42] <average> the problem with f1.avi is that the audio is bigger than the video in length
[01:42] <average> but ffmpeg did not complain, all fine
[01:42] <average> then I had another f2.avi which was ok from that point of view
[01:42] <average> and I tried to join f1.avi and f2.avi
[01:43] <average> the result was a disaster
[01:43] <average> ffmpeg pushed the pace on the voiceover
[01:43] <average> and my voice now sounds as if I inhaled helium
[01:43] <average> that was funny
[01:43] <average> the error I get is the following
[01:43] <average> [avi @ 0x25c95a0] Switching to NI mode, due to poor interleaving
[01:44] <average> well, not an error
[01:44] <average> more of a warning message
[01:44] <average> but anyway
[01:44] <thebombzen> Was the audio longer than the video before muxing into an AVI?
[01:46] <thebombzen> becaues if so, you might have to crop it. If you mux into an avi, you can use -t to set the encode time length, and -ss to set the start time in seconds. FFmpeg will discard all data that falls outside that range.
[01:46] <thebombzen> however, it doesn't work with -c:v copy and -c:a copy.
[01:47] <thebombzen> if you need different start times then you could specify the -ss before the -i, or you could encode separately then mux together.
[01:58] <average> thebombzen: I fixed it
[01:59] <average> thebombzen: had to set the bit rate for audio to be the same
[01:59] <average> thebombzen: now I have another problem
[01:59] <average> joining two videos yields another with the exact same length
[01:59] <average> let me explain
[01:59] <average> I have v1 and v2
[01:59] <average> I join(concatenate) them and get v3
[01:59] <average> v3 is almost the same size as v1 and contains none of v2
[01:59] <thebombzen> it depends on how you join them
[01:59] <average> and I get the warning I wrote about above
[02:00] <average> thebombzen: I can paste the command
[02:00] <average> that's not a problem..
[02:00] <thebombzen> please do
[02:00] <average> but I don't know what...
[02:00] <average> moment
[02:00] <thebombzen> Also, this is a dumb question, but have you read: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20concatenate%20%28join,%20merge%29%20media%20files
[02:01] <thebombzen> it might answer your question
[02:01] <average> $FFmpeg -y -i "concat:$1|$2" -c:v copy -c:a pcm_s16le -ar 44100 -b:v 2000k $3
[02:01] <average> this is what I use
[02:01] <average> $1 and $2 are the videos I am concatenating
[02:01] <average> $3 is the result
[02:01] <average> and $3 is ok, but it only contains $1 and none of $2
[02:01] <average> that's odd..
[02:02] <average> thebombzen: read that link
[02:02] <thebombzen> I'm pretty sure the concat protocol does not work with AVI containers. but I might be wrong
[02:03] <albator> hi
[02:03] <albator> i try to remove 5px  and i m doing : -vf "crop='iw:ih/2:5:5'
[02:03] <albator> but the image is really .. distorced, what am I doing wrong
[02:03] <average> thebombzen: hmmm
[02:03] <albator> crop 5px and width and height
[02:04] <average> thebombzen: but if I go for mpeg I'll lose quality
[02:04] <average> uhm
[02:04] <average> so I still have to do a filter_complex..
[02:04] <thebombzen> what you can do is BASH magic
[02:04] <thebombzen> you can decode the video/audio to raw video and audio and concat them together like that
[02:05] <thebombzen> but that takes up too much space, so use mkfifo
[02:05] <thebombzen> or even bash's temporary features
[02:05] <thebombzen> for example,
[02:05] <thebombzen> mkfifo rawvideo1
[02:06] <thebombzen> sorry
[02:06] <bencc> is it possible to embed arbitrary meta-data in a video file?
[02:06] <thebombzen> mkfifo rawvideo1 rawvideo2 rawaudio1 rawaudio2
[02:06] <average> bencc: yes, in mkv if I recall correctly, I saw it in a blogpost, forgot where
[02:07] <average> bencc: some guy said he stored a lot of stuff in mkv
[02:07] <albator> anyone can tell me why my cropping isn't working?
[02:07] <average> bencc: but some entropy calculations can give it away to people snooping into them
[02:07] <bencc> average: it doesn't have to be hidden
[02:07] <average> bencc: well, ok, then mkv :)
[02:07] <bencc> average: so you don't remember how to do it?
[02:07] <bencc> mp4 is mkv?
[02:08] <average> bencc: google for mkv, no it's not mp4, it's mkv
[02:08] <bencc> ok
[02:08] <bencc> I need to do it in webm and mp4
[02:08] <average> bencc: that's tough
[02:09] <bencc> average: what about markers? is there only a single type of marker? chapter marker?
[02:09] <bencc> or maybe there is also episode?
[02:09] <thebombzen> average: if you don't want to reencode the video in temp files, you could use the concat filter.
[02:09] <thebombzen> see https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20concatenate%20%28join%2C%20merge%29%20media%20files#differentcodec
[02:10] <average> thebombzen: they have the same codecs
[02:10] <average> thebombzen: they're both avi and have the same codecs, video and audio
[02:11] <albator> so what s the issue?
[02:11] <thebombzen> in that case, the concat demuxer is the best option. don't use the concat protocol, use the concat demuxer
[02:11] <average> thebombzen: ok I will try, thank you
[02:11] <average> albator: read above ^^
[02:11] <average> bencc: there's only one way to find out
[02:13] <bencc> average: I searched but could only find info about chapters
[02:13] <bencc> I have a feeling that there is more to it though
[02:13] <albator> i m doing concat demuxer right now..
[02:13] <albator> just having final issue with encoding command
[02:14] <average> albator: tell me about it
[02:14] <average> ..
[02:15] <albator> smt like this http://pastebin.com/Xrt9kgxv
[02:41] <average> I honestly don't know what's so different between those avi files that it didn't work
[02:41] <average> thebombzen: so your method worked
[02:41] <average> thebombzen: uhm..
[02:41] <average> uhm still not satisfied with the result
[02:42] <thebombzen> what's the issue?
[02:42] <albator> reencode them first
[02:43] <albator> dont see others magic options
[02:43] <thebombzen> If you're talking about the mis-alignment, according to, http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#concat you can specify a duration argument as well as a file argument to the concat.txt file
[02:44] <thebombzen> that allows you to crop input files' duration AFAIK. but I might be wrong
[03:08] <Jinxed-> hello
[03:09] <Jinxed-> anyway to configure options with precompiled ffmpeg
[03:09] <Jinxed-> because the compile your own doesn't work
[03:09] <Jinxed-> ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-shared --enable-nonfree --enable-postproc --enable-libfaac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvi
[03:09] <Jinxed-> is what I need
[03:09] <Jinxed-> should be a d at the end of libxvid
[03:10] <Jinxed-> I followed the guide: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[03:10] <Jinxed-> however it gives you the wrong libavfilter.so file
[03:10] <Jinxed-> .so.3 when it needs so.4
[03:11] <Jinxed-> I have prob now spent about 20 hrs working on installing vimp, mainly on ffmpeg issues
[04:27] <thebombzen> Jinxed-: what do you mean "it gives you the wrong libavfilter.so"
[04:27] <thebombzen> building FFmpeg on Ubuntu installs libavfilter.so.4 in /usr/local/lib
[04:28] <thebombzen> if you're building something else from source, you have to add /usr/local/lib to your environment variable "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
[04:28] <thebombzen> and then you have to run "sudo ldconfig"
[04:49] <Jinxed-> thebombzen: I'm starting all over
[04:52] <Jinxed-> now I'm having issues with ERROR: libvpx decoder version must be >=0.9.1
[04:53] <Jinxed-> thebombzen: this is what I did: http://pastie.org/private/8sl2vrwumoqi7lycp3qqa
[04:57] <llogan> Jinxed-: that's not the guide
[04:58] <thebombzen> first things first:
[04:58] <thebombzen> FAAC is useless
[04:58] <albator> why not use git for x264
[04:58] <thebombzen> both libfaac and libfdk_aac are non-free (but open-source) but fdk_aac sounds way better for the same bitrate
[04:58] <llogan> why aren't you using checkinstall since you're installing to the system so you can uninstall it in case you remove the source directories?
[04:59] <thebombzen> and by nonfree I mean you have to use --enable-nonfree
[04:59] <llogan> libvpx is at 1.3.0 now
[04:59] <thebombzen> Jinxed-: you should build libvpx yourself, from the git master. same with x264, same with libfdk_aac
[05:00] <thebombzen> also you're going to want to build libopus yourself. libopus is currently at 1.1 which is a huge improvement over the one in the ubuntu repos, which is 1.0.3 IIRC
[05:00] <thebombzen> as in it sounds way better
[05:00] <Jinxed-> thebombzen: I'm not sure how to modify those instructions as to be able to still install vimp
[05:00] <Jinxed-> need the transcoding tools: ./configure --enable-shared --enable-pic
[05:01] <Jinxed-> http://www.vimp.com/en/web/faq-installation/items/how-to-install-the-transcoding-tools-on-ubuntu-1304.html
[05:01] <thebombzen> you're also using an ancient version of FFmpeg
[05:01] <thebombzen> 0.8.1?
[05:01] <Jinxed-> 2.01 ?
[05:01] <thebombzen> oops, that's commented out
[05:01] <Jinxed-> that is commented out, someone suggested it
[05:01] <Jinxed-> and I wasn't have success with 2.01
[05:01] <thebombzen> but yea. always build FFmpeg from the git master because it's got the most features and usually doens't have bugs (unless you're a server/system maintainer, then don't.)
[05:01] <albator> git should work too no?
[05:02] <albator> sure
[05:02] <Jinxed-> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[05:02] <albator> the manual from fakeoutdoor is the best
[05:02] <Jinxed-> I tried that guide but it had the wrong libavfilter on it
[05:02] <albator> never fail
[05:02] <Jinxed-> linky?
[05:02] <thebombzen> remember to always clone ffmpeg from the git master if you want a higher version number
[05:03] <llogan> that is the link. but it does not include shared stuff.
[05:03] <llogan> which looks like you want?
[05:03] <thebombzen> that guide has many things wrong with it
[05:03] <thebombzen> such as suggesting static builds, which breaks one of the whole ideas of shared libs on Linux
[05:03] <Jinxed-> yeah, I modified it for the enabled shared but didn't work
[05:04] <Jinxed-> thebombzen: which guide, the original one of the trac.ffmpeg.org guide
[05:04] <thebombzen> that's because you have to build all the other libraries as shared also, and you need --disable-static or it will build the static library too and link to that instead
[05:04] <thebombzen> as a habit, when building on Linux you should configure with --enable-shared --disable-static
[05:04] <Jinxed-> alright
[05:05] <thebombzen> if you run ./configure --help (this option always exists) then it provides a list of options you can use.
[05:05] <Jinxed-> --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" --bindir="$HOME/bin" (what does this do?)
[05:05] <thebombzen> leave that out
[05:05] <thebombzen> you don't need it
[05:06] <llogan> it allows you to create a "local" install as opposed to installing stuff into "the system:
[05:06] <thebombzen> what it does is change the location that it will install the libraries and binaries away from the default /usr/local. but you want it to be /usr/local
[05:07] <llogan> the guide used to install into /usr/local but it caused too many issues with conflicting and dependent packages
[05:08] <Jinxed-> well I think I can change the path's of vimp to reflect the home location
[05:08] <Jinxed-> is there any harm in it?
[05:08] <llogan> it's really your choice.
[05:08] <clever> main benefit i can see with the home method is that you never have to give it root, so it cant hose the entire system by mistake
[05:08] <clever> and you can just rm -rf the dest dir to remove all the files its installing
[05:09] <thebombzen> the libraries that you should build yourself are libx264, libvpx, libfdk-aac, and libopus. Most of the other libraries you can install from the repos. (and libaacs, libbdplus, land ibbluray if you want bluray reading)
[05:09] <relaxed> you can do the same thing anywhere
[05:09] <clever> easyer to remove then trying to clean it out of /usr/local/
[05:09] <clever> but every other lib that links against it must be told ffmpeg isnt in a normal loc
[05:09] <relaxed>  /opt/ffmpeg for example
[05:09] <clever> yep
[05:10] <thebombzen> yea. for an end-user, /usr/local is the best place, as long as you configured ubuntu to add /usr/local/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[05:10] <thebombzen> if you don't know how to do that, add the line
[05:10] <clever> i wouldnt modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH, i would just set it in /etc/ld.so.conf
[05:10] <relaxed> I disagree
[05:11] <relaxed> I wouldn't even add it to /etc/ld.so.conf
[05:11] <relaxed> all the guides make this mistake
[05:11] <clever> it depends on why your building a custom ffmpeg
[05:11] <clever> and how widely you want to force the system to use that one
[05:11] <relaxed> software through you package manager most certainly depends on specific version of libav*
[05:11] <relaxed> your*
[05:12] <thebombzen> I don't use /etc/ld.so.conf because it has never worked for me. neither has /etc/environment. the only way I've managed to get ldconfig to search /usr/local/lib
[05:12] <clever> for omxplayer, they build their own ffmpeg to a special dir, and the launch script sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH for ONLY omxplayer.bin
[05:12] <clever> so it wont effect any other programs, ever
[05:12] <thebombzen> is by adding export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" at the end of /etc/bash.bashrc
[05:12] <clever> thebombzen: ldconfig ignores LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[05:13] <clever> what your doing, is forcing ld.so to scan those directories at startup, of every single app, system wide
[05:13] <thebombzen> well that's worked. I don't know why
[05:13] <relaxed> I recommend writing a wrapper script that calls LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/custom/lib /path/to/ffmpeg
[05:13] <clever> relaxed: thats basicaly what omxplayer does on the raspberrypi
[05:13] <thebombzen> well that doesn't work because I build a lot of stuff from source
[05:13] <clever> that minimizes all of the side effects
[05:13] <albator> well now.. nobody agree how to build ffmpeg :D
[05:13] <clever> firefox also does the same thing
[05:14] <clever> it depends on how much you want to force into using the new libs
[05:14] <thebombzen> I also set LD_RUN_PATH though, that might help
[05:14] <clever> thebombzen: thats not even in the man page (run 'man ld.so')
[05:15] <albator> before I had to export library path like you, but now ldconfig makes the trick
[05:15] <albator> have no idea why..
[05:15] <clever> albator: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ install this on a spare system, then youll understand everything
[05:16] <thebombzen> for some reason editing /etc/ld.so.conf  has never worked for me
[05:16] <thebombzen> I don't know why
[05:16] <thebombzen> anyway I gtg
[05:16] <albator> that's clever indeed
[05:16] <albator> ;)
[05:17] <clever> albator: basicaly, its directions on how to compile the entire system, mostly just ./configure && make && make install
[05:17] <clever> along with all of the configure flags you need to make things work together right, and why they are needed
[05:17] <albator> i just think ubuntu is getting easier over the years
[05:17] <clever> the tricky part, is just making an isolated compiler set that lives in /tools/ and makes no reference to any /usr/lib or /lib file
[05:17] <albator> and that include ffmpeg
[05:17] <clever> so you can then compile everything in an isolated env
[05:18] <albator> i see
[05:18] <clever> that includes the dynamic linker also, which is hard-coded into every program the linker makes
[05:19] <clever> normaly, everything is setup to link to /lib/ld-linux.so.2 i think
[05:20] <clever> that is then responsible for checking the cache (made by ldconfig) and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, finding all the dynamic libs, and loading them
[05:20] <Jinxed-> Ok, I'm a bit confused, but I tried to incorporate a few of your suggestions into this: http://pastie.org/private/jmxq95e8i7dq9nm6tglyhq
[05:20] <Jinxed-> does that seem right?
[05:21] <clever> i dont think hash -r is required
[05:22] <clever> thats usualy needed to clear a negative hit out of the cache when you add something to PATH, but your not going to get any negative hits
[05:22] <albator> it s not --enable -shared instead of  disable static ?
[05:22] <clever> git on line 18 wont be looked for until after youve installed it
[05:22] <albator> for ffmpeg ./configure
[05:22] <clever> also, why are you telling apt to uninstall everything your telling it to install?
[05:23] <clever> Jinxed-: oh, and another key part that will help a ton, #!/bin/bash -e
[05:23] <albator> typo :P
[05:23] <clever> Jinxed-: if any command fails (like make), the script will halt
[05:23] <clever> it wont keep going and hide the error behind 20 pages of output
[05:24] <Jinxed-> nice
[05:24] <Jinxed-> great idea!
[05:25] <Jinxed-> yeah I usually run it ./script.sh | tee outputFile.log
[05:25] <Jinxed-> so I can see it
[05:26] <clever> also, another neat trick in bash, i think you can use it like this
[05:26] <clever> exec | tee logfile.txt
[05:26] <clever> if you put that at the top, it will replace stdout of itself with a pipe to tee
[05:27] <clever> also, neither my method nor yours, will catch stderr
[05:27] <clever> if things are obeying the rules, the errors go to stderr, and you dont get a copy of them!
[05:28] <Jinxed-> hahaha
[05:28] <Jinxed-> well shit
[05:28] <clever> 2>&1 will redirect stderr to stdout
[05:28] <clever> ./script.sh 2>&1 | tee logfile
[05:28] <clever> for example
[05:29] <Jinxed-> oh nice
[05:29] <Jinxed-> alright, so I added the -e at the top
[05:29] <clever> i often use this inside scripts i run from cron and stuff
[05:29] <Jinxed-> I didn't need to make any other changes?
[05:29] <Jinxed-> time to run?
[05:29] <clever> exec >> /tmp/action_log 2>&1
[05:30] <clever> this will cause the script to append its stdout to the log file, and send stderr to the same place
[05:30] <clever> so rather then cron going crazy and emailing me once an hour
[05:30] <clever> it all goes to a simple log file
[05:30] <Jinxed-> nice, I use to run a lot of my scripts in screen as well
[05:31] <Jinxed-> so if I needed to check up on them live I could do so very quickly
[05:31] <Jinxed-> (would log as well)
[05:31] <clever> and i always keep 1 screen session on EVERY host
[05:31] <clever> function loginto() { xterm -fg white -bg black -e ssh $1 -t screen -xRRU & }
[05:31] <Jinxed-> so that exec line goes at the top of the bash script?
[05:31] <clever> this will ssh into a given host and resume the existing screen session
[05:31] <clever> yeah
[05:31] <clever> so i can just loginto c2d
[05:32] <clever> and i get an xterm with c2d's screen session
[05:32] <Jinxed-> haha nice
[05:34] <Jinxed-> alright about to run this: http://pastie.org/private/r3zd9zwvtqwx0jgdfbpiw
[05:35] <clever> and tail -f is valuable in this case
[05:35] <clever> since your getting no output at all now
[05:35] <Jinxed-> so now I just run sudo ./myscript.sh
[05:36] <Jinxed-> and tail -f the file
[05:36] <clever> no need for a sudo on the outside
[05:36] <clever> since it has sudo inside on the required lines
[05:37] <Jinxed-> line 3: exec: exec: not found
[05:37] <clever> just one exec
[05:37] <Jinxed-> lol
[05:38] <Jinxed-> i'm an idiot
[05:38] <clever> normaly, exec takes the name and arguments of another program
[05:38] <clever> and will replace the current bash with that
[05:38] <clever> keeping the same pid
[05:39] <Jinxed-> hahaha I didn't add -y to the script for the apt-get install
[05:39] <Jinxed-> so I see the prompt in the tail -f
[05:39] <Jinxed-> but then have to do it in the terminal
[05:39] <Jinxed-> with no prompt
[05:39] <clever> you might be able to tee it
[05:39] <clever> exec 2>&1 | tee vimp_log
[06:22] <Jinxed-> clever: albator thebombzen I followed the proper instructions and I get this error: ./ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libavfilter.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[06:30] <relaxed> Jinxed-: what was your install prefix?
[06:31] <Jinxed-> relaxed: http://pastie.org/private/qjevpyggniqctwhkbvqqg
[06:31] <Jinxed-> that was what I used to install based on recommendations here
[06:32] <relaxed> run this:  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib $HOME/bin/ffmpeg
[06:34] <relaxed> did it work?
[06:36] <Jinxed-> relaxed: trying now
[06:38] <Jinxed-> relaxed: is that one line or two lines
[06:38] <relaxed> one
[06:40] <Jinxed-> relaxed: didn't work
[06:40] <Jinxed-> http://paste2.org/LU3P31Ja
[06:41] <relaxed> DUDE copy cand paste this into your terminal --> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib $HOME/bin/ffmpeg
[06:41] <Jinxed-> relaxed: I did... i pasted you the results
[06:41] <relaxed> oh, it did work
[06:42] <relaxed> yay me
[06:42] <Jinxed-> why does ./ffmpeg -v still cause an error?
[06:42] <relaxed> what is your home dir?
[06:42] <relaxed> we'll get to that
[06:43] <Jinxed->  /home/tom
[06:45] <relaxed> ok. run this: sudo echo $'#!/bin/sh\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib /home/tom/bin/ffmpeg "$@"' > /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom
[06:45] <relaxed> sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom
[06:45] <relaxed> now run: ffmpeg-custom
[06:47] <relaxed> The problem was FFmpeg's libs weren't in your systems search path.
[06:47] <relaxed> man ld.so
[06:47] <Jinxed-> tom at tom-CF-30KTPAX2M:~/bin$ sudo echo $'#!/bin/sh\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib /home/tom/bin/ffmpeg "$@"' > /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom
[06:47] <Jinxed-> bash: /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom: Permission denied
[06:48] <relaxed> sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom
[06:49] <Jinxed-> relaxed: the first command fails
[06:49] <Jinxed-> the bash file is never made
[06:49] <Jinxed-> so I can't make it executable
[06:49] <relaxed> you ran it as one command, correct?
[06:50] <Jinxed-> use
[06:50] <Jinxed-> tom at tom-CF-30KTPAX2M:~/bin$ sudo echo $'#!/bin/sh\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib /home/tom/bin/ffmpeg "$@"' > /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom
[06:50] <Jinxed-> bash: /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom: Permission denied
[06:50] <Jinxed-> one line
[06:50] <Jinxed-> I checked /usr/bin/ffmpeg-custom is never made
[06:51] <relaxed> oh
[06:52] <Jinxed-> do you just want a simple bash file
[06:52] <Jinxed-> with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib /home/tom/bin/ffmpeg
[06:52] <Jinxed-> ?
[06:52] <relaxed> Run this:  echo $'#!/bin/sh\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib /home/tom/bin/ffmpeg "$@"' > /home/tom/bin/ffmpeg-custom
[06:53] <relaxed> chmod +x /home/tom/bin/ffmpeg-custom
[06:53] <Jinxed-> ok that worked
[06:54] <Jinxed-> you want me to run the script now?
[06:54] <relaxed> that script will load the require libs and run ffmpeg
[06:56] <Jinxed-> doesn't work
[06:56] <Jinxed-> same result
[06:57] <relaxed> you're running ffmpeg-custom?
[06:58] <Jinxed-> http://paste2.org/FWzGECnV
[06:58] <relaxed> right, just use the wrapper script.
[06:59] <Jinxed-> you mean I need to run ffmpeg with ffmpeg-custom?
[06:59] <relaxed> I mean forget about ffmpeg and use ffmpeg-custom
[07:00] <relaxed> you can create simliar scripts for the reset of the ff* binaries if you need them
[07:00] <Jinxed-> hmm, so I'm a little worried because the whole reason I need ffmpeg and the others is vimp
[07:00] <Jinxed-> I'm not sure how it will work using these wrappers
[07:01] <Jinxed-> maybe it will work? I guess I can try tomorrow
[07:01] <Jinxed-> enough hours spent today
[07:01] <relaxed> well, you can add /home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib to ld.so's search path
[07:01] <Jinxed-> would be happy to do that
[07:01] <Jinxed-> will that work?
[07:01] <relaxed> and do away with the wrapper
[07:02] <relaxed> sudo echo "/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ffmpeg.conf
[07:02] <relaxed> sudo ldconfig
[07:03] <relaxed> but I think that's a sloppy approach
[07:04] <Jinxed-> tom at tom-CF-30KTPAX2M:~/bin$ ./ffmpeg -h
[07:04] <Jinxed-> ./ffmpeg: relocation error: /home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib/libavfilter.so.4: symbol sws_isSupportedEndiannessConversion, version LIBSWSCALE_2 not defined in file libswscale.so.2 with link time reference
[07:04] <Jinxed-> didn't work
[07:06] <relaxed> what distro is this?
[07:06] <Jinxed-> ubuntu 13.10
[07:07] <Jinxed-> relaxed: the wrapper still works ffmpeg-custom -h
[07:07] <Jinxed-> i'm just not sure if vimp will accept it
[07:08] <relaxed> sudo apt-get purge libswscale2
[07:09] <relaxed> wait
[07:09] <relaxed> run:  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib vimp
[07:12] <relaxed> success?
[07:12] <Jinxed-> trying
[07:12] <Jinxed-> vimp isn't one command line program
[07:12] <Jinxed-> its a collection of things
[07:13] <Jinxed-> tom at tom-CF-30KTPAX2M:~/bin$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib vimp
[07:13] <Jinxed-> No command 'vimp' found, did you mean:
[07:13] <Jinxed->  Command 'vim' from package 'vim-gtk' (universe)
[07:13] <Jinxed->  Command 'vim' from package 'vim-gnome' (main)
[07:14] <Jinxed->  Command 'vim' from package 'vim-tiny' (main)
[07:14] <Jinxed->  Command 'vim' from package 'vim' (main)
[07:14] <Jinxed->  Command 'vim' from package 'vim-nox' (universe)
[07:14] <Jinxed->  Command 'vim' from package 'vim-athena' (universe)
[07:14] <Jinxed->  Command 'gimp' from package 'gimp' (main)
[07:14] <Jinxed-> whoops didn't mean to paste here
[07:14] <Jinxed-> i know bad form
[07:15] <relaxed> Here's the deal: you have ffmpeg libs installed through you package manager that are older versions of the ffmpeg's libs you just compiled.
[07:16] <Jinxed-> I don't think I have ffmpeg installed via package manager, just an outdated compiled version from following these instructions
[07:16] <Jinxed-> http://www.vimp.com/en/web/faq-installation/items/how-to-install-the-transcoding-tools-on-ubuntu-1304.html
[07:16] <relaxed> By adding /home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib to ld.so's search path you now have conflicting libs
[07:16] <relaxed> which is why I tried to avoid doing that with wrappers calling LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tom/ffmpeg_build/lib
[07:18] <relaxed> they have you installing mplayer 1 too? how awful!
[07:20] <Jinxed-> haha
[07:20] <Jinxed-> the final product is pretty cool
[07:21] <Jinxed-> a self hosted youtube
[07:21] <Jinxed-> essentially
[07:21] <relaxed> this is no longer an ffmpeg issue.
[07:22] <Jinxed-> relaxed: a sincere thank you to you and all the others ffmpeg crew for the help tonight
[07:22] <Jinxed-> i'm uploading a video with the path changed to the wrapper right now
[07:22] <Jinxed-> to see if it works
[07:22] <Jinxed-> damn
[07:25] <Jinxed-> was unable to determine the version
[07:25] <Jinxed-> probably too new for the system
[07:25] <Jinxed-> but that's not an ffmpeg issue
[11:55] <mohit> Hi folks
[11:57] <mohit> i am encoding camera stream in android using ffmpeg.But as encoding is slow only 8-10 frames get encoded in one second.
[11:58] <re-G> which codec
[11:58] <mohit> h264
[11:58] <re-G> and hardware acceleration?
[11:58] <mohit> hw can i improve encoding speed
[11:59] <mohit> i am not using hardware acceleration is there any way of using this
[11:59] <re-G> dont know
[11:59] <re-G> are you tried ultrafast preset
[12:00] <mohit> yes
[12:00] <re-G> i guess you'll need hw accel
[12:00] <JEEB> welcome to arm thingies being horrible at calculation
[12:01] <mohit> actually instagram and vine android apps are recording video in square.
[12:01] <JEEB> I don't think ffmpeg can use omx hw encoders, but many pieces of android hardware have a hw encoder, which is generally usable
[12:01] <JEEB> off to the documentation for you, I guess :)
[12:02] <mohit> yes you are right
[12:03] <mohit> i am getting frames from android camera applying crop and rotate filter
[12:03] <mohit> these filter makes it more slower
[12:04] <JEEB> naturally
[12:04] <mohit> I don,t know how instagram and vine apps are doing this
[14:31] <GT1> Hi guys, I have a question. If i have a video file input with audio channel, shouldn't the itsoffset work on the audio channel too?
[14:32] <ubitux> GT1: sorry i had no time to look into your issue properly, you might want to open a trac issue
[14:32] <GT1> with the amerge? not a problem, with amix it's working and that's only what it matters, maybe I missunderstood the way amerege should work
[14:32] <ubitux> still it's a bug :)
[14:33] <ubitux> (yeah that problem)
[14:33] <GT1> now I have the problem that when I use itsoffset for an input only the video file is delayed, but not the audio channel in it?
[14:33] <GT1> k, I'll post it, but first I need to solve my problem at hand first :(
[14:35] <Keshl> I have a video recorded and ffmpeg says the header on the audio is entirely missing, so when I try to transcode, the resulting video has no sound. I believe it'll work if I tell ffmpeg some information about the audio stream, as media players can play the "bad" file with sound without any issues. I know the audio is encoded as MP3, 44.1khz at 256 bitrate. How do I tell ffmpeg this?
[14:35] <GT1> any idea how to delay the audio channel with the video channel at the same time? Because I believed itsoffset is delaying the whole input, but it seems it only delays the video channel
[14:35] <Keshl> GT1: Are you delaying it with -vf? Try specifying -af, too?
[14:35] <Keshl> (Just taking a random guess that -af is a thing and works like -vf.)
[14:35] <GT1> no, just using -itsoffset 5 -i input.avi
[14:36] <Keshl> No idea what that is. o_o Blah. xwx
[14:36] <GT1> the video is dilayed correctly, but the audio is played instantly
[14:36] <GT1> my command line is like this
[14:36] <GT1> ./ffmpeg -i second.MOV -itsoffset 3 -i first.MOV -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]overlay=920:0[video];[0:a][1:a]amix[audio]" -map [video] -map [audio] test.mp4
[14:36] <Keshl> Ah.
[14:36] <Keshl> .. Wait, not ah.
[14:37] Action: Keshl , not an expert. D:
[14:37] <GT1> @ubitux do you have any idea why isn't it delaying the audio channel too?
[14:38] <ubitux> no, no idea
[14:38] <relaxed> GT1: you're trying to delay the audio in first.MOV?
[14:38] <GT1> yea, the audio and video at the same time. This command line will delay the video channel as expected in the final render, but the audio channel renders instantly
[14:40] <GT1> you can reproduce it with the console command I pasted here
[14:42] <relaxed> try with a second instance of -i first.MOV and -map the video and audio from each stream
[14:44] <GT1> but I need the audio to be delayed, I don't get it how would it help to use another input if I can't delay it with itsoffset
[14:45] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i second.MOV -itsoffset 3 -i first.MOV -itsoffset 3 -i first.MOV -map 0 -map 1:v -map 2:a ...
[14:45] <relaxed> see if that makes any difference
[14:47] <GT1> i don't get it why would that help, but I'll try
[14:49] <GT1> Well for some reason I get no audio at all
[14:50] <relaxed> did you adjust your filter args?
[14:50] <GT1> k, I just had to leave it render more, same affect, it plays the audio instantly
[14:52] <relaxed> simply your command and see if you can offset it
[14:52] <GT1> http://pastebin.com/twMXw5fd
[14:52] <relaxed> simplify*
[14:53] <GT1> same result even with ./ffmpeg -i second.MOV -itsoffset 3 -i first.MOV -map 0:v -map 1:a test.mp4
[14:54] <GT1> so basically itsoffset is only working for the video channel, WHY? :(
[14:54] <relaxed> hmm, let me test
[14:56] <relaxed> try using a huge offset
[14:56] <GT1> rofl huge? what difference does that make?
[14:56] <GT1> i'll try with 20 then
[14:57] <GT1> nope
[14:57] <relaxed> right, that should be fine
[14:57] <GT1> same affect
[14:58] <GT1> ./ffmpeg -i second.MOV -itsoffset 20 -i first.MOV -map 0:v -map 1:a test.mp4
[14:58] <relaxed> it works here with a matroska video
[14:58] <GT1> The first.MOV is a 7 sec video with audio, the second.MOV is a 30 sec audio. With this command I get 7 sec of audio in the beggining of the video then nothing
[14:59] <GT1> what I would want to have 7 sec of audio from 20 sec in timeline
[14:59] <relaxed> put these movs up somewhere
[14:59] <GT1> + the size of offset shouldn't matter, because generally I'll be needing small offsets like 1-2 max 15 sec
[14:59] <grkblood13> Is there a way to pipe in hex values from a raw 16bit PCM source into ffmpeg?
[15:00] <GT1> https://www.dropbox.com/s/6u762orr9drmww1/first.MOV
[15:00] <GT1> https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkkijanvipma19q/second.MOV
[15:00] <GT1> but it's not about video, i tried with self made video too
[15:00] <GT1> and same result
[15:02] <relaxed> so you want the audio from first.MOV delayed for 3 seconds?
[15:03] <GT1> yes for example
[15:03] <GT1> so 3 sec of silence, then the audio from the first.MOV starts playing
[15:05] <relaxed> works here
[15:05] <relaxed> ffmpeg version git-2013-12-21-a07d4bc
[15:05] <relaxed> my command was ffmpeg -i second.MOV -itsoffset 3 -i first.MOV -map 0:v -map 1:a -preset superfast out.mov
[15:05] <GT1> i have built a new version on friday or thusday, and it won't work even in that
[15:06] <relaxed> I'll build git and try again
[15:06] <GT1> wait< i'll copy my version number
[15:07] <GT1> ffmpeg version N-59703-gbba73f5
[15:07] <GT1> no idea what that stand for... but that's my version
[15:07] <relaxed> your build is from Dec 17, mine is newer
[15:08] <GT1> from that version number where does it states dec 17? cuz I have no idea how to read it
[15:08] <relaxed> from your pastebin it says, "built on Dec 17 2013 05:32:25 with gcc 4.6 (Debian 4.6.3-1)"
[15:08] <GT1> i have a newer version wich I use on the device
[15:09] <GT1> which I built on january 9
[15:09] <GT1> i just pretest the command on my linux prebuilt version, but it doesn't works on either of them
[15:10] <GT1> 01-13 15:38:04.783: W/LOGTAG(5495): ***ffmpeg version N-59703-gbba73f5 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers***
[15:10] <GT1> 01-13 15:38:04.783: W/LOGTAG(5495): ***  built on Jan  9 2014 18:58:24 with gcc 4.8 (GCC)***
[15:11] <relaxed> GT1: Here's my output: http://johnvansickle.com/pub/out.mov
[15:13] <Keshl> ... Blargh. Google says it's a bug ffmpeg has, not an issue with my file. Anyway, I worked around it by doing "ffmpeg -i video.flv -acodec copy blargh.mp3", which threw a warning that was ignorable, then converted the .mp3 to .flac with Audacity and then used that .flac file instead of the included audio stream when transcoding the video.
[15:14] <GT1> the output you gaved isn't correct
[15:14] <GT1> same effect, it palys sound in the first 7 sec of video
[15:15] <GT1> maybe your player corrects it, but then it means the output file is corrupt or something. When I play it with movie play or on android it still incorrect
[15:15] <Keshl> When transcoding the file, by the way, ffmpeg threw the same error as before (header missing), but the audio was there anyway. So yeah. Don't panic. I'm not sure who I'm telling this to; I just don't wanna be "that one guy who says 'nevermind, fixed it.' ".
[15:17] <GT1> when I play it form web it works, but when i play it from my computer it seems wrong
[15:17] <GT1> I guess then the file is corrupt and smarter players correct the issue, but default behavior is that it plays from zero timestamp
[15:17] <GT1> relaxed: are you here?
[15:19] <relaxed> the audio from first.mov is 7 seconds long, and with an offset of 3 that means it should end at the 10 second mark, which it does in my output.
[15:20] <relaxed> tested with mpv and mplayer
[15:20] <GT1> as I said, when I watch it from the web it seems correct, but when i play with from a simple player it is not, nor on android device, aka the file is corrupt, your player just corrects it
[15:22] <relaxed> maybe the adelay filter is what you need.
[15:24] <GT1> i'll try it out
[15:33] <GT1> i don't get it, not even adelay seems to work with default players
[15:36] <GT1> any idea why could this behavior be/
[15:48] <GT1> now that's sad nobody have a clue what could be the problem
[15:57] <relaxed> GT1: demux the audio, create an audio stream of silence for the duration that you need, then concat the two streams
[15:58] <relaxed> that should work for every player out there.
[16:00] <relaxed> GT1: ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -t 20 out.wav
[16:11] <GT1> my problem is that I need to make it work in a single command line
[16:11] <GT1> because I'll use it on android device
[16:12] <GT1> + as far as I know there is no dev zero on mobile
[16:13] <relaxed> my nexus 4 has /dev/zero
[16:14] <GT1> but does EVERY phone has dev zero? :) if yes can I make it to have a single command line?
[16:14] <GT1> running ffmpeg couple of times to create zero audio then mix it together is overkill for a mobile phone
[16:15] <GT1> even nexus 4 would suffer a huge performance loss launcing the exec several times, not to mention older phones
[16:15] <relaxed> it sound like you're going to need a programmer
[16:16] <GT1> :P I'm a programmer :) i just can't figure out why isn't ffmpeg-s itsoffset working as it should
[16:17] <GT1> or you mean ffmpeg programmer?
[16:38] <albator> we can only -map 2 tracks right? , how do I add subs if they are not in a srt file
[16:43] <jnvsor> albator: You can map as many as the container allows, what container are you using?
[16:43] <albator> mp4
[16:44] <albator> input is a mkv with  2 subs, i need to print the english one
[16:44] <albator> seems to be "-filter_complex "[0:v][0:s]overlay[v]""
[16:44] <albator> trying now
[16:45] <jnvsor> No, that's for video overlay. To be clear are you trying to bake the subs into the video or are you trying to add a subtitle track?
[16:46] <albator> it s a "subs included in the mkv container
[16:46] <albator> not a srt file or ass
[16:47] <jnvsor> albator: What are you trying to achieve?
[16:47] <jnvsor> Are you trying to bake the subs into the video?
[16:47] <albator> to display the subs in the mp4 output
[16:48] <albator> yes..
[16:48] <jnvsor> Displaying subs in the mp4 output doesn't require baking
[16:48] <GT1> rofl adelay seems to work, I just didn't specified both channel
[16:48] <jnvsor> albator: give us a pastebin of the command you're running
[16:50] <albator> ffmpeg -re -i "file.m4v" -map 0:0 -map 0:4 -c:v libx264 -crf:v 25 -preset:v medium -profile:v main -level 3.1 -s hd480 -aspect 16:9 -c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 4 -ac 2 -ar 44100 -threads 0 -f flv
[16:51] <sruz25> hi, I want to add thumbnails to a lot of mp3 files, so I need some cli interface, lame --ti worked, but it changed the filesize from 6.3MB to to 4.9MB, is there some way to add thumbnail with ffmpeg? I know it's like using canon to kill a fly, but I can't find anything better....
[16:52] <jnvsor> albator: You have no subtitle output codec (just use -c:s copy)
[16:52] <albator> ok
[16:52] <albator> let s try
[16:53] <jnvsor> And remember to map all 3 tracks you want (video, audio, subs)
[16:53] <jnvsor> sruz25: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Create%20a%20thumbnail%20image%20every%20X%20seconds%20of%20the%20video
[16:58] <sruz25> I don't need to extract thumbnail, I want to add them to mp3 file as album art... but I'll look around that wiki, didn't searched there yet
[16:59] <jnvsor> sruz25: So you want a slideshow?
[16:59] <jnvsor> sruz25: Or one still image as video for the whole file?
[17:00] <sruz25> no, I have mp3 file and jpeg file and I want single mp3 file with that picture as cover art
[17:01] <jnvsor> sruz25: Ah, then you want this: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#mp3
[17:01] <angelosalatino> Good Evening everyone
[17:02] <jnvsor> evenin
[17:02] <angelosalatino> Hi. I have a problem with ffmpeg...
[17:02] <sruz25> yeah... that's it, thanks a lot
[17:02] <angelosalatino> I'm trying to take video from my webcam
[17:03] <angelosalatino> using this command: {ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f video4linux2 -r 30 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -threads 0 output.mkv}, but the frame rate is not always the same..
[17:04] <jnvsor> angelosalatino: First, use pastebin for long commands, it will make irc cleaner
[17:04] <angelosalatino> when I try to play the video it seem that goes fast... is there any way to fix to a certain value the frame rate? Thank you in advance
[17:04] <jnvsor> angelosalatino: Second, replace your r flag with framerate - r says "The input will be so many fps" which isn't a guarantee with a webcam
[17:05] <jnvsor> angelosalatino: http://pastebin.com/TbQ4AU8h
[17:06] <angelosalatino> this is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/0xYAeq8d
[17:07] <angelosalatino> ok. I'm going to try it..
[17:10] <jnvsor> angelosalatino: A few other things http://pastebin.com/wMxxS58f
[17:13] <angelosalatino> It works
[17:15] <angelosalatino> thank you
[17:39] <GT1> is there any other way of delaying input video stream for an overlay then itsoffset? because it makes my video output laggy for some reason
[18:35] <thebombzen> this is more of an x264 question, but can someone tell me which tune to use for 3D animation? for stuff like Tears of Steel it's clearly film, and Spongebob it's clearly animation, but stuff like "The Incredibles" or "Big Buck Bunny" have features of both. On one hand, they have smooth gradients, but on the other, they have way less noise and a cleaner image. Which tune should I use?
[19:04] <cousin_luigi> Greetings.
[19:04] <cousin_luigi> What's the best way to concatenate 3 mp4/h264 clips without reencoding?
[19:11] <re-G> cousin_luigi: http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20concatenate%20(join,%20merge)%20media%20files
[19:13] <cousin_luigi> re-G: I'm asking because I couldn't understand that:|
[19:14] <re-G> which part of that
[19:14] <cousin_luigi> re-G: Whether there would be reencoding.
[19:14] <cousin_luigi> ok, trying the named pipe solution
[19:15] <re-G> -c copy means stream copy
[19:15] <re-G> without re-encoding
[19:18] <cousin_luigi> ok, thanks
[19:20] <cousin_luigi> bah, having bash problems
[19:31] <cousin_luigi> The fifo version failed. The other one worked. Thanks
[19:52] <viric> How can I delay or advance audio, wrt video?
[19:58] <jedir0x> Hi, I'm looking for some ffmpeg consulting in the Los Angeles area.
[20:16] <bparker_> jedir0x: what do you need?
[20:17] <jedir0x> I'm looking for help building a library using FFMpeg with ObjC and Java bindings (for iOS and Android)
[20:17] <jedir0x> it's a paid job obviously - was hoping to get a hold of Baptiste as he's listed on ffmpeg as being in Los Angeles (where we're at)
[20:19] <bparker_> I'd be all over it if it weren't in those languages :p
[20:19] <jedir0x> :)
[20:19] <jedir0x> well, it's mostly c\c++ - just need the bindings for those platforms to said library
[20:20] <bparker_> right
[20:21] <albator> I m trying to output 2 files, one stream and one file locally , but it only creates a 48 bytes locally while the stream is okay
[20:21] <llogan> jedir0x: you can send a message to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list
[20:21] <llogan> albator: use the tee muxer
[20:22] <albator> encoding stugg)  -f flv "rtmp://url/app/live_xxxx_xxxx" -f mp4 file.mp4
[20:22] <albator> stuff
[20:22] <llogan> ok!!!
[20:22] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#tee
[20:22] <llogan> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Creating%20multiple%20outputs
[20:22] <albator> but why does it work sometimes, and not all the time..
[20:23] <llogan> unknown without more information from you
[20:23] <jedir0x> llogan, thanks - I'll do that.
[20:25] <llogan> jedir0x: from the point-of-view from someone looking to hire a consultant, how do you think the web site can be improved to make this "better"?
[20:25] <albator> what kind of informations.. just sent my command
[20:38] <albator> looks like this http://pastebin.com/zkHTNx6v
[20:39] <albator> tried to ouput to a flv file too witch would be fine for me, but I get " FLV does not support sample rate 48000, choose from (44100, 22050, 11025)"  while I actually chose 44100 as you can see
[20:40] <albator> are you a bot?
[20:40] <albator> :D
[20:49] <llogan> albator: fflogger is a bot
[20:49] <albator>  i m back
[20:49] <albator> so what do you think of my paste
[20:49] <llogan> it's missing the EXACT ffmpeg command and the COMPLETE console output so it is not very useful, unfortunately
[20:53] <albator> it s not missing the command
[20:54] <l_r> are there tutorials about libavformat/libavcodec?
[20:56] <JEEB> you can look at the examples
[20:56] <l_r> hey JEEB
[20:57] <l_r> was i talking with you yesterday?
[20:57] <l_r> about adding timestamps..
[21:02] <l_r> is it legal to static link libavcodec and libavformat in commerical apps?
[21:41] <Plorkyeran> if you build as lgpl, the user has to be able to replace your copy of the library with one they built themselves, and you have to provide the source for the versions you used
[21:42] <Plorkyeran> making the library replaceable can consist of either dynamically linking it, or making all of the object files available
[21:42] <Plorkyeran> the latter is generally only done when it's the only option (i.e. on iOS) because it's sort of a pain
[23:09] <i_s> anyone know what kind of error this is? https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipchat.com/26765/162949/RlyvOwZ9GTWLVBr/Screen%20Shot%202014-01-13%20at%202.08.26%20PM.png
[23:09] <i_s> (i encoded these with the ffmpeg libs from webcam frames)
[23:10] <klaxa> wrong colorspace maybe?
[23:10] <klaxa> can you pastebin the command you ran?
[23:10] <i_s> well it wasn't a command, i was using c
[23:11] <klaxa> ah derp
[23:11] <klaxa> >libs
[23:11] <klaxa> well pastebin sourcecode then, maybe someone knows what's wrong
[23:11] <i_s> but maybe it is color space
[23:12] <i_s> hm, i don't think i can
[23:13] <l_r> if i wrap raw h264 video without timestamps to mpegts, then i transform that in flv to be sent to a remote rtmp server, does the resulting flv have timestamps  .    basically a pipe lik   h264_device | ffmpeg mpegts | ffmpeg flv to rtmp server
[23:17] <i_s> anyone know of a good explanation of the relationship between pixel format and colorspace?
[00:00] --- Tue Jan 14 2014

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