[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140707

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[03:37] <ejl> is there a way to feed full-range YUV data to the MPEG-1 encoder other than dumping yuvj420p rawvideo and reloading it as yuv420p?  -vf scale doesn't seem to do anything.
[03:38] <ejl> (yes, I'm aware that this is non-standard and possibly silly)
[03:39] <ejl> I guess "out-of-range" would be more accurate
[08:44] <derek> what does -dn do?
[09:27] <Dark-knight> does it affect the output video at all if i put -copyts in the command line even though the video doesn't have de-sync issues?
[10:49] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[10:49] <Dark-knight> the reason im asking is because i want to know if i should just leave -copyts in all of my command line codes just in case the video DOES have a de-sync problem?
[10:56] <Dark-knight> ffs man im going to keep coming back everyday until my question has been answered so if you want me to shut up and leave then fucking help me
[10:56] <Dark-knight> googlw has failed me
[11:01] <Dark-knight> it looks like the games will continue
[11:01] <Dark-knight> ill bbl... again...
[11:02] <aktau> Hey guys :). I'd like to compile an ffprobe binary for a headless server but I'm failing a bit. The one I'm compiling here locally needs things like libva/libXext/libasound/libjack/libSDL/...
[11:03] <aktau> Of course, that's because I have those libraries installed and ffmpeg auto-detects those.
[11:03] <aktau> I was wondering if there was a configure switch for disabling GUI things, and one for disabling sound
[11:04] <aktau> (for the record, the headless server will use ffprobe to detect the codec used and the duration of a clip)
[11:06] <aktau> I found this blog entry (http://tedsimbajon.com/Blog/TechBlogExploded.php?id=85), but I would like to do it without uninstalling those metioned packages
[11:06] <aktau> The reason being that the machine on building on also builds many other packages, which need those that I would uninstall.
[11:14] <aktau> Perusing the "./configure" script doesn't immediately tell me how to disable SDL or X11 in the scripts
[11:43] <xforce> Hi there, i running Darwin Streaming Server on linux box with IP I also have an IP camera with IP On a third linux machine, im trying to pick stream up from camera and push it to Darwin Server.
[11:44] <xforce> Following link shows my command and its output http://justpaste.it/ffmpeg_darwin_command
[11:46] <xforce> But there is no sdp file created on Darwin Server in /usr/local/movies directory. So when i try to stream rtsp://, i fail to connect in VLC player. Also the Darwin Server's log shows no errors. Is any thing wrong in my command?
[12:33] <rhernandezl> good afternoon
[12:33] <rhernandezl> does anyone could help me? I have an issue when trying to compile projects in windows for a ffmpeg android project by cygwin, I got the config.log with me
[12:44] <iive> rhernandezl: put the log in a pastebin site, so we can take a look
[12:44] <rhernandezl> which site is it please?
[12:48] <rhernandezl> http://pastebin.com/RtTa4MED
[12:48] <rhernandezl> I wrote it for you, thanks
[12:55] <iive> what is the name of your cross compiler?
[12:55] <iive> are you following a guide?
[13:00] <rhernandezl> I am
[13:00] <rhernandezl> I am using cygwin, version 64 bits
[13:00] <rhernandezl> https://gitorious.org/android-ffmpeg
[13:01] <rhernandezl> I downloaded this one
[13:01] <rhernandezl> and I am following its intructions
[13:02] <rhernandezl> I've changed the particular things for android ndk 5d to ndk 9d
[13:02] <rhernandezl> which I am using instead of the older
[13:02] <rhernandezl> but still doesn't work and you could see it through the log I posted in pastebin
[13:20] <iive> rhernandezl: are you running the android_build.sh ?
[13:22] <iive> rhernandezl: what happens is that configure cannot execute the cross-compiler gcc. the script adds a path to the cross-compile toolchain
[13:22] <iive> make sure you have it installed and the pathname is proper. check if the executable exists.
[13:23] <rhernandezl> I checked the executable indeed, this exists
[13:23] <rhernandezl> I made sure of having this with permission of execution as well
[13:24] <rhernandezl> I changed everything properly, for instance:
[13:24] <rhernandezl> SYSROOT=$NDK/platforms/android-19/arch-arm
[13:24] <rhernandezl> # Expand the prebuilt/* path into the correct one
[13:24] <rhernandezl> TOOLCHAIN=`echo $NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/*-x86_64`
[13:24] <rhernandezl> export PATH=$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH
[13:25] <rhernandezl> I tried to execute isolately the command arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
[13:25] <rhernandezl> and it tells me the next
[13:25] <rhernandezl> arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable file.
[13:25] <rhernandezl> C compiler test failed.
[13:26] <rhernandezl> which is pretty weard having execution permission
[13:27] <iive> gcc usually calls other tools like as assembler ld linker,
[13:28] <iive> they might be with wrong permissions too. e.g. zip archive doesn't preserve +x flag
[13:28] <iive> under windows.
[13:29] <rhernandezl> this may be a problem
[13:29] <iive> aka, it is good idea to make all android/bin/* files executable.
[13:29] <rhernandezl> from the ndk you mean
[13:29] <rhernandezl> I think I did
[13:29] <rhernandezl> with chmod +x ./*
[13:31] <rhernandezl> yes, I tried doing it again, it doesn't create anything
[13:31] <iive> btw, your TOOLCHAIN should not contain *
[13:32] <iive> do a `printenv PATH` and confirm that the android NDK is present and proper
[13:33] <rhernandezl> i used this
[13:33] <rhernandezl> $ echo $NDK
[13:33] <rhernandezl> with /cygdrive/e/AndroidProjects/ndkAndroid
[13:33] <rhernandezl> is there, let's see the path
[13:36] <rhernandezl> $ echo $PATH
[13:36] <rhernandezl> and... /cygdrive/e/AndroidProjects/ndkAndroid/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin
[13:36] <rhernandezl> pff, is there
[13:41] <iive> one more idea...
[13:41] <iive> does cygwin have /etc/fstab ?
[13:41] <iive> could you check if cygdrive is mounted with "noexec" flag?
[13:42] <rhernandezl> it has, but the only instruction is this:
[13:42] <rhernandezl> # This is default anyway:
[13:42] <rhernandezl> none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,posix=0,user 0 0
[13:46] <urho> hi, I'm trying to watch a rtp stream(MPEG4/AVC aka. H.264) using mpv 0.3.1. but it's causing lags and distortions all over the place. http://pastie.org/9360953
[13:46] <urho> mplayer caused a similar result
[13:47] <urho> it's a laptop with a core i5 3xxx
[13:47] <urho> ivybridge
[13:47] <urho> distro is gentoo
[13:47] <urho> ffmpeg was compiled with threads and vaapi flag
[13:47] <urho> laptop is a ux32a -> no graphics card
[13:48] <iive> rhernandezl: it's ok then. for the moment i'm out of ideas.
[13:49] <iive> stay around, maybe somebody who have done crosscompilation would be more useful.
[13:50] <rhernandez> thanks iive
[13:50] <luc4> Building for Android in linux is a few minutes job.
[14:01] <urho> the ffmpeg versio  is 1.2.6
[14:28] <neutrin0> Hello all right? does anyone know where I can download the documentary the beat hotel? Thank you
[14:40] <odinsbane> I have a .m4b file and I want to decode it to a format that works on my android device. I don't know what format it is in or if ffmpeg has been compiled with the supporting format.
[14:43] <sacarasc> odinsbane: mv blah.m4b blah.mp4
[14:47] <odinsbane> It is the same format?
[14:56] <waressearcher2> on that video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW7yCt1oUT8 or that screenshot from the video http://image.bayimg.com/561563749ad4020091d62ac9be048a7f681ebc7b.jpg at the bottom there is that wave visualised, is there something in ffmpeg that can do the same ? generate wave from the music on top of video ?
[15:31] <arkonova> Hi guys, trying to understand how FFmpeg specifies the default audio or video stream. Are they always #0 and #1; should we read the disposition:default value; or both are correct?
[15:39] <Mavrik> arkonova, it has a heuristic approach
[15:39] <Mavrik> trying to find "best" streams
[15:40] <Mavrik> arkonova, https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/group__lavf__decoding.html#gaa6fa468c922ff5c60a6021dcac09aff9
[15:40] <arkonova> :Mavrik, okay I read about that, that's right. So is there actually no "default" streams specified?
[15:43] <arkonova> Mavrik: Thank you for the doc. Much appreciated, hard to find actually.
[15:55] <kingsob> I am installing ffmpeg on a mac with brew.. does anyone know how to get the "Native FFmpeg AAC encoder" to work? I just get Unknown encoder 'acc'
[15:56] <kingsob> oh shit, I made a typo  lol
[16:24] <Fjorgynn> kingsob: lol
[16:24] <Fjorgynn> Hello, I've got a question about webm
[16:29] <c_14> Just ask, if someone can help you, they will.
[16:32] <znf> So, how do you guys stream live video (html5) to browsers?
[16:33] <znf> Google brings out not so satisfactory results
[16:36] <Fjorgynn> znf: ustream?
[16:37] <znf> uhm?
[16:37] <Fjorgynn> Question about webm: I tried first to do -c:b 1M wich gave me a bitrate of 1M. Then -Crf 10-20 (tried both) which didn't gave any result at all. 200 kbps
[16:37] <Fjorgynn> znf: lol
[16:38] <znf> yeah, I'm not touching webm at the moment
[16:38] <Fjorgynn> I know that bambuser supports html5 but only for mobile
[16:39] <znf> I want to stream on my own website
[16:39] <znf> not on third-party services
[16:40] <Fjorgynn> what backend?
[16:40] <znf> none?
[16:41] <c_14> Fjorgynn: I'm guessing you're using vp8, and that you mean -b:v not -c:b
[16:41] <c_14> > Important: If neither -b:v nor -crf are set, the encoder will use a low default bitrate and your result will probably look very bad. Always supply one of these optionsideally both.
[16:41] <znf> I'm still looking for ideas.
[16:41] <znf> I found one solution using ffserver
[16:41] <znf> I just want to stream a damn webcam to our website...
[17:28] <Fjorgynn> c_14: yes
[17:28] <Fjorgynn> but I did -c 10 and only got 200 kbps
[17:29] <Fjorgynn> crf
[17:58] <urho> hi, is there anyone who'S still using ffmpeg 1.2.6?
[17:58] <urho> maybe on gentoo by any chance?
[17:59] <BtbN> Asking an actual question would be more likely to get you an answer.
[18:01] <urho> ? me?
[18:08] <urho> i tried to watch an rtp stream(h264) on mpv after a few second the picture gets more and more distorted and laggy + sound lags
[18:08] <urho> http://pastie.org/9360953#30
[18:14] <c_14> Fjorgynn: ye, if you don't set a maximum bitrate by hand it chooses a really low one by default which is why it's recommended to set both
[18:22] <Fjorgynn> c_14: aha
[19:44] <sebastiannielsen> Hello. I have a videots stream from /dev/video0 that comes from a Hauppauge hd-pvr. However, when hd-pvr gets bad video data (from a TV set top box), ffmpeg quits converting due to a bad frame. How can I tell ffmpeg to just carry on conveting even if the source video data is bad? (and possibility ignoring the bad frames or using them as-is)
[19:48] <sebastiannielsen> ffmpeg just dies when it get bad data from /dev/video0, for example if the signal quality from the source jerks a little bit so a bad MPEG-4 frame is produced. Viewing the signal on a screen, it is that famous "blocky TV picture" you know. I have tried with -ns or -fix_subtitle_duration in case it was the subtitles that caused ffmpeg to crash. Same if the imput signal temporarly dies. Then ffmpeg stops capturing too. Then I w
[19:49] <sebastiannielsen> picture until it gets valid source data again
[20:18] <AstralStorm> hello
[20:18] <AstralStorm> I'm having some problem where I cannot save video faster than 100 FPS
[20:18] <AstralStorm> as in, -r 101 gives empty mpeg file
[20:19] <AstralStorm> is that a bug, a feature of the container or the codec?
[20:26] <AstralStorm> there's no need, I found the culprit, rawvideo input limits to 100 fps
[20:26] <AstralStorm> that's definitely a bug
[20:26] <AstralStorm> mencoder with lavc can easily do what I need
[20:28] <MarcelvanLeeuwen> how do -c:s copy more subtitles?
[20:29] <c_14> -map 0:s ?
[20:29] <MarcelvanLeeuwen> that is for all subs if im correct?
[20:29] <c_14> yep
[20:30] <MarcelvanLeeuwen> okay
[20:30] <MarcelvanLeeuwen> thanks!
[20:30] <MarcelvanLeeuwen> of course also for all other answers
[20:54] <intracube> hi, I have some videos where the audio stream starts slightly before the video. mediainfo says:
[20:54] <intracube> "Delay relative to video      : -229ms"
[20:54] <intracube> but as the PTS values are properly set, it plays fine in media players
[20:54] <intracube> but I'm wondering if this offset might be causing some issues when editing - sometimes I get a/v sync errors
[20:55] <intracube> is there a way to sanitize the videos by either padding/cutting the audio stream so the start aligns with the first video frame?
[20:55] <intracube> ffmpeg has a -shortest which stops encoding when the shortest stream ends
[20:56] <intracube> is there a way to only start encoding when both streams are present?
[21:10] <AstralStorm> Hello71: I was trying matplotlib's ffmpegwriter, which uses this command line: ffmpeg -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 800x600 -pix_fmt rgba -r 800 -loglevel quiet -i pipe: -vcodec mpeg4 -metadata comment=Movie support! -metadata artist=Matplotlib -metadata title=Movie Test -y writer_test.mp4
[21:10] <AstralStorm> this seems to encode fine, except the final file is... empty
[21:11] <AstralStorm> and says 0.12 fps instead of desired 800
[21:11] <AstralStorm> the antique mencoder with rawvideo and - input works well on the other hand
[21:21] <ChocolateArmpits> I have finally compiled ismindex, but the binary takes up 65 megabytes. It works as intended, but did something go wrong about the size?
[23:08] <Technicus> Hello, has anyone here ever streamed video from a raspberry pi with camera module attached to youtube live?
[23:10] <Hello71> AstralStorm: that reads "force the input frame rate to 800 fps"
[23:17] <sebastiannielsen> What does FFserver mean with this? "Tag HDMV/0x564d4448 incompatible with output codec id '28' (H264)"
[23:17] <sebastiannielsen> then it b0rks out with this: "Error writing output header" and wont stream to client
[23:18] <sacarasc> sebastiannielsen: Are you using a -vtag or whatever thing?
[23:18] <sebastiannielsen> no
[23:18] <sebastiannielsen> what is -vtag?
[23:19] <sacarasc> The error sounds like it's trying to call the H264 stream something it's not.
[23:20] <sebastiannielsen> I use autodetection. Its a hd-pvr device. I know these /dev/video0 seeems to tag the video strangely
[23:20] <sebastiannielsen> This is the stream definition in ffserver
[23:20] <sebastiannielsen> http://pastebin.com/LM0aE2FS
[23:22] <sebastiannielsen> here is a raw "ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -vcodec copy -acodec copy /sometestfile.ts":
[23:22] <sebastiannielsen> http://pastebin.com/4XyXAVJZ
[23:23] <sebastiannielsen> The ffmpeg seems to identify the h264 stream itself as HDMB/0x564d4448: "Stream #0:0[0x1011]: Video: h264 (Main) (HDMV / 0x564D4448), yuv420p, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 50 fps, 50 tbr, 90k tbn, 100 tbc"
[23:25] <sacarasc> No, that's what it is being told it is. Try adding -vtag H264 or -vtag AVC1. Though how to add that to ffserver or if it will even work is just a guess.
[23:36] <sebastiannielsen> should -vtag be specified before -i or after -i?
[23:36] <sacarasc> After.
[23:37] <Technicus> Where can I discuss development of avconv?
[23:38] <sacarasc> #libav
[23:39] <sebastiannielsen> did try after -i. Same error with both -vtag AVC1 and -vtag H264
[23:42] <sebastiannielsen> (?)
[23:42] <sebastiannielsen> Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: 65848563296 >= 65848563296
[23:43] <sebastiannielsen> When trying with -vtag H264 -atag AAC BEFORE -i. AFTER -i it gives the same error about invalid output codec
[23:49] <sebastiannielsen> killlall -9 ffmpeg
[23:49] <sebastiannielsen> oops wrong window
[23:59] <Technicus> Does ffmpeg support these specifications: < https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2853702?topic=2853713&hl=en >?
[23:59] <sacarasc> Technicus: If you're using avconv, you should ask in #libav.
[00:00] --- Tue Jul  8 2014

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