[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140324

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 02:05:02 CET 2014

[00:04] <zumba_ad_> sacarasc: I want to stream it. How do I encode the mp4 file?
[00:05] <sacarasc> zumba_ad_: Live stream? Or just able to be played without loading it all?
[00:08] <zumba_ad_> it's a local file
[00:08] <zumba_ad_> my aunt wanted to watch a video
[00:09] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i blah.mp4 -movflags faststart -c copy output.mp4
[00:09] <sacarasc> Then stream it however you want to.
[00:13] <zumba_ad_> Thanks a lot
[01:35] <kutemo> i convert an audio stream to wave file and then use another app to convert it to aac, is there a way to skip a two step and a one step command? if i try to pipe it, i get "[NULL @ 053f7720] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'pipe:' pipe:: Invalid argument"
[01:37] <kutemo> this is my command: ffmpeg -i file.m2ts -c:a pcm_s16le -ac 2 -af volume=2:fixed -map 0:1 out.wav
[01:38] <kutemo> actually this is my command: ffmpeg -i file.m2ts -c:a pcm_s16le -ac 2 -af volume=2:fixed -map 0:1 - | "my other app"
[01:38] <klaxa> you have to specify a format if you are using a pipe output
[01:38] <klaxa> i.e. -f wav
[01:39] <klaxa> resulting in: ffmpeg -i file.m2ts -c:a pcm_s16le -ac 2 -af volume=2:fixed -map 0:1 -f wav - | "my other app"
[01:40] <kutemo> ok, thanks! i swear, i could not found that format when i was looking. i'm glad you got it right away.
[01:41] <justinfront> Hi facebook seems unhappy with this format    ffmpeg -i 663_0174_01.MP4 -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -vf scale=1280:-1 -crf 23 -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 192k -ar 44100 output.mp4   I chopped my video  ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -ss 00:00:40 -to 00:03:22 -c copy outputCut.mp4   wondering what setting I should change, also VLC could play it but not quicktime
[01:42] <justinfront> trying to put a salsa practice taken with an ex1 sony on facebook private group so we can discuss where we are going wrong.
[01:45] <justinfront> maybe I can try vimeo or somewhere else but I can only upload it private as we have not done the student performance yet
[01:45] <klaxa> have you tried youtube?
[01:45] <klaxa> you can set it unlisted/private there too
[01:47] <justinfront> is vimeo better or worse than youtube
[01:47] <klaxa> dunno
[01:48] <justinfront> any idea why fb and quick time don't like the video
[01:48] <klaxa> not really, i don't really use either
[01:50] <pippin> michaelni: seen my email about gif anim encoding regression?
[02:03] <michaelni> pippin, yes, maybe ubitux has an idea, if not bisect might be a easy and quic way to find the lcluprint
[02:04] <pippin> git revert didn't work, but git blame on the file made me think that 219b35f5d169d9ece408262ba2337dab9d19aafd is at fault
[02:06] <pippin> though; that'd be only a hunch; it is one of few changes since then, and among them is mentioning of I-frame / p->key_frame = 1
[02:20] <vl4kn0> Hi, I've got AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8 AVFrame and want to save it as an image, format doesn't matter. How do I proceed?
[07:46] <ubitux> pippin: can you try to checkout 219b35f5d169d9ece408262ba2337dab9d19aafd test, and then reset hard to the previous commit, to confirm that's indeed where there is the problem?
[07:47] <ubitux> it doesn't look like it's the cause to me
[07:47] <ubitux> pippin: also, better join the devel channel to discuss this
[09:27] <nyc3j> not compiling:
[09:27] <nyc3j> In file included from libavformat/avio.c:29: In file included from libavformat/network.h:34: /usr/include/unistd.h:274:21: error: typedef redefinition with different types ('__socklen_t' (aka 'unsigned int') vs 'int')
[10:11] <CalimeroTeknik> hello, I'm getting "library configuration mismatch" and ffmpeg crashes on "relocation error" http://sprunge.us/NYGS
[10:11] <CalimeroTeknik> where is the configuration?
[10:15] <spaam> CalimeroTeknik: read the message. you can find it there.
[10:16] <spaam> CalimeroTeknik: read the first line with configuration and the second one .
[10:26] <CalimeroTeknik> oh, the prefix is different
[10:26] <CalimeroTeknik> I recompiled ffmpeg-compat but it doesn't suffice
[10:27] <CalimeroTeknik> uninstalling it solves the problem though
[11:10] <CalimeroTeknik> how do I identify whether a file is 10bit or 8bit h264?
[11:10] <JEEB> the pix_fmt given by the decoder
[11:11] <JEEB> 8bit will be yuv420p, and 10bit will be yuv420p10
[11:11] <CalimeroTeknik> oh! thanks
[11:12] <JEEB> and the same for 422, 444 and RGB
[12:11] <CalimeroTeknik> where is the list of options for <Stream x> Format for ffserver?
[12:11] <CalimeroTeknik> I found one in an example file, but flv works for instance, and is not included
[12:42] <sabgenton> is it possible to concatenate ffmpeg -i mount_point/video_ts/vts_01_3.vob -f mp3 file.mp3      with multiple vobs
[12:43] <sabgenton> rather than doing each vob sepeartly and ending up with many mp3s
[12:47] <CalimeroTeknik> do you only want the vob's audio?
[13:33] <termos> are there any good examples of how to use tee muxing in the C interface?
[13:53] <sabgenton> Ok I'm trying ffmpeg -f concat -i file.txt -map 0:2 -f mp3 file.mp3  .  but it doesn't work
[13:53] <sabgenton> I get
[13:53] <sabgenton> [ac3 @ 027e6ca0] frame sync error
[13:53] <sabgenton> Error while decoding stream #0:2: Invalid data found when processing input
[13:54] <sabgenton> file.txt  has    file  bla.vob     on each line
[13:54] <sabgenton> it does the first vob then fails
[14:12] <justinfront> If I want to speed up some dance music from a video is that easy?
[14:12] <justinfront> I say dance I am still on about the salsa
[14:12] <justinfront> I want just to extract the music at something like 10% faster.
[14:33] <xlinkz0> i'm saving one frame from a rtsp stream like so : ffmpeg -y -i $link -frames:v 1 -s 580x326 $path
[14:33] <xlinkz0> the problem is sometimes it saves an incomplete frame, is it possible to only save a complete frame?
[14:34] <xlinkz0> like the first i-frame that is fully decodable
[16:38] <Euphoricz> Hi, I am having troubles with my live stream startup latency.  I have read over the wiki documentation regarding this however it does not seem to apply due to the command line switches I'm using.  Here is my command, do you have any suggestions for how I can decrease the startup latency?
[16:38] <Euphoricz> ffmpeg.exe -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://admin:avgtest@Camera-test4.wxmet.com/defaultPrimary" -vcodec copy -f matroska -an -r 30 -
[17:05] <TekniQue> does ffmpeg have a filter to pick a certain program from a multi program transport stream?
[17:07] <hellhound> hey, anyone using ffplay on mac?
[17:23] <VictorS> Hi! Can someone provide some help regarding an failed encoding from ASF(G2M4) to MP4? I'm getting an error like "Error setting option pix_fmt to value -1". Thanks!
[17:35] <xlinkz0> is it possible to get the first i-frame that is fully decodable?
[18:05] <share> hi
[18:05] <share> this page https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/x264EncodingGuide contains oudated comments (?)
[18:06] <share> -preset is now -pre
[18:06] <share> '-pre help' doesnt show anything
[18:09] <klaxa> no -pre is deprecated, use -preset
[18:12] <share> klaxa: no
[18:13] <share> klaxa: check the manual -preset doesnt exist
[18:14] <Euphoricz> Why are presets not available when using the -rtsp_transport command line switch?
[18:16] <klaxa> maybe the manpage is outdated
[18:17] <share> klaxa: do i need to specity the codec to list the presets?
[18:17] <share> i tried ffmpeg -preset help
[18:18] <share> doesnt show the presets
[18:18] <klaxa> -preset is to be used with libx264
[18:18] <share> ok
[18:18] <klaxa> same goes for -profile and -tune
[18:18] <share> like x264 -preset
[18:19] <klaxa> see ffmpeg -h encoder=libx264
[18:19] <share> doesnt show the presets
[18:19] <share> oops
[18:19] <share> ok thanks
[18:19] <klaxa> presets are placebo, veryslow, slower, slow, medium, fast, faster, veryfast, ultrafast
[18:20] <share> I know
[18:20] <share> ill try medium
[18:26] <llogan> hellhound: it is possible. http://www.evermeet.cx/ffplay/snapshots/
[18:29] <hellhound> llogan: hmm, I'm using the ffmpeg provided by macports. The funny thing is that I've installed ffmpeg latest svn revision. I'm assuming that macports patches it somehow before installing it
[18:33] <klaxa> svn? wasn't that abandoned in 2008?
[18:33] <klaxa> for ffmpeg i mean
[18:36] <hellhound> klaxa: ok, I was assuming it was a svn repo, doesn't matter, I know for sure it's the current HEAD
[18:45] <share> how to disable audio
[18:46] <share> the tv is complaining about not supported audio
[18:46] <share> -c:a null?
[18:51] <share> -an
[18:57] <share> OpenCL: Unable to query installed platforms
[19:12] <VictorS> I'll come back tomorrow with pastebin commands. Thank you
[19:13] <metaphysician> 32 bit static Linux builds have been discontinued?
[19:30] <llogan> metaphysician: you mean from burek?
[19:31] <llogan> the "gusari" builds
[19:31] <llogan> probably just have to tell burek to poke the machine
[19:41] <llogan> i let him know
[19:41] <metaphysician> llogan: yup, http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/static/.  Thanks. Looking forward to trying the new x265 encoder...
[19:42] <JEEB> you're almost better off just compiling x265 yourself and using the command line encoder for it
[19:42] <JEEB> the API gets broken all the time
[19:42] <JEEB> and piping from ffmpeg for example
[19:45] <metaphysician> JEEB: point taken
[19:46] <JEEB> also let's just say that if you actually want to see better results under some scenarios compared to x264, you pretty much have to use presets like placebo with x265 :P
[19:47] <JEEB> because that's pretty much the only preset that is relatively sure to give you results that you like
[19:48] <JEEB> also last time I tested x265 doesn't max out bframes or refs with preset placebo, so you might want to do that, too
[21:08] <ValdikSS> Please confirm the issue https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/2975#comment:5
[21:16] <thedarkjedi> Hi Guyz
[21:17] <thedarkjedi> One question
[21:17] <thedarkjedi> I am running ffmpeg on my windows 64 bit and got the latest build from http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/ but when I use ffmpeg -filters I notice that a lot of filters are missing
[21:18] <thedarkjedi> specially equalizer and bandreject
[21:18] <thedarkjedi> Can anybody tell me how should I get missing filters?
[21:39] <ValdikSS> thedarkjedi: you should probably recompile ffmpeg with needed filters enabled or find another build with enabled filters
[21:41] <thedarkjedi> Thanks...  it seems my problem is different though... My windows seem to be somehow dynamically linking to older libraries...
[21:42] <thedarkjedi> I even  deleted older files and replaced them with the new ones...
[22:30] <thedarkjedi> Hi Guyz
[22:30] <thedarkjedi> One more question.. I am using ffmpeg to extract audio for speech recognition
[22:30] <thedarkjedi> the audio could be noisy...how do I reduce background noise to optimize speech
[22:31] <thedarkjedi> I tried C:\Users\Sudh\Downloads\ffmpeg-20140324-git-63dbba6-win64-static\bin>ffmpeg -i i nput.wav -filter_complex "highpass=f=400,lowpass=f=1800" out2.wav
[22:32] <thedarkjedi> and also  C:\Users\Sudh\Downloads\ffmpeg-20140324-git-63dbba6-win64-static\bin>ffmpeg -i i nput.wav -af "equalizer=f=1000:width_type=h:width=900:g=-10" output.wav
[22:32] <thedarkjedi> but couldnt filter out background noise properly... results were very disappointing
[22:32] <thedarkjedi> :(
[22:57] <TheCloudstrike> hey i have a question, how can i burn a mkv file with subtitle in it into a mp4 file. i dont want to include a external ass file, i want to have the included subtitle from the video
[22:57] <TheCloudstrike> to be burned into mp4
[22:58] <TheCloudstrike> the thing is that some files have ass and some files not its a bash script what is used for many files
[22:59] <TheCloudstrike> any idea?
[23:46] <TheCloudstrike> hello? xD
[23:48] <llogan> TheCloudstrike: i think subtitles and ass filters require a file name, so link lables and stream specifiers won't work, AFAIK
[23:52] <llogan> you may have to output the subtitle from the input and use that
[23:59] <RenatoCRON> hello guys. I have 20secs x264 videos. If I want know many changes was in the images each second (using gt(scene\,0.5) or something like that) do I need to first generate another video with (20 frames, time don't matter) to pipe to another ffmpeg with filter scene??
[00:00] --- Tue Mar 25 2014

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