[Ffmpeg-devel] New Video Codec for low grunt embedded CPU's

Steven Johnson sjohnson
Tue Mar 21 09:59:28 CET 2006

Hi Again,

Either this isnt of interest, or there are no suggestions for
improvement.  Thats fine :)

What I need is an experienced ffmpeg developer who is interested in a
contract to implement this codec for me.  Im guessing, from its
complexity, its a couple of weeks work to write and test the windows
codec and then write the corresponding code for ffmpeg.  If anyone is
interested in a short term contract to implement a codec for me please
respond off list.  Of course, as I stated before the reference
implementations, which these will be, will all be GPL.  I'd do it
myself, but im strapped for time.

Steven Johnson

Steven Johnson wrote:

>I need a Codec for Low Power (as in Grunt) CPU's (Im talking less than
>100Mhz here.)
>Im thinking nothing (other than FLC/FLX which we already use) really
>fits the bill, here are the requirements:
>1. Animations able to be created using "off the shelf" (which means
>windows based) tools.
>2. Easy and efficient to implement a conforming decoder.
>3. Encoder can be slow and hard to implement, because the devices im
>thinking of, dont encode. Encoding is done offline (on a PC).
>4. Decoding must be able to be done with simple integer only
>mathematics. (32bpp operations OK).
>5. Minimum Frame size of 8 x 8 pixels. (Yes its tiny). Frame size
>increments in 1 pixel after that (eg, 9x13 is OK).
>6. RGB Colour Space, so that the decoder doesnt need to do any colour
>space conversion (and waste cycles doing it).
>7. Must be able to support 8bpp paletised animations, as well as
>15/16bpp (24bpp as well, even though i dont need it).
>8. Lossless, at small resolutions I cant afford any encoding artifacts,
>as they are visible and look really crappy.
>Im sure there are other things, but I think this gives you the idea.
>The current thought for encoding is as follows (Without worrying about
>the boundary conditions at this stage):
>1. Take a frame to encode (call it raw frame), If its an 8bpp palette
>image, the frame is stored as the 256 palette entries, followed by the
>palette image data.
>2. Subtract it from the previous frame (unsigned integer subtraction),
>for 8bpp and 24bpp, subtract each byte. For 15/16Bpp subtract each word.
>(call this delta frame)
>3. Scan through the raw-frame and the delta frame, creating re-ordered
>versions, according to fixed patterns (8x8, 16x16 blocks, standard
>zig-zag).  If its an 8bpp frame, the palette is skipped for the
>re-ordering process.
>    ie
>    1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
>    2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
>    3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A
>    4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B
>    5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C
>    6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D
>    7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E
>    8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
>   Start a 1, then do 2,2 then do 3,3,3 then do 4,4,4,4, etc until you
>hit F, going back and forth in a zig zag type pattern.
>   Similar to how i understand MPEG does it. (Which is probably wrong).
>   Do this for both 8x8 and 16x16, and call them raw-reordered-8,
>delta-reordered-8, raw-reordered-16 and delta-reordered-16
>4. Now we have 6 different versions of the frame. Raw-frame,
>Delta-frame, raw-reordered-8, delta-reordered-8, raw-reordered-16 and
>delta-reordered-16.  Take each of these, and attempt to compress them
>with NRV Compression each of types B,D and E, at level 99.  Smallest
>frame size wins, and is stored in the file. Encoded data is preceded by
>a 1 byte field which indicates what sort of frame is compressed (of the
>6, and what NRV algorithm to use (B,D,E) (18 possible choices).  If none
>of the results are smaller than the original raw frame size, the raw
>frame is stored (the 19th possible result).
>5. The container for the animation is AVI, so a Windows compliant Codec
>can be created (satisfying the need to be able to work with standard
>windows tools).  And AVI is low complexity.
>My Theories are:
>a) step 2 produces a delta image that should be well compressed in step
>4, because NRV does a good job with runs of the same data pattern, so if
>the same pixels appear in 2 subsequent frames, they subtract to 0, even
>if adjacent pixels are different, areas that are the same will turn into
>big regions of 0.
>b) Step 3 clumps data that is spatially common together, to try and
>maximize the ability of the NRV compressor
> to find runs of similar data.
>c) Step 4 might take a little while to run all 18 permutations and pick
>the best, but its worthwhile, because the resulting file will be as
>small as it could possibly be with the given algorithm.
>Anyway thats the current thought.  The decoder would be easy, because it
>is easy to implement hand coded NRV decompressors in Assembler (and they
>are very fast on low end processors, as opposed to gzip or bzip type
>algorithms, and my experience with them is they are almost as good, and
>in some cases, depending on the data better).  And the rest of the
>manipulations on decode are trivial.
>My intention is to Specify this into a formal spec, and write a
>"Reference" Windows Codec and FFMPEG Encoder/Decoder for it.  All of
>this I would do under the GPL, and would be submitted for inclusion into
>FFMPEG if its of interest.
>Are there any comments, or thoughts on this?  Any suggestions on how it
>can be improved, without getting too complex on decode?  Is this
>something your interested in being put into FFMPEG?  Do you think I
>should use a standard codec that already exists, and not re-invent the
>Steven J
>ffmpeg-devel mailing list
>ffmpeg-devel at mplayerhq.hu

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