[Ffmpeg-devel] Flv meta Data

Chris Dolan chris
Sat Nov 18 21:34:27 CET 2006

On Nov 18, 2006, at 1:25 PM, Cristian Rusu wrote:

> Hello
> I am in video share development. I have use ffmpeg very well along  
> with
> flvtool2 to convert videos to flv and play in browser.
> Is there any chance to have flv Meta data writing added to codec in  
> ffmpeg
> itself to skip the need fo flvtool2?
> Thank you


FFmpeg already supports a subset of that metadata, specifically the  
metadata that is fixed size.  Adding other metadata, for example byte  
offsets to all of the keyframes, requires (minimally) two passes as  
the byte offsets recorded within that metadata may change with the  
size of the metadata itself.

Besides the very nice Ruby flvtool2 library, there's also a Perl  
library called FLV::Info which includes an flv2flv tool that provides  
richer metadata than what FFmpeg offers.  It's written by yours  
truly, and also includes fast FLV<->SWF transcoding.


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703
vCard: http://www.chrisdolan.net/ChrisDolan.vcf

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software  
(http://www.media-landscape.com/) and partners in the revolutionary  
Croquet project (http://www.opencroquet.org/)

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