[Ffmpeg-devel] ffmpeg and thumbnails

Paul Langeard plangeard
Wed Oct 18 10:35:21 CEST 2006

Paul Langeard <plangeard at yahoo.com> a ?crit : 
hello i'm trying to get a thumbnail picture of a movie.
ffmpeg -y -i ori.mpg  
-f singlejpeg -ss 10 -vframes 1 
-s 150?100 -an thumb.jpg 
I try the this command but ffmpeg return the fallowing message:
 Unknow input or output format : singlejpeg

Thanks for help

I found the good command :

ffmpeg -y -i ori.mpg  
-f mjpeg -ss 10 -vframes 1 
-s 150?100 -an thumb.jpg 
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