[FFmpeg-devel] ffplay crashing when declaring a posix thread variable

Jun Fajardo jun71117
Sat Jun 23 05:02:31 CEST 2007

Sorry Guys. I found out what was wrong. I was picking up the wrong library for the posix threads. Sorry for the spam. 


Jun Fajardo <jun71117 at yahoo.com> wrote: Hi,

I modified ffplay.c to have a different main which contains a pthread_t variable in it. I get a segmentation fault when i try to run it. I have configured ffmpeg libraries using --enable-pthreads. I have attached the modifications. I used the default makefile in the ffmpeg directory.

Does anyone know how to use posix thread in ffmpeg?


You snooze, you lose. Get messages ASAP with AutoCheck
 in the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta. /*
 * FFplay : Simple Media Player based on the ffmpeg libraries
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Fabrice Bellard
 * This file is part of FFmpeg.
 * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include "avformat.h"
#include "swscale.h"

#include "version.h"
#include "cmdutils.h"


#ifdef __MINGW32__
#undef main /* We don't want SDL to override our main() */

#ifdef CONFIG_OS2
#define INCL_DOS

 void MorphToPM()
   PPIB pib;
   PTIB tib;

   DosGetInfoBlocks(&tib, &pib);

   // Change flag from VIO to PM:
   if (pib->pib_ultype==2) pib->pib_ultype = 3;

#undef exit

//#define DEBUG_SYNC

#define MAX_VIDEOQ_SIZE (5 * 256 * 1024)
#define MAX_AUDIOQ_SIZE (5 * 16 * 1024)
#define MAX_SUBTITLEQ_SIZE (5 * 16 * 1024)

/* SDL audio buffer size, in samples. Should be small to have precise
   A/V sync as SDL does not have hardware buffer fullness info. */

/* no AV sync correction is done if below the AV sync threshold */
#define AV_SYNC_THRESHOLD 0.01
/* no AV correction is done if too big error */

/* maximum audio speed change to get correct sync */

/* we use about AUDIO_DIFF_AVG_NB A-V differences to make the average */
#define AUDIO_DIFF_AVG_NB   20

/* NOTE: the size must be big enough to compensate the hardware audio buffersize size */
#define SAMPLE_ARRAY_SIZE (2*65536)

static int sws_flags = SWS_BICUBIC;

typedef struct PacketQueue {
    AVPacketList *first_pkt, *last_pkt;
    int nb_packets;
    int size;
    int abort_request;
    SDL_mutex *mutex;
    SDL_cond *cond;
} PacketQueue;


typedef struct VideoPicture {
    double pts;                                  ///

    SDL_Overlay *bmp;
    int width, height; /* source height & width */
    int allocated;
} VideoPicture;

typedef struct SubPicture {
    double pts; /* presentation time stamp for this picture */
    AVSubtitle sub;
} SubPicture;

enum {
    AV_SYNC_AUDIO_MASTER, /* default choice */
    AV_SYNC_EXTERNAL_CLOCK, /* synchronize to an external clock */

typedef struct VideoState {
    SDL_Thread *parse_tid;
    SDL_Thread *video_tid;
    AVInputFormat *iformat;
    int no_background;
    int abort_request;
    int paused;
    int last_paused;
    int seek_req;
    int seek_flags;
    int64_t seek_pos;
    AVFormatContext *ic;
    int dtg_active_format;

    int audio_stream;

    int av_sync_type;
    double external_clock; /* external clock base */
    int64_t external_clock_time;

    double audio_clock;
    double audio_diff_cum; /* used for AV difference average computation */
    double audio_diff_avg_coef;
    double audio_diff_threshold;
    int audio_diff_avg_count;
    AVStream *audio_st;
    PacketQueue audioq;
    int audio_hw_buf_size;
    /* samples output by the codec. we reserve more space for avsync
       compensation */
    DECLARE_ALIGNED(16,uint8_t,audio_buf[(AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE * 3) / 2]);
    unsigned int audio_buf_size; /* in bytes */
    int audio_buf_index; /* in bytes */
    AVPacket audio_pkt;
    uint8_t *audio_pkt_data;
    int audio_pkt_size;

    int show_audio; /* if true, display audio samples */
    int16_t sample_array[SAMPLE_ARRAY_SIZE];
    int sample_array_index;
    int last_i_start;

    SDL_Thread *subtitle_tid;
    int subtitle_stream;
    int subtitle_stream_changed;
    AVStream *subtitle_st;
    PacketQueue subtitleq;
    SubPicture subpq[SUBPICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE];
    int subpq_size, subpq_rindex, subpq_windex;
    SDL_mutex *subpq_mutex;
    SDL_cond *subpq_cond;

    double frame_timer;
    double frame_last_pts;
    double frame_last_delay;
    double video_clock;                          ///

    int video_stream;
    AVStream *video_st;
    PacketQueue videoq;
    double video_current_pts;                    ///
    int64_t video_current_pts_time;              ///
    VideoPicture pictq[VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE];
    int pictq_size, pictq_rindex, pictq_windex;
    SDL_mutex *pictq_mutex;
    SDL_cond *pictq_cond;

    //    QETimer *video_timer;
    char filename[1024];
    int width, height, xleft, ytop;
} VideoState;

void show_help(void);
static int audio_write_get_buf_size(VideoState *is);

/* options specified by the user */
static AVInputFormat *file_iformat;
static const char *input_filename;
static int fs_screen_width;
static int fs_screen_height;
static int screen_width = 0;
static int screen_height = 0;
static int frame_width = 0;
static int frame_height = 0;
static enum PixelFormat frame_pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_NONE;
static int audio_disable;
static int video_disable;
static int wanted_audio_stream= 0;
static int seek_by_bytes;
static int display_disable;
static int show_status;
static int av_sync_type = AV_SYNC_AUDIO_MASTER;
static int64_t start_time = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
static int debug = 0;
static int debug_mv = 0;
static int step = 0;
static int thread_count = 1;
static int workaround_bugs = 1;
static int fast = 0;
static int genpts = 0;
static int lowres = 0;
static int idct = FF_IDCT_AUTO;
static enum AVDiscard skip_frame= AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
static enum AVDiscard skip_idct= AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
static enum AVDiscard skip_loop_filter= AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
static int error_resilience = FF_ER_CAREFUL;
static int error_concealment = 3;
static int decoder_reorder_pts= 0;

/* current context */
static int is_full_screen;
static VideoState *cur_stream;
static int64_t audio_callback_time;

AVPacket flush_pkt;


SDL_Surface *screen;

/* packet queue handling */
static void packet_queue_init(PacketQueue *q)
    memset(q, 0, sizeof(PacketQueue));
    q->mutex = SDL_CreateMutex();
    q->cond = SDL_CreateCond();

static void packet_queue_flush(PacketQueue *q)
    AVPacketList *pkt, *pkt1;

    for(pkt = q->first_pkt; pkt != NULL; pkt = pkt1) {
        pkt1 = pkt->next;
    q->last_pkt = NULL;
    q->first_pkt = NULL;
    q->nb_packets = 0;
    q->size = 0;

static void packet_queue_end(PacketQueue *q)

static int packet_queue_put(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt)
    AVPacketList *pkt1;

    /* duplicate the packet */
    if (pkt!=&flush_pkt && av_dup_packet(pkt) < 0)
        return -1;

    pkt1 = av_malloc(sizeof(AVPacketList));
    if (!pkt1)
        return -1;
    pkt1->pkt = *pkt;
    pkt1->next = NULL;


    if (!q->last_pkt)

        q->first_pkt = pkt1;
        q->last_pkt->next = pkt1;
    q->last_pkt = pkt1;
    q->size += pkt1->pkt.size;
    /* XXX: should duplicate packet data in DV case */

    return 0;

static void packet_queue_abort(PacketQueue *q)

    q->abort_request = 1;



/* return < 0 if aborted, 0 if no packet and > 0 if packet.  */
static int packet_queue_get(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt, int block)
    AVPacketList *pkt1;
    int ret;


    for(;;) {
        if (q->abort_request) {
            ret = -1;

        pkt1 = q->first_pkt;
        if (pkt1) {
            q->first_pkt = pkt1->next;
            if (!q->first_pkt)
                q->last_pkt = NULL;
            q->size -= pkt1->pkt.size;
            *pkt = pkt1->pkt;
            ret = 1;
        } else if (!block) {
            ret = 0;
        } else {
            SDL_CondWait(q->cond, q->mutex);
    return ret;

static inline void fill_rectangle(SDL_Surface *screen,
                                  int x, int y, int w, int h, int color)
    SDL_Rect rect;
    rect.x = x;
    rect.y = y;
    rect.w = w;
    rect.h = h;
    SDL_FillRect(screen, &rect, color);

#if 0
/* draw only the border of a rectangle */
void fill_border(VideoState *s, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color)
    int w1, w2, h1, h2;

    /* fill the background */
    w1 = x;
    if (w1 < 0)
        w1 = 0;
    w2 = s->width - (x + w);
    if (w2 < 0)
        w2 = 0;
    h1 = y;
    if (h1 < 0)
        h1 = 0;
    h2 = s->height - (y + h);
    if (h2 < 0)
        h2 = 0;
                   s->xleft, s->ytop,
                   w1, s->height,
                   s->xleft + s->width - w2, s->ytop,
                   w2, s->height,
                   s->xleft + w1, s->ytop,
                   s->width - w1 - w2, h1,
                   s->xleft + w1, s->ytop + s->height - h2,
                   s->width - w1 - w2, h2,

#define SCALEBITS 10
#define ONE_HALF  (1 << (SCALEBITS - 1))
#define FIX(x)    ((int) ((x) * (1<

#define RGB_TO_Y_CCIR(r, g, b) \
((FIX(0.29900*219.0/255.0) * (r) + FIX(0.58700*219.0/255.0) * (g) + \
  FIX(0.11400*219.0/255.0) * (b) + (ONE_HALF + (16 << SCALEBITS))) >> SCALEBITS)

#define RGB_TO_U_CCIR(r1, g1, b1, shift)\
(((- FIX(0.16874*224.0/255.0) * r1 - FIX(0.33126*224.0/255.0) * g1 +         \
     FIX(0.50000*224.0/255.0) * b1 + (ONE_HALF << shift) - 1) >> (SCALEBITS + shift)) + 128)

#define RGB_TO_V_CCIR(r1, g1, b1, shift)\
(((FIX(0.50000*224.0/255.0) * r1 - FIX(0.41869*224.0/255.0) * g1 -           \
   FIX(0.08131*224.0/255.0) * b1 + (ONE_HALF << shift) - 1) >> (SCALEBITS + shift)) + 128)

#define ALPHA_BLEND(a, oldp, newp, s)\
((((oldp << s) * (255 - (a))) + (newp * (a))) / (255 << s))

#define RGBA_IN(r, g, b, a, s)\
    unsigned int v = ((const uint32_t *)(s))[0];\
    a = (v >> 24) & 0xff;\
    r = (v >> 16) & 0xff;\
    g = (v >> 8) & 0xff;\
    b = v & 0xff;\

#define YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, s, pal)\
    unsigned int val = ((const uint32_t *)(pal))[*(const uint8_t*)s];\
    a = (val >> 24) & 0xff;\
    y = (val >> 16) & 0xff;\
    u = (val >> 8) & 0xff;\
    v = val & 0xff;\

#define YUVA_OUT(d, y, u, v, a)\
    ((uint32_t *)(d))[0] = (a << 24) | (y << 16) | (u << 8) | v;\

#define BPP 1

static void blend_subrect(AVPicture *dst, const AVSubtitleRect *rect)
    int wrap, wrap3, width2, skip2;
    int y, u, v, a, u1, v1, a1, w, h;
    uint8_t *lum, *cb, *cr;
    const uint8_t *p;
    const uint32_t *pal;

    lum = dst->data[0] + rect->y * dst->linesize[0];
    cb = dst->data[1] + (rect->y >> 1) * dst->linesize[1];
    cr = dst->data[2] + (rect->y >> 1) * dst->linesize[2];

    width2 = (rect->w + 1) >> 1;
    skip2 = rect->x >> 1;
    wrap = dst->linesize[0];
    wrap3 = rect->linesize;
    p = rect->bitmap;
    pal = rect->rgba_palette;  /* Now in YCrCb! */

    if (rect->y & 1) {
        lum += rect->x;
        cb += skip2;
        cr += skip2;

        if (rect->x & 1) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cb[0], u, 0);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cr[0], v, 0);
            p += BPP;
        for(w = rect->w - (rect->x & 1); w >= 2; w -= 2) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 = u;
            v1 = v;
            a1 = a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);

            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p + BPP, pal);
            u1 += u;
            v1 += v;
            a1 += a;
            lum[1] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[1], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cb[0], u1, 1);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cr[0], v1, 1);
            p += 2 * BPP;
            lum += 2;
        if (w) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cb[0], u, 0);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cr[0], v, 0);
        p += wrap3 + (wrap3 - rect->w * BPP);
        lum += wrap + (wrap - rect->w - rect->x);
        cb += dst->linesize[1] - width2 - skip2;
        cr += dst->linesize[2] - width2 - skip2;
    for(h = rect->h - (rect->y & 1); h >= 2; h -= 2) {
        lum += rect->x;
        cb += skip2;
        cr += skip2;

        if (rect->x & 1) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 = u;
            v1 = v;
            a1 = a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            p += wrap3;
            lum += wrap;
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 += u;
            v1 += v;
            a1 += a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cb[0], u1, 1);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cr[0], v1, 1);
            p += -wrap3 + BPP;
            lum += -wrap + 1;
        for(w = rect->w - (rect->x & 1); w >= 2; w -= 2) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 = u;
            v1 = v;
            a1 = a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);

            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 += u;
            v1 += v;
            a1 += a;
            lum[1] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[1], y, 0);
            p += wrap3;
            lum += wrap;

            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 += u;
            v1 += v;
            a1 += a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);

            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 += u;
            v1 += v;
            a1 += a;
            lum[1] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[1], y, 0);

            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cb[0], u1, 2);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cr[0], v1, 2);

            p += -wrap3 + 2 * BPP;
            lum += -wrap + 2;
        if (w) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 = u;
            v1 = v;
            a1 = a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            p += wrap3;
            lum += wrap;
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 += u;
            v1 += v;
            a1 += a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cb[0], u1, 1);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cr[0], v1, 1);
            p += -wrap3 + BPP;
            lum += -wrap + 1;
        p += wrap3 + (wrap3 - rect->w * BPP);
        lum += wrap + (wrap - rect->w - rect->x);
        cb += dst->linesize[1] - width2 - skip2;
        cr += dst->linesize[2] - width2 - skip2;
    /* handle odd height */
    if (h) {
        lum += rect->x;
        cb += skip2;
        cr += skip2;

        if (rect->x & 1) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cb[0], u, 0);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cr[0], v, 0);
            p += BPP;
        for(w = rect->w - (rect->x & 1); w >= 2; w -= 2) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            u1 = u;
            v1 = v;
            a1 = a;
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);

            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p + BPP, pal);
            u1 += u;
            v1 += v;
            a1 += a;
            lum[1] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[1], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cb[0], u, 1);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a1 >> 2, cr[0], v, 1);
            p += 2 * BPP;
            lum += 2;
        if (w) {
            YUVA_IN(y, u, v, a, p, pal);
            lum[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a, lum[0], y, 0);
            cb[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cb[0], u, 0);
            cr[0] = ALPHA_BLEND(a >> 2, cr[0], v, 0);

static void free_subpicture(SubPicture *sp)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < sp->sub.num_rects; i++)


    memset(&sp->sub, 0, sizeof(AVSubtitle));

static void video_image_display(VideoState *is)
    VideoPicture *vp;
    SubPicture *sp;
    AVPicture pict;
    float aspect_ratio;
    int width, height, x, y;
    SDL_Rect rect;
    int i;

    vp = &is->pictq[is->pictq_rindex];
    if (vp->bmp) {
        /* XXX: use variable in the frame */
        if (is->video_st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.num == 0)
            aspect_ratio = 0;
            aspect_ratio = av_q2d(is->video_st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio)
                * is->video_st->codec->width / is->video_st->codec->height;;
        if (aspect_ratio <= 0.0)
            aspect_ratio = (float)is->video_st->codec->width /
        /* if an active format is indicated, then it overrides the
           mpeg format */
#if 0
        if (is->video_st->codec->dtg_active_format != is->dtg_active_format) {
            is->dtg_active_format = is->video_st->codec->dtg_active_format;
            printf("dtg_active_format=%d\n", is->dtg_active_format);
#if 0
        switch(is->video_st->codec->dtg_active_format) {
        case FF_DTG_AFD_SAME:
            /* nothing to do */
        case FF_DTG_AFD_4_3:
            aspect_ratio = 4.0 / 3.0;
        case FF_DTG_AFD_16_9:
            aspect_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0;
        case FF_DTG_AFD_14_9:
            aspect_ratio = 14.0 / 9.0;
        case FF_DTG_AFD_4_3_SP_14_9:
            aspect_ratio = 14.0 / 9.0;
        case FF_DTG_AFD_16_9_SP_14_9:
            aspect_ratio = 14.0 / 9.0;
        case FF_DTG_AFD_SP_4_3:
            aspect_ratio = 4.0 / 3.0;

        if (is->subtitle_st)
            if (is->subpq_size > 0)
                sp = &is->subpq[is->subpq_rindex];

                if (vp->pts >= sp->pts + ((float) sp->sub.start_display_time / 1000))
                    SDL_LockYUVOverlay (vp->bmp);

                    pict.data[0] = vp->bmp->pixels[0];
                    pict.data[1] = vp->bmp->pixels[2];
                    pict.data[2] = vp->bmp->pixels[1];

                    pict.linesize[0] = vp->bmp->pitches[0];
                    pict.linesize[1] = vp->bmp->pitches[2];
                    pict.linesize[2] = vp->bmp->pitches[1];

                    for (i = 0; i < sp->sub.num_rects; i++)
                        blend_subrect(&pict, &sp->sub.rects[i]);

                    SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay (vp->bmp);

        /* XXX: we suppose the screen has a 1.0 pixel ratio */
        height = is->height;
        width = ((int)rint(height * aspect_ratio)) & -3;
        if (width > is->width) {
            width = is->width;
            height = ((int)rint(width / aspect_ratio)) & -3;

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