[FFmpeg-devel] moov atom at the beginning of the file...

Benoit Fouet benoit.fouet
Wed Jul 16 10:37:38 CEST 2008

Hradec wrote:
> HI there...
> I was wondering if theres any way to tell ffmpeg to write the moov atom 
> at the begining of a mp4 instead of at the end. I know this is an old 
> issue, but I was wondering if theres any new feature in latest ffmpeg 
> that would do this now...
> I want to be able to encode avi files to mp4 and get a stream-ready 
> file. I know about qt-faststart, but I really need to be able to get the 
> file straight out of ffmpeg.

you cannot
and this is the wrong mailing list

> My idea is to actually make ffmpeg write the encoded video to a pipe and 
> use a script in parallel reading that pipe and sending it trough a 
> socket directly to a player. Basically "re-encoding" a file in realtime 
> for streaming. But the problem is that I need the moov atom at the 
> begining of the file so the player can start playing it right away.
> I already do this encoding FLV, but now I really wich to make it also 
> work with mp4 files...
> Also, if someone know where I can find more info about the moov atom 
> (maybe how it is constructed, what type of info is in it, whats the 
> minimun info that a moov atom need to have) I could maybe try to create 
> a "standard" atom that my script would automatically send to the player 
> before start sending the real data, triggering the progressive download 
> in the client side...

see http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/qtff.pdf

Benoit Fouet
Purple Labs S.A.

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