[FFmpeg-devel] a64 encoder

Bitbreaker/METALVOTZE bitbreaker
Wed Jan 21 11:36:16 CET 2009

> It looks like this encoder really need GRAY8 input, so I think it is 
> better to let ffmpeg do the conversion.

I did so, but it turned out that when compiling with libswscale the 
GRAY8 input i get is not stretched over the whole 8 bit, thus i get the 
usual valuerange of 16..235 for luma. Whereas when i forgo on libswscale 
i get luma stretched over the whole 8 bit range of 0..255. Would be nice 
if i get the same data with both methods (no matter if stretched or 
not), but how to achieve that?

Kindest regards,


      style)KURVE - Fotografie mit Biss.
   www.style-kurve.de - info at style-kurve.de
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