[FFmpeg-devel] Compromise

Luca Barbato lu_zero
Fri Feb 4 08:02:48 CET 2011

On 02/04/2011 01:56 AM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> Hi
> Latest discussion of our compromis on publically logged #ffmpeg-devel without
> comment

Thanks for restating it.

> <michaelni> root abused their power to allow this without public discussion and vote
> <mru> oh but there was
> <mru> in october there was a vote
> <mru> the outcome was that you got to stay under certain conditions
> <mru> you failed to live up to those conditions
> <mru> these are now the consequences
> <iive> mru: you can't count?
> <mru> deal with it
> <michaelni> i did not fail the conditions
> <mru> iive: I can count to 5 and then kickban you
> <mru> michaelni: I can see this is pointless to discuss further
> <michaelni> besides there was a majority that unconditionally wanted to keep me
> <mru> I will not reply again
> <michaelni> as you wish
> <iive> mru: what would you wish michael to do, in order to accept reconciliation?

In my opinion all this "compromise" with you, Michael, is completely
void since basically you want your way and the whole change had been to
avoid you being treated differently. The whole "compromise" got
discussed for nights with you not moving from your position and with me
and the others feeling completely depressed.

Regarding all the people that got surprised by the sudden (oh, well took
months, yet appeared suddenly) decision of that group of developers to
go to radical changes here few points:

- Well, as Mans stated, the "election" outcome could be read already as
a demotion

- Michael list of demands for the root seemed insulting to me and the
result of them had been having the risk to have all the services shut
down by the lack of volunteers and infrastructure (guess what, most of
our infrastructure isn't paid by the foundation but kindly provided by
Koth, me, mru and others over the years)

- Michael tentative to push something so bad it would be rejected
automatically pretty much sealed his demotion in my eyes. If we had
people sternly complain about this basic rule to our first time
committers, why Michael should even _think_ about breaking this rule?

I hope that is clear enough to give everybody my perspective and the
reasoning behind me signing that document and helping this change.



Luca Barbato

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