[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] MinGW+FFmpeg survival guide

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala at poste.it
Sat Jun 25 10:01:23 CEST 2011

On date Friday 2011-06-24 18:46:01 +0800, JonY encoded:
> On 6/24/2011 17:53, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> > 
> > Uhm that's weird, as far as I know lib.exe is *required* for
> > generating DLLs. Can you confirm that you *don't* have lib.exe
> > installed?
> > 
> No you don't need lib.exe, gcc -shared -o mydll.dll <obj files>, its
> that simple.

Updated the docs with more information about lib.exe (thanks Martin).
Pending problems:

* fix the libsdl -mwindows flag issue
  Still no reply from SDL, we may consider to apply the MPlayer
  solution (filter-out -mwindows or whatever).

* I tried to test vfwcap in Windows7 with no luck. I got a windows
  popping up for selecting the device from a drop-down list, but then
  ffplay/ffmpeg exits or hangs depending on the selected device. Any
  hints to share? Anyway I'll try with dshow, which is the supposed

* I'm getting some problem with specifying --extra-cflags and
  --extra-ldflags containing whitespaces.

  What's the standard technique for specifying filenames with
  whitespaces in --extra-cflags/--extra-ldflags?
  Or I could simply rename the paths (e.g. C:\Microsoft
  SDKS\Windows\v7.1. => C:\MicrosoftSDKs\...), or create corresponding
  symlinks in the mingw path.

FFmpeg = Funny and Forgiving Magical Proud Epic Generator
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