[FFmpeg-devel] FFmtech foundation meeting call

Benjamin Larsson banan at ludd.ltu.se
Fri Mar 18 00:55:21 CET 2011

The meeting will be on Saturday 1200 UTC/GMT +1. The meeting will take
place in an irc channel that will be disclosed a few minutes before 1200
in #ffmpeg-devel at freenode. The meeting agenda is as follows.

* Opening of the meeting
* Choice of secretary
* Criteria for vote eligibility in the upcoming FFmtech board election
* Closing of the meeting

Initial meeting suggestions:
Choice of secretary:
I will suggest Baptiste Coudurier, current FFmtech VP as secretary

Criteria for vote eligibility in the upcoming FFmtech board election:
* I suggest that persons that have contributed/supported significantly
to FFmpeg in the last 12 months code-wise and project management-wise
are eligible to vote.

* I also suggest that those who intend to vote register before the
upcoming election.

Comments regarding the meeting or agenda should go directly to me.
Replies to the mailing-list will be ignored.

Benjamin Larsson

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