[FFmpeg-devel] New patch for mpegts.c

JULIAN GARDNER joolzg at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 16 14:31:35 CEST 2012

Whilst working on some new additions to MPEGTS support i found that the current code did not take into account the "Table Version Number", which caused FFMPEG to process every table that was in the TS. After adding the new code and validating against a 3 minute TS the counts on tables processed went down from 1360 to 3.

ps. Im still looking for the code that processed the complex-filter that converts a hex number [#0x2ef] as in,
ffmpeg -i input.ts -filter_complex '[#0x2ef] setpts=PTS+1/TB [sub] ; [#0x2d0] [sub] overlay' -sn -map '#0x2dc' output.mk
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