[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH]Show mxf Universal Label with loglevel verbose

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Mon Feb 11 13:14:05 CET 2013

Tomas Härdin <tomas.hardin <at> codemill.se> writes:

> >          st->codec->codec_id = (enum AVCodecID)codec_ul->id;
> > +        av_log(mxf->fc, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "%s: Universal Label: 0x",
> > +               avcodec_get_name(st->codec->codec_id));
> Do we need the "0x"?

Pushed without "0x".
If the SMPTE standard notation is needed (I don't know), 
it should be easy to change the code.

Thank you, Carl Eugen

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