[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2] web/contact: clarify mailing list descriptions

Lou Logan lou at lrcd.com
Tue Sep 16 00:03:16 CEST 2014

Also organize mailing lists by development, help, then logs.
Also link some phrases to relevant pages.

Signed-off-by: Lou Logan <lou at lrcd.com>
 src/contact | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/contact b/src/contact
index 640ae58..449127a 100644
--- a/src/contact
+++ b/src/contact
@@ -32,30 +32,30 @@
       <div class="list-group">
+        <a class="list-group-item" href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel/">
+          <strong>ffmpeg-devel</strong><br>
+          For discussions involving development of FFmpeg. Patches for FFmpeg should be submitted
+          here. It is <strong>not</strong> for development of software that use the FFmpeg libraries
+          and <strong>not</strong> for <a href="bugreports.html">bug reports</a> unless you are
+          submitting a patch that fixes the problem.
+        </a>
         <a class="list-group-item" href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-user/">
-          This list is for regular user questions and discussions including usage of
-          <code>ffmpeg</code>, <code>ffplay</code>, <code>ffprobe</code>, and
-          <code>ffserver</code>
+          For general user questions and discussions involving the FFmpeg cli tools:
+          <code>ffmpeg</code>, <code>ffplay</code>, <code>ffprobe</code>, and <code>ffserver</code>.
         <a class="list-group-item" href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user/">
-          This list is for application developer questions about development using the
-          FFmpeg libraries
-        </a>
-        <a class="list-group-item" href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel/">
-          <strong>ffmpeg-devel</strong><br>
-          This list is for development of FFmpeg itself. It is <strong>not</strong> for
-          development of software that use the FFmpeg libraries and <strong>not</strong>
-          for bug reports
+          For questions about using the FFmpeg libraries and API.
         <a class="list-group-item" href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-cvslog/">
-          This list gets all changes to the FFmpeg sources / main git repository.
+          A log of all changes and updates made to the FFmpeg source.
         <a class="list-group-item" href="https://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-trac/">
-          This list gets all changes to the FFmpeg Trac issue tracker.
+          Receives all bug reports, comments, and status changes made on the
+          <a href="https://trac.ffmpeg.org/">FFmpeg Bug Tracker</a>.
       </div> <!-- list-group -->
     </div> <!-- col -->

More information about the ffmpeg-devel mailing list