[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 3/3] avformat: add youtube-dl based demuxer

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Thu Apr 9 16:40:47 CEST 2015

Le decadi 20 germinal, an CCXXIII, Gilles Chanteperdrix a écrit :
> And -J is to much: it gives you all the available videos and forces

You can ignore extra information that you think you do do not need.

How do you invent required information that you do not have?

> you to reimplement youtube-dl -f option to choose only one from the

This is already something FFmpeg has to do for variaous streaming formats.

> list. In what case is -g not sufficient, for handling play lists ?

To know the title of the video[*]. You knew it since you also call with -e.

To know other possible metadata for the video (author, license, dates,
thumbnail, etc.).

To access the video when it is protected by a referrer filter to disallow

To access the video when it requires cookies[*].

To access the video when audio and video are distributed as separate

To get subtitles.

I believe that makes for a strong enough case. The reasons marked with a star
were already reported in the discussion.


  Nicolas George
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