[FFmpeg-devel] Voting committee

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Wed Sep 16 16:59:07 CEST 2015

Le nonidi 29 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Yayoi Ukai a écrit :
> > Thanks. You are right, this was imprecise. I meant linear combination with
> > total coefficients one; barycenter in other words. For example: 10 commits
> > are ok, 20 devel mails are ok, then 5 commits and 10 devel mails are ok too.
> >
> > Of course, the value I have put are rather arbitrary. Please people feel
> > free to propose other values.
> Yes. There is an value and I will explain why later.
> Well, unfortunately I couldn't quite understand after a certain point
> the point you tried to make
> but I would say don't worry about it. I mean you have been
> contributing more than... so many years..
> of course what you really care would be respected. I am sure.

I am really sorry, I read your mail several times and I do not understand
how it relates to mine.

Was something I wrote disparaging for Outreachy? I am not aware of it, but
if so, please point it to me.

Or do you think that the voting rules I proposed make FFmpeg as a project
less inclusive? Then can you suggest how to amend them?

Or... really, I can not see what. Sorry.


  Nicolas George
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