[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avfilter: add ocr filter

wm4 nfxjfg at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 18 17:42:46 CEST 2015

On 18.09.2015 17:19, Nicolas George wrote:
> wm4:
>> Nice snarky, content-free remark. But you know that just because a hack got
>> "blessed" because it has "verified users", this is not a reason to implement
>> things in the right way, so that they are also maintainable and orthogonal.
> Do you intend to propose a patch that implements things "the right way",
> "orthogonal", in less than, let's say, two years? If not, do not criticize
> people who propose something that works.

I have no interest in ffmpeg.c, so of course I won't. But I had a pretty 
simple way to implement it in mpv without having to go through 
ridiculous things like a libavfilter movie source filter. It was 
probably 10 lines in total.

>> (Or what do you tell to a user who wants to add hardsubbing captions to his
>> existing transcode commandline? Have fun.)
> Maybe I tell them to wait until the genius wm4 has condescended to implement
> it.
> My patches, either for sub2video or for subcc in movie, are indeed ugly
> hacks, I never denied it. But they work, right now, and they are of service
> to users. Furthermore, they are isolated features, without tendrils all over
> the place, without causing unrelated problems and ready to be removed when a
> proper implementation is committed.
> By disparaging them, you are insulting both me and every user who uses the
> features. There are very few people whose contributions are so invaluable
> that the community has to bear with their rudeness.

Honestly, I find most of your passively aggressive replies at least 
annoying and often enough definitely sound like they're intended to 
insult. You just did it again - read your mail. Maybe you could turn it 
down a little?

And just for the protocol, yes, I called it a terrible hack, but you 
agree that it's an "ugly hack", so I'm not sure what I did wrong here.

By implementing something as a hack, you put the burden on future 
generations of developers who somehow have to clean it up (instead of 
only having to implement it the right way), and of course without 
causing any "regressions". (Which means pretty please duplicate all the 
fucked corner-casey up stuff that happened to work because of a specific 
implementation etc.)

You know, I don't do this to argue with you to death or because I enjoy 
fighting (surprisingly I don't) - I just want sane technical solutions, 
because just committing mistakes causes a magnitude of more work at a 
later point. Either because somehow has to clean it up, or because it'll 
be so hard to fix bugs/add features.

Anyway, the bottom line is, no you can't output a subtitle stream, if 
you want to, add subtitles to lavfi.

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