[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 3/3] fate: add test for concat with and without automatic filtering.

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Thu May 5 11:58:46 CEST 2016

Le decadi 10 floréal, an CCXXIV, James Almer a écrit :
> I think this needs to be $(TARGET_SAMPLES).


> You should be able to simplify this using FATE_FFPROBE and FATE_SAMPLES_FFPROBE.
> It would also remove the need to specify the ffprobe$(PROGSSUF)$(EXESUF) dependency
> for all these tests.

Should be done.

> Fails here on mingw-w64 using msys2 (The other concat tests all pass).
> TEST    concat-demuxer-convert-lavf-h264
> /ffmpeg/src/tests/fate-run.sh fate-concat-demuxer-convert-lavf-h264 "../samples" "" "/ffmpeg/build" 'concat /ffmpeg/src/tests/convert.ffconcat ../samples/h264/interlaced_crop.mp4 md5 "-show_data_hash crc32"' '' '' '' '1' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
>  /ffmpeg/build/ffprobe -bitexact -show_streams -show_packets -v 0 -fflags keepside -safe 0 -show_data_hash crc32 tests/data/fate/concat-demuxer-convert-lavf-h264.ffconcat
> --- /ffmpeg/src/tests/ref/fate/concat-demuxer-convert-lavf-h264 2016-04-28 11:29:18.243034800 -0300
> +++ tests/data/fate/concat-demuxer-convert-lavf-h264    2016-04-28 11:43:16.148993800 -0300
> @@ -1 +1 @@
> -0a8b824a133a8ef220196801f70bb792 *tests/data/fate/concat-demuxer-convert-lavf-h264.ffprobe
> +d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e *tests/data/fate/concat-demuxer-convert-lavf-h264.ffprobe

This is the MD5 of an empty file, probably ffprobe failed for some reason.

Could you re-run the ffprobe command without "-v 0" and post the output if
the new version of the patch fails too?


  Nicolas George
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