[FFmpeg-devel] Licensing question.

Lou Logan lou at lrcd.com
Wed Dec 27 23:14:47 EET 2017

On Wed, 27 Dec 2017 19:48:52 +0000
Lewis Hornsby <lewishornsby at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey there, I saw on your facebook page that you were giving out this
> email address for enquiries regarding FFMPEG licensing.
> I am developing a closed source application in NW.JS. It is a
> Wordpress theme builder. There is a part of my application that lets
> people browse their available media. I would like to know if for
> something as simple as playback of an mp4 file in this context, I
> would need a licence.   The application does not nor ever will
> convert files.
> Many thanks, Lewis Hornsby. 

Are you distributing anything from FFmpeg? How is FFmpeg involved in
your application?

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