[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Cinepak: speed up decoding several-fold, depending on the scenario, by supporting multiple output pixel formats.

Clément Bœsch u at pkh.me
Mon Feb 6 08:57:25 EET 2017

On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 12:24:30PM +0100, u-9iep at aetey.se wrote:
> Hello,
> Here comes an amended patch, I think all the relevant points
> in the discussion have been addressed:
> - maintainability and code duplication:
>   straightforward code templating to reduce duplication
>   would hardly improve its quality, robustness and maintainability;
>   a proper style improvement is aking to a rewrite of the concerned
>   functions instead of the reuse of the previous well tested code;
>   if to be done, this should be done separately
>   * left as-is (further rewrite, outside the scope of the patch)

No, code quality is not outside the scope of your patch.

> - use of environment variables to influence the behaviour of the
>   libraries in ffmpeg is strongly discouraged
>   * left disabled, as a reference/comment, being in certain situations
>     (like those which motivated the optimizations) the only feasible
>     solution

The use of the environment variable is not tolerable, this is a blocker.

> Also added some comments with rationales.
> I thank everyone for the feedback and hope this code can find its way
> into upstream.

I'm sorry but there is no way it will reach upstream in this form.


Clément B.
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