[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Add FITS Demuxer
Paras Chadha
paraschadha18 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 17:26:07 EEST 2017
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> wrote:
> Le decadi 20 messidor, an CCXXV, Reimar Döffinger a écrit :
> > I don't think that's a correct description then.
> > First, the format is made to change and be extended, so what is
> > true now might not stay true.
> > But also the images can have arbitrary dimensions, in particular
> > they can be "3D" images with the third dimension being time,
> > thus being a video.
> > This may not be well enough specified for the demuxer to be
> > able to produce a proper "video stream" at this point,
> > but implementing it in the img2 framework to me seems to
> > have a significant risk of turning out a dead-end.
> Ok. To me, it looks identical to GIF: it is primarily an image format
> but with non-essential animation features, it was first implemented as
> part of img2 and only when somebody did actually implement the animation
> features was it implemented as an actual demuxer. I think it was the
> right approach.
> Anyway, whatever solution is chosen to fix it, the big chunk of logic
> duplication between the demuxer and the decoder as they are is IMO
> unacceptable in new and non-essential code. Even more so in the scope of
> an internship project, where the primary goal is not to produce code as
> fast as possible but to teach good coding practices.
> Therefore I urge again to post a dump of a typical three-images FITS
> file and comment it to see which part belong in which data structure.
> Regards,
> --
> Nicolas George
> _______________________________________________
> ffmpeg-devel mailing list
> ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org
> http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel
Hi, I have attached the dump of a FITS File containing 5 images and 4
binary table xtensions. The dump is taken using fdump utility. Please take
a look.
-------------- next part --------------
This is the header of the first (primary) image.
BITPIX = 8 / Character information
NAXIS = 0 / No image data array present
EXTEND = T / There may be standard extensions
DATE = '21/09/99' / Date file was written (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = 79.17265 / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = 45.99862 / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.1724000000003 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
VALIDTIM= 132369.40583229 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.376002 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.104001 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
COMMENT 'This file is part of the EUVE Science Archive. It contains'
COMMENT 'images and filter limits for one EUVE observation.'
COMMENT 'The EUVE Science Archive contains the science data from'
COMMENT 'observations performed with the EUVE telescopes. It forms one'
COMMENT 'part of the EUVE Permanent Archive. The other part of the'
COMMENT 'permanent archive is the EUVE Telemetry Archive, which is a'
COMMENT 'complete record of the raw telemetry from the EUVE mission.'
COMMENT 'For documentation of the contents of the EUVE Science Archive,'
COMMENT 'see the "EUVE Science Archive User's Guide". The contents of'
COMMENT 'the EUVE Telemetry Archive are described in the "EUVE'
COMMENT 'Telemetry Archive User's Guide".'
COMMENT 'The EUVE Permanent Archive was produced by the Center for EUV'
COMMENT 'Astrophysics, a division of UC Berkeley's Space Science'
COMMENT Laboratory.
This will be followed by the data part whose size (in bits) is given by - |BITPIX| * GCOUNT * (PCOUNT + NAXIS1 * NAXIS2 * ... * NAXISm) = 0 in this case, so no data part is there
This is the header of second image.
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension
BITPIX = 16 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional image
NAXIS1 = 2048 / Number of image columns
NAXIS2 = 2048 / Number of image rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
EXTNAME = 'ds ' / Name of image
BSCALE = 1.0E0 / Scale factor for pixel values
BZERO = 0.0E0 / Offset for pixel values
CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / RA in tangent plane projection
CRVAL1 = 79.1726455688478 / RA at reference pixel
CRPIX1 = 1024.5 / reference pixel, axis 1
CDELT1 = 0.00126953120343387 / scale, axis 1
CUNIT1 = 'deg ' / units of CRVAL1, CDELT1
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / DEC in tangent plane projection
CRVAL2 = 45.9986228942872 / DEC at reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 1024.5 / reference pixel, axis 2
CDELT2 = 0.00126953120343387 / scale, axis 2
CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / units of CRVAL2, CDELT2
EXPTIME = 64971.06 / Primbsch/deadtime corrected exposure time
RAWEXP = 86784.98 / Uncorrected exposure time
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'DS ' / Deep Survey
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.1724000000002 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
VALIDTIM= 132369.40583229 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.376001 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.104001 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
TIERRABS= 0.001 / Timing precision (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This extension contains an image of the Deep Survey detector'
COMMENT 'for this observation. All events have been remapped onto the'
COMMENT 'sky. The filter limits used to select events for inclusion'
COMMENT 'in this image are in the binary table extension named'
COMMENT '"ds_limits" in this file.'
Here also there is data part whose size is given by the same expression
Header of third image.
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension
BITPIX = 16 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional image
NAXIS1 = 2048 / Number of image columns
NAXIS2 = 300 / Number of image rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
EXTNAME = 'sw_night' / Name of image
BSCALE = 1.0E0 / Scale factor for pixel values
BZERO = 0.0E0 / Offset for pixel values
CTYPE1 = 'WAVELENGTH' / Wavelength
CRVAL1 = 133. / Wavelength at reference pixel
CRPIX1 = 1024.5 / reference pixel, axis 1
CDELT1 = 0.0673828125000001 / scale, axis 1
CUNIT1 = 'angstrom' / units of CRVAL1, CDELT1
CTYPE2 = 'ANGLE ' / Imaging angle
CRVAL2 = 0.0 / Imaging angle at reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 150.5 / reference pixel, axis 2
CDELT2 = 0.00121093750931323 / scale, axis 2
CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / units of CRVAL2, CDELT2
EXPTIME = 83184.02 / Primbsch/deadtime corrected exposure time
RAWEXP = 85043.08 / Uncorrected exposure time
FILENAME= 'sw_night'
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'SW ' / Short Wavelength Spectrometer
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.1724000000002 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
DETSTRIP= '875 : 1174' / Detector strip
VALIDTIM= 132369.40583229 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.376001 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.104001 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
TIERRABS= 0.001 / Timing precision (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This extension contains an image of the Short Wavelength'
COMMENT 'spectrometer for the nighttime portion of this observation.'
COMMENT 'All events have been dispersion corrected. The filter limits'
COMMENT 'used to select events for inclusion in this image are in the'
COMMENT 'binary table extension named "sw_night_limits" in this file.'
COMMENT 'The coordinate system of this image is non-standard. Axis 1'
COMMENT 'is linear in wavelength. Axis 2 is linear in imaging angle.'
COMMENT 'Imaging angle is the angular distance from the source in a'
COMMENT 'direction perpendicular to the dispersion.'
Data part whose size is given by the same expression
Header of fourth image.
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension
BITPIX = 16 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional image
NAXIS1 = 2048 / Number of image columns
NAXIS2 = 300 / Number of image rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
EXTNAME = 'mw ' / Name of image
BSCALE = 1.0E0 / Scale factor for pixel values
BZERO = 0.0E0 / Offset for pixel values
CTYPE1 = 'WAVELENGTH' / Wavelength
CRVAL1 = 266. / Wavelength at reference pixel
CRPIX1 = 1024.5 / reference pixel, axis 1
CDELT1 = 0.134765625 / scale, axis 1
CUNIT1 = 'angstrom' / units of CRVAL1, CDELT1
CTYPE2 = 'ANGLE ' / Imaging angle
CRVAL2 = 0.0 / Imaging angle at reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 150.5 / reference pixel, axis 2
CDELT2 = 0.00121093750931323 / scale, axis 2
CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / units of CRVAL2, CDELT2
EXPTIME = 81476.3 / Primbsch/deadtime corrected exposure time
RAWEXP = 86539.14 / Uncorrected exposure time
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'MW ' / Medium Wavelength Spectrometer
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.1724000000002 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
DETSTRIP= '875 : 1174' / Detector strip
VALIDTIM= 132369.40583229 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.376001 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.104001 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
TIERRABS= 0.001 / Timing precision (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This extension contains an image of the Medium Wavelength'
COMMENT 'spectrometer for this observation. All events have been'
COMMENT 'dispersion corrected. The filter limits used to select events'
COMMENT 'for inclusion in this image are in the binary table extension'
COMMENT 'named "mw_limits" in this file.'
COMMENT 'The coordinate system of this image is non-standard. Axis 1'
COMMENT 'is linear in wavelength. Axis 2 is linear in imaging angle.'
COMMENT 'Imaging angle is the angular distance from the source in a'
COMMENT 'direction perpendicular to the dispersion.'
Data part whose size is given by the same expression
Header of fifth image.
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension
BITPIX = 16 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional image
NAXIS1 = 2048 / Number of image columns
NAXIS2 = 300 / Number of image rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
EXTNAME = 'lw ' / Name of image
BSCALE = 1.0E0 / Scale factor for pixel values
BZERO = 0.0E0 / Offset for pixel values
CTYPE1 = 'WAVELENGTH' / Wavelength
CRVAL1 = 532. / Wavelength at reference pixel
CRPIX1 = 1024.5 / reference pixel, axis 1
CDELT1 = 0.26953125 / scale, axis 1
CUNIT1 = 'angstrom' / units of CRVAL1, CDELT1
CTYPE2 = 'ANGLE ' / Imaging angle
CRVAL2 = 0.0 / Imaging angle at reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 150.5 / reference pixel, axis 2
CDELT2 = 0.00121093750931323 / scale, axis 2
CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / units of CRVAL2, CDELT2
EXPTIME = 84906. / Primbsch/deadtime corrected exposure time
RAWEXP = 91046.76 / Uncorrected exposure time
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'LW ' / Long Wavelength Spectrometer
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.1724000000002 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
DETSTRIP= '875 : 1174' / Detector strip
VALIDTIM= 132369.40583229 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.376001 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.104001 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
TIERRABS= 0.001 / Timing precision (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This extension contains an image of the Long Wavelength'
COMMENT 'spectrometer for this observation. All events have been'
COMMENT 'dispersion corrected. The filter limits used to select events'
COMMENT 'for inclusion in this image are in the binary table extension'
COMMENT 'named "lw_limits" in this file.'
COMMENT 'The coordinate system of this image is non-standard. Axis 1'
COMMENT 'is linear in wavelength. Axis 2 is linear in imaging angle.'
COMMENT 'Imaging angle is the angular distance from the source in a'
COMMENT 'direction perpendicular to the dispersion.'
Data part whose size is given by the same expression
Header of first binary table extension.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 16 / Width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 3 / The number of rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
TFIELDS = 3 / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'ds_limits' / Name of table
TTYPE1 = 'NAME ' / Name of limited value
TFORM1 = '8A ' /
TUNIT1 = ' ' /
TDISP1 = 'A ' / %s
TTYPE2 = 'LOW ' / Lower limit
TFORM2 = '1E ' /
TDISP2 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
TTYPE3 = 'HIGH ' / Upper limit
TFORM3 = '1E ' /
TDISP3 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'DS ' / Deep Survey
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.17240000000026 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
OBSERVER= ' ' / Original observing P.I. (EUVE = calibration)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
VALIDTIM= 132369.4058322902 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.3760021 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.1040014 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This table contains the limits used to filter the Deep Survey'
COMMENT 'image for this observation. The image is in the extension'
COMMENT 'named "ds" in this file.'
Data part whose size is given by the same expression
Header of second binary table extension.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 20 / Width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 2 / The number of rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
TFIELDS = 3 / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'sw_night_limits' / Name of table
TTYPE1 = 'NAME ' / Name of limited value
TFORM1 = '12A ' /
TUNIT1 = ' ' /
TDISP1 = 'A ' / %s
TTYPE2 = 'LOW ' / Lower limit
TFORM2 = '1E ' /
TDISP2 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
TTYPE3 = 'HIGH ' / Upper limit
TFORM3 = '1E ' /
TDISP3 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'SW ' / Short Wavelength Spectrometer
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.17240000000026 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
OBSERVER= ' ' / Original observing P.I. (EUVE = calibration)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
VALIDTIM= 132369.4058322902 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.3760021 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.1040014 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This table contains the limits used to filter the Short'
COMMENT 'Wavelength spectrometer nighttime image for this observation.'
COMMENT 'The image is in the extension named "sw_night" in this file.'
Data part whose size is given by the same expression
Header of third binary table extension.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 20 / Width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 2 / The number of rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
TFIELDS = 3 / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'mw_limits' / Name of table
TTYPE1 = 'NAME ' / Name of limited value
TFORM1 = '12A ' /
TUNIT1 = ' ' /
TDISP1 = 'A ' / %s
TTYPE2 = 'LOW ' / Lower limit
TFORM2 = '1E ' /
TDISP2 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
TTYPE3 = 'HIGH ' / Upper limit
TFORM3 = '1E ' /
TDISP3 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'MW ' / Medium Wavelength Spectrometer
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.17240000000026 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
OBSERVER= ' ' / Original observing P.I. (EUVE = calibration)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
VALIDTIM= 132369.4058322902 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.3760021 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.1040014 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This table contains the limits used to filter the Medium'
COMMENT 'Wavelength spectrometer image for this observation.'
COMMENT 'The image is in the extension named "mw" in this file.'
Data part whose size is given by the same expression
Header of fourth binary table extension.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / Binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 20 / Width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 2 / The number of rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
TFIELDS = 3 / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'lw_limits' / Name of table
TTYPE1 = 'NAME ' / Name of limited value
TFORM1 = '12A ' /
TUNIT1 = ' ' /
TDISP1 = 'A ' / %s
TTYPE2 = 'LOW ' / Lower limit
TFORM2 = '1E ' /
TDISP2 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
TTYPE3 = 'HIGH ' / Upper limit
TFORM3 = '1E ' /
TDISP3 = 'G15.7 ' / %15.7g
ORIGIN = 'CEA/SSL UC Berkeley' / EUVE Science Archive
CREATOR = 'STWFITS ' / Fitsio version 05-Aug-1997
TELESCOP= 'EUVE ' / Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
INSTTYPE= 'DS/S ' / Instrument type (DS/S, SCANNER)
INSTRUME= 'DS/S ' / Deep Survey - Spectrometer
DETNAM = 'LW ' / Long Wavelength Spectrometer
OBJECT = ' ' / Name of observed object
RA_OBJ = '79.172646' / R.A. of the object (degrees)
DEC_OBJ = '45.998624' / Declination of the object (degrees)
RA_PNT = 79.17240000000026 / R.A. of the pointing direction (degrees)
DEC_PNT = 46.007 / Declination of the pointing direction (degrees)
RA_PROC = 79.17586 / R.A. used to process data (degrees)
DEC_PROC= 45.99578 / Declination used to process data (degrees)
OBSERVER= ' ' / Original observing P.I. (EUVE = calibration)
DATE-OBS= '08/09/99 GMT' / Start date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-OBS= '00:14:29 GMT' / Start time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
DATE-END= '13/09/99 GMT' / End date of observation (dd/mm/yy) 19yy
TIME-END= '22:07:43 GMT' / End time of observation (hh:mm:ss GMT)
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Inertial pointing mode
DITHER = 'SPIRAL ' / Spacecraft dither type (DITHERED, SPIRAL, NONE)
DETMODE = 'WSZ ' / Detector position conversion mode (WSZ or XY)
OFF-AXIS= F / Was this pointing done off-axis
MOVING = F / Did the source position vary during observation
DAYNIGHT= 'NIGHT ' / Day/night data indicator (DAY, NIGHT, BOTH)
VALIDTIM= 132369.4058322902 / Amount of telemetry present (seconds)
RA_UNIT = 'deg ' / Units for Right Ascension
DEC_UNIT= 'deg ' / Units for Declination
EQUINOX = 2000. / Coordinate equinox
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Frame of reference of coordinates
TIMESYS = 'MJD ' / MJD = JD - 2400000.5
TIMEZERO= 0. / No time offset required for EUVE event times
CLOCKCOR= 'NO ' / Not corrected to UT
TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / No corrections applied (barycentric, etc.)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Event times are assigned at the satellite
TSTART = 987466469.3760021 / Time of start of observation (seconds)
TSTOP = 987977263.1040014 / Time of end of observation (seconds)
MJDREF = 40000. / MJD of SC clock start, 24.00 May 1968
EGOCSVER= 'egocs1.7.2' / Software version used to produce this data
REFVERS = 'egodata1.15.2' / Reference calibration dataset version used
INHERIT = F / Do not inherit cards from the primary header
COMMENT 'This table contains the limits used to filter the Long'
COMMENT 'Wavelength spectrometer image for this observation.'
COMMENT 'The image is in the extension named "lw" in this file.'
Data part whose size is given by the same expression
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