[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/dv : change audio format endianess to BE

Александр Слободенюк alexander.slobodeniuk at bramtech.ru
Tue Oct 17 20:38:21 EEST 2017

Hello again!

I  have checked (updated and fixed) the patch on BE machine (qemu-mips with BE linux kernel, lscpu shows big endian): the CRCs of the sound are the

(first link was get directly from http://www.mediafire.com/file/8agcdgs2f9kqlbi/submarine.dv)
wget http://download1643.mediafireuserdownload.com/h3we3e4t26tg/8agcdgs2f9kqlbi/submarine.dv
wget https://trac.ffmpeg.org/raw-attachment/ticket/1589/A1590.dv

./ffmpeg -i submarine.dv audio-submarine.wav
./ffmpeg -i A1589.dv audio-12bit.wav

(I  had  to  extract the audio out because with video CRCs are not the
same on BE and LE machines on master version of ffmpeg)

./ffmpeg -i audio-submarine.wav -f crc - 2>/dev/null

./ffmpeg -i audio-12bit.wav -f crc - 2>/dev/null

So, this CRCs are the same for all of the variants:

- not patched ffmpeg on LE machine
- patched ffmpeg on LE machine
- not patched ffmpeg on BE machine
- patched ffmpeg on BE machine

Attaching the updated to current master patch.
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