[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH]lsws/utils: Split "emms_c(); " call in two lines

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Mon Dec 17 17:45:21 EET 2018

Carl Eugen Hoyos (2018-12-17):
>  #ifndef emms_c
> -#   define emms_c() while(0)
> +#   define emms_c() while(0){}
>  #endif

That feels really wrong, or at least completely unusual. But not the
change you made, the original code: the usual statement is:
"do { statement } while (0)"

And if you make that change, you will get a warning about a semicolon
after a braced block.

I suggest to change the definition to

#define emms_c() do { } while (0)


  Nicolas George
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