[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] added reitnerlace filter

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 13:51:51 EET 2018

2018-01-10 11:57 GMT+01:00 Vasile Toncu <vasile.toncu at tremend.com>:

> From the messages regarding the new reinterlace filter, based on your
> arguments and guidance, I came out with the following solution.
> Modify tinterlace filter so that it would behave like that:
>    /if GONGIG_GPL is defined:/
>    /    use curent titnerlace code with asm opts/
>    /else:/
>    /    use the new reitnerlace filter, without asm opts/

I believe the relevant question is if it is technically possible to
use the existing asm optimizations for the existing tinterlace
filter in your new reinterlace filter.
If it is technically possible, then the asm optimizations are
used if FFmpeg was compiled with --enable-gpl and are not
used if --enable-gpl was not passed to configure.
In both cases, an interlace filter exist.

Above solution seems worse than adding a new filter for
license reasons, something not all developers are opposed

Carl Eugen

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