[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] x11grab: fix vertical repositioning
Carl Eugen Hoyos
ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 16:41:14 EEST 2019
2019-03-28 5:52 GMT+01:00, Octavio Alvarez <octalffdev at alvarezp.org>:
> There is a calculation error in xcbgrab_reposition() that breaks
> vertical repositioning on follow_mouse. It made the bottom
> reposition occur when moving the mouse lower than N pixels after
> the capture bottom edge, instead of before.
> This commit fixes the calculation to match the documentation.
> follow_mouse: centered or number of pixels. The documentation says:
> When it is specified with "centered", the grabbing region follows
> the mouse pointer and keeps the pointer at the center of region;
> otherwise, the region follows only when the mouse pointer reaches
> within PIXELS (greater than zero) to the edge of region.
> The patch is untested, but it looks fairly straightforward.
How can this patch be tested?
Carl Eugen
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