[FFmpeg-devel] FW: Requirements for compiling with CUDA_SDK option enabled

Philip Langdale philipl at overt.org
Tue Feb 19 21:29:54 EET 2019

On 2019-02-19 11:25, Soft Works wrote:
>> > From your explanations, the situation doesn't seem to be as
>> > bad as it could be. When the CPU code of the filters can be
>> > changed to dynamic linking
>> The type of the linking of course cannot change the license.
> Maybe I should have said 'dynamic loading' rather than 'dynamic
> linking'.
> However this may be called correctly, this is just about doing
> the same for the cuda filters like what ffmpeg is currently
> doing for the NVENC and NVDEC codecs to interface with Nvidia
> libraries (which are part of the driver and would - from my
> understanding - fall into the category of 'system components'
> and as such exempted from the GPL).

Correct. Switching to dynamic loading avoids requiring the
SDK at build time, and introducing any EULA covered SDK pieces
into the build. The runtime story is the same in both cases,
and is based on the system library principle.


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