[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/5] configure: Add an explicit check and option for nvcc

Tobias Rapp t.rapp at noa-archive.com
Wed Feb 27 09:46:45 EET 2019

On 26.02.2019 21:36, Soft Works wrote:
>> From: Jean-Baptiste Kempf
>> Sent: Dienstag, 26. Februar 2019 15:01
>> [...]
>> I don't think nvcc fit the"normally distributed with the operating system".
> I'm not sure if the role of nvcc has been fully understood.
> nvcc is some kind of 'pre-compiler' which is not distributed or linked to.
> Distributing GPL code that was compiled with MSVC doesn't require the
> MSVC compiler to be open source as well.

Yes, but there are alternative OSS compilers that implement the same 
programming language (at least to a very large extent). This doesn't 
seem to be the case here. So even if this scenario is not explicitly 
excluded in the GPL, if doesn't feel very free to me, too.


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