[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/5] Add IPFS and IPNS protocol support

Tomas Härdin tjoppen at acc.umu.se
Wed Feb 2 14:51:59 EET 2022

tis 2022-02-01 klockan 22:18 +0100 skrev Mark Gaiser:
> To give you an idea of how it looks. Kodi has so called strm (stream)
> files. They can contain an url that can be played.
> Without this patch an ipfs file would look like this:
> http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmbGtJg23skhvFmu9mJiePVByhfzu5rwo74MEkVDYAmF5T
> With this patch it becomes possible to patch kodi to accept:
> ipfs://QmbGtJg23skhvFmu9mJiePVByhfzu5rwo74MEkVDYAmF5T
> In the former case it's gateway specific. In the latter case it's
> gateway
> agnostic.
> The gateway specific way has a problem. If i translate it to a
> gateway then
> that url i picked becomes the point to access the file.
> If that url goes down, the file isn't playable. Even if the file
> might
> still be online just fine on the IPFS network.
> Imagine you get a file from me and have ipfs running locally. I'm
> guessing
> you don't like to edit the file you received to fix the gateway part
> of the
> url, do you? I certainly don't.

You translate the URLs on the fly of course, and don't store the
translated URLs in the strm. I can almost guarantee you you will need
to do this inside Kodi anyway. What if you want to play a playlist
stored in IPFS?


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