[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 2/2] aarch64/vvc: Add apply_bdof

Zhao Zhili quinkblack at foxmail.com
Tue Dec 3 16:29:18 EET 2024

From: Zhao Zhili <zhilizhao at tencent.com>

Test on rpi 5 with gcc 12:

apply_bdof_8_8x16_c:                                  7315.2 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_8_8x16_neon:                               1876.8 ( 3.90x)
apply_bdof_8_16x8_c:                                  7170.5 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_8_16x8_neon:                               1752.8 ( 4.09x)
apply_bdof_8_16x16_c:                                14695.2 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_8_16x16_neon:                              3490.5 ( 4.21x)
apply_bdof_10_8x16_c:                                 7371.5 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_10_8x16_neon:                              1863.8 ( 3.96x)
apply_bdof_10_16x8_c:                                 7172.0 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_10_16x8_neon:                              1766.0 ( 4.06x)
apply_bdof_10_16x16_c:                               14551.5 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_10_16x16_neon:                             3576.0 ( 4.07x)
apply_bdof_12_8x16_c:                                 7236.5 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_12_8x16_neon:                              1863.8 ( 3.88x)
apply_bdof_12_16x8_c:                                 7316.5 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_12_16x8_neon:                              1758.8 ( 4.16x)
apply_bdof_12_16x16_c:                               14691.2 ( 1.00x)
apply_bdof_12_16x16_neon:                             3480.5 ( 4.22x)
 libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/dsp_init.c    |  21 ++
 libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/inter.S       | 399 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/of_template.c |  64 +++++
 3 files changed, 484 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/of_template.c

diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/dsp_init.c b/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/dsp_init.c
index 4a7daf57a8..2c99ba206b 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/dsp_init.c
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/dsp_init.c
@@ -27,16 +27,34 @@
 #include "libavcodec/vvc/dec.h"
 #include "libavcodec/vvc/ctu.h"
+#define BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE         16
+#define BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE     4
+void ff_vvc_prof_grad_filter_8x_neon(int16_t *gradient_h,
+                                     int16_t *gradient_v,
+                                     ptrdiff_t gradient_stride,
+                                     const int16_t *_src,
+                                     ptrdiff_t src_stride,
+                                     int width, int height);
+void ff_vvc_derive_bdof_vx_vy_neon(const int16_t *_src0, const int16_t *_src1,
+                                   int pad_mask,
+                                   const int16_t **gradient_h,
+                                   const int16_t **gradient_v,
+                                   int16_t *vx, int16_t *vy);
 #define BIT_DEPTH 8
 #include "alf_template.c"
+#include "of_template.c"
 #undef BIT_DEPTH
 #define BIT_DEPTH 10
 #include "alf_template.c"
+#include "of_template.c"
 #undef BIT_DEPTH
 #define BIT_DEPTH 12
 #include "alf_template.c"
+#include "of_template.c"
 #undef BIT_DEPTH
 int ff_vvc_sad_neon(const int16_t *src0, const int16_t *src1, int dx, int dy,
@@ -177,6 +195,7 @@ void ff_vvc_dsp_init_aarch64(VVCDSPContext *const c, const int bd)
         c->inter.w_avg = vvc_w_avg_8;
         c->inter.dmvr[0][0] = ff_vvc_dmvr_8_neon;
         c->inter.dmvr[1][1] = ff_vvc_dmvr_hv_8_neon;
+        c->inter.apply_bdof = apply_bdof_8;
         for (int i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(c->sao.band_filter); i++)
             c->sao.band_filter[i] = ff_h26x_sao_band_filter_8x8_8_neon;
@@ -219,6 +238,7 @@ void ff_vvc_dsp_init_aarch64(VVCDSPContext *const c, const int bd)
         c->inter.avg = ff_vvc_avg_10_neon;
         c->inter.w_avg = vvc_w_avg_10;
         c->inter.dmvr[1][1] = ff_vvc_dmvr_hv_10_neon;
+        c->inter.apply_bdof = apply_bdof_10;
         c->alf.filter[LUMA] = alf_filter_luma_10_neon;
         c->alf.filter[CHROMA] = alf_filter_chroma_10_neon;
@@ -227,6 +247,7 @@ void ff_vvc_dsp_init_aarch64(VVCDSPContext *const c, const int bd)
         c->inter.w_avg = vvc_w_avg_12;
         c->inter.dmvr[0][0] = ff_vvc_dmvr_12_neon;
         c->inter.dmvr[1][1] = ff_vvc_dmvr_hv_12_neon;
+        c->inter.apply_bdof = apply_bdof_12;
         c->alf.filter[LUMA] = alf_filter_luma_12_neon;
         c->alf.filter[CHROMA] = alf_filter_chroma_12_neon;
diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/inter.S b/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/inter.S
index b6b079b569..87c673c007 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/inter.S
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/inter.S
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 #include "libavutil/aarch64/asm.S"
 #define VVC_MAX_PB_SIZE 128
+#define BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE 16
 .macro vvc_avg type, bit_depth
@@ -618,3 +620,400 @@ function ff_vvc_dmvr_hv_10_neon, export=1
 .unreq tmp0
 .unreq tmp1
+function ff_vvc_prof_grad_filter_8x_neon, export=1
+        gh              .req x0
+        gv              .req x1
+        gstride         .req x2
+        src             .req x3
+        src_stride      .req x4
+        width           .req w5
+        height          .req w6
+        lsl             src_stride, src_stride, #1
+        neg             x7, src_stride
+        mov             x10, src
+        mov             w11, width
+        mov             x12, gh
+        mov             x13, gv
+        ldur            q0, [x10, #2]
+        ldur            q1, [x10, #-2]
+        subs            w11, w11, #8
+        ldr             q2, [x10, src_stride]
+        ldr             q3, [x10, x7]
+        sshr            v0.8h, v0.8h, #6
+        sshr            v1.8h, v1.8h, #6
+        sshr            v2.8h, v2.8h, #6
+        sshr            v3.8h, v3.8h, #6
+        sub             v0.8h, v0.8h, v1.8h
+        sub             v2.8h, v2.8h, v3.8h
+        st1             {v0.8h}, [x12], #16
+        st1             {v2.8h}, [x13], #16
+        add             x10, x10, #16
+        b.ne            2b
+        subs            height, height, #1
+        add             gh, gh, gstride, lsl #1
+        add             gv, gv, gstride, lsl #1
+        add             src, src, src_stride
+        b.ne            1b
+        ret
+.unreq gh
+.unreq gv
+.unreq gstride
+.unreq src
+.unreq src_stride
+.unreq width
+.unreq height
+.macro vvc_apply_bdof_block bit_depth
+        dst             .req x0
+        dst_stride      .req x1
+        src0            .req x2
+        src1            .req x3
+        gh              .req x4
+        gv              .req x5
+        vx              .req x6
+        vy              .req x7
+        ld1r            {v0.8h}, [vx], #2
+        ld1r            {v1.8h}, [vy], #2
+        ld1r            {v2.8h}, [vx]
+        ld1r            {v3.8h}, [vy]
+        ins             v0.d[1], v2.d[1]
+        ins             v1.d[1], v3.d[1]
+        movi            v7.4s, #(1 << (14 - \bit_depth))
+        ldp             x8, x9, [gh]
+        ldp             x10, x11, [gv]
+        mov             x12, #(BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE * 2)
+        mov             w13, #(BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE)
+        mov             x14, #(VVC_MAX_PB_SIZE * 2)
+.if \bit_depth >= 10
+        // clip pixel
+        mov             w15, #((1 << \bit_depth) - 1)
+        movi            v18.8h, #0
+        lsl             dst_stride, dst_stride, #1
+        dup             v19.8h, w15
+        ld1             {v2.8h}, [x8], x12
+        ld1             {v3.8h}, [x9], x12
+        ld1             {v4.8h}, [x10], x12
+        ld1             {v5.8h}, [x11], x12
+        sub             v2.8h, v2.8h, v3.8h
+        sub             v4.8h, v4.8h, v5.8h
+        smull           v3.4s, v0.4h, v2.4h
+        smull2          v16.4s, v0.8h, v2.8h
+        smlal           v3.4s, v1.4h, v4.4h
+        smlal2          v16.4s, v1.8h, v4.8h
+        ld1             {v5.8h}, [src0], x14
+        ld1             {v6.8h}, [src1], x14
+        saddl           v2.4s, v5.4h, v6.4h
+        add             v2.4s, v2.4s, v7.4s
+        add             v2.4s, v2.4s, v3.4s
+        saddl2          v4.4s, v5.8h, v6.8h
+        add             v4.4s, v4.4s, v7.4s
+        add             v4.4s, v4.4s, v16.4s
+        sqshrn          v5.4h, v2.4s, #(15 - \bit_depth)
+        sqshrn2         v5.8h, v4.4s, #(15 - \bit_depth)
+        subs            w13, w13, #1
+.if \bit_depth == 8
+        sqxtun          v5.8b, v5.8h
+        str             d5, [dst]
+        add             dst, dst, dst_stride
+        smin            v5.8h, v5.8h, v19.8h
+        smax            v5.8h, v5.8h, v18.8h
+        st1             {v5.8h}, [dst], dst_stride
+        b.ne            1b
+        ret
+.unreq dst
+.unreq dst_stride
+.unreq src0
+.unreq src1
+.unreq gh
+.unreq gv
+.unreq vx
+.unreq vy
+function ff_vvc_apply_bdof_block_8_neon, export=1
+        vvc_apply_bdof_block 8
+function ff_vvc_apply_bdof_block_10_neon, export=1
+        vvc_apply_bdof_block 10
+function ff_vvc_apply_bdof_block_12_neon, export=1
+        vvc_apply_bdof_block 12
+function ff_vvc_derive_bdof_vx_vy_neon, export=1
+        src0            .req x0
+        src1            .req x1
+        pad_mask        .req w2
+        gh              .req x3
+        gv              .req x4
+        vx              .req x5
+        vy              .req x6
+        gh0             .req x7
+        gh1             .req x8
+        gv0             .req x9
+        gv1             .req x10
+        y               .req x12
+        sgx2            .req w7
+        sgy2            .req w8
+        sgxgy           .req w9
+        sgxdi           .req w10
+        sgydi           .req w11
+        sgx2_v          .req v22
+        sgy2_v          .req v23
+        sgxgy_v         .req v24
+        sgxdi_v         .req v25
+        sgydi_v         .req v26
+        sgx2_v2         .req v27
+        sgy2_v2         .req v28
+        sgxgy_v2        .req v29
+        sgxdi_v2        .req v30
+        sgydi_v2        .req v31
+        ldp             gh0, gh1, [gh]
+        ldp             gv0, gv1, [gv]
+        movi            sgx2_v.4s, #0
+        movi            sgy2_v.4s, #0
+        movi            sgxgy_v.4s, #0
+        movi            sgxdi_v.4s, #0
+        movi            sgydi_v.4s, #0
+        movi            sgx2_v2.4s, #0
+        movi            sgy2_v2.4s, #0
+        movi            sgxgy_v2.4s, #0
+        movi            sgxdi_v2.4s, #0
+        movi            sgydi_v2.4s, #0
+        mov             x13, #-1                    // dy
+        movi            v6.4s, #0
+        mov             y, #-1
+        tbz             pad_mask, #1, 1f            // check pad top
+        mov             x13, #0                     // dy: pad top
+        mov             x16, #-2                    // dx
+        add             x14, src0, x13, lsl #8      // local src0
+        add             x15, src1, x13, lsl #8      // local src1
+        add             x17, x16, x13, lsl #5
+        ldr             q0, [x14, x16]
+        ldr             q1, [x15, x16]
+        ldr             q2, [gh0, x17]
+        ldr             q3, [gh1, x17]
+        ldr             q4, [gv0, x17]
+        ldr             q5, [gv1, x17]
+        add             x16, x16, #8
+        add             x17, x17, #8
+        ins             v0.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v1.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v2.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v3.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v4.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v5.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ldr             q16, [x14, x16]
+        ldr             q17, [x15, x16]
+        ldr             q18, [gh0, x17]
+        ldr             q19, [gh1, x17]
+        ldr             q20, [gv0, x17]
+        ldr             q21, [gv1, x17]
+        ins             v16.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v17.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v18.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v19.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v20.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        ins             v21.s[3], v6.s[3]
+        tbz             pad_mask, #0, 20f
+        // pad left
+        ins             v0.h[0], v0.h[1]
+        ins             v1.h[0], v1.h[1]
+        ins             v2.h[0], v2.h[1]
+        ins             v3.h[0], v3.h[1]
+        ins             v4.h[0], v4.h[1]
+        ins             v5.h[0], v5.h[1]
+        tbz             pad_mask, #2, 21f
+        // pad right
+        ins             v16.h[5], v16.h[4]
+        ins             v17.h[5], v17.h[4]
+        ins             v18.h[5], v18.h[4]
+        ins             v19.h[5], v19.h[4]
+        ins             v20.h[5], v20.h[4]
+        ins             v21.h[5], v21.h[4]
+        sshr            v0.8h, v0.8h, #4
+        sshr            v1.8h, v1.8h, #4
+        add             v2.8h, v2.8h, v3.8h
+        add             v4.8h, v4.8h, v5.8h
+        sub             v0.8h, v0.8h, v1.8h         // diff
+        sshr            v2.8h, v2.8h, #1            // temph
+        sshr            v4.8h, v4.8h, #1            // tempv
+        sshr            v16.8h, v16.8h, #4
+        sshr            v17.8h, v17.8h, #4
+        add             v18.8h, v18.8h, v19.8h
+        add             v20.8h, v20.8h, v21.8h
+        sub             v16.8h, v16.8h, v17.8h      // diff
+        sshr            v18.8h, v18.8h, #1          // temph
+        sshr            v20.8h, v20.8h, #1          // tempv
+        abs             v3.8h, v2.8h
+        abs             v5.8h, v4.8h
+        uxtl            v19.4s, v3.4h
+        uxtl            v21.4s, v5.4h
+        uxtl2           v3.4s, v3.8h
+        uxtl2           v5.4s, v5.8h
+        add             v3.4s, v3.4s, v19.4s
+        add             v5.4s, v5.4s, v21.4s
+        add             sgx2_v.4s, sgx2_v.4s, v3.4s
+        add             sgy2_v.4s, sgy2_v.4s, v5.4s
+        abs             v3.8h, v18.8h
+        abs             v5.8h, v20.8h
+        uxtl            v19.4s, v3.4h
+        uxtl            v21.4s, v5.4h
+        uxtl2           v3.4s, v3.8h
+        uxtl2           v5.4s, v5.8h
+        add             v3.4s, v3.4s, v19.4s
+        add             v5.4s, v5.4s, v21.4s
+        add             sgx2_v2.4s, sgx2_v2.4s, v3.4s
+        add             sgy2_v2.4s, sgy2_v2.4s, v5.4s
+        cmgt            v17.8h, v4.8h, #0
+        cmlt            v7.8h, v4.8h, #0
+        cmgt            v19.8h, v20.8h, #0
+        cmlt            v21.8h, v20.8h, #0
+        sub             v17.8h, v7.8h, v17.8h       // VVC_SIGN(tempv)
+        sub             v19.8h, v21.8h, v19.8h      // VVC_SIGN(tempv)
+        smlal           sgxgy_v.4s, v17.4h, v2.4h
+        smlal2          sgxgy_v.4s, v17.8h, v2.8h
+        smlsl           sgydi_v.4s, v17.4h, v0.4h
+        smlsl2          sgydi_v.4s, v17.8h, v0.8h
+        cmgt            v3.8h, v2.8h, #0
+        cmlt            v5.8h, v2.8h, #0
+        cmgt            v17.8h, v18.8h, #0
+        cmlt            v21.8h, v18.8h, #0
+        sub             v3.8h, v5.8h, v3.8h         // VVC_SIGN(temph)
+        sub             v17.8h, v21.8h, v17.8h      // VVC_SIGN(temph)
+        smlal           sgxgy_v2.4s, v19.4h, v18.4h
+        smlal2          sgxgy_v2.4s, v19.8h, v18.8h
+        smlsl           sgydi_v2.4s, v19.4h, v16.4h
+        smlsl2          sgydi_v2.4s, v19.8h, v16.8h
+        smlsl           sgxdi_v.4s, v3.4h, v0.4h
+        smlsl2          sgxdi_v.4s, v3.8h, v0.8h
+        smlsl           sgxdi_v2.4s, v17.4h, v16.4h
+        smlsl2          sgxdi_v2.4s, v17.8h, v16.8h
+        add             y, y, #1
+        cmp             y, #(BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE)
+        mov             x13, y
+        b.gt            4f
+        b.lt            1b
+        tbz             pad_mask, #3, 1b
+        sub             x13, x13, #1                // pad bottom
+        b               1b
+        addv            s22, sgx2_v.4s
+        addv            s23, sgy2_v.4s
+        addv            s24, sgxgy_v.4s
+        addv            s25, sgxdi_v.4s
+        addv            s26, sgydi_v.4s
+        mov             w3, #31
+        mov             w16, #-15
+        mov             w17, #15
+        mov             w14, #0
+        mov             sgx2, v22.s[0]
+        mov             sgy2, v23.s[0]
+        mov             sgxgy, v24.s[0]
+        mov             sgxdi, v25.s[0]
+        mov             sgydi, v26.s[0]
+        cbz             sgx2, 5f
+        clz             w12, sgx2
+        lsl             sgxdi, sgxdi, #2
+        sub             w13, w3, w12                // log2(sgx2)
+        asr             sgxdi, sgxdi, w13
+        cmp             sgxdi, w16
+        csel            w14, w16, sgxdi, lt         // clip to -15
+        b.le            5f
+        cmp             sgxdi, w17
+        csel            w14, w17, sgxdi, gt         // clip to 15
+        strh            w14, [vx], #2
+        mov             w15, #0
+        cbz             sgy2, 6f
+        lsl             sgydi, sgydi, #2
+        smull           x14, w14, sgxgy
+        asr             w14, w14, #1
+        sub             sgydi, sgydi, w14
+        clz             w12, sgy2
+        sub             w13, w3, w12                // log2(sgy2)
+        asr             sgydi, sgydi, w13
+        cmp             sgydi, w16
+        csel            w15, w16, sgydi, lt         // clip to -15
+        b.le            6f
+        cmp             sgydi, w17
+        csel            w15, w17, sgydi, gt         // clip to 15
+        strh            w15, [vy], #2
+        cbz             x0, 7f
+        addv            s22, sgx2_v2.4s
+        addv            s23, sgy2_v2.4s
+        addv            s24, sgxgy_v2.4s
+        addv            s25, sgxdi_v2.4s
+        addv            s26, sgydi_v2.4s
+        mov             x0, #0
+        b               40b
+        ret
+.unreq src0
+.unreq src1
+.unreq pad_mask
+.unreq gh
+.unreq gv
+.unreq vx
+.unreq vy
+.unreq sgx2
+.unreq sgy2
+.unreq sgxgy
+.unreq sgxdi
+.unreq sgydi
+.unreq sgx2_v
+.unreq sgy2_v
+.unreq sgxgy_v
+.unreq sgxdi_v
+.unreq sgydi_v
+.unreq sgx2_v2
+.unreq sgy2_v2
+.unreq sgxgy_v2
+.unreq sgxdi_v2
+.unreq sgydi_v2
+.unreq y
diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/of_template.c b/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/of_template.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac6182b09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/vvc/of_template.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Zhao Zhili <quinkblack at foxmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "libavcodec/bit_depth_template.c"
+void FUNC2(ff_vvc_apply_bdof_block, BIT_DEPTH, _neon)(pixel* dst,
+        ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *src0, const int16_t *src1,
+        const int16_t **gh, const int16_t **gv, int16_t *vx, int16_t *vy);
+static void FUNC(apply_bdof)(uint8_t *_dst, ptrdiff_t _dst_stride,
+                             const int16_t *_src0, const int16_t *_src1,
+                             int block_w, int block_h) {
+    // +2 for pad left and right
+    int16_t gradient_buf_h[2][BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE * BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE + 2];
+    int16_t gradient_buf_v[2][BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE * BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE + 2];
+    int16_t *gradient_h[2] = {&gradient_buf_h[0][1], &gradient_buf_h[1][1]};
+    int16_t *gradient_v[2] = {&gradient_buf_v[0][1], &gradient_buf_v[1][1]};
+    ptrdiff_t dst_stride = _dst_stride / sizeof(pixel);
+    pixel *dst = (pixel *) _dst;
+    ff_vvc_prof_grad_filter_8x_neon(gradient_h[0], gradient_v[0],
+                                    BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE,
+                                    _src0, MAX_PB_SIZE, block_w, block_h);
+    ff_vvc_prof_grad_filter_8x_neon(gradient_h[1], gradient_v[1],
+                                    BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE,
+                                    _src1, MAX_PB_SIZE, block_w, block_h);
+    for (int y = 0; y < block_h; y += BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+        for (int x = 0; x < block_w; x += BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE * 2) {
+            const int16_t *src0 = _src0 + y * MAX_PB_SIZE + x;
+            const int16_t *src1 = _src1 + y * MAX_PB_SIZE + x;
+            pixel *d = dst + x;
+            int idx = BDOF_BLOCK_SIZE * y + x;
+            const int16_t *gh[] = {gradient_h[0] + idx, gradient_h[1] + idx};
+            const int16_t *gv[] = {gradient_v[0] + idx, gradient_v[1] + idx};
+            int16_t vx[2], vy[2];
+            int pad_mask = !x | ((!y) << 1) |
+                           ((x + 2 * BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE == block_w) << 2) |
+                           ((y + BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE == block_h) << 3);
+            ff_vvc_derive_bdof_vx_vy_neon(src0, src1, pad_mask, gh, gv, vx, vy);
+            FUNC2(ff_vvc_apply_bdof_block, BIT_DEPTH, _neon)(d, dst_stride,
+                                                             src0, src1, gh, gv,
+                                                             vx, vy);
+        }
+        dst += BDOF_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE * dst_stride;
+    }

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