[FFmpeg-devel] Sovereign Tech Fund

Kieran Kunhya kierank at obe.tv
Mon Jan 29 19:36:23 EET 2024

> Mysteriously, there was a total absence of similar drama there.
> I wonder how it could have been possible to do that for over a decade
> with not one instance of drama or problems like here.
> We had students passing the mentors review, being paid but code was
> found not be clean enough yet for git master and was not yet merged
> I remember no fight about any such case.
> There also where the normal cases where students failed to reach the
> goal and did not get paid abd code was not merged, and the ones that
> succeeded got paid and code was merged.

You clearly forget the HTTP Server project. I reviewed it as 0 and was
"politely" asked to change it.


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