[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v0] Implement promeg decoder.

Kieran Kunhya kieran618 at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 20 17:00:17 EET 2025

On Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 2:51 PM Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> wrote:
> Kieran Kunhya via ffmpeg-devel (12025-01-17):
> > I am the author of the only known functional OSS implementation of FEC.
> Seen from here, your rejection of this proposal looks a teeny tiny
> little bit like trying to make sure you stay the only one and have no
> competition in providing consulting about it.

Quite the opposite, as you see I haven't touched the Upipe FEC code in
over ten years.

I want the author and other people in the project to understand error
recovery protocols are non trivial and require a ton of heuristics and
If a simple RTP source restart hasn't been fixed, what chance does a
complex error recovery protocol have when the author and other project
members feel it can be done "elegantly" without heuristics?
This like someone wanting to write a fast codec in Python or
Javascript. It would be shot down by this community and it's important
to understand this applies in other fields.

Error recovery protocols are complicated - this project lacks
experience in them and a half-baked one will cause a lot of issues,
security and stability being some of them. Furthermore, the issues are
hard to reproduce as they may happen once a day or even once a week on
certain networks.

I have no issue with it being marked experimental. But the idea of
incremental improvement is false. Error recovery implementations
require careful design from the outset with numerous heuristics

Kieran Kunhya

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