[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] FFV1 float support
Jerome Martinez
jerome at mediaarea.net
Thu Mar 6 23:20:58 EET 2025
Le 06/03/2025 à 17:37, Michael Niedermayer a écrit :
> On Thu, Mar 06, 2025 at 03:14:49AM +0100, Lynne wrote:
>> On 06/03/2025 01:15, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>>> Hi everyone
>>> Current FFv1 code with my patchset supports 16bit floats. The implementation
>>> is quite simple. Which is good
>>> I have tried improving compression, the gains are incremental, but its not
>>> large overall. For example 44% space gain on the remapping table is just
>>> 0.1% overall.
>>> I have few float samples. Its mainly one high quality slideshow of unrelated
>>> 16bit float images. These excercise a wide range fo things including negative
>>> color values.
>>> I think I have only one single (non slideshow) video of float 16 samples,
>>> It turns out the most efficient way to store floats that i found, is to remap
>>> them to integers. Not to store tham as sign, exponent, mantisse, i tried that
>>> for many hours.
I also tried some stuff but IMO the remap to integer is what is
currently the best for keeping the spec simple & with a good
compression, and a more complex way is not needed until we find
something which really makes a difference in term of compression ratio.
So let's keep it simple, just a remap to int, and we already get all the
advantage of e.g. the incoming GPU implementation.
>>> [...]
>>> What about the mapping itself, it uses a rather simple rle coder. ive spend
>>> most of the day today tuning that and failing to really beat that.
>>> Using context from the previous image didnt work with the slideshow material
>>> i have nor that one video i have. I tried using sign and exponent as context,
>>> tried previous run, relations of runs, low bits and many more, but no or
>>> insignificant improvments of yesterdays implementation was achieved.
>> I did mention this once before, but you should look into the Daala/Opus way
>> of storing rawbits into a separate chunk at the end of the bitstream. It
>> avoids polluting the range context with equiprobable bits.
> This may fit into my LSB work but that is not float specific and its not
> needed for float support.
> I originally thought we would do floats through RAW storing LSB, and special
> handling the "always" 0 and 1 bits. It makes sense but just remapping only
> the used values to a compact list eliminates all the constant bits for free
> and we never have more than 16bits per sample
> We still can implement storing LSB raw, i have written 2 implementations
> the first without range coder was this:
> https://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2024-October/334718.html
> I didnt like it, but it seems more popular
I am still in favor of this simple and independent way to store the LSB
bits, the other tentatives seem to only add complexity and performance
issues while not providing enough gain.
> Also given the raw bits are a known and constant length. It could make
> sense to put them first if they are stored non interleaved.
Putting them last is better IMO, we can compute the byte offset with the
constant length while storing some config in the slice header.
Actually, there are many possibilities, I suggest:
- permitting both MSB & LSB, because we may have MSB 0 and we would no
store them (see below)
- after the count of bits not compressed, we add a flag indicating if we
store them or not (meaning they are 0)
- permitting a configuration per stream (Configuration Record) or per
slice (Slice Header); if a decision is to keep only one place for
keeping it simple, it would be in the slice header.
The rational is that we may have:
- 0 padding for the LSB is when we compress integer from DCP, we have
input with 16-bit TIFF but only 12 relevant bits, and we need to keep
the bit depth of 16-bit if we want to say that we do it lossless and
that we can reverse, especially because 99.999% of frames are with 4
bits of padding but you may have a frame for whatever reason (often a
bug, but if we do lossless we need to store buggy frames) which is not
0, so a performant storage of 0-filled LSB while permitting to store the
actual bits if not 0.
- 0 padding for the MSB is when we compress float mapped to integer and
float range is from 0.0 to 1.0 only, sign & most of mantissa are always
0 so we can store them as a flag, but we prepare the stream to have
values out of range (<0 or > 1).
- and we don't know that before we start to compress each frame/slice
Would you accept something like:
- start of the Range Coder
- current slice header
- flag indicating the usage of bits not compressed
- if this flag is 1,
- count of MSB not compressed
- flag indicating if the MSB bitfield is not stored i.e. 0-padding
- count of LSB not compressed
- flag indicating if the LSB bitfield is not stored i.e. 0-padding
- current slice content
- current slice footer
- end of the Range Coder
- MSB bitfield if relevant
- LSB bitfield if relevant
> [...]
> That said the LSB patch still isnt needed for float support, it could
> improve speed at the expense of compression for 16 and 32bit samples (float or other)
Advantage of remap of float to integer is that the features (float
support & bitfields) are independent but they complement each other.
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