[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 05/11] tests/swscale: switch from MSE to SSIM

Niklas Haas ffmpeg at haasn.xyz
Mon Mar 17 12:43:51 EET 2025

From: Niklas Haas <git at haasn.dev>

And bias it towards Y. This is much better at ignoring errors due to differing
dither patterns, and rewards algorithms that lower luma noise at the cost of
higher chroma noise.

The (0.8, 0.1, 0.1) weights for YCbCr are taken from the paper:
  "Understanding SSIM" by Jim Nilsson and Tomas Akenine-Möller
 libswscale/tests/swscale.c | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libswscale/tests/swscale.c b/libswscale/tests/swscale.c
index 8db5ee0af5..ea6c57ff2a 100644
--- a/libswscale/tests/swscale.c
+++ b/libswscale/tests/swscale.c
@@ -80,38 +80,51 @@ static int fmt_comps(enum AVPixelFormat fmt)
     return comps;
-static void get_mse(int mse[4], const AVFrame *a, const AVFrame *b, int comps)
+static void get_ssim(float ssim[4], const AVFrame *out, const AVFrame *ref, int comps)
-    av_assert1(a->format == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P);
-    av_assert1(b->format == a->format);
-    av_assert1(b->width == a->width && b->height == a->height);
+    av_assert1(out->format == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P);
+    av_assert1(ref->format == out->format);
+    av_assert1(ref->width == out->width && ref->height == out->height);
     for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) {
+        const int stride_a = out->linesize[p];
+        const int stride_b = ref->linesize[p];
+        const int w = out->width;
+        const int h = out->height;
         const int is_chroma = p == 1 || p == 2;
-        const int stride_a = a->linesize[p];
-        const int stride_b = b->linesize[p];
-        const int w = a->width;
-        const int h = a->height;
-        uint64_t sum = 0;
-        if (comps & (1 << p)) {
-            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
-                for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
-                    int d = a->data[p][y * stride_a + x] - b->data[p][y * stride_b + x];
-                    sum += d * d;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            const int ref = is_chroma ? 128 : 0xFF;
-            for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
-                for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
-                    int d = a->data[p][y * stride_a + x] - ref;
-                    sum += d * d;
+        const uint8_t def = is_chroma ? 128 : 0xFF;
+        const int has_ref = comps & (1 << p);
+        double sum = 0;
+        int count = 0;
+        /* 4x4 SSIM */
+        for (int y = 0; y < (h & ~3); y += 4) {
+            for (int x = 0; x < (w & ~3); x += 4) {
+                const float c1 = .01 * .01 * 255 * 255 * 64;
+                const float c2 = .03 * .03 * 255 * 255 * 64 * 63;
+                int s1 = 0, s2 = 0, ss = 0, s12 = 0, var, covar;
+                for (int yy = 0; yy < 4; yy++) {
+                    for (int xx = 0; xx < 4; xx++) {
+                        int a = out->data[p][(y + yy) * stride_a + x + xx];
+                        int b = has_ref ? ref->data[p][(y + yy) * stride_b + x + xx] : def;
+                        s1  += a;
+                        s2  += b;
+                        ss  += a * a + b * b;
+                        s12 += a * b;
+                    }
+                var = ss * 64 - s1 * s1 - s2 * s2;
+                covar = s12 * 64 - s1 * s2;
+                sum += (2 * s1 * s2 + c1) * (2 * covar + c2) /
+                       ((s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 + c1) * (var + c2));
+                count++;
-        mse[p] = sum / (w * h);
+        ssim[p] = count ? sum / count : 0.0;
@@ -149,12 +162,13 @@ error:
 /* Runs a series of ref -> src -> dst -> out, and compares out vs ref */
 static int run_test(enum AVPixelFormat src_fmt, enum AVPixelFormat dst_fmt,
                     int dst_w, int dst_h, struct mode mode, struct options opts,
-                    const AVFrame *ref, const int mse_ref[4])
+                    const AVFrame *ref, const float ssim_ref[4])
     AVFrame *src = NULL, *dst = NULL, *out = NULL;
-    int mse[4], mse_sws[4], ret = -1;
+    float ssim[4], ssim_sws[4];
     const int comps = fmt_comps(src_fmt) & fmt_comps(dst_fmt);
     int64_t time, time_ref = 0;
+    int ret = -1;
     src = av_frame_alloc();
     dst = av_frame_alloc();
@@ -201,15 +215,15 @@ static int run_test(enum AVPixelFormat src_fmt, enum AVPixelFormat dst_fmt,
         goto error;
-    get_mse(mse, out, ref, comps);
+    get_ssim(ssim, out, ref, comps);
     printf("%s %dx%d -> %s %3dx%3d, flags=%u dither=%u, "
-           "MSE={%5d %5d %5d %5d}\n",
+           "SSIM {Y=%f U=%f V=%f A=%f}\n",
            av_get_pix_fmt_name(src->format), src->width, src->height,
            av_get_pix_fmt_name(dst->format), dst->width, dst->height,
            mode.flags, mode.dither,
-           mse[0], mse[1], mse[2], mse[3]);
+           ssim[0], ssim[1], ssim[2], ssim[3]);
-    if (!mse_ref) {
+    if (!ssim_ref) {
         /* Compare against the legacy swscale API as a reference */
         time_ref = av_gettime_relative();
         if (scale_legacy(dst, src, mode, opts) < 0) {
@@ -222,19 +236,26 @@ static int run_test(enum AVPixelFormat src_fmt, enum AVPixelFormat dst_fmt,
         if (sws_scale_frame(sws[2], out, dst) < 0)
             goto error;
-        get_mse(mse_sws, out, ref, comps);
-        mse_ref = mse_sws;
+        get_ssim(ssim_sws, out, ref, comps);
+        ssim_ref = ssim_sws;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        if (mse[i] > mse_ref[i]) {
-            int bad = mse[i] > mse_ref[i] * 1.02 + 1;
-            printf("\033[1;31m  %s, ref MSE={%5d %5d %5d %5d}\033[0m\n",
-                   bad ? "WORSE" : "worse",
-                   mse_ref[0], mse_ref[1], mse_ref[2], mse_ref[3]);
+    if (ssim_ref) {
+        const float weights[4] = { 0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 }; /* tuned for Y'CrCr */
+        float err, sum = 0, sum_ref = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+            sum     += weights[i] * ssim[i];
+            sum_ref += weights[i] * ssim_ref[i];
+        }
+        err = sum_ref / sum - 1.0; /* relative error */
+        if (err > 1e-4 /* 0.01% headroom for dither noise etc */) {
+            int bad = err > 1e-2; /* 1% */
+            printf("\033[1;31m  %s by %f%%, ref SSIM {Y=%f U=%f V=%f A=%f}\033[0m\n",
+                   bad ? "WORSE" : "worse", 100.0 * err,
+                   ssim_ref[0], ssim_ref[1], ssim_ref[2], ssim_ref[3]);
             if (bad)
                 goto error;
-            break;
@@ -334,15 +355,16 @@ static int run_file_tests(const AVFrame *ref, FILE *fp, struct options opts)
         char src_fmt_str[20], dst_fmt_str[20];
         enum AVPixelFormat src_fmt;
         enum AVPixelFormat dst_fmt;
-        int sw, sh, dw, dh, mse[4];
+        int sw, sh, dw, dh;
+        float ssim[4];
         struct mode mode;
         ret = sscanf(buf,
                      " %20s %dx%d -> %20s %dx%d, flags=%u dither=%u, "
-                     "MSE={%d %d %d %d}\n",
+                     "SSIM {Y=%f U=%f V=%f A=%f}\n",
                      src_fmt_str, &sw, &sh, dst_fmt_str, &dw, &dh,
                      &mode.flags, &mode.dither,
-                     &mse[0], &mse[1], &mse[2], &mse[3]);
+                     &ssim[0], &ssim[1], &ssim[2], &ssim[3]);
         if (ret != 12) {
             printf("%s", buf);
@@ -361,7 +383,7 @@ static int run_file_tests(const AVFrame *ref, FILE *fp, struct options opts)
             opts.dst_fmt != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE && dst_fmt != opts.dst_fmt)
-        if (run_test(src_fmt, dst_fmt, dw, dh, mode, opts, ref, mse) < 0)
+        if (run_test(src_fmt, dst_fmt, dw, dh, mode, opts, ref, ssim) < 0)
             return -1;

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